58 research outputs found

    A propriedade como direito (não) fundamental na Constituição Brasileira

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    A propriedade se caracteriza pela necessidade do homem de possuir objetos essenciais para sua existência. Contudo, para se verificar o significado do termo é necessário investigar a etimologia da palavra, pois deste sentido decorre o sentido jurídico de que propriedade é o direito de dispor de alguma coisa de modo pleno, e de outro uma obrigação. Verifica-se, desta forma, a idéia de poder implícita na propriedade, entendido como capacidade de controlar e impor a própria vontade. Por essas e outras razões, a propriedade sempre foi foco de conflitos sociais, medindo a riqueza e o poder dos indivíduos e se constituindo na base do direito privado. Determinar a origem da propriedade sempre foi um desafio para filósofos e teóricos, que se dividiam, principalmente, em dois grupos: os que afirmavam ser a propriedade um direito natural e independente do surgimento do Estado e os que sustentavam que o direito de propriedade nasce somente como conseqüência do Estado. Assim, partindo deste ponto discute-se neste artigo se a propriedade é ou não direito fundamental

    Determinantes para a interrupção do aleitamento materno exclusivo aos 30 dias de vida

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    Objective: To estimate the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF), introduction of water, herbal teas, or other milks, as well as to identify the factors associated with the interruption of EBF at the 30th day after birth. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study using structured and pretested questionnaires applied to 310 mothers in two moments: in person, at the maternity ward; and at the time the infant was 30 days of age, by telephone call. Descriptive statistics and multivariate Poisson regression, following a multilevel hierarchical model according to the proximity to the outcome, were used to estimate the association between dependent and independent variables. Results: The maintenance of EBF at 30 days of age of the infant occurred in 85.2% of the sample, 1.6% receiving water, 11.5% herbal teas, and 8.2% other milk. Predictors for EBF interruption in the univariate analysis were the mothers’ return to work or study activities shortly after the baby’s birth (IR 2.88; 95%CI 1.14–7.25) and the use of a pacifier (IR 3.29; 95%CI 1.52–6.22). The interruption of EBF was lower in the group of participants who received support from the infant’s maternal grandmother (IR 2.71; 95%CI 1.11–6.56) and their partner (IR 4.78; 95%CI 1.90– 12.06). After a multivariate analysis, only the use of a pacifier (IR 5.47; 95%CI 2.38–19.3) and the partner’s support (IR 6.87; 95%CI 2.04–23.1) maintained the association with the outcome. Conclusions: The prevalence of EBF found in this study can be considered good, and future interventions aimed at increasing the duration of EBF in this population should take into account the participation of the partner and the reinforcement for not introducing the pacifier.Objetivo: Estimar a prevalência de aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME), introdução de água, chás ou outros leites, bem como identificar os fatores associados à interrupção do AME aos 30 dias de vida. Métodos: Estudo transversal que utilizou questionários estruturados e pré-testados, aplicados a 310 mães em dois momentos: presencialmente, na maternidade, e aos 30 dias de vida da criança, mediante ligação telefônica. Estatística descritiva e regressão multivariada de Poisson, seguindo modelo hierárquico multiníveis conforme a proximidade com o desfecho, estimaram a associação entre as variáveis dependentes e independentes. Resultados: A manutenção do AME aos 30 dias de idade da criança ocorreu em 85,2% da amostra, e 1,6 % receberam água, 11,5 % chás e 8,2% outro leite. Preditores para a interrupção do AME na análise univariada foram o retorno das mães ao trabalho ou estudo logo após o nascimento do bebê (razão de incidência — RI 2,88; intervalo de confiança — IC95% 1,14–7,25) e o uso de chupeta (RI 3,29; IC95% 1,52–6,22). A interrupção do AME foi menor no grupo de participantes que recebeu apoio da avó materna do lactente (RI 2,71; IC95% 1,11–6,56) e do companheiro (RI 4,78; IC95% 1,90–12,06). Após a análise multivariada, apenas o uso de chupeta (RI 5,47; IC95% 2,38–19,3) e o apoio do companheiro (RI 6,87; IC95% 2,04–23,1) mantiveram associação com o desfecho. Conclusões: A prevalência de AME encontrada neste estudo pode ser considerada boa, e futuras intervenções que visem ao aumento da duração do AME nessa população devem levar em consideração a participação do companheiro e o reforço para a não introdução da chupeta

    DISTRIBUIÇÃO DE N P K EM UM POVOAMENTO DE Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate nutritional levels of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) in leaves, litter and in the soil of a 15 years old stand of Ilex paraguariensis. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design. The 15 sample trees, were classified in three groups of five in accordance to their crown proportion and foliage density in classes: dense, medium and sparse. Total height, height and diameter of the crown were measured. In order to perform chemical analysis, leaves were sampled from four points of the middle of the crown and weighed to obtain the weight of 100 leaves. Four litter and soil samples were collected. The N content in leaves was high, the P was low and the K, values were slightly below the reference data considered as low in the reported literature. The contents in the soil were considered high for N and low for P and K. In relation to the crown classes no significant differences could be observed among the chemical data of the leaves, as for the soil. The nutrient retention index of the crown leaves in relation to litter leaves showed to be not significant.O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os teores nutricionais de nitrogênio (N), fósforo (P) e potássio (K) nas folhas, serapilheira e solo em um povoamento de 15 anos de idade de Ilex paraguariensis. O experimento foi conduzido no delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com a seleção de 15 árvores, classificadas de acordo com o porte e densidade de copa em três classes – densa (I), média (II) e rala (III) –, em três grupos de cinco. Foi mensurada a altura total, a altura de copa, o diâmetro de copa e o peso seco de 100 folhas do terço médio. De cada árvore, coletaram-se quatro amostras de folhas do terço médio, quatro amostras de serapilheira e quatro amostras do solo na profundidade de 0–20 cm, para análise química dos nutrientes. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o teor de nitrogênio nas folhas é alto, os valores de fósforo são baixos e os de potássio apresentam valores considerados baixos em relação aos encontrados na literatura para a espécie. Não existiu diferença significativa entre os teores de macronutrientes nas classes de densidade de copa e solo, assim como do índice de recuo de N, P e K das folhas da copa em relação à serapilheira

    Recommendations for consumer-centric products and efficient market design

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    Flexibility involves the adjustment of energy consumption or generation schedules to benefit the grid, for instance, providing services such as balancing, congestion management, and voltage control. Flexibility can be offered at different grid levels by flexibility service providers (FSPs) through market mechanisms. This study, produced in the context of the Horizon 2020 OneNet project, evaluates various TSO-DSO coordinated flexibility market models. In this assessment, the study considers factors like economic efficiency, consumer-centricity, existence of entry barriers, and value-stacking potential. The analysis highlights the importance of interface flow pricing and FSPs' bidding behaviour. The creation of local market layers can reduce entry barriers but may lead to market fragmentation. The study also explores bid forwarding mechanisms and methods to ensure grid safety. Overall, the work offers valuable insights for designing efficient and coordinated flexibility markets in Europe.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 957739

    Recommendations for customer engagement strategies

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    Customers are expected to play a fundamental role in the transition to a decarbonised and digitalised energy system. However, experience so far suggests that customer engagement in energy markets cannot be given for granted. This report investigates those barriers hindering customer engagement in flexibility markets and discusses strategies for their mitigation, aiming to unlock the untapped potential of the resources located at the customer’s premises and foster a more consumer-centric power system. Drawing from an extensive and multi-disciplinary literature review and benefiting from interactions with OneNet cluster demonstrators, this research identifies economic, behavioural, legal, and technical barriers to customer engagement in flexibility markets. Tailored recommendations are provided to surmount each of these barriers, advocating, among other things, for value stacking support, targeted awareness campaigns, regulatory adaptations, and robust infrastructure enhancements

    The Future of Origin of Life Research: Bridging Decades-Old Divisions.

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    Research on the origin of life is highly heterogeneous. After a peculiar historical development, it still includes strongly opposed views which potentially hinder progress. In the 1st Interdisciplinary Origin of Life Meeting, early-career researchers gathered to explore the commonalities between theories and approaches, critical divergence points, and expectations for the future. We find that even though classical approaches and theories-e.g. bottom-up and top-down, RNA world vs. metabolism-first-have been prevalent in origin of life research, they are ceasing to be mutually exclusive and they can and should feed integrating approaches. Here we focus on pressing questions and recent developments that bridge the classical disciplines and approaches, and highlight expectations for future endeavours in origin of life research

    Virtual Wine Experiences: Is Covid Extending the Boundaries of Wine Tourism?

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    The Covid pandemic has profoundly impacted the dynamics of the tourism sector, including rural tourism. Restrictions applied to slow down the diffusion of the virus like mobility bans and social distancing have revealed the susceptibility of the sector (G\uf6ssling et al., 2021). Indeed, 2020 arrivals recorded the worse negative peak since the fifties. In Italy, visitors of wine regions are primarily constituted by domestic tourists (e.g., 30% International tourists, 70% domestic tourists in the Prosecco Region; Centro Studi Distretto del Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG, 2019) who, except for the lockdown phase, were allowed to circulate within the Country. Indeed, proximity has long been identified as a success factor in wine tourism (Getz & Brown, 2006). Moreover, wine tourism is generally perceived as safer in case of threats (e.g., terrorist attacks, Song et al., 2019) compared to urban tourism. Nevertheless, the Coronavirus outbreak prompted the diffusion of fear and anxiety (Ahorsu et al., 2020; Luo & Lam, 2020; Mamun & Griffiths, 2020) that may have contributed to change (wine) tourists travel patterns. Consequently, many wineries and oeno-gastronomic tourism providers had to find alternative ways to retain existing customers and attract new ones. In this context, online oeno-gastronomic experiences became an important marketing tool for remote communication and marketing. For these reasons, the following study aims at proposing a first overview on the interest for online wine tourists experiences and its long-term and short-term potential predictors focusing on Italy, which is among the countries with the most remarkable presence of wine tourists (14 million; Garibaldi, 2020). Information collected is helpful to understand whether factors inducing tourists to purchase online oeno-gastronomic experiences are purely short-term or leave room for long-term planning