17 research outputs found

    Nuclear localised more sulphur accumulation1 epigenetically regulates sulphur homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Sulphur (S) is an essential element for all living organisms. The uptake, assimilation and metabolism of S in plants are well studied. However, the regulation of S homeostasis remains largely unknown. Here, we report on the identification and characterisation of the more sulphur accumulation1 (msa1-1) mutant. The MSA1 protein is localized to the nucleus and is required for both S adenosylmethionine (SAM) production and DNA methylation. Loss of function of the nuclear localised MSA1 leads to a reduction in SAM in roots and a strong S-deficiency response even at ample S supply, causing an over- accumulation of sulphate, sulphite, cysteine and glutathione. Supplementation with SAM suppresses this high S phenotype. Furthermore, mutation of MSA1 affects genome-wide DNA methylation, including the methylation of S-deficiency responsive genes. Elevated S accumulation in msa1-1 requires the increased expression of the sulphate transporter genes SULTR1;1 and SULTR1;2 which are also differentially methylated in msa1-1. Our results suggest a novel function for MSA1 in the nucleus in regulating SAM biosynthesis and maintaining S homeostasis epigenetically via DNA methylation

    Analysis of the NAM founders ionomic profiles from 2010 and 2011.

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    <p>Geno: p value for the genotype term in an ANOVA of a linear model with genotype and year and their interaction. Year: p value for the year term. GxY: p value for the genotype by year interaction. The significance cutoff for the first three columns was set at p<0.0005 to account for the multiple testing correction. NS: not significant. h2: the narrow sense heritability for each year and combined. Corr: the correlation between the line average from 2010 and 2011. The last two rows are the results from the jackknife analysis of 100 datasets with a single seed per plot. JK 5% p val: the 5% most significant p value for the genotype term in the two year model (i.e., 95% of the time the p value was more significant). JK 5% h2: the 5% highest heritability across two years.</p

    Analysis of the sugary status on ionomic profiles.

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    <p>Line: p value for the genotype term in an ANOVA of a linear model with line and <i>sugary</i> genotype. Su: p value for the sugary term. The significance cutoff was set at p<0.0005 to account for the multiple testing correction. NS: not significant.</p

    Alphabox plots of the effect of <i>su</i> on Ca and Zn accumulation.

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    <p>Five number summaries (median, 1<sup>st</sup> and 3<sup>rd</sup> quartiles, and 1.5 interquartile range) are shown of each seed type. Salmon denotes the values for the <i>su/su</i> (collapsed) seed, while teal denotes the values for <i>Su</i>/+ (plump) alleles. Outliers beyond 1.5 IQR are shown as black dots. Line names are the entry numbers in the Panzea database for the B73 x IL14H (Z011) population.</p

    Correlation between 23 NAM parents across two years.

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    <p>The plot means of all 5 or 6 replicate plots for each NAM parent line (excluding Il14H, HP301 and P39) were averaged for each year.</p

    Analysis of the seed position on the cob on B73 ionomic profiles.

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    <p>Dyn Range Cob: the average dynamic range of values (max accumulation of a position on a single cob/min accumulation on the same cob) from different positions on the cob. Dyn Range 2010 and 2011: the dynamic range in genotype values within that year (max accumulating genotype/min accumulating genotype). Farm p val: p value for the farm term in an ANOVA of a linear model with farm, field location, and location on cob. Field p val: p value for the field location term. Cob p val: p value for the location on cob term. The significance cutoff was set at p<0.0005 to account for the multiple testing correction. NS: not significant. Farm, Field and Cob SSperc are the percentage of the variance (sum of squares) accounted for by the various terms. Selenium was not measured in this experiment.</p

    QTLs identified in the B73 x IL14H population.

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    <p>El: Element. Chm: Chromosome. Pos: Position of QTL in cM. LOD: LOD score. MI Start and Stop: the mapping intervals defining where the LOD trace crossed the 95% permutation threshold. R<sup>2</sup>: the fraction of variance accounted for by the QTL, Sum R<sup>2</sup>: The cumulative fraction of variance accounted for by all of the QTLs for the element. Add.eff: The additive effect of the QTL in PPM. PT: the 95% permutation threshold from 1000 permutations. CO: number of cofactors used in the model. Nearest Marker: The nearest marker.</p