538 research outputs found

    Approaches to Managing Personnel Security Enterprise During the Restructuring. Подходы к управлению кадровой безопасностью предприятия в ходе реструктуризации

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    The article reveals the essential elements of personnel security and risks to personnel in the field of enterprise restructuring. Factors to ensure the safety of personnel is substantiated. Definition of management personnel security company in the restructuring process, as policy in the field of human resources, economic, organizational, social and psychological measures to prevent economic damage, support the goals and values of the company, is suggested.В статье раскрыты сущностные элементы кадровой безопасности и риски, возникающие в кадровой сфере предприятия в ходе реструктуризации. Обоснованы факторы обеспечения кадровой безопасности. Предложено определение управления кадровой безопасностью предприятия в процессе реструктуризации, как такой политики в кадровой сфере, экономические, организационные и социально-психологические меры которой направлены на предотвращение экономического ущерба, поддержку целей и ценностей предприятия

    In vitro susceptibility of 120 strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolated in Kyrghyzstan.

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    BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization has established a worldwide program for gonococcal antimicrobial surveillance, but so far no data on gonococcal susceptibility in Central Asia are available. GOAL: The need for biological data on the susceptibility of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Kyrghyzstan, to enable adaptation of the national treatment protocol for gonococcal infections, led Médecins Sans Frontières and Epicentre to conduct a survey in collaboration with the Alfred Fournier Institute in Paris and the health authorities in Bishkek. STUDY DESIGN: In vitro susceptibility of N gonorrhoeae strains was determined with use of the reference agar-plate dilution technique. RESULTS: Results for 11 antibiotics tested on 120 strains of gonococci showed a low proportion (11.7%) of penicillinase-producing N gonorrhoeae and high proportions of intermediate or resistant strains to the majority of the antibiotics tested, including fluoroquinolones (>or=25% of strains resistant). All the strains were susceptible to spectinomycin, and only two strains had decreased susceptibility to cefixime. CONCLUSION: The therapeutic choices available in Kyrghyzstan appear to be limited to cephalosporins and spectinomycin

    The Vela and Geminga pulsars in the mid-infrared

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    The Vela and Geminga pulsars are rotation powered neutron stars, which have been identified in various spectral domains, from the near-infrared to hard γ\gamma-rays. In the near-infrared they exhibit tentative emission excesses, as compared to the optical range. To check whether these features are real, we analysed archival mid-infrared broadband images obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope in the 3.6--160 μ\mum range and compared them with the data in other spectral domains. In the 3.6 and 5.8 μ\mum bands we detected at \sim (4--5)σ\sigma significance level a point-like object, that is likely to be the counterpart of the Vela pulsar. Its position coincides with the pulsar at < 0.4 arcsec 1σ\sigma-accuracy level. Combining the measured fluxes with the available multiwavelength spectrum of the pulsar shows a steep flux increase towards the infrared, confirming the reality of the near-infrared excess reported early, and, hence, the reality of the suggested mid-infrared pulsar identification. Geminga is also identified, but only at a marginal 2σ\sigma detection level in one 3.6 μ\mum band. This needs a farther confirmation by deeper observations, while the estimated flux is also compatible with the near-infrared Geminga excess. The detection of the infrared excess is in contrast to the Crab pulsar, where it is absent, but is similar to the two magnetars, 4U 0142+61 and 1E 2259+586, showing similar features. We discuss X-ray irradiated fall-back discs around the pulsars, unresolved pulsar nebula structures, and pulsar magnetospheres as possible origins of the excesses. We note also possible infrared signatures of an extended tail behind Geminga and of the Vela plerion radio lobes.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, 2 table


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    The article highlights data of different levels of efficiency mixed lygand complex of Zinc to obtain clean milk from highly productive Holstein cows of German selection. Tested cows were fed with small component forage mixture that were composed with concentrated feed–sulfate salts of copper, cobalt, manganese, sodium selenite, forage mixture complemented these micronutrients to normal, and selenium concentration was adjusted to 0,3 mg / kg of dry matter and depending on various schemes of experiment levels of mixed lygand complex of Zink. Control Holstein cows were Hungarian selection in compound feed, concentrates which was mixed lygand complex of Zinc, zinc deficiency was covered by 50 %. Cows from research groups of German selection Zinc deficiency covered 85, 70, 55 and 40 % by mixed lygand complex of Zinc. Based on data obtained during the scientific and economic experiment, found that Zinc deficiency liquidation in forage mixture of 70 % by mixed lygand complex of Zinc in the diet of dairy cows of German Holstein breed in dry period and the first 100 days of lactation, cows provided 3d research group of this element and contributed to obtaining the highest productivity compared with the control group, the 2nd, the 4th and the 5th tested groups average daily milk yield in cows from the 3rd experimental group was 54,3 kg and average daily milk yield superior natural milk cows from the 1st control group to 13,62 %, 2nd research group at – 7,04 % ,4th research group to – 4,46 % and 5th research group at – 7,8 % in the fat content of milk in the 1st control group –3,54 %, 2nd – 3,55 %, 3rd – 3,59 %, 4th –3,57 % and 5th – 3,58 %. Gross milk yield per cow of 4 percent milk fat by the first 100 days of lactation was: in the 1st control group – 4778 kg, 2nd experimental – 5072 kg, 3rd – 5429 kg, 4th – 5197 kg and 5th – 5036 kg. Based on data obtained during the scientific and economic experiment proved that the best realized genetic potential highly productive cows of Holstein breed German selection in forest–steppe zone of Ukraine to the elimination of zinc deficiency by 70 % through the use of mixed lygand complex of this element.Результаты проведенных исследований свидетельствуют о том, что голштинской коровы немецкой селекции на Украине в сравнении со своими сверстницами венгерской селекции лучше реализуют свой генетический потенциал продуктивности при полноценной сбалансированной кормления. На основании данных, полученных при проведении научно-хозяйственного опыта, доказано, что голштинской коровы немецкой селекции в первые 100 дней лактации требуют и более высоких уровней смешаннолигандных комплекса цинка. Высочайшая производительность и маленькие затраты корма на молоко малая доза смешаннолигандных комплекса цинка, которая ликвидировала его дефицит в кормах в норму на 60%. Молочная продуктивность натурального молока была выше на 6,15 - 13,62,% против контроля.Результати проведених досліджень свідчать про те, що голштинські корови німецької селекції на Україні в порівняно з своїми ровесницями угорської селекції краще реалізують свій генетичний потенціал продуктивності при повноцінній збалансованій годівлі. На підставі даних, отриманих під час проведення науково–господарського досліду, доведено, що голштинські корови німецької селекції в перші 100 днів лактації потребують і більш високих рівнів змішанолігандного комплексу Цинку. Найвища продуктивність і найменші затрати корму на молоко мала доза змішанолігандного комплексу Цинку, яка ліквідовувала його дефіцит у кормах до норми на 60 %. Молочна продуктивність натурального молока була вища на 6,15 – 13,62, % проти контролю. &nbsp

    Metabolic cardioprotection: new concepts in implementation of cardioprotective effects of meldonium

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    Recent studies confirm the need to find means to correct ischemic / reperfusion injury due to the hemodynamic medicine, which are already known do not have the proper cardioprotective effects. Key issue is the possibility of drug effects on the mitochondria of cardiomyocytes that controls the aerobic metabolism and maintenance of ATP admission into cardiomyocyte

    Spectral multiplicity for powers of weakly mixing automorphisms

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    We study the behavior of maximal multiplicities mm(Rn)mm (R^n) for the powers of a weakly mixing automorphism RR. For some special infinite set AA we show the existence of a weakly mixing rank-one automorphism RR such that mm(Rn)=nmm (R^n)=n and mm(Rn+1)=1mm(R^{n+1}) =1 for all nAn\in A. Moreover, the cardinality cardm(Rn)cardm(R^n) of the set of spectral multiplicities for RnR^n is not bounded. We have cardm(Rn+1)=1cardm(R^{n+1})=1 and cardm(Rn)=2m(n)cardm(R^n)=2^{m(n)}, m(n)m(n)\to\infty, nAn\in A. We also construct another weakly mixing automorphism RR with the following properties: mm(Rn)=nmm(R^{n}) =n for n=1,2,3,...,2009,2010n=1,2,3,..., 2009, 2010 but mm(T2011)=1mm(T^{2011}) =1, all powers (Rn)(R^{n}) have homogeneous spectrum, and the set of limit points of the sequence {mm(Rn)n:nN}\{\frac{mm (R^n)}{n} : n\in \N \} is infinite

    Study of dose-dependent effect of 2-ethyl-6-methyl-3 hydroxypyridine succinate on the contractile function of isolated rat heat

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    In experiments on the isolated rat heart there were studied the effects of different doses (21.43 mg/kg/day and 85 . 72 mg/kg/day) 2-ethyl-6-methyl-3 hydroxypy ridine succinate ("EkoPharmInvest", Russia), on the contractile function of isolated hearts subjected to prior doxorubicin model (20 mg/kg, intraperitoneal) of pathology. The dynamic of the power mechanisms of ion transport was evaluated by imposing high h eart rate (480 BPM) and increase concentration of Са2+ to 5 mmol in perfusat

    Impact of oral melatonin on the electroretinogram cone response

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the eye, melatonin plays a role in promoting light sensitivity at night and modulating many aspects of circadian retinal physiology. It is also an inhibitor of retinal dopamine, which is a promoter of day vision through the cone system. Consequently, it is possible that oral melatonin (an inhibitor of retinal dopamine) taken to alleviate circadian disorders may affect cone functioning. Our aim was to assess the impact of melatonin on the cone response of the human retina using electroretinography (ERG).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twelve healthy participants aged between 18 to 52 years old were submitted to a placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover, and counterbalanced-order design. The subjects were tested on 2 sessions beginning first with a baseline ERG, followed by the administration of the placebo or melatonin condition and then, 30 min later, a second ERG to test the effect.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Following oral melatonin administration, a significant decrease of about 8% of the cone maximal response was observed (mean 6.9 μV ± SEM 2.0; P = 0.0065) along with a prolonged b-wave implicit time of 0.4 ms ± 0.1, 50 minutes after ingestion.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Oral melatonin appears to reach the eye through the circulation. When it is administered at a time of day when it is not usually present, melatonin appears to reduce input to retinal cones. We believe that the impact of melatonin on retinal function should be taken into consideration when used without supervision in chronic self-medication for sleep or circadian disorder treatment.</p