5 research outputs found

    Consumption of medicines in high-risk pregnancy: evaluation of determinants related to the use of prescription drugs and self-medication

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    The use of drugs during pregnancy still represents a challenge for medicine, since the majority of drugs cross the placental barrier with a potential to cause several congenital problems to the fetus, and most of them have not been clinically tested in pregnant patients. At the same time, the medicalization phenomenon, self-medication, and lack of patient information about the misuse of medicines are additional problems. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the pattern of medicine consumption in high-risk pregnancies and the determinants related to this consumption pattern. In order to do so, a cross-sectional descriptive study was performed with puerperal women who had a history of high-risk pregnancy. Statistically significant associations were found between self-medication and fewer prenatal visits, and cigarette use during pregnancy and a higher number of children. According to these data, the vulnerability of this population to the risks of drug use is evident, demonstrating a gap that requires urgent interventions in health-care education.O uso de medicamentos na gestação representa, ainda hoje, um desafio para a medicina, visto que grande parte dos fármacos atravessa a barreira placentária e, na maioria, não foi testada clinicamente em gestantes, podendo vir a ocasionar diversos problemas congênitos ao feto. Ao mesmo tempo, a automedicação, o fenômeno da medicalização e a falta de informação sobre os riscos do mau uso de medicamentos são problemas adicionais. Diante disto, o objetivo deste estudo consistiu em avaliar o padrão de consumo de medicamentos na gestação de alto risco e os determinantes relacionados ao seu padrão de consumo. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo descritivo de corte transversal com puérperas, que apresentaram gestação de alto risco. Verificaram-se associações estatisticamente significativas entre automedicação e mulheres com menor número de consultas de pré-natal, uso de cigarro na gestação e maior número de filhos. De posse destes dados, fica evidente a vulnerabilidade dessa população aos riscos decorrentes do uso de medicamentos, sendo esta lacuna um campo de prática com necessidade de intervenções urgentes no âmbito da educação em saúde

    Consumption of medicines in high-risk pregnancy: evaluation of determinants related to the use of prescription drugs and self-medication

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    The use of drugs during pregnancy still represents a challenge for medicine, since the majority of drugs cross the placental barrier with a potential to cause several congenital problems to the fetus, and most of them have not been clinically tested in pregnant patients. At the same time, the medicalization phenomenon, self-medication, and lack of patient information about the misuse of medicines are additional problems. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the pattern of medicine consumption in high-risk pregnancies and the determinants related to this consumption pattern. In order to do so, a cross-sectional descriptive study was performed with puerperal women who had a history of high-risk pregnancy. Statistically significant associations were found between self-medication and fewer prenatal visits, and cigarette use during pregnancy and a higher number of children. According to these data, the vulnerability of this population to the risks of drug use is evident, demonstrating a gap that requires urgent interventions in health-care education

    Consumption of medicines in high-risk pregnancy: evaluation of determinants related to the use of prescription drugs and self-medication

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    The use of drugs during pregnancy still represents a challenge for medicine, since the majority of drugs cross the placental barrier with a potential to cause several congenital problems to the fetus, and most of them have not been clinically tested in pregnant patients. At the same time, the medicalization phenomenon, self-medication, and lack of patient information about the misuse of medicines are additional problems. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the pattern of medicine consumption in high-risk pregnancies and the determinants related to this consumption pattern. In order to do so, a cross-sectional descriptive study was performed with puerperal women who had a history of high-risk pregnancy. Statistically significant associations were found between self-medication and fewer prenatal visits, and cigarette use during pregnancy and a higher number of children. According to these data, the vulnerability of this population to the risks of drug use is evident, demonstrating a gap that requires urgent interventions in health-care education

    Influência do ambiente sobre a funcionalidade de crianças

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    Objective: To evaluate the functional profile of riverside children to correlate the influence of the environment on the performance of their activities related to self-care, mobility, and social function. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study conducted in the municipality of Cachoeira do Arari, Pará, Caracará community, in May 2017, with 50 children, aged from 5 years to 7 years and 6 months, and their respective caregivers. A child identification questionnaire was applied as an inclusion criterion and the selected participants were assessed through the Pediatric Disability Assessment Inventory (PEDI) and the sociodemographic interview (ABEP). The data were submitted to the Shapiro-Wilk adherence test and then to the chi-square and Pearson correlation tests, with a significance level of 5%. Results: The children showed adequate functional performance for the following areas: Functional skills in self-care (HFAC) (70%, pObjetivo: Evaluar el perfil funcional de niños ribereños para correlacionar la influencia del ambiente para el rendimiento de sus actividades relacionadas con el auto cuidado, la movilidad y la función social. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y transversal realizado en el municipio de Cachoeira de Arari, Pará, comunidad Caracará, en mayo de 2017 con 50 niños entre 5 y 7 años y 6 meses y sus respectivos cuidadores. Se aplicó un cuestionario para la identificación infantil como criterio de inclusión y se evaluaron los participantes elegidos a través del Inventario de Evaluación Pediátrica de Discapacidades (IEPD) y por la entrevista sociodemográfica (ABEP). Se ha puesto los datos a la prueba de adherencia de Shapiro-Wilk y, a continuación, a las pruebas de Chi-cuadrado y correlación de Pearson con el nivel de significancia del 5%. Resultados: Los niños presentaron el rendimiento funcional adecuado para las áreas: Habilidades funcionales en el auto cuidado (HFAC) (70%, pObjetivo: Avaliar o perfil funcional de crianças ribeirinhas a fim de correlacionar a influência do ambiente no desempenho das suas atividades relacionadas ao autocuidado, à mobilidade e à função social. Métodos: Estudo descritivo e transversal realizado no município de Cachoeira do Arari, Pará, comunidade Caracará, em maio de 2017, com 50 crianças, de 5 anos a 7 anos e 6 meses, e seus respectivos cuidadores. Aplicou-se um questionário de identificação infantil como critério de inclusão e avaliaram-se os participantes selecionados por meio do Inventário de Avaliação Pediátrica de Incapacidades (PEDI) e pela entrevista sociodemográfica (ABEP). Submeteram-se os dados ao teste de aderência de Shapiro-Wilk e, em seguida, aos testes do qui-quadrado e de correlação de Pearson, com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: As crianças apresentaram desempenho funcional adequado para as áreas: Habilidades funcionais em autocuidado (HFAC) (70%,