72 research outputs found

    Miopatie mitocondriali e stress ossidativo. Uno studio in doppio cieco e cross over con un integratore donatore di cisteina.

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    Introduzione. Le miopatie mitocondriali (MM) sono patologie ereditarie o sporadiche, caratterizzate da alterazione della catena respiratoria del mitocondrio. Il trattamento di questo gruppo di malattie non è attualmente ben definito. L’alterato funzionamento della fosforilazione ossidativa ha come conseguenze un deficit energetico, incremento dei livelli di acido lattico sia a riposo che durante l’esercizio fisico, e aumentata produzione di radicali liberi dell’ossigeno. Sono ben noti gli stretti rapporti a “feedback” positivo che intercorrono fra disfunzione mitocondriale e stress ossidativo; questo circolo vizioso potrebbe rappresentare un fattore di progressione nelle MM. A tale proposito, è stata dimostrata una riduzione dei livelli di glutatione (GSH), molecola antiossidante, nei muscoli scheletrici di pazienti affetti da malattie mitocondriali. La disponibilità intracellulare di cisteina sembra essere un importante fattore limitante la sintesi del GSH. Sulla base di tali osservazioni, l’utilizzo di preparati donatori di cisteina potrebbe avere valenza terapeutica. Obiettivi. Obiettivi del presente studio sono: confermare l’ipotesi dello stress ossidativo nelle MM, anche in relazione alle condizioni cliniche dei pazienti; verificare l’efficacia, in termini di forza muscolare e qualità della vita, di un integratore proteico donatore di cisteina; valutare l’attività antiossidante di tale integratore nelle MM. Disegno dello studio. È stato effettuato uno studio clinico in doppio cieco e cross-over. Sono stati arruolati tredici pazienti affetti da MM (di cui undici hanno portato a termine lo studio), trattati con 10 g al giorno di integratore o placebo (caseina) per 30 giorni. Dopo il primo mese di terapia, i due gruppi sono stati invertiti per i 30 giorni successivi. All’inizio, dopo il primo e dopo il secondo mese sono state effettuate le seguenti valutazioni: scala Medical Research Council (forza muscolare), questionario sulla qualità della vita (SF-36), determinazione ematica dell’acido lattico e dei parametri relativi all’equilibrio proossidanti (prodotti di ossidazione avanzata delle proteine)/antiossidanti (GSH, attività ferro riducente plasmatica), AST, ALT, creatinina (per escludere l’esistenza di controindicazioni all’integratore). Otto degli undici pazienti sono stati inoltre sottoposti a test da sforzo aerobico incrementale su cicloergometro (con determinazione dell’acido lattico e dei parametri già citati di stress ossidativo), durante ognuna delle tre visite. Risultati. È stata osservata una correlazione statisticamente significativa fra i parametri di stress ossidativo e le condizioni cliniche basali dei soggetti in studio. L’integratore proteico utilizzato non ha avuto un significativo effetto su forza muscolare e qualità della vita, ma ha significativamente ridotto i livelli di stress ossidativo. Conclusione. In base alle nostre osservazioni, l’ipotesi dello stress ossidativo nelle MM sembra confermata, così come l’attività antiossidante dell’integratore utilizzato. Il fatto che questo non si sia tradotto in un miglioramento clinico apprezzabile può essere dovuto alla breve durata dello studio, anche in considerazione della cronicità e della lenta evolutività di queste malattie. Il circolo vizioso fra disfunzione mitocondriale e stress ossidativo può essere un promettente bersaglio per futuri trattamenti

    Current and emerging treatment options in the management of Friedreich ataxia

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    Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) is the most common autosomal recessive ataxia. Oxidative damage within the mitochondria seems to have a key role in the disease phenotype. Therefore, FRDA treatment options have been mostly directed at antioxidant protection against mitochondrial damage. Available evidence seems to suggest that patients with FRDA should be treated with idebenone, because it is well tolerated and may reduce cardiac hypertrophy and, at higher doses, also improve neurological function, but large controlled clinical trials are still needed. Alternatively, gene-based strategies for the treatment of FRDA may involve the development of small-molecules increasing frataxin gene transcription. Animal and human studies are strongly needed to assess whether any of the potential new treatment strategies, such as iron-chelating therapies or treatment with erythropoietin or histone deacetylase inhibitors and other gene-based strategies, may translate into an effective therapy for this devastating disorder. In this review, we try to provide an answer to some questions related to current and emerging treatment options in the management of FRDA

    Primary Coenzyme Q10 Deficiency-Related Ataxias

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    Cerebellar ataxia is a neurological syndrome characterized by the imbalance (e.g., truncal ataxia, gait ataxia) and incoordination of limbs while executing a task (dysmetria), caused by the dysfunction of the cerebellum or its connections. It is frequently associated with other signs of cerebellar dysfunction, including abnormal eye movements, dysmetria, kinetic tremor, dysarthria, and/or dysphagia. Among the so-termed mitochondrial ataxias, variants in genes encoding steps of the coenzyme Q10 biosynthetic pathway represent a common cause of autosomal recessive primary coenzyme Q10 deficiencies (PCoQD)s. PCoQD is a potentially treatable condition; therefore, a correct and timely diagnosis is essential. After a brief presentation of the illustrative case of an Italian woman with this condition (due to a novel homozygous nonsense mutation in COQ8A), this article will review ataxias due to PCoQD

    International time transfer between precise timing facilities secured with a quantum key distribution network

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    Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs), such as GPS and Galileo, provide precise time and space coordinates globally and constitute part of the critical infrastructure of modern society. To reliably operate GNSS, a highly accurate and stable system time is required, such as the one provided by several independent clocks hosted in Precise Timing Facilities (PTFs) around the world. Periodically, the relative clock offset between PTFs is measured to have a fallback system to synchronize the GNSS satellite clocks. The security and integrity of the communication between PTFs is of paramount importance: if compromised, it could lead to disruptions to the GNSS service. Therefore, it is a compelling use-case for protection via Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), since this technology provides information-theoretic security. We have performed a field trial demonstration of such use-case by sharing encrypted time synchronization information between two PTFs, one located in Oberpfaffenhofen (Germany) and one in Matera (Italy) - more than 900km apart as the crow flies. To bridge this large distance, a satellite-QKD system is required, plus a "last-mile" terrestrial link to connect the optical ground station (OGS) to the actual location of the PTF. In our demonstration we have deployed two full QKD systems to protect the last-mile connection at both the locations and have shown via simulation that upcoming QKD satellites will be able to distribute keys between Oberpfaffenhofen and Matera exploiting already existing OGSs

    Lipomatosis Incidence and Characteristics in an Italian Cohort of Mitochondrial Patients.

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    Lipomas have often been associated with mtDNA mutations and were mainly observed in patients with mutation in mitochondrial tRNAlysine which is also the most frequent mutation associated with MERRF. Up to date, no systematic studies have been developed in order to assess the incidence of lipomas in large cohorts of mitochondrial patients.The aim of this study is to analyze the incidence and characteristics of lipomas among an Italian cohort of patients with mitochondrial diseases. A retrospective, database-based study (Nation-wide Italian Collaborative Network of Mitochondrial Diseases) of patients with lipomas was performed. A total of 22 (1.7%) patients with lipomas have been identified among the 1,300 mitochondrial patients, enrolled in the Italian database. In about 18% multiple systemic lipomatosis (MSL) was the only clinical manifestation; 54% of patients showed a classical MERRF syndrome. Myopathy, alone or in association with other symptoms, was found in 27% of patients. Lactate was elevated in all the 12 patients in which was measured. Muscle biopsy was available in 18/22 patients: in all of them mitochondrial abnormalities were present. Eighty six percent had mutations in mtDNA coding for tRNA lysine. In most of patients, lipomas were localized along the cervical-cranial-thoracic region. In 68% of the patients were distributed symmetrically. Only two patients had lipomas in a single anatomical site (1 in right arm and 1 in gluteus maximum). MSL is often overlooked by clinicians in patients with mitochondrial diseases where the clinical picture could be dominated by a severe multi-systemic involvement. Our data confirmed that MSL is a rare sign of mitochondrial disease with a strong association between multiple lipomas and lysine tRNA mutations. MSL could be considered, even if rare, a red flag for mitochondrial disorders, even in patients with an apparently isolated MSL

    Clinical and electrophysiological features of SCN8A variants causing episodic or chronic ataxia

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    BACKGROUND: Variants in SCN8A are associated with a spectrum of epilepsies and neurodevelopmental disorders. Ataxia as a predominant symptom of SCN8A variation has not been well studied. We set out to investigate disease mechanisms and genotype-phenotype correlations of SCN8A-related ataxia. METHODS: We collected genetic and electro-clinical data of ten individuals from nine unrelated families carrying novel SCN8A variants associated with chronic progressive or episodic ataxia. Electrophysiological characterizations of these variants were performed in ND7/23 cells and cultured neurons. FINDINGS: Variants associated with chronic progressive ataxia either decreased Na + current densities and shifted activation curves towards more depolarized potentials (p.Asn995Asp, p.Lys1498Glu and p.Trp1266Cys) or resulted in a premature stop codon (p.Trp937Ter). Three variants (p.Arg847Gln and biallelic p.Arg191Trp/p.Asp1525Tyr) were associated with episodic ataxia causing loss-of-function by decreasing Na + current densities or a hyperpolarizing shift of the inactivation curve. Two additional episodic ataxia-associated variants caused mixed gain- and loss-of function effects in ND7/23 cells and were further examined in primary murine hippocampal neuronal cultures. Neuronal firing in excitatory neurons was increased by p.Arg1629His, but decreased by p.Glu1201Lys. Neuronal firing in inhibitory neurons was decreased for both variants. No functional effect was observed for p.Arg1913Trp. In four individuals, treatment with sodium channel blockers exacerbated symptoms. INTERPRETATION: We identified episodic or chronic ataxia as predominant phenotypes caused by variants in SCN8A. Genotype-phenotype correlations revealed a more pronounced loss-of-function effect for variants causing chronic ataxia. Sodium channel blockers should be avoided under these conditions. FUNDING: BMBF, DFG, the Italian Ministry of Health, University of Tuebingen

    Fragile X-Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS): A Gender Perspective

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    Although larger trinucleotide expansions give rise to a neurodevelopmental disorder called fragile X syndrome, fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is a late-onset neurodegenerative disorder caused by a “premutation” (55–200 CGG repeats) in the FMR1 gene. FXTAS is one of the more common single-gene forms of late-onset ataxia and tremor that may have a more complex development in women, with atypical presentations. After a brief presentation of the atypical case of an Italian woman with FXTAS, who had several paroxysmal episodes suggestive of acute cerebellar and/or brainstem dysfunction, this article will revise the phenotype of FXTAS in women. Especially in females, FXTAS has a broad spectrum of symptoms, ranging from relatively severe diseases in mid-adulthood to mild cases beginning in later life. Female FXTAS and male FXTAS have a different symptomatic spectrum, and studies on the fragile X premutation should be conducted separately on women or men. Hopefully, a better understanding of the molecular processes involved in the polymorphic features of FXTAS will lead to more specific and effective therapies for this complex disorder

    Is creatine kinase associated with outcome in COVID-19?

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    Mitochondrial DNA mutations and related phenotypes. The experience of the Italian Network.

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    Background Le malattie mitocondriali sono tra le malattie genetiche più frequenti. A dispetto degli straordinari progressi nella comprensione delle loro basi molecolari, le possibilità di trattamento sono ad oggi estremamente limitate. La rarità di queste malattie rappresenta una delle principali problematiche. Lo sviluppo di un registro informatico dei pazienti con malattia mitocondriale può consentire una miglior Comprensione dei fenotipi e della storia naturale di queste patologie. Obiettivi e metodi Lo studio delle correlazioni genotipo-fenotipo nelle malattie mitocondriali è un compito complesso. Le difficoltà sono evidenti: i sintomi possibili sono molteplici, la variabilità clinica è ampia anche all’interno di un singolo genotipo e la potenza statistica è bassa negli studi monocentrici a causa della rarità di queste condizioni. Obiettivo di questo lavoro è una migliore definizione dei correlati genotipo-fenotipo in un ampio gruppo di adulti e bambini con malattia mitocondriale da mutazione del DNA mitocondriale (mtDNA). Questo lavoro sarà condotto separatamente per i differenti genotipi (mutazioni puntiformi A8344G e A3243G e delezioni singole del mtDNA), al fine di definire meglio i fenotipi di tre delle più comuni mutazioni del mtDNA. Risultati Con questo approccio, siamo stati in grado di ridefinire i fenotipi dei pazienti con una di queste mutazioni patogenetiche del mtDNA, rivisitando le definizioni di condizioni come la MELAS (encefalomiopatia mitocondriale associata ad acidosi lattica ed episodi stroke-like: pazienti con evidenza istologica, biochimica o molecolare di malattia mitocondriale che presentano episodi stroke- 5 like), MERRF (encefalomiopatia mioclonica con ragged red fibers: sindrome mitocondriale in cui il mioclono è la caratteristica clinica prominente, che non presenta i criteri per rientrare tra le altre sindromi encefalopatiche ben definite), sindrome di Kearns-Sayre (KSS: ptosi e/o oftalmoparesi da delezione singola del mtDNA in associazione ad almeno una delle seguenti caratteristiche: retinopatia, atassia, difetti di conduzione cardiaci, ipoacusia, deficit di crescita/bassa statura, coinvolgimento cognitivo, cardiomiopatia) ed oftalmoplegia esterna progressiva da delezione singola (ptosi e/o oftalmoparesi da delezione singola del mtDNA che non rientra tra i nuovi criteri della KSS né tra i criteri della sindrome di Pearson). Conclusioni Grandi studi multicentrici sono necessari per caratterizzare meglio il quadro clinico e la storia naturale di queste malattie, al fine di identificare misure di cui possano beneficiare i pazienti affetti da queste malattie croniche, tuttora incurabili

    How Next-Generation Sequencing Is Changing Clinical Neurogenetics

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    Until recently, most general neurologists were not interested in neurogenetics [...