574 research outputs found

    Histological Studies of Snails at Different Periods of Their Life Activity

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    Large species of terrestrial mollusks are used for human consumption and are bred for this purpose. They have become a part of national cuisine in many countries. Histology is used in many fields of humane and veterinary medicine. Its main essence is that this method can diagnose the presence of formations and inclusions. It is used to determine this process's structure and stage of development. Samples of different tissues can be used as material for histological examination. The specialist analyzes and describes the histological preparations obtained after processing the material. Thus, we proposed a histological method of studying snails. This method can provide the data of snails’ state as a whole. Snails of the species Helix aspersa maxima, Helix aspersa muller, and Helix pomatia were the material for the study. Ten snails of each species were selected for the experiment at different periods: immediately after hibernation, five days after wakening, 14 days after wakening, and at the time of their active life – in July. First, we conducted histological studies of snails during their active life, i.e., in the summer months. Therefore, for this purpose, snails for the experiment were taken in July. It was determined that if the snail eats and has an everyday life, its digestive gland generally consists of digestive tubules separated by intertubular connective tissue containing hemolymphatic sinuses and hemocytes. Thus, in our research, we studied the structure of the digestive gland. A circular muscle layer surrounds each tubule. There are three different cell types in the epithelium lining the tubules of the digestive glands, which differentiate into digestive cells, calcium cells, and excretory cells. Digestive cells are the most numerous cellular component of the tubular epithelium of the digestive gland. Basally located nuclei of digestive cells have a round or oval shape. During the rest period, the digestive gland of snails is characterized by a complete loss of digestive function and the transformation of digestive cells into excretory ones. Metabolic products are not excreted into the environment. When they accumulate, they fill all cavities in the body of snails, namely the lumens of glandular tubules, excretory ducts, stomach, and intestines. Food intake in snails increases the level of metabolism. It stimulates the differentiation of digestive cells, the functional activity of excretory cells, and the volume of excretory products. It leads to the complete liberation of the digestive tract from accumulated excretion products during the rest period. The structure of the digestive gland is completely restored

    Features of snail expertise

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    Snails are a delicacy that people have been eating for centuries. Products made from this meat contain few calories per 100 grams and fill the human body with useful elements. They can be prepared by cooking, namely escargot with various fillings (Burgundy snails, Catalan snails, Asian snails, snails with porcini mushrooms), and also, now a new type of product containing m gastropod mollusks – puffs with snails. If determining the quality and nutritional value of meat, it is necessary to determine indicators, if there is doubt about its suitability, which characterize the chemical composition, freshness, as well as the determination of microbiological contamination. The purpose of this work was to determine the features and practical aspects of examination of gastropod molluscs – snails. The studies highlighted in the scientific publications of Ukrainian scientists are significant, but they relate to the determination of the degree of freshness of snail meat by various methods and the organization of snail farming in various ways. Snails are a delicacy, dietary product of high commercial value and belong to the few types of food products. They are subject to mandatory veterinary and sanitary examination. A special feature of examination of snails is microbiological and bacteriological types of control to establish their general safety. In the course of research, first of all, the organoleptic indicators of molluscs, which reflect their freshness, are determined. Next, they conduct research on the presence of pathogenic microflora, determine the presence of radionuclides, conduct bacteriological research. In addition to the mollusk itself, the water with which they are irrigated, as well as the soil – the permanent habitat of snails – are also examined for the presence of helminth eggs. It was established that it is necessary to carry out laboratory control of each batch of snail meat for the content of microorganisms, such as MAFAnM, BGKP (coliforms), coagulase-positive staphylococcus (S. aureus), bacteria of the genus Proteus, pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, radionuclides – Cs-137 and Sr-90 and helminths (nematodes)

    Ветеринарно-санітарні вимоги до господарств із вирощування равликів

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    Heliceculture (breeding of snails) has been practiced in Europe for a long time, and here, in Ukraine, the first snail farms appeared literally 10 years ago. Ukrainians quickly realized that among all areas of animal husbandry, heliceculture is the most profitable. At the same time, you can start a business almost from scratch, and the risks are minimized. This is how the snail boom spread throughout the territory, and now molluscs are grown in almost all cities of Ukraine. It should be remembered veterinary and sanitary requirements on snail farms must be given important attention, because if they are violated, it can lead to the death of molluscs and cause great losses. Taking into account the importance of growing snails in farms and the lack of regulatory and technical documentation in our country, the purpose of this work was to clarify the main veterinary and sanitary requirements for such farms. In this work, the general veterinary and sanitary rules for snail breeding farms, requirements for water and feed, preparation for transportation, vehicles, types of containers, packaging materials and requirements for keeping snails in the field in the summer are carefully considered. Owners of snail farming farms are obliged to implement economic and veterinary-sanitary measures that ensure the prevention of the death of molluscs, maintain premises and facilities for storing feed and processing snail-farming products in proper condition, prevent environmental pollution with waste, comply with zoohygienic and veterinary-sanitary requirements for placement, construction, commissioning of objects related to keeping snails. Compliance with these requirements in the farm plays a big role in the cultivation and maintenance of snails. This will make it possible to grow snails, avoiding any diseases that are inherent to them and death, which will make it possible to obtain snail farming products of high quality and safety. Therefore, in order to prevent invasive diseases, snail poisoning, etc., managers and specialists of these farms (farms) are obliged to ensure the implementation of a set of general veterinary and sanitary measures, as well as the implementation of veterinary and sanitary requirements for the construction, equipment, operation of snail farms and their compliance sanitary regime.Геліцекультурою (розведенням равликів) в Європі займаються вже давно, а у нас, в Україні, перші равликові ферми з’явилися років 10 тому. Українці швидко зрозуміли, що серед усіх сфер тваринництва геліцекультура – найприбутковіша. При цьому почати бізнес можна практично з нуля, а ризики зведені до мінімуму. Так равликовий бум поширився по всій території, і тепер молюсків вирощують майже в усіх містах України. Але не всі фермери приділяють належну увагу ветеринарно-санітарним вимогам на фермах. Варто пам’ятати, що їх порушення може призвести до загибелі молюсків та завдати великих збитків. Враховуючи значущість вирощування равликів у господарствах та за відсутності нормативно-технічної документації в нашій країні, мета даної роботи полягала в уточненні основних ветеринарно-санітарних вимог до таких ферм. В даній роботі ретельно розглянуті деякі загальні ветеринарно-санітарні правила стосовно ферм із розведення равликів, вимоги до води, кормів, до підготовки для транспортування, транспортних засобів, видів тари, пакувальних матеріалів та вимоги утримання равликів на полі в літній період року. Власники ферм із вирощування равликів зобов’язані здійснювати господарські та ветеринарно-санітарні заходи, що забезпечують запобігання загибелі молюсків, утримувати в належному стані приміщення та споруди для зберігання кормів і переробки продукції равликівництва, не допускати забруднення навколишнього середовища відходами, дотримуватися зоогігієнічних та ветеринарно-санітарних вимог при розміщенні, будівництві, введенні в експлуатацію об’єктів, пов’язаних із утриманням равликів. Дотримання даних вимог у господарстві відіграє велику роль у вирощуванні та утриманні равликів. Це дасть змогу виростити равликів, уникаючи будь-яких захворювань, які їм притаманні та загибелі, що дасть можливість отримати продукцію равликівництва високої якості та безпеки. Отже, з метою профілактики хвороб, отруєння равликів тощо керівники та фахівці даних господарств (ферм) зобов’язані забезпечити проведення комплексу загальних ветеринарно-санітарних заходів, а також виконання ветеринарно-санітарних вимог щодо будівництва, обладнання, експлуатації равликових господарств та дотримання в них санітарного режиму

    Influence of macrophages on the insulin-synthesizing system under normal conditions and in alloxan diabetes

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    Insulin-synthesizing cells (ISCs) of pancreatic gland are localized both in its islets, and in exocrine portion, as single cells or cellular agglomerates. ISCs differ in their morphological and functional characteristics, depending on characteristics of the microenvironment. Resident macrophages are also involved into formation of their microenvironment. Our purpose was to assess the effect of functional macrophages upon the insulinsynthesizing system (pancreatic islets, cell agglomerates, and separately lying insulin-synthesizing cells) under normal conditions and in alloxan diabetes.Alloxan diabetes was induced in mature male Wistar rats by intraperitoneal injection of alloxan (30 mg/100 g). Functional activity of macrophages was modeled with anti-inflammatory drug aminophthalhydrazide (AMP). Contents of insulin, glucose, and glycosylated hemoglobin were measured in blood of experimental animals. The levels of IL-1α, TNFα and IFNγ were determined in pancreatic homogenate. The number of macrophages was counted in histological preparations from the insular and exocrine parts of the organ, as well as the number of pancreatic islets, agglomerates, and single ISCs. The amounts of proliferating cells (insulin+Ki-67+), apoptotic forms (TUNEL+insulin+), and insulin content of ISCs at different sites (according to their fluorescence intensity) were determined. All pancreatic islets were divided into 3 types, according to intensity of insulin fluorescence, i.e., islets with high, median and low levels of fluorescence.In healthy rats, immunomodulation reduced total level of IL-1α in pancreatic parenchyma, without changing the overall parameters of carbohydrate metabolism. In the exocrine part of pancreas, the content of single ISCs in ductal epithelium was increased. Likewise, proliferation of the ISC agglomerates became higher. The intensity of β-cell apoptosis increased in pancreatic islets. The proportion of islets with high-level insulin fluorescence was decreased, along with lower density of macrophages and proliferation rates of β-cells, and higher apoptosis rates, than in intact animals. We have also revealed there an increased ratio of cells with average insulin levels. In the islets with low insulin content, immunomodulation did not cause morphological changes. Administration of AMP in alloxan diabetes contributes to a significantly decreased concentration of IFNγ in pancreatic tissues, stabilizes IL-1α content, along with reduced apoptosis of ISCs and macrophage infiltration in all parts of the gland. In the ductal epithelium, a large number of single ISCs with high synthetic activity was observed, with retained number of agglomerates and their increased cellularity. The number of dividing β-cells is increased in pancreatic islets.Modulation of the functional activity of pancreatic macrophages under physiological conditions provides a multidirectional effect on the insulin-synthesizing cells, depending on their localization. In exocrine part of the organ, where M2 macrophages are located, we have observed activated differentiation and proliferation of ISC precursors. Meanwhile, in the islets where M1 macrophages are present, apoptosis of β-cells was enhanced. In alloxan diabetes, immunomodulation was associated with reduced destruction of insulinocytes, along with high intensity of their proliferation. Heterogenous response of ISCs to the changes in the microenvironment depends on their synthetic activity. In healthy rats, the islets with high level of insulin fluorescence, the level of apoptosis is increased, and β-cell proliferation is reduced, while the morphological and functional characteristics of islets with low-level insulin fluorescence did not change. In alloxan diabetes, apoptosis prevailed in islets with high fluorescence values, whereas β-cell proliferation predominated in the islets with low insulin contents

    Effects of 1,3,4-thiadiazine compound with antidepressant properties in ligation model of acute pancreatitis

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    Based on hypotheses concerning the role of stress in acute pancreatitis development, the experimental approach for the decrease stress damage via the use the compound with proven antistress/neuroleptic action was conducted. The study was aimed to discover 2-morpholino-5-phenyl-6H-1,3,4-thiadiazine hydrobromide (compound L-17) therapeutic action in experimental acute pancreatitis. The experimental model used was the ligation model. The trial was carried out on 50 male Wistar rats with average body weight 180-240g. Histological picture of the pancreas was studied and biochemical and enzyme-immunoassays were carried out on the first and seventh days. The significant reduction in mortality on the background of L-17 compound administration was observed. While levels of all cytokines increased in induced experimental acute pancreatitis groups, the cytokine level rise was decreased when compound L-17 was administered. On the cellular level, the study revealed L-17’s ability to prevent granulocytosis and decrease granulocytes infiltration to inflammatory foci. The decrease in inflammatory reaction magnitude and prevention of abscess formation in experimental acute pancreatitis accompanied by sistemic inflamamtion was due to L-17’s ability to reduce neutrophilia and neutrophil entry into the injury zone. © 2018, Slovak Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.Government Council on Grants, Russian FederationMinistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 17.7255.2017/8.9AAAA-A18-118020690020-1Funding information. Partly the study was supported by the Act 211 of the Government of Russian Federation, contract No 02.A03.21.0006; Government contract of Russian Federation with Institute of Immunology and Physiology (AAAA-A18-118020690020-1) and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (# 17.7255.2017/8.9)

    High energy hadrons in EAS at mountain altitude

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    An extensive simulation has been carried out to estimate the physical interpretation of dynamical factors such as , in terms of high energy interaction features, concentrated in the present analysis on the average transverse momentum. It appears that the large enhancement observed for versus primary energy, suggesting in earliest analysis a significant rise of with energy, is only the result of the limited resolution of the detectors and remains in agreement with a wide range of models used in simulations.Comment: 13 pages, 6 PostScript figures, LaTeX Subm. to JPhys

    Hygienic assessment of working conditions of tax inspection employees

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    The purpose of the study isevaluation of sanitary and hygienic working conditions of employees of the tax inspectorate.Цель исследования. Оценка санитарно-гигиенических условий труда работников налоговой инспекции

    Isolation and characteristics of Bacillus intermedius glutamyl endopeptidase secreted by a recombinant strain of Bacillus subtilis at various growth phases

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    The recombinant strain of Bacillus subtilis bearing B. intermedius glutamyl endopeptidase gene in multicopy plasmid Δ58.21 secretes the enzyme to the medium at the phase of slowing of growth and the stationary growth phase with accumulation maxima at 24 and 48 h. Enzyme samples were isolated from the culture liquid after 24 and 48 h of culturing of and were purified up to homogeneity by ion exchange chromatography on carboxymethyl cellulose and HPLC on a MonoS column. The molecular weight of the corresponding proteins was 29 kDa. Both preparations had identical structure, but differed in affinity to the specific substrate Z-Glu-pNA. The effects of Ca2+ ions and specific low-molecular and protein inhibitors on the activity of the enzyme corresponding to various growth phases has been studied. © 2008 MAIK Nauka

    Characteristics of air showers created by extremely high energy gamma-rays

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    The technique of adjoint cascade equations has been applied to calculate the properties of extremely high energy gamma-rays in the energy range 10^18--10^22 eV with taking into account the LPM effect and interactions of gamma-rays with the geomagnetic field. Such characteristics are analysed as the electron and muon contents at the observation level, the electron cascade curves, the lateral distribution functions of photoproduced muons.Comment: 36 pages, 19 figures, submitted to J.Phys.G: Nucl.Part.Phy

    Sinusoidal cells and cytokine response in the tetrachloromethane-induced hepatotoxicity and an approach to its correction

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    High occurence of liver diseases (toxic, viral hepatitis, liver failure, cirrhosis) requires urgent search of new methods for management of the hepatobiliary diseases. At the present time, the role of immune mechanisms in pathogenesis of diffuse toxic liver damage is not finally clarified. The model of toxic hepatitis induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) is widely known, but this approach allows us to perform complex evaluation and develop the methods for adequate correction of liver disorders in experimental model, which is not always feasible in clinical setting. To design a model of diffuse toxic liver damage, the CCl4 oil solution was used, having been administered intraperitoneally to experimental animals, at a single dose of 50 mg per 100 g body mass. Aiming for correction of toxic liver damage, the injections of aminophthalhydrazide (APH) to experimental animals were carried out intramuscularly at the dose of 2 mg/kg over the terms of experiment. An evaluation of the role of sinusoidal cells (SC) and cytokine production at the local and systemic level were carried out in the model of toxic liver damage caused by CCl4 and its correction by APH treatment. In the course of developing diffuse toxic liver damage induced by CCl4, the production of proinflammatory cytokines TNFα, IL-1α and IL-18 was enhanced at the local level, whereas an increase in TNFα concentration was observed in blood plasma. Following aminophthalhydrazide (APH) administration, the concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines (TNFα and IL-18) decreased at system level, along with locally decreased levels of IL-6 and IFNγ. Changes in the functional state of immunocompetent cells, which include sinusoidal cells (SC), have a significant impact on the development of pathological processes in the liver. The results of our study presume that, over the early periods of toxic impact upon liver tissue, the number of SCs increases both due to influx of blood monocytes and mature macrophages from the peritoneal cavity that enter the injury site directly via mesothelial layer. The SCs provide phagocytosis of damaged hepatocytes and contribute to resolution of the inflammatory process. Modulation of the macrophage activities by APH contributes to increased amounts of SCs at the early stages, and stabilizes their quantities after 2 weeks of APH injections. Change in the numbers of liver SCs during toxic damage affects the production of cytokines. A direct effect of APH upon the SCs may change the production of regulatory factors and compensate the insufficient rate of recovery processes after the toxic damage. © 2019, SPb RAACI