21 research outputs found

    The factibility of the protocol of dysphagia in palliative care (PADICUP) / A factibilidade do protocolo de disfagia nos cuidados paliativos (PADICUP)

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    Patients in Palliative Care (PC) represent a public whose demand is great for speech therapy, and because there is no standardized instrument for assessing the swallowing of people in COP, the Protocol for Evaluation of Dysphagia in Palliative Care (PADICUP) was elaborated. However, it had not been applied in patients. This study aimed to analyze the feasibility of PADICUP in patients of a palliative care clinic in the city of Belém, PA. A quantitative cross-sectional approach was carried out with 30 participants from April to October 2019. The data obtained in the evaluations through the protocol were organized in spreadsheets and submitted to the percentage and statistical analysis using the correlation of Pearson. Among the studied public, as the main complaints observed during screening were weight loss (97%), xerostomy (77%) and clearing during feeding (68%). Regarding the evaluation with PADICUP, only 77% of the patients were able to be evaluated with oral diet in some consistency, being oral transit time decreased, vocal quality altered, reduced laryngeal elevation, multiple swallowing and oral cavity residue, the most altered manifestations. Patients with PC present significant changes in swallowing and need a qualified and assertive speech therapy support, and PADICUP is a feasible instrument to be used for this purpose, since it covers the demands and needs of patients receiving this care

    Almost exponential maps and integrability results for a class of horizontally regular vector fields

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    We show a higher order integrability theorem for distributions generated by a family of vector fields under a horizontal regularity assumption on their coefficients. We use as chart a class of almost exponential maps which we discuss in detailsComment: arXiv admin note: material from arXiv:1106.2410v1, now three separate articles arXiv:1106.2410v2, arXiv:1201.5228, arXiv:1201.520

    Cinema from the freirian perspective: the status of knowledge of thesis and dissertations from 2016 to 2021

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    O objetivo deste artigo é compreender o cinema e a educação como práticas sociais, na perspectiva crítica e contemporânea, a partir do inventário descritivo analítico de teses e dissertações sobre cinema que utilizem como aporte o referencial de Paulo Freire, coletadas no acervo da Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações, entre janeiro de 2016 e outubro de 2021. O referencial teórico desta pesquisa apoia-se em Freire e na tessitura do cinema e educação, a partir de abordagens de Duarte, Almeida, Prudente, Bergala e outros. Como resultados, entende-se que o cinema, enquanto revolução na contemporaneidade, pode favorecer questões emergentes da sociedade, como as delineadas pelo Cinema Novo. Portanto, compreende-se que o cinema é uma mídia revolucionária e transformadora que apresenta lacunas passíveis de estudos.El objetivo de este artículo es comprender el cine y la educación como práctica social por una perspectiva crítica y contemporánea a partir del inventario analítico descriptivo de tesis y disertaciones sobre cine que utilizan como aporte el marco de Paulo Freire, recolectadas en la Biblioteca Digital Brasileña de Tesis y Disertaciones en el período de enero de 2016 a octubre de 2021. El marco teórico de esta investigación se basa en Freire y en el tejido del cine y la educación desde los planteamientos de Duarte, Almeida, Prudente, Bergala y otros. Como resultado, se entiende que el cine, como revolución en la contemporaneidad, puede favorecer temas emergentes en la sociedad como los planteados por el Cinema Novo. Por tanto, el cine es un medio revolucionario y transformador que tiene lagunas que pueden ser estudiadas.The objective of this article is to understand cinema and education as social practices, from a critical and contemporary perspective, based on the analytical descriptive inventory of theses and dissertations on cinema that use Paulo Freire’s framework as a contribution, collected on the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, between January 2016 and October 2021. The theoretical framework of this research is based on Freire and in the fabric of cinema and education, from approaches by Duarte, Almeida, Prudente, Bergala and others. As a result, it understands that cinema, as a revolution in contemporary times, can favor emerging issues in society, such as those outlined by Cinema Novo. Therefore, it understand that cinema is a revolutionary and transformative medium that has gaps that can be studied

    TEORIA DE PROGRAMAÇÃO MOTORA: uma perspectiva da sua evolução teórica

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    A Programação Motora é uma das linhas teóricas que vem desempenhando um importante papel no estudo do comportamento motor. Desde o conceito original de Keele (1968), essa teoria passou por diversas modificações, com a proposta de novos conceitos e modelos, na tentativa de lidar com as limitações tanto associadas a interpretações do conceito original quanto decorrentes de lacunas inerentes à teoria. Portanto, os objetivos desta revisão foram apresentar e discutir a evolução dos conceitos relacionados à Programação Motora, ressaltando suas evidências e limitações, e apontar as novas propostas que procuram adequar as suas premissas aos conhecimentos recentes da área de comportamento motor. A partir da revisão realizada, pôde-se concluir que apesar do considerável desenvolvimento dessa teoria, a existência de diversas definições para um conceito único (programa motor) e a ausência de um modelo que unifique seus pressupostos básicos prejudicam o seu progresso no campo do comportamento motor e dificultam a sua aplicação como um modelo para orientar as tomadas de decisões clínicas. Entretanto, pelo tempo em que essa teoria vem sendo elaborada e desenvolvida e pelas evidências a ela associadas, profissionais que lidam com o movimento humano não devem descartá-la como um modelo para orientar a sua prática

    Accidental poisoning by castor bean (Ricinus communis) cake in horses

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    Abstract: Ricinus communis is a shrub of the family Euphorbiaceae popularly known in Brazil as “mamona” or “carrapateira”. It is an oleaginous plant whose seeds have been used mainly in biodiesel production. Plant seed oil can be extracted mechanically or using solvents, generating castor bean cake and castor bean meal as by-products, respectively. Accidental ingestion of these by-products can cause poisoning in animals and humans, characterized by digestive signs resulting from the presence of a toxalbumin called ricin. Seed toxicity varies among animal species; in horses, the lethal dose of seeds is 0.1 g/kg of body weight. The literature presents plenty of studies addressing poisoning by R. communis in different animal species and in humans; however, reports are scarce and little information is available on the pathological aspects of poisoning regarding equines. Therefore, the present study aimed to describe the epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects observed in an outbreak of accidental poisoning with castor bean cake in horses. The equines were supplemented with palm kernel (Elaeis guianeesis) cake; however, in the purchase of a new batch, there was an error in the order, and castor bean cake was requested instead. Four horses that received castor bean cake presented clinical signs indicative of colic, which started about 21 hours after administration. Three of these horses died, with clinical evolution from 2 to 4.5 hours; the other animal was treated with intravenous fluid and antibiotic therapy and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and recovered after five days. In the necropsy of two of these horses, the main lesions were found in the small intestine, where mucosae with pronounced redness and covered with a thin layer of yellow fibrous material were observed. In the intestinal lumen, there was a large amount of bloody liquid. The stomach was full, and dark lumps similar to crushed castor bean seeds were observed in the contents. The adrenal glands of both horses presented congestion and hemorrhage in the cortex. In microscopy, the main lesion was an acute, diffuse and accentuated fibrin-necrotic enteropathy affecting the jejunum. The diagnosis of castor bean cake poisoning was based on the circumstantial evidence of by-product consumption supported by clinical and pathological aspects. The results indicate that castor bean cake commercially available as fertilizer is extremely toxic when ingested, and there is a need for appropriate detoxification or labeling informing of its toxicity

    Adaptação transcultural e análise da confiabilidade do Southampton Assessment of Mobility para avaliar a mobilidade de idosos brasileiros com demência

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi adaptar transculturalmente o instrumento Southampton Assessment of Mobility e testar sua confiabilidade intra e interexaminadores para idosos brasileiros da comunidade, com demência, classificados quanto à gravidade pelo Clinical Dementia Rating. O instrumento adaptado foi aplicado em uma amostra de 107 idosos (76,26 anos ± 7,59; 27,1% homens, 72,9% mulheres) com diagnóstico clínico de demência dado pelo serviço de geriatria do Centro de Referência em Atenção ao Idoso Professor Caio Benjamin Dias, do Estado de Minas Gerais, Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Dentre os avaliados, 39 (76,85 anos ± 7,75; 23,1% homens, 76,9% mulheres) foram aleatorizados para avaliação da confiabilidade. A ferramenta estatística foi o teste kappa. Os resultados mostraram que a confiabilidade intra e interexaminadores foram, respectivamente: demência leve 0,89-0,86; moderada 0,79-0,85 e grave 0,53-0,49. O instrumento adaptado demonstrou ser aplicável à população alvo e demonstrou ter confiabilidade "quase perfeita" para demência leve e moderada. Para a demência grave os índices de confiabilidade foram "moderados"

    Primary cerebral myxofibrosarcoma: Clinical, morphologic, immunohistochemical, molecular, and ultrastructural study of an infrequent tumor in an extraordinary localization

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    Herein, we describe an intracerebral primary low-grade myxofibrosarcoma occurring in a 9-year-old boy. The lesion measured 7 cm and occupied the left parieto-occipital region. A gross-total removal of the tumor was performed. Nine months later, radiologic follow-up revealed a local recurrence which was again surgically removed. The patient then underwent radiotherapy and chemotherapy. He was well and disease-free at 6 months follow-up. The tumor was composed of spindle, stellated, and multinucleated cells embedded in a myxoid background. Foci of increased cellularity, pleomorphism, and high mitotic rate were present. The tumor borders were sharply demarcated from the non-neoplastic nervous parenchyma. Immunohistochemical staining showed that the neoplastic cells were vimentine and CD34 positive. Fluorescence in-situ hybridization analyses did not show FUS and EWSR1 gene rearrangements. Primary intracranial myxofibrosarcomas are very rare (to the best of our knowledge, less than 10 published cases in the international literature). We believe each new case should be recorded to produce a better clinical, pathologic, molecular, prognostic, and therapeutic characterization of this lesion. © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc