24 research outputs found

    Zika virus infection in pregnancy and adverse fetal outcomes in São Paulo State, Brazil: a prospective cohort study.

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    Robust epidemiological and biological evidence supports a causal link between prenatal Zika Virus (ZIKV) infection and congenital brain abnormalities including microcephaly. However, it remains uncertain if ZIKV infection in pregnancy also increases the risk for other adverse fetal and birth outcomes. In a prospective cohort study we investigated the influence of ZIKV on the prevalence of prematurity, low birth weight, small-for-gestational-age, and fetal death as well as microcephaly (i.e., overall and disproportionate) in the offspring of women attending a high-risk pregnancy clinic during the recent ZIKV outbreak in Brazil. During the recruitment period (01 March 2016-23 August 2017), urine samples were tested for ZIKV by RT-PCR from all women attending the high-risk pregnancy clinic at Jundiaí University Hospital and from the neonates after delivery. Of the 574 women evaluated, 44 (7.7%) were ZIKV RT-PCR positive during pregnancy. Of the 409 neonates tested, 19 (4.6%) were ZIKV RT-PCR positive in the first 10 days of life. In this cohort, maternal ZIKV exposure was not associated with increased risks of prematurity, low birth weight, small-for-gestational-age, or fetal death. However, relative to ZIKV-negative neonates, ZIKV-positive infants had a five-fold increased risk of microcephaly overall (RR 5.1, 95% CI 1.2-22.5) and a ten-fold increased risk of disproportionate microcephaly (RR 10.3, 95% CI 2.0-52.6). Our findings provide new evidence that, in a high-risk pregnancy cohort, ZIKV RT-PCR positivity in the neonate at birth is strongly associated with microcephaly. However, ZIKV infection during pregnancy does not appear to influence the risks of prematurity, low birth weight, small-for-gestational-age or fetal death in women who already have gestational comorbidities. The results suggest disproportion between neonatal head circumference and weight may be a useful screening indicator for the detection of congenital microcephaly associated with ZIKV infection

    Co-infeccao por virus dengue, sorotipos 1 e 4, em paciente de cidade de porte medio no Brasil

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    RESUMO A co-infecção por dengue vírus pode ocorrer em áreas com circulação endêmica, nas quais diferentes sorotipos vêm circulando durante muitos anos. Neste trabalho relatamos um caso de co-infecção por DENV-1/DENV-4 em soro humano, detectado por testes moleculares. Análises filogenéticas das sequências obtidas indicaram a presença do genótipo V e II de DENV-1 e DENV-4, respectivamente.SUMMARY The natural co-infection with dengue virus can occur in highly endemic areas where different serotypes have been observed for many years. We report one case of DENV-1/DENV-4 co-infection in human serum detected by molecular tests. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences obtained indicated the presence of genotype V and II for DENV-1 and DENV-4, respectively

    Cohort profile: the Jundiaí Zika cohort (JZC), a pregnancy and birth cohort in São Paulo state, Brazil.

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    PURPOSE: The Jundiaí Zika Cohort (JZC) is a prospective pregnancy and birth cohort setup in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, to investigate the epidemic of cases of microcephaly and other neurological disorders, presumed to be associated with Zika virus (ZIKV) infection. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 748 women with high-risk pregnancies were recruited in the period of March 2016 to August 2017. FINDINGS TO DATE: Baseline sociodemographic and medical data were collected at recruitment from 737 pregnant women. Biological samples (ie, blood, saliva and urine) were collected from 695 of the pregnant women (94.3%), of whom 53 (7.6%) were ZIKV-positive on subsequent testing by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in urine. Biological sample (ie, blood, saliva, urine and cerebrospinal fluid) were collected within 10 days of birth from 409 (57.4%) of the liveborn infants, of whom 19 (4.6%) were ZIKV-positive on subsequent testing by RT-PCR in urine. All remaining biological specimens, as well as colostrum, umbilical cord and placental samples, have been stored in a secure biorepository. Antenatal and postnatal imaging studies and neonatal anthropometry were carried out. FUTURE PLANS: The JZC provides a unique data set which will continue to be explored to study the effects of pregnancy comorbidities on Zika virus infection during pregnancy, the long-term outcomes of children with congenital Zika infection and how physiotherapy and group interventions can improve outcomes for congenitally-infected children. All women in the cohort have reached the end of their pregnancy and currently the oldest children are 2 years old. The study will continue until all the children reach their third birthday (April 2021)

    Genetic diversity of influenza virus A detected in children of São Paulo.

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    Os vírus Influenza A infectam um largo espectro de hospedeiros e causam epidemias anuais. São vírus com alta variabilidade genética e RNA segmentado, que podem sofrer rearranjos entre os genes de diferentes vírus. Em 2006, foram analisadas 521 amostras de crianças menores de 5 anos atendidas no HU-USP e 25 foram positivas para Influenza A, sendo H3N2 o mais prevalente (68%). Cinco genes de 18 amostras foram seqüenciados e obtivemos 13 sequencias de HA, 12 da NP, 12 de NA, 14 da M e 10 da NS. Verificou-se a presença de várias mutações, especialmente na HA e NA, que favoreceram a substituição da cepa vacinal naquele ano. Todas as amostras H3N2 apresentaram sítios de resistências aos inibidores da M2. Diferentes linhagens circularam no mesmo ano, tanto de H1 como de H3, favorecendo rearranjos entre elas. Foram verificados, também rearranjos envolvendo os genes da HA e NP, indicando o complexo mecanismo de evolução desses vírus e enfatizando a necessidade de monitoramento da circulação e caracterização de seus genes.Influenza A virus infects a wide range of hosts and cause annual outbreaks. RNA segmented virus has high genetic variability and may have rearrangements between the genes of different viruses. In 2006, 521 samples of children younger than 5 years were analyzed and 25 tested positive for Influenza A virus, of which the subtype H3N2 is the most prevalent (68%). Five genes of 18 samples were sequenced and 13 sequences of HA, 12 of NP, 14 of M and 10 of NS obtained were. The presence of this several mutations, especially in the HA and NA genes probably helped the replacement of the vaccine strain in that year. All H3N2 subtype samples showed points of resistance to M2 inhibitors. The phylogenetic analysis revealed the circulation of different lineages in the same year, for both H1 and H3, and the presence of two rearrangements involving the HA and NP genes. These results indicate the influence of rearrangements in the evolution of the virus and emphasize the need for monitoring of circulation and characterization of genes

    Mayaro fever in an HIV-infected patient suspected of having Chikungunya fever

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    Abstract Arboviruses impose a serious threat to public health services. We report a case of a patient returning from a work trip to the Amazon basin with myalgia, arthralgia, fever, and headache. During this travel, the patient visited riverside communities. Both dengue and Chikungunya fevers were first suspected, tested for, and excluded. Mayaro fever was then confirmed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction followed by next-generation sequencing and phylogenetic reconstruction. The increased awareness of physicians and consequent detection of Mayaro virus in this case was only possible due a previous surveillance program with specific health personnel training about these neglected arboviruses

    Mayaro fever in an HIV-infected patient suspected of having Chikungunya fever

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    Abstract Arboviruses impose a serious threat to public health services. We report a case of a patient returning from a work trip to the Amazon basin with myalgia, arthralgia, fever, and headache. During this travel, the patient visited riverside communities. Both dengue and Chikungunya fevers were first suspected, tested for, and excluded. Mayaro fever was then confirmed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction followed by next-generation sequencing and phylogenetic reconstruction. The increased awareness of physicians and consequent detection of Mayaro virus in this case was only possible due a previous surveillance program with specific health personnel training about these neglected arboviruses

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Genome sequencing and genetic characterization of Culex Flavirirus (CxFV) provides new information about its genotypes

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    Percentage of identity between CxFV_BR-RP01/2007 and sequences from GenBank. Data determined by Sequence Identity Matrix tool on BioEdit package. Table S2. Results from BaTS when testing for country association. State 0 – Japan; State 1 – Brazil; State 2 – Mexico; State 3 – USA; State 4 – Uganda; State 5 – China; AI – Association Index; PS – Parsimony Score; MC – Monophyletic clade. Table S3. Results from BaTS when testing forhostassociation. State 0 – Culexpipiens; State 1 – Culextritaeniorhynchus; State 2 – Culexquinquefasciatus; State 3 – Anopheles sinensis; AI – Association Index; PS – Parsimony Score; MC – Monophyletic clade. Table S4. Results from BaTS when testing for climate association. State 0 – Temperate; State 1 – Tropical; AI – Association Index; PS – Parsimony Score; MC – Monophyletic clade. Table S5. Mean genetic distance between the sequences from envelope E region. Sequences were divided into groups according to their distribution in the phylogenetic tree and the mean base substitution per site between groups was conducted using the Kimura 2-parameters substitution model. Cluster 1 - KT726939, GQ165808.1, EU879060.1; Cluster 2 - JQ308187.1, JQ308186.1, JQ518484.1, HQ678513.1; Cluster 3 – All others. (DOCX 83.3 kb

    Origin, tempo, and mode of the spread of DENV-4 Genotype IIB across the state of São Paulo, Brazil during the 2012-2013 outbreak

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    BACKGROUND Dengue virus type 4 (DENV-4) was first reported in Brazil in 1982 and since then no more cases were detected again in Brazil until 2010, when the virus was reintroduced. Over the following years, the virus spread to several Brazilian states and resulted in about 1,400,000 dengue cases, in 2013. The largest number of cases were documented in the Southeast macro-region. OBJECTIVES To determine the phylogeography of DENV-4 Genotype IIB strains isolated during the epidemics in 2012-2013 in São Paulo, Brazil, we aimed to contextualise the contribution of viruses sampled in different localities across the overall movement of DENV-4 in Brazil. METHODS Based on the envelope gene sequences retrieved from GenBank, we employed a Bayesian phylogeographic approach to assess the spatiotemporal dynamics of DENV-4 Genotype IIB in São Paulo, Brazil. FINDINGS The dispersal dynamics of DENV-4 Genotype IIB in Brazil indicated Rio de Janeiro and Mato Grosso states as the most likely routes toward São Paulo before the 2012-2013 outbreak. Likewise, Guarujá and São José do Rio Preto facilitated viral spread and transmission to other localities in the South and Southeast macro-regions in Brazil. CONCLUSIONS The spread pattern of DENV-4 Genotype IIB strains across the country supports two independent introductions of the virus in São Paulo in a short period of time. Furthermore, São Paulo appears to have played a pivotal role in the dissemination of DENV-4 to other locations in Brazil