77 research outputs found

    Biotope Area Factor: An Ecological Urban Index to Geovisualize Soil Sealing in Padua, Italy

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    Over the last few years, soil sealing has been recognized as one of the major threats in terms of soil degradation and loss of ecosystem services. Although many efforts have been promoted to increase the awareness of safeguarding soil for stakeholders, its value as a non-renewable resource as well as soil-related services in urban ecosystems is not implemented enough in urban planning and policies. Due to the spatially explicit component and the geographical scale of soil sealing, mapping and quantifying the number of sealed surfaces is crucial. The aim of this paper was to estimate and geovisualize the soil sealed in the city of Padua (Italy) at a very detailed scale, testing the use of the Biotope Area Factor (BAF) index. Moreover, the paper aimed to simulate an alternative mitigation scenario in a specific study area of the city. Spatial analysis was performed testing the BAF index in a Geographic Information Sistem (GIS) environment and using aerial ortho-photos at very high resolution. The results show different values of the BAF index for all four neighborhoods from 0.35 to 0.69. In the mitigation scenario, the value of the BAF index was improved using a measure of green roofs. In conclusion, the paper provides an insightful case study for enriching the debate about soil sealing and gives scientific support for sustainable urban planning

    ASCs-exosomes recover coupling efficiency and mitochondrial membrane potential in an in vitro model of ALS

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    The amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motoneurons death. Mutations in the superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) protein have been identified to be related to the disease. Beyond the different altered pathways, the mitochondrial dysfunction is one of the major features that leads to the selective death of motoneurons in ALS. The NSC-34 cell line, overexpressing human SOD1(G93A) mutant protein [NSC-34(G93A)], is considered an optimal in vitro model to study ALS. Here we investigated the energy metabolism in NSC-34(G93A) cells and in particular the effect of the mutated SOD1(G93A) protein on the mitochondrial respiratory capacity (complexes I-IV) by high resolution respirometry (HRR) and cytofluorimetry. We demonstrated that NSC-34(G93A) cells show a reduced mitochondrial oxidative capacity. In particular, we found significant impairment of the complex I-linked oxidative phosphorylation, reduced efficiency of the electron transfer system (ETS) associated with a higher rate of dissipative respiration, and a lower membrane potential. In order to rescue the effect of the mutated SOD1 gene on mitochondria impairment, we evaluated the efficacy of the exosomes, isolated from adipose-derived stem cells, administrated on the NSC-34(G93A) cells. These data show that ASCs-exosomes are able to restore complex I activity, coupling efficiency and mitochondrial membrane potential. Our results improve the knowledge about mitochondrial bioenergetic defects directly associated with the SOD1(G93A) mutation, and prove the efficacy of adipose-derived stem cells exosomes to rescue the function of mitochondria, indicating that these vesicles could represent a valuable approach to target mitochondrial dysfunction in ALS

    Un MOOC sui GIS per i docenti universitari. Esperienza del progetto My Geo

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    MY GEO \ue8 un progetto europeo (Partenariati Strategici Erasmus Pus) il cui scopo \ue8 promuovere l'occupabilit\ue0 dei giovani attraverso l'acquisizione di competenze relative alla GIScience. Uno dei risultati del progetto \ue8 la diffusione dei GIS nella didattica universitaria, rivolgendosi ai docenti che intendono utilizzare la GIScience nella propria offerta formativa. Al fine di facilitare l\u2019adozione di strumenti della GIScience il progetto preparer\ue0 un MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) rivolto ai docenti. UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educaci\uf2n a Distancia) ha redatto la prima proposta di MOOC che \ue8 stato discusso con diversi docenti nei paesi coinvolti nel progetto My Geo: Spagna, Belgio e Italia. Il MOOC proposto \ue8 costruito sul modello pedagogico di T-PACK (Hong Stonier, 2015; Rickles, Ellul, Haklay, 2017; Su et al., 2017). L'Universit\ue0 di Padova, coordinatrice del progetto, ha realizzato il confronto con i docenti italiani attraverso tre metodologie: focus group in presenza; interviste telefoniche individuali; questionari online. Sono stati contattati attraverso 3 solleciti mail 78 docenti, tra questi 22 hanno partecipato attivamente attraverso una delle tre metodologie previste. Il MOOC \ue8 stato ritenuto efficace ma allo steso tempo si propone che possa essere flessibile e adattato al background professionale del docente. Altri suggerimenti riguardano la struttura del MOOC: deve essere pedagogicamente significativo e capace di distinguersi da altri tutorial video gi\ue0 disponibili nel web, ogni argomento deve essere presentato in modo chiaro coinvolgendo il docente sin dall'inizio e offrendo casi di studio relativi al proprio insegnamento. Quasi tutti hanno affermato di essere interessati a utilizzare tale strumento a supporto della propria attivit\ue0 didattica; tuttavia si evidenzia come l\u2019acquisizione di competenze GIS sia un'attivit\ue0 che assorbe molto tempo ai docenti universitari

    Rethinking the Urban Green Spaces by the Lens of GIScience: the Experience of the Project Living Urban Parks

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    In Italy, soil sealing is a major threats in terms of soil degradation and the loss of urban ecosystem services. The increase in new artificial surfaces or settlement areas at the expense of green and rural areas is intensifying the effects of climate change, in particular extreme weather events, such as the increase in intense precipitation and heatwaves. In this context, the Municipality of Padua is a paradigmatic case study. According to the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (2022), almost 50% of the municipal territory is completely sealed, making it the Italian city with the fifth highest values of soil sealing. To contrast the phenomenon, the EU soil strategy for 2030 suggested, among other strategies, the implementation of Nature-Based Solutions, strengthened with the participation and involvement of non-expert actors to be more efficient and effective. This study was developed within the Living Urban Parks (LUP) project (Key Action 3, Erasmus + Programme EU) during two years of research and participatory activities (2020–2022) within the Municipality of Padua. It aims to involve youths aged 18–30 in a public process to reconceive of the urban green spaces of the city and to develop ideas and proposals for more sustainable urban planning, promoting participatory methodologies by using geographical tools (digital and traditional cartography). More than 400 participants were directly involved in the project. All the ideas and proposals mapped during the seminars and workshops have been uploaded to the geoplatform Geocitizen. This geotool is usable on smartphones and tablets and, thanks to its interactive features and a geodatabase, allows the collection of georeferenced ideas, good practices and urban issues regarding green areas and parks. By the end of the project, 118 points had been collected on Geocitizen. Beyond the Geocitizen platform, the participants had the opportunity to test other geotools, such as Geopaparazzi and Google Earth Pro. In addition, the participants were able to present their ideas collected on the platform and directly interact with the local decision-makers who were involved to discuss and promote effective and efficient actions for the enhancement of the green areas and urban parks of the city. The use of different geographic technologies combined with participatory mapping approaches allowed an increase in the knowledge of the urban territory by making people more aware of the issue of soil sealing and urban regeneration opportunities. Finally, LUP allowed to reconception and design of green spaces to promote the restoration of degraded and abandoned areas and to propose the implementation of Nature-Based Solutions

    HuD is a neural translation enhancer acting on mTORC1-responsive genes and counteracted by the Y3 small non-coding RNA

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    The RNA-binding protein HuD promotes neurogenesis and favors recovery from peripheral axon injury. HuD interacts with many mRNAs, altering both stability and translation efficiency. We generated a nucleotide resolution map of the HuD RNA interactome in motor neuron-like cells, identifying HuD target sites in 1,304 mRNAs, almost exclusively in the 3' UTR. HuD binds many mRNAs encoding mTORC1-responsive ribosomal proteins and translation factors. Altered HuD expression correlates with the translation efficiency of these mRNAs and overall protein synthesis, in a mTORC1-independent fashion. The predominant HuD target is the abundant, small non-coding RNA Y3, amounting to 70% of the HuD interaction signal. Y3 functions as a molecular sponge for HuD, dynamically limiting its recruitment to polysomes and its activity as a translation and neuron differentiation enhancer. These findings uncover an alternative route to the mTORC1 pathway for translational control in motor neurons that is tunable by a small non-coding RNA

    NOC1 is a direct MYC target, and its protein interactome dissects its activity in controlling nucleolar function

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    The nucleolus is a subnuclear compartment critical in ribosome biogenesis and cellular stress responses. These mechanisms are governed by a complex interplay of proteins, including NOC1, a member of the NOC family of nucleolar proteins responsible for controlling rRNA processing and ribosomal maturation. This study reveals a novel relationship between NOC1 and MYC transcription factor, known for its crucial role in controlling ribosomal biogenesis, cell growth, and proliferation. Here, we demonstrate that NOC1 functions as a direct target of MYC, as it is transcriptionally induced through a functional MYC-binding E-box sequence in the NOC1 promoter region. Furthermore, protein interactome analysis reveals that NOC1-complex includes the nucleolar proteins NOC2 and NOC3 and other nucleolar components such as Nucleostemin1 Ns1 transporters of ribosomal subunits and components involved in rRNA processing and maturation. In response to MYC, NOC1 expression and localization within the nucleolus significantly increase, suggesting a direct functional link between MYC activity and NOC1 function. Notably, NOC1 over-expression leads to the formation of large nuclear granules and enlarged nucleoli, which co-localize with nucleolar fibrillarin and Ns1. Additionally, we demonstrate that NOC1 expression is necessary for Ns1 nucleolar localization, suggesting a role for NOC1 in maintaining nucleolar structure. Finally, the co-expression of NOC1 and MYC enhances nucleolus size and maintains their co-localization, outlining another aspect of the cooperation between NOC1 and MYC in nucleolar dynamics. This study also reveals an enrichment with NOC1 with few proteins involved in RNA processing, modification, and splicing. Moreover, proteins such as Ythdc1, Flacc, and splenito are known to mediate N6-methyladenosine (m6A) methylation of mRNAs in nuclear export, revealing NOC1’s potential involvement in coordinating RNA splicing and nuclear mRNA export. In summary, we uncovered novel roles for NOC1 in nucleolar homeostasis and established its direct connection with MYC in the network governing nucleolar structure and function. These findings also highlight NOC1’s interaction with proteins relevant to specific RNA functions, suggesting a broader role in addition to its control of nucleolar homeostasis and providing new insight that can be further investigated

    The transcriptional profile of adipose-derived stromal cells (ASC) mirrors the whitening of adipose tissue with age

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    Multipotent stem cells persist within the stromal vascular fraction (SVF) of adipose tissue during adulthood. These cells, commonly referred to as adipose-derived stromal cells (ASC), have been extensively investigated over the past years as a promising therapeutic tool based on their regenerative and immunomodulatory properties. However, how ASC might mirror the age-related alteration of the fat they reside in remains unclear. Herein, we show that inguinal adipose tissue in mice turns from brown/beige- to white-like with age and resident ASC readily mirror these changes both at mRNA and microRNA transcriptional level. Mechanistically, our data suggest that these brown/age-related changes in ASC transcription rely on changes in the activity of E2F1 and NFkB transcription factors

    The Clinical Impact of Methotrexate-Induced Stroke-Like Neurotoxicity in Paediatric Departments: An Italian Multi-Centre Case-Series

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    IntroductionStroke-like syndrome (SLS) is a rare subacute neurological complication of intrathecal or high-dose (>= 500 mg) Methotrexate (MTX) administration. Its clinical features, evoking acute cerebral ischaemia with fluctuating course symptoms and a possible spontaneous resolution, have elicited interest among the scientific community. However, many issues are still open on the underlying pathogenesis, clinical, and therapeutic management and long-term outcome. Materials and MethodsWe retrospectively analyzed clinical, radiological and laboratory records of all patients diagnosed with SLS between 2011 and 2021 at 4 National referral centers for Pediatric Onco-Hematology. Patients with a latency period that was longer than 3 weeks between the last MTX administration of MTX and SLS onset were excluded from the analysis, as were those with unclear etiologies. We assessed symptom severity using a dedicated arbitrary scoring system. Eleven patients were included in the study. ResultsThe underlying disease was acute lymphoblastic leukemia type B in 10/11 patients, while fibroblastic osteosarcoma was present in a single subject. The median age at diagnosis was 11 years (range 4-34), and 64% of the patients were women. Symptoms occurred after a mean of 9.45 days (+/- 0.75) since the last MTX administration and lasted between 1 and 96 h. Clinical features included hemiplegia and/or cranial nerves palsy, paraesthesia, movement or speech disorders, and seizure. All patients underwent neuroimaging studies (CT and/or MRI) and EEG. The scoring system revealed an average of 4.9 points (+/- 2.3), with a median of 5 points (maximum 20 points). We detected a linear correlation between the severity of the disease and age in male patients. ConclusionsSLS is a rare, well-characterized complication of MTX administration. Despite the small sample, we have been able to confirm some of the previous findings in literature. We also identified a linear correlation between age and severity of the disease, which could improve the future clinical management

    Saving temporary exhibitions in virtual environments: The Digital Renaissance of Ulisse Aldrovandi – Acquisition and digitisation of cultural heritage objects

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    As per the objectives of Project CHANGES, particularly its thematic sub-project on the use of virtual technologies for museums and art collections, our goal was to obtain a digital twin of the temporary exhibition on Ulisse Aldrovandi called “The Other Renaissance”, and make it accessible to users online. After a preliminary study of the exhibition, focusing on acquisition constraints and related solutions, we proceeded with the digital twin creation by acquiring, processing, modelling, optimising, exporting, and metadating the exhibition. We made hybrid use of two acquisition techniques to create new digital cultural heritage objects and environments, and we used open technologies, formats, and protocols to make available the final digital product. Here, we describe the process of collecting and curating bibliographical exhibition (meta) data and the beginning of the digital twin creation to foster its findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability. The creation of the digital twin is currently ongoing