8,091 research outputs found

    Hysteresis and competition between disorder and crystallization in sheared and vibrated granular flow

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    Experiments on spherical particles in a 3D Couette cell vibrated from below and sheared from above show a hysteretic freezing/melting transition. Under sufficient vibration a crystallized state is observed, which can be melted by sufficient shear. The critical line for this transition coincides with equal kinetic energies for vibration and shear. The force distribution is double-peaked in the crystalline state and single-peaked with an approximately exponential tail in the disordered state. A linear relation between pressure and volume (dP/dV>0dP/dV > 0) exists for a continuum of partially and/or intermittently melted states over a range of parameters

    Thin shell wormhole due to dyadosphere of a charged black hole

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    To explain Gamma Ray Bursts, Ruffini argued that the event horizon of a charged black hole is surrounded by a special region called, the Dyadosphere where electric field exceeds the critical value for e+e^+ ee^- pair production. In the present work, we construct a thin shell wormhole by performing a thought surgery between two dadospheres. Several physical properties of this thin shell wormhole have been analyzed.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Accepted in Mod.Phys.Lett.

    Islands of conformational stability for Filopodia

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    Filopodia are long, thin protrusions formed when bundles of fibers grow outwardly from a cell surface while remaining closed in a membrane tube. We study the subtle issue of the mechanical stability of such filopodia and how this depends on the deformation of the membrane that arises when the fiber bundle adopts a helical configuration. We calculate the ground state conformation of such filopodia, taking into account the steric interaction between the membrane and the enclosed semiflexible fiber bundle. For typical filopodia we find that a minimum number of fibers is required for filopodium stability. Our calculation elucidates how experimentally observed filopodia can obviate the classical Euler buckling condition and remain stable up to several tens of . We briefly discuss how experimental observation of the results obtained in this work for the helical-like deformations of enclosing membrane tubes in filopodia could possibly be observed in the acrosomal reactions of the sea cucumber Thyone, and the horseshoe crab Limulus. Any realistic future theories for filopodium stability are likely to rely on an accurate treatment of such steric effects, as analysed in this work

    Instabilities in droplets spreading on gels

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    We report a novel surface-tension driven instability observed for droplets spreading on a compliant substrate. When a droplet is released on the surface of an agar gel, it forms arms/cracks when the ratio of surface tension gradient to gel strength is sufficiently large. We explore a range of gel strengths and droplet surface tensions and find that the onset of the instability and the number of arms depend on the ratio of surface tension to gel strength. However, the arm length grows with an apparently universal law L ~ t^{3/4}

    Burst avalanches in solvable models of fibrous materials

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    We review limiting models for fracture in bundles of fibers, with statistically distributed thresholds for breakdown of individual fibers. During the breakdown process, avalanches consisting of simultaneous rupture of several fibers occur, and the distribution D(Δ)D(\Delta) of the magnitude Δ\Delta of such avalanches is the central characteristics in our analysis. For a bundle of parallel fibers two limiting models of load sharing are studied and contrasted: the global model in which the load carried by a bursting fiber is equally distributed among the surviving members, and the local model in which the nearest surviving neighbors take up the load. For the global model we investigate in particular the conditions on the threshold distribution which would lead to anomalous behavior, i.e. deviations from the asymptotics D(Δ)Δ5/2D(\Delta) \sim \Delta^{-5/2}, known to be the generic behavior. For the local model no universal power-law asymptotics exists, but we show for a particular threshold distribution how the avalanche distribution can nevertheless be explicitly calculated in the large-bundle limit.Comment: 28 pages, RevTeX, 3 Postscript figure

    Photoelastic force measurements in granular materials

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    Photoelastic techniques are used to make both qualitative and quantitative measurements of the forces within idealized granular materials. The method is based on placing a birefringent granular material between a pair of polarizing filters, so that each region of the material rotates the polarization of light according to the amount of local of stress. In this review paper, we summarize past work using the technique, describe the optics underlying the technique, and illustrate how it can be used to quantitatively determine the vector contact forces between particles in a 2D granular system. We provide a description of software resources available to perform this task, as well as key techniques and resources for building an experimental apparatus

    Statistical properties of stock order books: empirical results and models

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    We investigate several statistical properties of the order book of three liquid stocks of the Paris Bourse. The results are to a large degree independent of the stock studied. The most interesting features concern (i) the statistics of incoming limit order prices, which follows a power-law around the current price with a diverging mean; and (ii) the humped shape of the average order book, which can be quantitatively reproduced using a `zero intelligence' numerical model, and qualitatively predicted using a simple approximation.Comment: Revised version, 10 pages, 4 .eps figures. to appear in Quantitative Financ

    Scaling in the time-dependent failure of a fiber bundle with local load sharing

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    We study the scaling behaviors of a time-dependent fiber-bundle model with local load sharing. Upon approaching the complete failure of the bundle, the breaking rate of fibers diverges according to r(t)(Tft)ξr(t)\propto (T_f-t)^{-\xi}, where TfT_f is the lifetime of the bundle, and ξ1.0\xi \approx 1.0 is a quite universal scaling exponent. The average lifetime of the bundle scales with the system size as NδN^{-\delta}, where δ\delta depends on the distribution of individual fiber as well as the breakdown rule.Comment: 5 pages, 4 eps figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Flux flow of Abrikosov-Josephson vortices along grain boundaries in high-temperature superconductors

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    We show that low-angle grain boundaries (GB) in high-temperature superconductors exhibit intermediate Abrikosov vortices with Josephson cores, whose length ll along GB is smaller that the London penetration depth, but larger than the coherence length. We found an exact solution for a periodic vortex structure moving along GB in a magnetic field HH and calculated the flux flow resistivity RF(H)R_F(H), and the nonlinear voltage-current characteristics. The predicted RF(H)R_F(H) dependence describes well our experimental data on 77^{\circ} unirradiated and irradiated YBa2Cu3O7YBa_2Cu_3O_7 bicrystals, from which the core size l(T)l(T), and the intrinsic depairing density Jb(T)J_b(T) on nanoscales of few GB dislocations were measured for the first time. The observed temperature dependence of Jb(T)=Jb0(1T/Tc)2J_b(T)=J_{b0}(1-T/T_c)^2 indicates a significant order parameter suppression in current channels between GB dislocation cores.Comment: 5 pages 5 figures. Phys. Rev. Lett. (accepted