31 research outputs found

    Coupling Routing Algorithm and Data Encoding for Low Power Networks on Chip

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    The routing algorithm used in a Network-on-Chip (NoC) has a strong impact on both the functional and non functional indices of the overall system. Traditionally, routing algorithms have been designed considering performance and cost as the main objectives. In this study we focus on two important non functional metrics, namely, power dissipation and energy consumption. We propose a selection policy that can be coupled with any multi-path routing function and whose primary goal is reducing power dissipation. As technology shrinks, the power dissipated by the network links represents an ever more significant fraction of the total power budget. Based on this, the proposed selection policy tries to reduce link power dissipation by selecting the output port of the router which minimises the switching activity of the output link. A set of experiments carried out on both synthetic and real traffic scenarios is presented. When the proposed selection policy is used in conjunction with a data encoding technique, on average, 31% of energy reduction and 37% of power saving is observed. An architectural implementation of the selection policy is also presented and its impact on cost (silicon area) and power dissipation of the baseline router is discussed

    Motion Sensor-based Small Cell Sleep Scheduling for 5G Networks

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    Next-generation methods for early disease detection in crops

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    : Plant pathogens are commonly identified in the field by the typical disease symptoms that they can cause. The efficient early detection and identification of pathogens are essential procedures to adopt effective management practices that reduce or prevent their spread in order to mitigate the negative impacts of the disease. In this review, the traditional and innovative methods for early detection of the plant pathogens highlighting their major advantages and limitations are presented and discussed. Traditional techniques of diagnosis used for plant pathogen identification are focused typically on the DNA, RNA (when molecular methods), and proteins or peptides (when serological methods) of the pathogens. Serological methods based on mainly enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) are the most common method used for pathogen detection due to their high-throughput potential and low cost. This technique is not particularly reliable and sufficiently sensitive for many pathogens detection during the asymptomatic stage of infection. For non-cultivable pathogens in the laboratory, nucleic acid-based technology is the best choice for consistent pathogen detection or identification. Lateral flow systems are innovative tools that allow fast and accurate results even in field conditions, but they have sensitivity issues to be overcome. PCR assays performed on last-generation portable thermocyclers may provide rapid detection results in situ. The advent of portable instruments can speed pathogen detection, reduce commercial costs, and potentially revolutionize plant pathology. This review provides information on current methodologies and procedures for the effective detection of different plant pathogens. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry

    Development of a Real-Time Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Assay for the Rapid Detection of Olea Europaea Geminivirus

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    A real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay was developed for simple, rapid and efficient detection of the Olea europaea geminivirus (OEGV), a virus recently reported in different olive cultivation areas worldwide. A preliminary screening by end-point PCR for OEGV detection was conducted to ascertain the presence of OEGV in Sicily. A set of six real-time LAMP primers, targeting a 209-nucleotide sequence elapsing the region encoding the coat protein (AV1) gene of OEGV, was designed for specific OEGV detection. The specificity, sensitivity, and accuracy of the diagnostic assay were determined. The LAMP assay showed no cross-reactivity with other geminiviruses and was allowed to detect OEGV with a 10-fold higher sensitivity than conventional end-point PCR. To enhance the potential of the LAMP assay for field diagnosis, a simplified sample preparation procedure was set up and used to monitor OEGV spread in different olive cultivars in Sicily. As a result of this survey, we observed that 30 out of 70 cultivars analyzed were positive to OEGV, demonstrating a relatively high OEGV incidence. The real-time LAMP assay developed in this study is suitable for phytopathological laboratories with limited facilities and resources, as well as for direct OEGV detection in the field, representing a reliable method for rapid screening of olive plant material

    Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Switch Off Method for Dense Heterogeneous Networks

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    The growth in mobile traffic demand is leading to a dense heterogeneous cellular network. This massive deployment of mobile equipment (i.e. base stations) may cause a high increment of the network energy consumption and therefore operational expenditure for operators. One of the most promising techniques to save energy (and costs) is to switch off some underutilized cells during off peak hours. In this line, our focus is to optimize the number of base stations in dense LTE pico cell deployments in order to maximize the energy saving, while satisfying the Quality of Service constraints. We use a combination of Fuzzy Logic, Grey Relational Analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process tools to trigger the switch off actions, and jointly consider multiple decision inputs for each cell

    La misura dell’attaccamento materno prenatale: un confronto psicometrico di tre strumenti di valutazione

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    RIASSUNTO: Obiettivi: Questo studio confronta le proprietà psicometriche dei rating di attaccamento prenatale, misurati dalle scale Maternal Foetal Attachment Scale (MFAS), Prenatal Attachment Scale (PAI) e Maternal Antenatal Attachment Scale (MAAS), tenendo in considerazione l’età gestazionale. Metodo: 254 donne (età 31±5 anni; età gestazionale 24±11 settimane) hanno compilato i tre strumenti presentati in ordine casuale. L’attendibilità e la validità dei punteggi totali e parziali è stata valutata in funzione dell’età gestazionale. Risultati: I punteggi totali, in particolare quelli di MFAS e PAI, raggiungono gli standard di attendibilità, specialmente se i rating sono stati raccolti entro la 20-esima settimana. I punteggi parziali hanno una buona validità convergente, ma la loro attendibilità è minacciata dal ridotto numero di item, specialmente per i rating raccolti oltre la 21-esima settimana. Tutti i punteggi correlano con l’età gestazionale, mentre quelli del PAI erano i più correlati con le caratteristiche del campione. Conclusioni: I punteggi totali sono più attendibili dei punteggi parziali, ma essi colgono meno aspetti specifici del costrutto. Le proprietà psicometriche tendono a peggiorare nella seconda metà della gravidanza, presumibilmente a causa di un ‘effetto tetto’ nella valutazione materna. L’analisi fattoriale confermativa ha dimostrato che nessuno dei modelli ipotizzati nella letteratura raggiunge un fit accettabile. Ulteriori studi dovranno indagare la caratteristiche strutturali dei rating di attaccamento, per distinguere fattori comuni e specifici utili per le applicazioni cliniche e di ricerca

    Estrogen receptor alpha interferes with LKBl/AMPK/mTOR signaling activation in adiponectin-treated breast cancer cells

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    Dottorato di Ricerca in Medicina Traslazionale. Ciclo XXXBreast cancer is the most common type of tumor and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women, worldwide. The cause of breast cancer is multifactorial and includes hormonal, genetic and environmental cues. Obesity is now an accepted risk factor for breast cancer in postmenopausal women, particularly for the hormone-dependent subtype of mammary tumor. Obesity has regarded as a multifactorial disorder characterized by an increased number and size of adipocytes. Adipose tissue is an active metabolic and endocrine organ that secretes many adipocytokines, which act as key mediators in several obesity-associated diseases. Among these, adiponectin represents the most abundant adipose tissue-excreted protein, which exhibits insulin sensitizing, antiinflammatory, and antiatherogenic properties Adiponectin has been proposed as having a key role in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes along with obesity-associated malignancies, such as breast cancer. An inverse correlation is reported between obesity and adiponectin, for which low levels of adiponectin represent a risk factor for breast cancer. The role of adiponectin on breast tumorigenesis seems to be dependent on cell phenotypes. Indeed, several in vitro and in vivo studies demonstrated that low adiponectin levels repressed growth in ER-negative breast cancer cells whereas increased proliferation in ER- positive cells. Adiponectin interacts with specific receptors and exerts its effects, including regulation of cell survival, apoptosis and metastasis, via a plethora of signaling pathways. The key molecule of adiponectin action is AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which is mainly activated by liver kinase B1 (LKB1). On the basis of this observations, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of adiponectin on LKB1/AMPK signaling in ER-negative (MDA-MB-231) and positive (MCF-7) breast cancer cells. In MCF-7 cells, upon low adiponectin levels, ER impaired LKB1/AMPK interaction by recruiting LKB1 as coactivator at nuclear level, sustaining breast tumor growth. In this condition, AMPK signaling was not working, letting fatty acid synthesis still active. In contrast, in MDA-MB-231 cells the phosphorylated status of AMPK and ACC appeared enhanced, with consequent inhibition of both lipogenesis and cell growth. Thus, in the presence of adiponectin, ERα signaling switched energy balance of breast cancer cells towards a lipogenic phenotype. The same results on tumor growth were reproduced in a xenograft model. These results emphasize how adiponectin action in obese patients is tightly dependent on ERα, addressing that adiponectin may work as growth factor in ERα- positive breast cancer cells.Università della Calabri