76 research outputs found

    Liouville theorem, conformally invariant cones and umbilical surfaces for Grushin-type metrics

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    We prove a classification theorem for conformal maps with respect to the control distance generated by a system of diagonal vector fields. It turns out that all such maps can be obtained as compositions of suitable dilations, inversions and isometries. We also classify all umbilical surfaces of the underlying metric.Comment: Revised version, to appear on Israel Journal of Mathematics. New title and added section 4 on umbilical surface

    Pseudohermitian invariants and classification of CR mappings in generalized ellipsoids

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    We discuss the problem of classifying all local CR diffeomorphisms of a strictly pseudoconvex surface. Our method exploits the Tanaka--Webster pseudohermitian invariants, their transformation formulae, and the Chern--Moser invariants. Our main application concerns a class of generalized ellipsoids where we classify all local CR mappings.Comment: Accepted version, to appear on J. Math. Soc. Japa

    On the lack of semiconcavity of the subRiemannian distance in a class of Carnot groups

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    We show by explicit estimates that the SubRiemannian distance in a Carnot group of step two is locally semiconcave away from the diagonal if and only if the group does not contain abnormal minimizing curves. Moreover, we prove that local semiconcavity fails to hold in the step-3 Engel group, even in the weaker "horizontal" sense.Comment: Revised version. To appear on J. Math. Anal- App

    Stability of isometric maps in the Heisenberg group

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    In this paper we prove some approximation results for biLipschitz maps in the Heisenberg group. Namely, we show that a biLipschitz map with biLipschitz constant close to one can be pointwise approximated, quantitatively on any fixed ball, by an isometry. This leds to an approximation in BMO norm for the map's Pansu derivative. We also prove that a global quasigeodesic can be approximated by a geodesic in any fixed segment

    On the subRiemannian cut locus in a model of free two-step Carnot group

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    We characterize the subRiemannian cut locus of the origin in the free Carnot group of step two with three generators. We also calculate explicitly the cut time of any extremal path and the distance from the origin of all points of the cut locus. Finally, by using the Hamiltonian approach, we show that the cut time of strictly normal extremal paths is a smooth explicit function of the initial velocity covector. Finally, using our previous results, we show that at any cut point the distance has a corner-like singularity.Comment: Added Section 6. Final version, to appear on Calc. Va

    A Hadamard-type open map theorem for submersions and applications to completeness results in Control Theory

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    We prove a quantitative openness theorem for C1C^1 submersions under suitable assumptions on the differential. We then apply our result to a class of exponential maps appearing in Carnot-Carath\'eodory spaces and we improve a classical completeness result by Palais.Comment: 12 pages. Revised version. Minor changes. To appear on Annali di Matematic

    Theory of activated-rate processes under shear with application to shear-induced aggregation of colloids

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    Using a novel approximation scheme within the convective diffusion (two body Smoluchowski) equation framework, we unveil the shear-driven aggregation mechanism at the origin of structure-formation in sheared colloidal systems. The theory, verified against numerics and experiments, explains the induction time followed by explosive (irreversible) rise of viscosity observed in charge-stabilized colloidal and protein systems under steady shear. The Arrhenius-type equation with shear derived here, extending Kramers theory in the presence of shear, is the first analytical result clearly showing the important role of shear-drive in activated-rate processes as they are encountered in soft condensed matter

    Nonsmooth Hormander vector fields and their control balls

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    We prove a ball-box theorem for nonsmooth Hormander vector fields of step s.Comment: Final version. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (2012 to appear

    Isoperimetric inequality in the Grushin plane

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    We prove a sharp isoperimetric inequality in the Grushin plane and compute the corresponding isoperimetric set
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