16 research outputs found

    A multiuser web-interface for solution of systems of nonlinear equations

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    In this article, the idea of creating web-applications is considered by the example of developing a multiuser web-interface for the automated search for roots of non-linear equations in the Django package. The automated system is implemented in the Python programming language. It is proposed to create a web application based on a client-server technology, where the client part implements the user interface, forms queries to the server and processes the responses from it. The server part receives the request from the client, performs necessary calculations, then forms a web page and sends it to the client online. The developed application is designed for nonlinear equations systems solution. The system has the ability to save solutions on the server and the PC, and to visualize the step-by-step solution and plotting. The system efficiency was tested on real data

    Author’s dual-core literary concepts within the theory of text world

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    The article is devoted to literary concepts. The author examines the transfer of a cognitive concept into a literary concept. The existence of the author's literary concept is substantiated. The author of the article clearly distinguishes between a literary concept and an author's concep

    Properties of Zirconia Nanoceramics under High-Energy Electrons Irradiation

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    Formation of radioactive isotopes is investigated under irradiation by relativistic electrons with energy up to 100 MeV. Radioactive isotopes 87,88Y, 88,89,95Zr, 95Nb, 175Hf are registered after irradiation by relativistic electrons with energy 47.2 MeV. The present data are necessary for the choice of a material for a dielectric wakefield accelerator. The greatest danger at operation of accelerators represents 88Y. Formation of radiation defects in nanoceramics is investigated. The various types of radiation defects are found out at an irradiation by relativistic electrons with energy 47 MeV and 86 MeV. In UV VIS spectra the absorption lines of radiation are registered at 402.2 nm and 635 nm, which correspond to the F and F' centers of monocline lattices of zirconia. It is revealed, that krypton atoms are the centers of segregation of point defects. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3562

    X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of nanopowders of ZrO₂-Y₂O₃-Cr₂O₃ compounds

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    The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy investigation of doped zirconium dioxide nanopowders of ZrO₂ + 3 mol.% Y₂O₃ + 0.5 % Cr₂03, ZrO₂ + 0.5% Cr₂O₃ and ZrO₂ + 3 mol.% Y₂O₃ compositions has been carried out in order to obtain information about surface states of the nanoparticles. Samples of all compositions are nonstoichiometric and include four states of zirconium atoms: Zr⁴⁺(O²⁻, Zr⁴⁺(OH), Zr³⁺, and Zr²⁺. Although initial states of samples doped with yttrium and chromium and with yttrium only differ slightly from one another, after calcination at 600 °C in air for 1 h, intensity of component corresponding to Zr-OH bond in case of Y-doping decreased by 58% and in case of Y and Cr doping by 27% only. This fact shows that doping with chromium oxide slows down depiction of OH groups and explains nanopowders crystallization process delay

    Text and discourse models as knowledge formats

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    Knowledge format is a construct for information storing, accumulating, transmitting. Text and discourse are studied as main knowledge formats. Previous studies have found the literary text is defined as a product of writer’s speech-thinking activity. Discourse is interpreted as a text immersed in a communicative situation. The construction specific features of text and discourse are revealed through their modeling as an objective way of knowledge formats architectonics visualising. Literary text is considered in the form of conceptual domain as a set of literary concepts wich are correlated with writer’s text world. There are two types of writer’s text world models such as monomodel and polymodel. It is proved that monomodel text world is the plot-thematic unity of all literary conceptual domain which the writer creates. The polymodel text world consists of the plot-thematic correlation of literary dominant concepts formed according to different themes. Both monomodel and polymodel text worlds are the base for literary discourse forming. Monomodel text world is the base for monomodel literary discourse. Polymodel text world is the base for polymodel one’s. The research of text and discourse models of knowledge formats is the optimal interpretative way to discover the patterns of knowledge existence

    Supplementary Material for: Investigation of an Immediate Effect of Bright Light on Oxygen Consumption, Heart Rate, Cortisol, and α-Amylase in Seasonal Affective Disorder Subjects and Healthy Controls

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    <p><b><i>Background:</i></b> Body (fat) mass has been shown to decrease following bright light treatment for overweight women, irrespective of their seasonal (light) dependence. It is not known if this is due to an (immediate) increase of metabolism. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> Ten women with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and 10 non-SAD women matched by age, body mass index, and menopausal status participated in a laboratory study in the morning, twice within 1-5 days. During one session, bright light (4,300 lx) was presented for 30 min, and during the other session, red light (250 lx “placebo”) was used. After an initial 15 min of sitting quietly in an experimental chamber, 10-min measurements were done before, at the end, and 15 min after light exposure; the subjects remained seated for 80 min in total. The measurements included 5-min oxyspirography (oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide emission, and heart rate), saliva sampling for the estimation of cortisol and α-amylase concentrations, and self-rating of mood, energy, and sleepiness. <b><i>Results:</i></b> There was no light-specific effect on the measured variables, except that sleepiness was reduced more with bright light than with red light in the combined group. α-Amylase values were lower in the SAD patients than in the non-SAD controls. <b><i>Conclusions:</i></b> Morning artificial bright light, in comparison with dim red light, had no immediate effect on metabolism and resting sympathetic tone, though subjective sleepiness decreased more with bright light. SAD patients have low salivary α-amylase levels, indicating lower sympathetic tone.</p

    Phase transformations in the synthesis of La₀.₇Sr₀.₃MnO₃ nanopowders

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    La₀.₇Sr₀.₃MnO₃ nanopowder has been obtained by co-precipitation of the metal salts out of solution using sodium carbonate. The nanopowder synthesized contains two morphologically different particle types of 40 and 100 to 200 nm size. Using X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy, phase transformations of the synthesis products have been studied within temperature range of 300 to 900°C. The nanoparticle formation genesis is traced and reasons for bimodal size distribution thereof are explained.Нанопорошок La₀.₇Sr₀.₃MnO₃ получен методом совместного осаждения растворов солей металлов карбонатом натрия. Синтезированный нанопорошок состоит из двух типов частиц с размерами 40 и 100-200 нм и разной морфологической формой. Методами рентгеноструктурного анализа и просвечивающей электронной микроскопии исследовались фазовые превращения продуктов синтеза в интервале температур 300-900°С. Прослежен генезис образования наночастиц и объяснены причины их бимодального распределения по размерам.Нанопорошок La₀.₇Sr₀.₃MnO₃ одержано методом сумісного осадження розчинів солей металів карбонатом натрію. Синтезований нанопорошок складається з двох типів частинок із розмірами 40 та 100-200 нм і різною морфологією. Методами рентгеноструктурного аналізу і просвічуючої електронної мікроскопії досліджено фазові перетворення продуктів синтезу в інтервалі температур 300-900°С. Простежено генезис утворення наночастинок і пояснено причини їх бімодального розподілу за розмірами

    Peculiarities of electromagnetic waves absorption in polymer magnetic nanocomposites (La,Sr)MnO₃

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    The results of research of the nonresonant and magnetic resonance absorption of electromagnetic waves in polymer magnetic nanocomposites (La₀.₇Sr₀.₃Mn₀.₃) in 10-40 GHz and 60-78 GHz frequency bands are presented. The absorption magnitude up to -7.5 dB at 32-35 GHz has been detected for the composite with 60 % filling and a layer thickness of 0.53 mm. The analysis of results obtained proves a high level homogeneity of magnetic nanoparticles distribution in the polymer matrix. The most probable reasons of unusually large value of the spectroscopic splitting factor, obtained by Electron Spin Resonance technique, are under discussion. The results of design of the technology and the manufacturing technique of ferromagnetic composites together with epoxy-polysiloxane polymer matrix are presented