37 research outputs found

    Changing Personal Values through Value-Manipulation Tasks: A Systematic Literature Review Based on Schwartz’s Theory of Basic Human Values

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    According to the Theory of Basic Human Values, values are relatively stable, but not immutable, abstract goals which strongly influence peoples' lives. Since their relative stability, psychosocial research is attempting to understand the extent to which it is possible to induce a voluntary change in people's personal values. The main aim of this study was to systematically review the existing literature on experiments to induce a value change, also highlighting the theoretical perspectives used to develop the experimental tasks. We conducted a literature search of five databases (SCOPUS, ProQuest, PsycINFO, PubMed, and Web of Science). After the screening and the eligibility phase, we included a total of 14 articles (25 experiments). Most of these studies involved university students and adopted a pre-and post-test design, using different manipulation tasks. The results highlighted the possibility of inducing a voluntary value change, assessed in terms of mean levels and/or rank order. These findings provide new insights regarding the stability of values in the light of the Theory of Basic Human Values. The practical implications and future research directions are discussed

    The Family Transmission of Ethnic Prejudice: A Systematic Review of Research Articles with Adolescents

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    Ethnic prejudice is one of the most studied topics in social psychology. Empirical research on its development and intergenerational transmission is increasing but still scarce. This systematic review collected and analyzed psychosocial studies focused on the transmission of ethnic prejudice within families with adolescents. Specifically, it aimed at addressing the following research questions: (a) To what extent is there a vertical (between parents and children) and horizontal (between siblings) transmission of ethnic prejudice within the family? (b) Is this process unidirectional (from parents to children) or bidirectional (between parents and children)? (c) Which individual and/or relational variables influence this process? (d) Can adolescents' intergroup contact experiences affect the family influence on adolescents' ethnic prejudice? The literature search of four databases (Ebsco, Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science), carried out from February 2021 to May 2021, following the PRISMA guidelines, yielded 22 articles that matched the eligibility criteria. The findings highlighted a moderate bidirectional transmission of ethnic prejudice between parents and adolescents, which was influenced by several individual and relational variables (e.g., the adolescents' age and sex and the family relationship quality). Moreover, the adolescents' frequent and positive contacts with peers of different ethnicities reduced the parents' influence on the adolescents' ethnic prejudice. The findings are discussed, and their limitations and implications for intervention and future research are considered

    More Kindness, Less Prejudice against Immigrants? A Preliminary Study with Adolescents

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    Prejudice against immigrants is a relevant research topic within social psychology. Researchers identified several individual variables affecting anti-immigrant prejudice, such as morality and personality. However, until now, prejudice has never been studied in relation to kindness, which might be a significant protective factor against prejudice. Based on Kohlberg's theory of moral judgement, four stage dimensions of kindness were identified, from egocentric to authentic kindness (i.e., a means for social progress and improvement). This study aims to explore the relationship between the four kindness dimensions and blatant and subtle prejudice against immigrants in adolescence, by also considering the moderating role of adolescents' sex. It involved 215 Italian participants (77% girls), who were asked to fill in a self-report questionnaire. Results showed that boys scored higher on egocentric kindness than girls, but no sex differences emerged for prejudice. Egocentric and extrinsically motivated kindness appeared to be risk factors for prejudice, whereas the most authentic form of kindness was a protective factor. In addition, adolescents' sex moderated the relationship between egocentric kindness and blatant prejudice, whereby this association was stronger for boys. The implications of these findings, the study's limitations, and suggestions for future research are discussed

    The relationship between self-report and indirect measures of values : is social desirability a significant moderator?

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    Introduction. The measurement of personal values is still a great challenge in social psychology due to the complex nature of this concept. Objective. Based on Schwartz’s theory of human values, this study aimed at analysing the relationship between the Values Implicit Association Test (VIAT), a relatively new indirect measure of values, and the Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ), a well-known direct measure of values. Also, it examined whether social desirability moderates this relationship. Method. Seventy-three participants (64.4% female; M age = 25.46, SD = 4.04) took part to the study in a standardized setting. Results. Results showed different value priorities depending on the measure used (i.e., indirect vs direct), and although social desirability was related to participants’ responses on PVQ more than on VIAT, it did not moderate the association between direct and indirect measures for any of the examined values. Conclusions. Implications of the findings for value measurement and future developments are discussed

    Parents of adolescent children: Are personal values resources in promoting parental selfefficacy?|Genitori di figli adolescenti: i valori personali sono risorse nella promozione dell'autoefficacia genitoriale?

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    Il presente contributo analizza l’associazione tra i valori personali dei genitori e la loro autoefficacia genitoriale, tenendo in considerazione il sesso di genitori e figli. Sono stati coinvolti 347 padri e 407 madri, con almeno un/a figlio/a adolescente, ai quali è stato somministrato un questionario self-report. I risultati evidenziano diverse associazioni significative tra le variabili: in particolare, all’aumentare dell’importanza dei valori dell’autotrascendenza e della conservazione aumenta l’efficacia percepita nell’esercizio della genitorialità, sia per i padri sia per le madri. Per queste ultime, all’aumentare dell’apertura al cambiamento aumenta l’autoefficacia genitoriale; inoltre, il sesso del figlio modera la relazione tra conservazione e autoefficacia

    Value priorities, impression management and self-deceptive enhancement: Once again, much substance and a little bit of style

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    The connection between self-reported personal values and socially desirable responding in social psychology has been backed up by little empirical evidence. This study expands upon the pioneering work carried out by Schwartz and colleagues by analyzing the relationship between values and social desirability through the use of different self-report measures of values and by considering the multidimensional nature of social desirability. The study involved 224 Italian respondents (63.4% female, mean age = 22.39, SD = 2.47) who completed a questionnaire. Results confirmed Schwartz et al.\u2019s previous findings supporting the substantive hypothesis. Specifically, impression management was more related to values highlighting the importance of social harmony (i.e., conservation and self-transcendence) rather than to those characterized by a personal focus (i.e., openness to change and self-enhancement). However, a different pattern of connection was found for self-deceptive enhancement. This study addresses how to deal with social desirability in research into personal values

    La relazione tra disimpegno morale e comportamenti trasgressivi in adolescenza. Il ruolo moderatore dell'alessitimia

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    Il disimpegno morale costituisce un significativo fattore di rischio individuale per lo sviluppo e l'adattamento in adolescenza, come ampiamente dimostrato in letteratura. Questo lavoro si focalizza sulla relazione tra disimpegno morale e comportamenti trasgressivi in un gruppo di 308 adolescenti italiani, di et\ue0 compresa tra i 14 e i 19 anni, con lo scopo di verificare se tale relazione sia moderata dall'alessitimia. I risultati hanno evidenziato significative differenze di genere e di et\ue0 sia rispetto al disimpegno morale che all'alessitimia. Essi hanno inoltre mostrato una relazione tra disimpegno morale e trasgressione, moderata dalla difficolt\ue0 a identificare le emozioni.Moral disengagement is an individual risk factor for the development and adjustment during adolescence, as widely demonstrated in the literature. This study focused on the relation between moral disengagement and transgressive behaviors in a group of 308 Italian adolescents (14-19 years old) and it aimed at verifying whether alexithymia moderates this relation. The findings highlighted significant gender and age differences both in moral disengagement and alexithymia. Besides, results showed a significant relation between moral disengagement and transgressive behaviors moderated by the difficulty in identifying emotions

    Teachers' self-efficacy: The role of personal values and motivations for teaching

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    Teachers' personal values drive their goals and behaviors at school. Moreover, values can support subjective well-being and an individual sense of self-efficacy. Teachers' self-efficacy, namely teachers' beliefs in their ability to effectively handle the tasks, obligations, and challenges related to their professional activity, plays a key role in influencing important academic outcomes (e.g., students' achievement and motivation) and well-being in the working environment. Based on Schwartz's well-known theory of human values, this study sought to examine the relations between teachers' values (i.e., conservation, openness to change, self-transcendence, and self-enhancement) and their self-efficacy. In particular, it aimed at analyzing the extent to which these relations are moderated by teachers' controlled and autonomous motivations for teaching. Two hundred and twenty-seven Italian high school teachers (73.6% females; M = 44.77 years, SD = 10.56) were involved in the study and asked to complete a self-report questionnaire. Results showed that teachers' conservation values were positively associated to sense of self-efficacy regardless of the type and level of motivation for teaching. More interestingly, the relationships between openness to change and self-efficacy on the one hand, and self-transcendence and self-efficacy on the other, varied depending on teachers' motivations. These relations were stronger when teachers perceived less external pressure and felt to be self-determined toward teaching. Implications of these results for teachers' practices and well-being in their work environment and further developments of the study are discussed

    The Family Transmission of Ethnic Prejudice: A Systematic Review of Research Articles with Adolescents

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    Ethnic prejudice is one of the most studied topics in social psychology. Empirical research on its development and intergenerational transmission is increasing but still scarce. This systematic review collected and analyzed psychosocial studies focused on the transmission of ethnic prejudice within families with adolescents. Specifically, it aimed at addressing the following research questions: (a) To what extent is there a vertical (between parents and children) and horizontal (between siblings) transmission of ethnic prejudice within the family? (b) Is this process unidirectional (from parents to children) or bidirectional (between parents and children)? (c) Which individual and/or relational variables influence this process? (d) Can adolescents' intergroup contact experiences affect the family influence on adolescents' ethnic prejudice? The literature search of four databases (Ebsco, Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science), carried out from February 2021 to May 2021, following the PRISMA guidelines, yielded 22 articles that matched the eligibility criteria. The findings highlighted a moderate bidirectional transmission of ethnic prejudice between parents and adolescents, which was influenced by several individual and relational variables (e.g., the adolescents' age and sex and the family relationship quality). Moreover, the adolescents' frequent and positive contacts with peers of different ethnicities reduced the parents' influence on the adolescents' ethnic prejudice. The findings are discussed, and their limitations and implications for intervention and future research are considered