2,531 research outputs found

    Leituras em cenas: o teatro lido como ferramenta no ensino de Português como língua estrangeira - Projeto de extensão Universitária

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    Anais e artigos do 28º Fórum Acadêmico de Letras, realizado nos dias 23 a 25 de agosto de 2017 na Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (Unila) e Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (Unioeste) com tema: A pesquisa nos cursos de letras em contexto de línguas e culturas em contato.O presente trabalho visa a relatar e apresentar as experiências obtidas nas oficinas de teatro lido em português. As práticas aqui relatadas são do ano 2016, concretizadas por alunos e professores do Curso de Graduação em Português. “Leituras em Cenas” é um projeto de extensão da Faculdade de Humanidades e Ciências Sociais da UNaM, que propõe -através de diversas técnicas e jogos teatrais- uma nova forma de abordar o processo de leitura para aprimorar tanto o ato de ler quanto a fonética nos alunos do curso de Português. Mediante a narração das experiências vividas nestas oficinas queremos refletir e dar conta da importância do teatro lido como ferramenta que aperfeiçoa o processo de aprendizagem na formação de professores de Português língua estrangeira (PLE) na Universidade Nacional de Misione

    Early inflammatory response following elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repair: A comparison between endovascular procedure and conventional, open surgery

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    Background/Aim. Abdominal aorta aneurysm (AAA) represents a pathological enlargment of infrarenal portion of aorta for over 50% of its lumen. The only treatment of AAA is a surgical reconstruction of the affected segment. Until the late XX century, surgical reconstruction implied explicit, open repair (OR) of AAA, which was accompanied by a significant morbidity and mortality of the treated patients. Development of endovascular repair of (EVAR) AAA, especially in the last decade, offered another possibility of surgical reconstruction of AAA. The preliminary results of world studies show that complications of such a procedure, as well as morbidity and mortality of patients, are significantly lower than with OR of AAA. The aim of this paper was to present results of comparative clinical prospective study of early inflammatory response after reconstruction of AAA between endovascular and open, conventional surgical technique. Methods. A comparative clinical prospective study included 39 patients, electively operated on for AAA within the period of December 2008 - February 2010, divided into two groups. The group I counted 21 (54%) of the patients, 58-87 years old (mean 74.3 years), who had been submited to EVAR by the use of excluder stent graft. The group II consisted of 18 (46%) of the patients, 49-82 (mean 66.8) years, operated on using OR technique. All of the treated patients in both groups had AAA larager than 50 mm. The study did not include patients who have been treated as urgent cases, due to the rupture or with simptomatic AAA. Clinical, biochemical and inflamatory parameters in early postoperative period were analyzed, in direct postoperative course (number of leucocytes, thrombocytes, serum circulating levels of cytokine - interleukine (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-6 and IL-10). Parameters were monitored on the zero, first, second, third and seventh postoperative days. The study was approved by the Ethics Commitee of the Military Medical Academy. Results. The study showed a statistically significantly shorter time of treatment in the EVAR group (average 90 min) compared to the OR group (average 136 min). Also, there was a statistically significantly less blood loss in the patients operated on by the use of EVAR surgery (average 60 mL) as compared to the patients treated with OR techinique (average 495 mL), as well as a shorter postoperative hospitalization of patients in the EVAR group (average 4 days) compared to the OR group (average 8 days). The OR group was detected with a statistically significant increase of leucocytes and statistically significant fall of the number of thrombocytes in comparison with the EVAR group in all the investigated terms. A significant concentration rise of IL-2 in the OR group and concentration rise of IL-6 in the EVAR group was shown 24 hours after the procedure, whereas on the second postoperative day there was detected a significant fall of IL-6 in the EVAR group. IL-4 concentration in the OR group was significantly higher as of the third postoperative day in comparison to the EVAR group. There was no significant difference in IL-10 concentration between the groups. Conclusion. The EVAR techinique is a safer and less invasive and less traumatic procedure for patients than the OR of AAA. Following the EVAR, there are less inflammatory reactions in the early postoperative periodas compared to the OR and therefore less possibility of the development of systemic inflammatory respons syndrome in patients treated

    Bank Crisis Boosts Bitcoin Price

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    Bitcoin (BTC) represents an emerging asset class, offering investors an alternative avenue for diversification across various units of exchange. The recent global banking crisis of 9 March 2023 has provided an opportunity to reflect on how Bitcoin’s perception as a speculative asset may be evolving. This paper analyzes the volatility behavior of BTC in comparison to gold and the traditional financial market using GARCH models. Additionally, we have developed and incorporated a bank index within our volatility analysis framework, aiming to isolate the impact of financial crises while minimizing idiosyncratic risk. The aim of this work is to understand Bitcoin’s perception among investors and, more importantly, to determine whether BTC can be considered a new asset class. Our findings show that in terms of volatility and price, BTC and gold have responded in very similar ways. Counterintuitively, the financial market seems not to have experienced high volatility and significant price swings in response to the March 9th crisis. This suggests a consumer tendency to seek refuge in both Bitcoin and gold


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    Objective: This research was aimed at assessing the concentration of total polyphenols in ethanolic and methanolic extracts of Pleurotus ostreatus and Lentinula edodes mushrooms and antioxidant activity. Methods: Polyphenols were determined by the Folin Ciocalteu method, using lyophilized mushroom samples for the preparation of extracts and antioxidant activity by the TBARS method. Results: Extracts prepared from mushrooms showed appreciable values ​​of polyphenols, and for the ethanolic extract of Pleurotus ostreatus and Lentinula edodes values ​​of 102.78 and 81.83 mg of gallic acid/100 g of the sample respectively, comparable to those obtained in some fruits For methanolic extracts, values ​​of 100.45 and 78.92 mg of gallic acid/100 g of sample were obtained. Polyphenol concentration values ​​for the Pleurotus were higher in the two types of extracts and lower for the Lentinula edodes. Conclusion: When evaluating the antioxidant activity, high antioxidant activity was found for the two types of mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus and Lentinula edodes, presenting peroxidase inhibition values ​​of 88.04 and 89.49% respectively

    Estimated arterial stiffness and cardiovascular risk in chronic kidney disease – a study protocol

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    Introduction The prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the general population is 9.1%. Cur- rent guidelines recommend a cut-off GFR value of 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 for diagnosis of CKD, without considering the physiological decline of GFR with aging, or the association with cardiovascular (CV), cerebrovascular or renal outcomes. There is also an increase in arterial stiffness with aging, which is es- timated by pulse wave velocity (PWV). Aim The aim of this study is to show how the ePWV predicts CV incidents independently of SCORE chart and traditional risk factors. Materials and Methods This prospective observational study will include 2058 subjects from the Endemic nephropathy in Croatia – epidemiology, diagnosis and etiopathogenesis scientific research project. Conclusion This will be the first study that could show how the estimated arterial stiffness, independently of CKD contributes to overall CV, cerebrovascular and renal risk. We could also, based on the results, propose an age-independent definition of CKD based on the association with CV disease and mortality

    Changes in the quantity of cathepsin D in irradiated human cells following treatment with hyperthermia and interferon [alpha]

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    Alteration in soil fauna due to soil management and crop rotation in a long-term experiment

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    The evaluation of the population of meso and macrofauna organisms has been receiving attention in different studies related to soil quality. Therefore, the present study had as objective to evaluate the population of macro and mesofauna organisms, in an experimental area installed for 26 years in Paraná / RS. Among the 11 existing treatments, six were selected by lot, grew in a Conventional and No-tillage system. Soil fauna organisms were captured at 10 cm depth. The method used for the extraction of edaphic organisms was Tüllgren funnel. The collections were executed in blocks and repetitions that represented 312 samples. In the autumn, 60,138 m-2 individuals were estimated, and in the summer they were 28,348 m-2 individuals. The adoption of the long-term no-tillage system favors the biodiversity of the soil fauna in relation to the soil that has been undergoing two years of cultivation and four annual harrows since 1976. The native forest soil is more biodiverse than the cultivated one. The most representative edaphic taxon in the autumn were Acari, Collembola and Diptera, and in the summer they were Acari, Collembola, Hymenoptera and Larva of Lepidoptera. The phytosanitary management of the areas influence the diversity indexes of the edaphic fauna. The soil moisture abiotic factor acts severely under the edaphic fauna in the summer, being more evident in the conventional cropping system. The collection season conditioned to the abiotic factors - soil moisture and temperature - influences the density of individuals, species richness and the Shannon and Pielou indexes