537 research outputs found

    Enhancing human cognition with cocoa flavonoids

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    Enhancing cognitive abilities has become a fascinating scientific challenge, recently driven by the interest in preventing age-related cognitive decline and sustaining normal cogni-tive performance in response to cognitively demanding environments. In recent years, cocoa and cocoa-derived products, as a rich source of flavonoids, mainly the flavanols sub-class, have been clearly shown to exert cardiovascular benefits. More recently, neuromodulation and neuroprotective actions have been also suggested. Here, we dis-cuss human studies specifically aimed at investigating the effects of acute and chronic administration of cocoa flavanols on different cognitive domains, such as executive func-tions, attention and memory. Through a variety of direct and indirect biological actions, in part still speculative, cocoa and cocoa-derived food have been suggested to possess the potential to counteract cognitive decline and sustain cognitive abilities, particularly among patients at risk. Although still at a preliminary stage, research investigating the relations between cocoa and cognition shows dose-dependent improvements in general cognition, attention, processing speed, and working memory. Moreover, cocoa flavanols administration could also enhance normal cognitive functioning and exert a protective role on cognitive performance and cardiovascular function specifically impaired by sleep loss, in healthy subjects. Together, these findings converge at pointing to cocoa as a new interesting nutraceutical tool to protect human cognition and counteract different types of cognitive decline, thus encouraging further investigations. Future research should include complex experimental designs combining neuroimaging techniques with physiological and behavioral measures to better elucidate cocoa neuromodulatory properties and directly compare immediate versus long-lasting cognitive effects

    The emerging role of microRNAs in Alzheimer's disease

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNA which have been shown to regulate gene expression. The alteration ofmiRNAs expression has been associated with several pathological processes, including neurodegeneration. In the search for easily accessible and non-invasive biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease (AD) diagnosis and prognosis, circulating miRNAs are among the most promising candidates. Some of them have been consistently identified as AD-specific miRNAs and their targets also seem implicated in pathophysiological processes underlying AD. Here, we review the emerging role for miRNA in AD, giving an overview on general miRNAs biology, their implications in AD pathophysiology and their potential role as future biomarkers

    Multimodal fundus imaging in heredodystrophic and degenerative diseases of the retina

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    A tomografia de coerência óptica incorporou-se gradativamente ao contemporâneo arsenal diagnóstico em Oftalmologia, passando a exercer papel fundamental na investigação e condução de doenças oculares, particularmente na especialidade de Retina e Vítreo. A disponibilização comercial da nova geração de aparelhos, chamada de tomografia de coerência óptica "espectral", baseada em conceito físico distinto que permite a aquisição de imagens em alta velocidade, marcou o início de uma nova era desta tecnologia de investigação auxiliar. Adicionalmente, sua recente combinação com o oftalmoscópio de varredura a laser confocal (confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope) vem propiciando a aquisição de imagens tomográficas guiadas em tempo real pelos diferentes modos de imagem (autofluorescência de fundo, reflectância com luz "infravermelha" e angiografia com fluoresceína ou indocianina verde). A avaliação ocular multimodal (multimodal fundus imaging) permite a correlação real e minuciosa de achados da morfologia retiniana e do epitélio pigmentar com dados de estudos angiográficos e de autofluorescência ou reflectância, propiciando assim inferências valiosas sobre a fisiologia do tecido. Neste artigo, discutimos brevemente as possíveis implicações da avaliação ocular multimodal na prática da especialidade de Retina e Vítreo.Optical coherence tomography was progressively incorporated to the contemporary diagnostic arsenal in Ophthalmology, playing a crucial role in the diagnosis and management of eye diseases, particularly in the specialty of retina and vitreous. The commercial availability of the new generation of devices, coined "spectral" optical coherence tomography, which is based in a distinct physical concept that permits high-speed image acquisition, launched a new era for this investigative ancillary tool. In addition, the recent combination of this new technology with a confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope has permitted the acquisition of tomographic images driven by different imaging modalities simultaneously (fundus autofluorescence, near-infrared reflectance, and fluorescein or indocyanine-green angiographies). Multimodal fundus imaging permits a reliable and detailed correlation between the morphological findings of the retina or retinal pigment epithelium and angiographic studies or fundus autofluorescence, leading to valuable insights about retina physiology. In this article, we briefly discuss possible practical implications of this new diagnostic modality for the retina specialist

    Easy-to-interpret procedure to analyze fire seasonality and the influence of land use in fire occurrence. A case study in central Italy

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    Fire frequency and fire seasonality are among the main components of the fire regime. In the Mediterranean Basin, climate directly drives fire occurrence, controlling fuel flammability and determining the fire-prone conditions, so that intense fires prevail during the dry and warm season of the year. However, humans also play a direct role in wildfire regimes, severely altering fuel features, fire policies and land-use management, as well as the timing and location of fire ignitions, to such an extent that anthropogenic activities have overcome the role of climate in shaping fire regimes. The main purpose of this work is to propose a graphical tool capable of identifying the most fire-prone portions of the territory and to explore the differences between the summer and winter fire risk; to this end, we analyzed the seasonal fire risk in the Latium region (central Italy) and its drivers in terms of land-use types, by using a fuel phenology framework. The results demonstrated that climate is not the main cause of bimodal seasonality in fire occurrence and that the existence of two annual fire seasons in Latium is strongly correlated with how humans use fire as a land management tool. The proposed approach may represent an easy-to-interpret pyrogeographical framework applicable in any environment and updatable over time, useful for identifying spatial gradients, and for recognizing fire regime temporal patterns

    Adrenergic Drugs Blockers or Enhancers for Cognitive Decline ? What to Choose for Alzheimer's Disease Patients?

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    The adrenergic system has an important role in normal central nervous system function as well as in brain disease. The locus coeruleus, the main source of norepinephrine in brain, is involved in the regulation of learning and memory, reinforcement of sleep-wake cycle and synaptic plasticity. In Alzheimer's disease, locus coeruleus degeneration is observed early in the course of the disease, years before the onset of clinical cognitive signs, with neurofibrillary detected at the stage of mild cognitive impairment, preceding amyloid deposition. Thus, in the last years, a great interest has grown in evaluating the possibility of central adrenergic system modulation as a therapeutic tool in Alzheimer's disease. However, evidences do not show univocal results, with some studies suggesting that adrenergic stimulation might be beneficial in Alzheimer's Disease and some others favoring adrenergic blockade. In this review, we summarize data from both hypothesis and describe the pathophysiological role of the adrenergic system in neurodegeneration

    A correlational analysis of the relationships among intolerance of uncertainty, anxiety sensitivity, subjective sleep quality, and insomnia symptoms

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    In this study, we used structural equation modeling to investigate the interplay among Intolerance of Uncertainty (IU), Anxiety Sensitivity (AS), and sleep problems. Three hundred undergraduate students completed the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale, the Intolerance of Uncertainty Inventory, the Anxiety Sensitivity Index, the Beck Depression Inventory, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and the Insomnia Severity Index. 68% and 40% of the students reported poor sleep quality or sub-threshold insomnia problems, respectively. Depression and anxiety levels were above the cut-off for about one-fourth of the participants. Structural equation modeling revealed that IU was strongly associated with AS, in turn influencing both insomnia severity and sleep quality via depression and anxiety. Significant indirect effects revealed that an anxious pathway was more strongly associated with insomnia severity, while a depression pathway was more relevant for worsening the quality of sleep. We discussed the results in the frameworks of cognitive models of insomnia. Viewing AS and IU as antecedents of sleep problems and assigning to AS a pivotal role, our study suggested indications for clinical interventions on a population at risk for sleep disorders

    Racism in Argentine higher education. Proposals for an inclusive foreign language teacher training.

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    In Latin America, racism has been a problem since colonial times and is still found in higher education discriminatory practices. Contemporary racism in teacher training institutions and in foreign language career proposals is characterized by the lack of diversity in many aspects such as institutional human landscape, bibliography, language, and cultural uses. All this maintains a higher education that has traditionally produced and still produces a social reality that is non-plural, inequitable, unjust, and in need of revision. This omission of plurality needs to include strategies that link the field of higher education and excluded social groups. To this end, we suggest that service-learning could contribute to an inclusive training of foreign language teachers in an Ecology of Knowledge with other possible and necessary knowledges, ways, voices of diverse groups, so necessary for a non-racist higher education. We believe that overcoming the idea of the individual and alluding to the community, going beyond the doors of the institutions in an exchange of knowledge through practical interventions in the community beyond academicism is a practice that deserves to be further developed in higher education institutions. We propose lines of work to carry out a process of change in our teacher training programs and spaces for the construction of a better society. Service-learning is a feasible path that implies an anti-racist stance and we, the higher education community, have the imagination and qualifications required to generate and undertake this transgressive task of a collaborative and plural construction for a diverse, equitable, and just social reality

    The Accuracy of Three Intraoral Scanners in the Oral Environment with and without Saliva: A Comparative Study

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    Background: with the emergence of technological innovations in the dental industry, one emerging trend has been the intraoral digitizing of patients by using intraoral scanning systems. Compared to taking conventional impressions, the use of intraoral scanners (IOS) is suitable for capturing direct optical impressions, helping to improve diagnostic efficacy, save time, reduce patient discomfort, and simplify clinical procedures. Intraoral scanning systems appear to have a high potential for providing guidance on proper standards of care. However, one main disadvantage is breathing and saliva secretion, which causes deviations, interfering with the applicability and accuracy of the optical impression. The aim of this study was to compare the validity and accuracy of three commercially available intraoral scanners, performing an analysis exploiting a wet model. Methods: an in vitro experimental study of four permanent teeth (two molars and two premolars) on the accuracy of copings obtained by subgingival preparations was performed, using an oral wet environment model. Two hundred and forty digital impressions were produced from three digital scanners using four samples. Descriptive analysis was performed using mean, standard deviation, and median. ANOVA and F-tests were performed to assess the amount of variability between the groups. For statistical analysis a 95% significance level was chosen. Results: all differences between groups were statistically significant. Conclusions: the present data implicate a huge impact of the oral biological fluids on the accuracy of digital impression to corresponding images, implying a failure of accurate impression under wetness conditions

    Racism in Argentine Higher Education: Proposals for an Inclusive Foreign Language Teacher Training

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    In Latin America, racism has been a problem since colonial times and is still found in higher education discriminatory practices. Contemporary racism in teacher training institutions and in foreign language career proposals is characterized by the lack of diversity in many aspects such as institutional human landscape, bibliography, language, and cultural uses. All this maintains a higher education that has traditionally produced and still produces a social reality that is non-plural, inequitable, unjust, and in need of revision. This omission of plurality needs to include strategies that link the field of higher education and excluded social groups. To this end, we suggest that service-learning could contribute to an inclusive training of foreign language teachers in an Ecology of Knowledge with other possible and necessary knowledges, ways, voices of diverse groups, so necessary for a non-racist higher education. We believe that overcoming the idea of the individual and alluding to the community, going beyond the doors of the institutions in an exchange of knowledge through practical interventions in the community beyond academicism is a practice that deserves to be further developed in higher education institutions. We propose lines of work to carry out a process of change in our teacher training programs and spaces for the construction of a better society. Service-learning is a feasible path that implies an anti-racist stance and we, the higher education community, have the imagination and qualifications required to generate and undertake this transgressive task of a collaborative and plural construction for a diverse, equitable, and just social reality.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Demographic, psychological, chronobiological, and work-related predictors of sleep disturbances during the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy

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    The first COVID-19 contagion wave caused unprecedented restraining measures worldwide. In Italy, a period of generalized lockdown involving home confinement of the entire population was imposed for almost two months (9 March–3 May 2020). The present is the most extensive investigation aimed to unravel the demographic, psychological, chronobiological, and work-related predictors of sleep disturbances throughout the pandemic emergency. A total of 13,989 Italians completed a web-based survey during the confinement period (25 March–3 May). We collected demographic and lockdown-related work changes information, and we evaluated sleep quality, insomnia and depression symptoms, chronotype, perceived stress, and anxiety using validated questionnaires. The majority of the respondents reported a negative impact of confinement on their sleep and a delayed sleep phase. We highlighted an alarming prevalence of sleep disturbances during the lockdown. Main predictors of sleep disturbances identified by regression models were: female gender, advanced age, being a healthcare worker, living in southern Italy, confinement duration, and a higher level of depression, stress, and anxiety. The evening chronotype emerged as a vulnerability factor, while morning-type individuals showed a lower predisposition to sleep and psychological problems. Finally, working from home was associated with less severe sleep disturbances. Besides confirming the role of specific demographic and psychological factors in developing sleep disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic, we propose that circadian typologies could react differently to a particular period of reduced social jetlag. Moreover, our results suggest that working from home could play a protective role against the development of sleep disturbances during the current pandemic emergency
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