8 research outputs found

    Követőkészítmények alkalmazásának lehetőségei a transzplantáció immunszuppresszív terápiájában = Special Considerations in Generic Substitution of Immunosuppressive Drugs in Transplantation

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    A szervátültetés hosszú távú eredményességének a megfelelő immunszuppresszív kezelés az alapja. A leggyakrabban alkalmazott cyclosporin és tacrolimus egyaránt a szűk terápiás ablakú készítmények közé tartozik és követőkészítményekkel történő helyettesítésük társadalombiztosítási költségcsökkenéshez csak akkor vezet, ha ezek használata azonos klinikai eredményeket biztosít. A szakirodalomban még nem jelentek meg ezt alátámasztó adatok, viszont a nem orvosi döntésen alapuló készítményváltás során fellépő szövődmények irodalma óvatosságra int. A szerzők elemzésükben a tacrolimus nem szakmai szempontok mentén végzett helyettesítése kapcsán mutatják be a lehetséges orvosi komplikációkat és ezek költségszámítása alapján a remélt megtakarításokkal azonos nagyságrendű kiadásokat. Részletezik továbbá a gyermek transzplantáltakhoz, a cyclosporin és a tacrolimus gyógyszer-interakcióihoz és a gyógyszervérszint és betegellenőrzés ellátási terhéhez kötődő problémákat. A szerzők véleménye szerint az európai transzplantációs társaság szakmai irányelve megfelelő és biztonságos szakmai keretet ad a követőkészítmények alkalmazásával elérhető társadalombiztosítási megtakarítás számára a szervátültetésben. Long-term success in solid organ transplantation strongly depends on the optimal use of maintenance immunosuppressive treatment. Cyclosporin and tacrolimus are the most frequently administered immunosuppressants and they are designed to narrow therapeutic index drugs. The substitution of the branded formulation by their generic counterparts may lead to economic benefit only if equivalent clinical outcomes can be achieved. There is no published evidence to date on the guarantee of their long-term therapeutic equivalence and cases of therapeutic failures have been reported due to inadvertent drug conversion. The disadvantageous clinical consequences of a non medical, mechanistic forced switch from the original to generic formulation of tacrolimus and the estimated loss of the payer’s presumed savings are presented in a kidney transplant recipient population. Special problems related to pediatric patients, drug interactions with concurrent medications and the burden of additional therapeutic drug monitoring and follow up visits are also discussed. The authors are convinced that the implementation of the European Society of Organ Transplantation guidelines on generic substitution may provide a safe way for patients and healthcare payers

    Characterisation of 3D Bioprinted Human Breast Cancer Model for In Vitro Drug and Metabolic Targeting

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    Monolayer cultures, the less standard three-dimensional (3D) culturing systems, and xenografts are the main tools used in current basic and drug development studies of cancer research. The aim of biofabrication is to design and construct a more representative in vivo 3D environment, replacing two-dimensional (2D) cell cultures. Here, we aim to provide a complex comparative analysis of 2D and 3D spheroid culturing, and 3D bioprinted and xenografted breast cancer models. We established a protocol to produce alginate-based hydrogel bioink for 3D bioprinting and the long-term culturing of tumour cells in vitro. Cell proliferation and tumourigenicity were assessed with various tests. Additionally, the results of rapamycin, doxycycline and doxorubicin monotreatments and combinations were also compared. The sensitivity and protein expression profile of 3D bioprinted tissue-mimetic scaffolds showed the highest similarity to the less drug-sensitive xenograft models. Several metabolic protein expressions were examined, and the in situ tissue heterogeneity representing the characteristics of human breast cancers was also verified in 3D bioprinted and cultured tissue-mimetic structures. Our results provide additional steps in the direction of representing in vivo 3D situations in in vitro studies. Future use of these models could help to reduce the number of animal experiments and increase the success rate of clinical phase trials

    Targeting cellular metabolism using rapamycin and/or doxycycline enhances anti-tumour effects in human glioma cells

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    Abstract Background Glioma is the most common highly aggressive, primary adult brain tumour. Clinical data show that therapeutic approaches cannot reach the expectations in patients, thus gliomas are mainly incurable diseases. Tumour cells can adapt rapidly to alterations during therapeutic treatments related to their metabolic rewiring and profound heterogeneity in tissue environment. Renewed interests aim to develop effective treatments targeting angiogenesis, kinase activity and/or cellular metabolism. mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin), whose hyper-activation is characteristic for many tumours, promotes metabolic alterations, macromolecule biosynthesis, cellular growth and survival. Unfortunately, mTOR inhibitors with their lower toxicity have not resulted in appreciable survival benefit. Analysing mTOR inhibitor sensitivity, other metabolism targeting treatments and their combinations could help to find potential agents and biomarkers for therapeutic development in glioma patients. Methods In vitro proliferation assays, protein expression and metabolite concentration analyses were used to study the effects of mTOR inhibitors, other metabolic treatments and their combinations in glioma cell lines. Furthermore, mTOR activity and cellular metabolism related protein expression patterns were also investigated by immunohistochemistry in human biopsies. Temozolomide and/or rapamycin treatments altered the expressions of enzymes related to lipid synthesis, glycolysis and mitochondrial functions as consequences of metabolic adaptation; therefore, other anti-metabolic drugs (chloroquine, etomoxir, doxycycline) were combined in vitro. Results Our results suggest that co-targeting metabolic pathways had tumour cell dependent additive/synergistic effects related to mTOR and metabolic protein expression patterns cell line dependently. Drug combinations, especially rapamycin + doxycycline may have promising anti-tumour effect in gliomas. Additionally, our immunohistochemistry results suggest that metabolic and mTOR activity alterations are not related to the recent glioma classification, and these protein expression profiles show individual differences in patients’ materials. Conclusions Based on these, combinations of different new/old drugs targeting cellular metabolism could be promising to inhibit high adaptation capacity of tumour cells depending on their metabolic shifts. Relating to this, such a development of current therapy needs to find special biomarkers to characterise metabolic heterogeneity of gliomas

    Folic Acid Treatment Directly Influences the Genetic and Epigenetic Regulation along with the Associated Cellular Maintenance Processes of HT-29 and SW480 Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines

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    Folic acid (FA) is a synthetic form of vitamin B9, generally used as a nutritional supplement and an adjunctive medication in cancer therapy. FA is involved in genetic and epigenetic regulation; therefore, it has a dual modulatory role in established neoplasms. We aimed to investigate the effect of short-term (72 h) FA supplementation on colorectal cancer; hence, HT-29 and SW480 cells were exposed to different FA concentrations (0, 100, 10,000 ng/mL). HT-29 cell proliferation and viability levels elevated after 100 ng/mL but decreased for 10,000 ng/mL FA. Additionally, a significant (p ≤ 0.05) improvement of genomic stability was detected in HT-29 cells with micronucleus scoring and comet assay. Conversely, the FA treatment did not alter these parameters in SW480 samples. RRBS results highlighted that DNA methylation changes were bidirectional in both cells, mainly affecting carcinogenesis-related pathways. Based on the microarray analysis, promoter methylation status was in accordance with FA-induced expression alterations of 27 genes. Our study demonstrates that the FA effect was highly dependent on the cell type, which can be attributed to the distinct molecular background and the different expression of proliferation- and DNA-repair-associated genes (YWHAZ, HES1, STAT3, CCL2). Moreover, new aspects of FA-regulated DNA methylation and consecutive gene expression were revealed

    S-Adenosylmethionine Treatment of Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines Alters DNA Methylation, DNA Repair and Tumor Progression-Related Gene Expression

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    Global DNA hypomethylation is a characteristic feature of colorectal carcinoma (CRC). The tumor inhibitory effect of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) methyl donor has been described in certain cancers including CRC. However, the molecular impact of SAM treatment on CRC cell lines with distinct genetic features has not been evaluated comprehensively. HT-29 and SW480 cells were treated with 0.5 and 1 mmol/L SAM for 48 h followed by cell proliferation measurements, whole-genome transcriptome and methylome analyses, DNA stability assessments and exome sequencing. SAM reduced cell number and increased senescence by causing S phase arrest, besides, multiple EMT-related genes (e.g., TGFB1) were downregulated in both cell lines. Alteration in the global DNA methylation level was not observed, but certain methylation changes in gene promoters were detected. SAM-induced γ-H2AX elevation could be associated with activated DNA repair pathway showing upregulated gene expression (e.g., HUS1). Remarkable genomic stability elevation, namely, decreased micronucleus number and comet tail length was observed only in SW480 after treatment. SAM has the potential to induce senescence, DNA repair, genome stability and to reduce CRC progression. However, the different therapeutic responses of HT-29 and SW480 to SAM emphasize the importance of the molecular characterization of CRC cases prior to methyl donor supplementation