3,391 research outputs found

    Prediction of scientific collaborations through multiplex interaction networks

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    Link prediction algorithms can help to understand the structure and dynamics of scientific collaborations and the evolution of Science. However, available algorithms based on similarity between nodes of collaboration networks are bounded by the limited amount of links present in these networks. In this work, we reduce the latter intrinsic limitation by generalizing the Adamic-Adar method to multiplex networks composed by an arbitrary number of layers, that encode diverse forms of scientific interactions. We show that the new metric outperforms other single-layered, similarity-based scores and that scientific credit, represented by citations, and common interests, measured by the usage of common keywords, can be predictive of new collaborations. Our work paves the way for a deeper understanding of the dynamics driving scientific collaborations, and provides a new algorithm for link prediction in multiplex networks that can be applied to a plethora of systems

    Evaluación de la sensibilidad materna de las madres de niños de 0-2 años del Centro Infantil Nubes de Ternura de la ciudad de Quito-Ecuador, 2015

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    Maternal sensitivity is considered as mother´s competence to identify and respond promptly an assertively to child´s signals. An appropiated maternal sensitivity influences directly on a secure attachment development and multiple benefits for the child. The purpose of this study is to evaluate level of maternal sensitivity as well as mother´s practices and attitudes through a descriptive transversal study of psychcosocial case. The sample comprehends 10 mothers of children from 0-2 years old at Centro Infantil Nubes de Ternura in Quito-Ecuador, whom voluntarily accept to participate in the study. Each will be applied the Ainsworth Maternal Sensitivity Scale (AMSS) after the recreation of Ainsworth Strange Situation (ASS). Maternal conductual response will be analized under a maternal sensitivy framework and an interview about mother´s practices and attitudes will take place. The main variables to be analyzed are: maternal behaviors (perception, delight and child´s acceptation, interaction´s appropriation of mother with the baby, physical contact quantitity, and efectiveness of mother´s response to child´s crying)La sensibilidad materna está considerada como la competencia de la madre para identificar y responder de forma pronta y asertiva a las señales emitidas por el niño. Una sensibilidad materna apropiada influye directamente en el desarrollo de un apego seguro y múltiples beneficios para el niño. Se propone la realización de un estudio descriptivo de conjunto de caso sicosocial, analítico-transversal de punto en madres de niños del centro infantil Nubes de Ternura de la ciudad de Quito-Ecuador, con el propósito de evaluar el grado de sensibilidad materna al igual que las actitudes y prácticas de las madres. Para este estudio se analizará un “n” de 10 madres de niños de 0 a 2 años, que acepten participar voluntariamente en este estudio, a cada una se aplicará la Escala de Sensibilidad Materna de Ainsworth (AMSS) posterior a la recreación de la Situación Extraña de Ainsworth (SS). Se analizará el tipo de respuesta conductual de la madre en el marco de la sensibilidad materna y también se hará una entrevista en cuanto a las prácticas y actitudes expresadas bajo el mismo marco. Las principales variables a ser analizadas son: comportamientos maternales (percepción, disfrute y aceptación del bebé, apropiación de la interacción de la madre con el bebé, cantidad de contacto físico, y efectividad de respuesta de la madre al llanto del bebé

    Health and heating in the city of Temuco (Chile). Monetary savings of replacing biomass with PV system in the residential sector

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    The paper conducts a comprehensive analysis of replacing residential use of wood burning stoves for heating with photovoltaic systems for the generation of electricity using storage batteries (PV + storage systems). The research focuses on the city of Temuco (Southern Chile) as a case study, since this city has a high use of firewood for heating (80% of households) and also because this city has been declared by authorities as an area saturated with suspended particles. The total cost corresponds to the acquisition of systems. The reduction of monetary value of the impact of polluting emissions, resulting from the combustion of firewood, on health and traffic accidents is calculated. The interactive tool GDB Compare has been used to calculate the impact of pollution on health both in terms of attributable deaths and disability-adjusted life years. The monetary value of the impact on health has been calculated using two alternative approaches: the value of statistical life and the human capital approach. To identify firewood use requirements, heating degree–days has been used for temperatures ≤15 °C and ≤18 °C. The emissions avoided calculations have been refined, including emissions associated with the manufacture and transport of systems through the life cycle analysis. For all scenarios, the main results show that the savings outweigh the costs

    ¿Hacia dónde vamos? Reflexiones sobre el quehacer del matemático educativo

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    Dado que la Matemática Educativa es una disciplina relativamente naciente, suelen surgir, sobre todo en quienes recién incursionamos en dicho campo, las preguntas de “¿Cuál es el quehacer del matemático educativo? ¿Hacia dónde vamos?” Ante esta situación, el presente trabajo pretende reflexionar sobre el camino transcurrido, el que actualmente estamos transitando y el posible camino futuro, con base, principalmente, en las reflexiones que se obtuvieron de una mesa de discusión realizada con reconocidos investigadores del campo educativo en el “Seminario de los Jueves” del Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN. Asimismo, se retomarán algunas de las experiencias empíricas en las cuales incidió la disciplina, algunas en las que está trabajando y se conjeturarán las perspectivas futuras en las que se propone trabajar

    Musical communication among parents and their children : An analysis tool to study their interaction

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    Musical communication between adults and children is a widely studied phenomenon in the field of music education and psychology. In the research carried out to date, a variety of methodological designs have been used, based mainly on the perceptions of adults, to investigate the different aspects of these musical interactions. Thus, there is little information about the characteristics of participation in the parent-infant relationship considering both adults and children's musical behaviours. The aim of the study in which this article is framed was to identify the characteristics of parent and child participation in musical interactions involving vocal expression in the family environment, with the particularity of the data having being obtained directly from their everyday communication scenarios. The participants were five families with at least one child younger than 36 months. Data was collected by means of an audio recording device (DLP) associated with LENA® software. This article describes a tool for analysis that was designed and validated according to the particularities of the data. The MICAD - Musical Interaction among Children and Adult Descriptors - integrates characteristics of elements of both adult-child communication and the musical content present in their encounters. Thanks to the analysis provided by the MICAD it is possible to reach a deeper understanding of participants' individual behaviours and distinguish different models of musical interaction between children and adults

    Implementación del modelo C-FaR en empresas emisoras de deuda privada del sector real colombiano

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónCon el resultado de investigación se prevé calcular el valor en riesgo del flujo de caja de las empresas del sector real colombiano que emiten deuda privada mas no cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores, con el fin de analizar y observar los posibles cambios en los flujos de dichas empresas. Permitiendo un proceso de análisis más idóneo sobre el comportamiento de los mismos, así como la variación de liquidez del sector en un periodo determinado tras los movimientos que ocurren en el normal comportamiento de la economía.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. Aspectos Teóricos Y Metodológicos De Flujos De Caja, Valor En Riesgo Y CFaR 2. Comportamiento actual del sector real colombiano en términos de medición de riesgos financieros 3. Evaluación del Riesgo de liquidez del flujo de caja de empresas de los sectores de servicios, alimentos, construcción e hidrocarburos, basados en el modelo C-FaR. 4. CONCLUSIONES 5. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSEspecializaciónEspecialista en Análisis y Administración Financier

    Mechanisms involved in the remyelinating effect of sildenafil

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    Remyelination occurs in demyelinated lesions in multiple sclerosis (MS) and pharmacological treatments that enhance this process will critically impact the long term functional outcome in the disease. Sildenafil, a cyclic GMP (cGMP)-specific phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor (PDE5-I), is an oral vasodilator drug extensively used in humans for treatment of erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension. PDE5 is expressed in central nervous system (CNS) neuronal and glial populations and in endothelial cells and numerous studies in rodent models of neurological disease have evidenced the neuroprotective potential of PDE5-Is. Using myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) as a MS model, we previously showed that daily administration of sildenafil starting at peak disease rapidly ameliorates clinical symptoms while administration at symptoms onset prevents disease progression. These beneficial effects of the drug involved down-regulation of adaptive and innate immune responses, protection of axons and oligodendrocytes (OLs) and promotion of remyelination. In this work we have investigated mechanisms involved in the remyelinating effect of sildenafil. Using demyelinated organotypic cerebellar slice cultures we demonstrate that sildenafil stimulates remyelination by direct effects on CNS cells in a nitric oxide (NO)-cGMP-protein kinase G (PKG)-dependent manner. We also show that sildenafil treatment enhances OL maturation and induces expression of the promyelinating factor ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) in spinal cord of EAE mice and in cerebellar slice cultures. Furthermore, we demonstrate that sildenafil promotes a M2 phenotype in bone marrow derived macrophages (BMDM) and increases myelin phagocytosis in these cells and in M2 microglia/macrophages in the spinal cord of EAE mice. Taken together these data indicate that promotion of OL maturation directly or through induction of growth factor expression, regulation of microglia/macrophage inflammatory phenotype and clearance of myelin debris may be relevant mechanisms involved in sildenafil enhancement of remyelination in demyelinated tissue and further support the contention that this well tolerated drug could be useful for ameliorating MS pathology

    Strategies and new developments to control pertussis, an actual health problem

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    The aim of this article is to describe the current epidemiological situation of pertussis, as well as different short-term strategies that have been implemented to alleviate this threat. The state of the art of the development of new vaccines that are expected to provide long-lasting immunity against pertussis was also included.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de Biotecnologia y Biologia MolecularInstituto de Estudios Inmunológicos y Fisiopatológico

    Propuesta para diseñar un programa de negocios sostenibles que desarrollen competencias en emprendimiento social para el programa institucional Yomasa.

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    Práctica SocialSe diseñó una propuesta de programa de negocios sostenibles que busca enseñarle a la comunidad del programa institucional Yomasa las ventajas de tener un negocio propio, pues este será una forma de generar ingresos de manera sostenible supliendo las necesidades de su comunidad. Se consideró como la mejor opción para este la elaboración de capacitaciones que contarán con una cartilla como material didácticoINTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. ESTADO ACTUAL DE LAS COMPETENCIAS ADQUIRIDAS EN EMPRENDIMIENTO SOCIAL POR LA COMUNIDAD QUE ENMARCA EL TERRITORIO DEL PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL YOMASA 3. PROPUESTA DE MATERIAL DIDÁCTICO PARA EL PROGRAMA DE NEGOCIOS SOSTENIBLES QUE DESARROLLE HABILIDADES EN EMPRENDIMIENTO SOCIAL 4. DIVULGACIÓN DEL PROGRAMA DE NEGOCIOS SOSTENIBLES QUE DESARROLLE HABILIDADES EN EMPRENDIMIENTO SOCIAL 5. CONCLUSIONES 6. RECOMENDACIONES 7. TRABAJOS FUTUROS A REALIZARPregradoIngeniero Industria