392 research outputs found

    Libéralisme, nationalisme et pluralisme culturel

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    Une philosophie politique de l’école

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    Le présent article propose une réflexion sur l’école à partir du point de vue de la philosophie politique. L’auteur s’attache à montrer que cette institution sociale, qui exerce une autorité et un pouvoir sur les enfants, doit s’interroger sur sa légitimité publique et politique. À partir de deux modèles d’écoles qu’il décrit et critique, l’école familiale et l’école citoyenne, il récuse l’hégémonie que la famille et l’État peuvent exercer sur les jeunes par l’entremise de l’école en prônant leur projet respectif de pérennisation culturelle ou de formation d’un modèle de citoyen unique. Même s’il ne nie pas le rôle important qu’elles jouent dans la société, l’auteur est d’avis que ces institutions éducatives peuvent empêcher les jeunes de réaliser leurs intérêts et leurs idéaux personnels. Il propose un modèle d’école qui s’attache au développement de l’autonomie individuelle, ce qui n’est pas incompatible avec les valeurs de liberté et de démocratie. Le lien social découlerait plus d’une relation de confiance entre les personnes que d’identité ou de partage de valeurs communes, l’école se devant de créer un milieu de vie favorable au développement de cette confiance.This article is a reflection about the school from the perspective of political philosophy. The author wishes to demonstrate that this social institution, which exercises an authority and power over the students, must question its public and political legitimacy. He describes and critique two school models, the family school and the citizen school, and objects to the hegemony that the family and State can exercise on the students through the school by advocating their respective plans for cultural permanence or the formation of a unique citizen model. Although he does not deny the important role that schools play in society, the author believes that these institutions may prevent students from following their interests and realizing their personal ideals. He proposes a school model based on the development of individual autonomy, which is not incompatible with the values of freedom and democracy. The social bond would flow more from a relationship of confidence between people rather than from identity or the sharing of common values, since it is the school’s duty to create an environment that promotes the development of this confidence.El presente artículo propone una reflexión sobre la escuela desde el punto de vista de la filosofía política. El autor se esmera en mostrar que ésta institución social, que ejerce autoridad y poder sobre los niños, debe interrogarse sobre su legitimidad pública y política. A partir de dos modelos de escuela que describe y critica, la escuela familiar y la escuela ciudadana, el autor recusa la hegemonía que la familia y el Estado pueden ejercer sobre los jóvenes a través de la escuela que preconiza sus proyectos respectivos de perennidad cultural o de formación de un modelo de ciudadano único. Aunque no niega el importante rol que juegan en la sociedad, el autor piensa que esas instituciones educativas pueden impedir a los jóvenes de realizar sus intereses y sus ideales personales. Propone un modelo de escuela que se esmera en el desarrollo de la autonomía individual, que no es incompatible con los valores de libertad y democracia. El vínculo social derivaría más de una relación de confianza entre las personas que de identidad o de repartición de valores comunes, escuela cuyo deber es crear un medio de vida favorable al desarrollo de dicha confianz

    Éthique et politique : Introduction

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    Genome analysis of a highly virulent serotype 1 strain of streptococcus pneumoniae from West Africa

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is a leading cause of pneumonia, meningitis, and bacteremia, estimated to cause 2 million deaths annually. The majority of pneumococcal mortality occurs in developing countries, with serotype 1 a leading cause in these areas. To begin to better understand the larger impact that serotype 1 strains have in developing countries, we characterized virulence and genetic content of PNI0373, a serotype 1 strain from a diseased patient in The Gambia. PNI0373 and another African serotype 1 strain showed high virulence in a mouse intraperitoneal challenge model, with 20% survival at a dose of 1 cfu. The PNI0373 genome sequence was similar in structure to other pneumococci, with the exception of a 100 kb inversion. PNI0373 showed only15 lineage specific CDS when compared to the pan-genome of pneumococcus. However analysis of non-core orthologs of pneumococcal genomes, showed serotype 1 strains to be closely related. Three regions were found to be serotype 1 associated and likely products of horizontal gene transfer. A detailed inventory of known virulence factors showed that some functions associated with colonization were absent, consistent with the observation that carriage of this highly virulent serotype is unusual. The African serotype 1 strains thus appear to be closely related to each other and different from other pneumococci despite similar genetic content

    Reducing Health Inequities Through Intersectoral Action: Balancing Equity in Health With Equity for Other Social Goods

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    Abstract Significant attention has been devoted to developing intersectoral strategies to reduce health inequities; however, these strategies have largely neglected to consider how equity in health ought to be weighted and balanced with the pursuit of equity for other social goods (eg, education equity). Research in this domain is crucial, as the health sector’s pursuit of health equity may be at odds with policies in other sectors, which may consider the reduction of health inequities to be peripheral to, if not incompatible with, their own equity-related aims. It is therefore critical that intersectoral strategies to reduce health inequities be guided by a more general account of social justice that is capable of carefully balancing equity in health against the pursuit of equity in other sectors
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