297 research outputs found

    The 3.4-kDa Ost4 protein is required for the assembly of two distinct oligosaccharyltransferase complexes in yeast

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    In the central reaction of N-linked glycosylation, the oligosaccharyltransferase (OTase) complex catalyzes the transfer of a lipid-linked core oligosaccharide onto asparagine residues of nascent polypeptide chains in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The Saccharomyces cerevisiae OTase has been shown to consist of at least eight subunits. We analyzed this enzyme complex, applying the technique of blue native gel electrophoresis. Using available antibodies, six different subunits were detected in the wild-type (wt) complex, including Stt3p, Ost1p, Wbp1p, Swp1p, Ost3p, and Ost6p. We demonstrate that the small 3.4-kDa subunit Ost4p is required for the incorporation of either Ost3p or Ost6p into the complex, resulting in two, functionally distinct OTase complexes in vivo. Ost3p and Ost6p are not absolutely required for OTase activity, but modulate the affinity of the enzyme toward different protein substrate

    Neue Parteiführung in China: Generationswechsel aufgeschoben

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    Nach Monaten der Spekulationen im In- und Ausland ist seit dem 15. November endlich klar, wer für die nächsten fünf Jahre an der Spitze Chinas stehen wird. Vorausgegangen war ein Tauziehen der verschiedenen Seilschaften in der Parteiführung. Der innerste Zirkel der Partei, der Ständige Ausschuss des Politbüros, wurde verkleinert und ist relativ homogen mit Gefolgsleuten des früheren Parteivorsitzenden Jiang Zemin besetzt, darunter der neue Parteichef Xi Jinping. Einzig der wahrscheinliche neue Premierminister Li gilt als Parteigänger des abgetretenen Hu Jintao. Die neue Führungsriege lässt kaum auf den entschiedenen Willen zu wirtschaftlichen oder politischen Reformen schließen. (Autorenreferat

    Structural and functional analysis of Nup120 suggests ring formation of the Nup84 complex

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    The Nup84 complex constitutes a key building block in the nuclear pore complex (NPC). Here we present the crystal structure of one of its 7 components, Nup120, which reveals a β propeller and an α-helical domain representing a novel fold. We discovered a previously unidentified interaction of Nup120 with Nup133 and confirmed the physiological relevance in vivo. As mapping of the individual components in the Nup84 complex places Nup120 and Nup133 at opposite ends of the heptamer, our findings indicate a head-to-tail arrangement of elongated Nup84 complexes into a ring structure, consistent with a fence-like coat for the nuclear pore membrane. The attachment site for Nup133 lies at the very end of an extended unstructured region, which allows for flexibility in the diameter of the Nup84 complex ring. These results illuminate important roles of terminal unstructured segments in nucleoporins for the architecture, function, and assembly of the NPC

    Structural and functional analysis of Nup120 suggests ring formation of the Nup84 complex

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    The Nup84 complex constitutes a key building block in the nuclear pore complex (NPC). Here we present the crystal structure of one of its 7 components, Nup120, which reveals a β propeller and an α-helical domain representing a novel fold. We discovered a previously unidentified interaction of Nup120 with Nup133 and confirmed the physiological relevance in vivo. As mapping of the individual components in the Nup84 complex places Nup120 and Nup133 at opposite ends of the heptamer, our findings indicate a head-to-tail arrangement of elongated Nup84 complexes into a ring structure, consistent with a fence-like coat for the nuclear pore membrane. The attachment site for Nup133 lies at the very end of an extended unstructured region, which allows for flexibility in the diameter of the Nup84 complex ring. These results illuminate important roles of terminal unstructured segments in nucleoporins for the architecture, function, and assembly of the NPC

    14C characteristics of dissolved lignin along a forest soil profile

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    Lignin is a key component of soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and is recently suggested to track 14C-young DOC components. However, direct evidence is still lacking to prove this hypothesis in the soil. Here, utilizing molecular radiocarbon dating, we present the first 14C dataset on dissolved lignin through a Podzol soil profile. Dissolved lignin and hydroxy phenols had similar 14C content as soil organic carbon (SOC) and DOC in the surface organic layer. However, in contrast to SOC, both DOC and dissolved lignin phenols exhibited consistent and higher Δ14C values in the mineral soils. Coupled with lignin phenol concentration data, our results suggest that dissolved lignin comprises a key DOC component throughout this Podzol profile and is mainly supplied by surface leachates with young 14C ages

    Prototyping sensor-actuator networks for home automation

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    Abstract Integrating actuators into sensor networks is often considered to be the next logical step in the evolution of wireless sensor networks. However, few practical examples of such sensor and actuator networks have been demonstrated so far. In this paper, we present a prototype system that supports the easy prototyping of such applications in the area of home automation. We demonstrate the utility of this system with a simple light control application built on top of it. We also report first experiences and insights gained with the help of real-world experiments

    Zener transitions between dissipative Bloch bands. II: Current Response at Finite Temperature

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    We extend, to include the effects of finite temperature, our earlier study of the interband dynamics of electrons with Markoffian dephasing under the influence of uniform static electric fields. We use a simple two-band tight-binding model and study the electric current response as a function of field strength and the model parameters. In addition to the Esaki-Tsu peak, near where the Bloch frequency equals the damping rate, we find current peaks near the Zener resonances, at equally spaced values of the inverse electric field. These become more prominenent and numerous with increasing bandwidth (in units of the temperature, with other parameters fixed). As expected, they broaden with increasing damping (dephasing).Comment: 5 pages, LateX, plus 5 postscript figure