101 research outputs found

    Ist die fĂŒrsorgerische Unterbringung von UrteilsfĂ€higen zulĂ€ssig?

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    Mit dem Inkrafttreten des neuen Erwachsenenschutzrechts per 1. Januar 2013 wurde die fĂŒrsorgerische Freiheitsentziehung (FFE) in fĂŒrsorgerische Unterbringung (FU) umbenannt. Bei der Frage, ob eine solche auch bei diesbezĂŒglich urteilsfĂ€higen Personen zulĂ€ssig ist, gehen die juristischen und medizinethischen Meinungen jedoch auseinander

    Monoamine receptor interaction profiles of 4-thio-substituted phenethylamines (2C-T drugs)

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    4-Thio-substituted phenethylamines (2C-T drugs) are potent psychedelics with poorly defined pharmacological properties. Because of their psychedelic effects, 2C-T drugs are sometimes sold as new psychoactive substances (NPSs). The aim of the present study was to characterize the monoamine receptor and transporter interaction profiles of a series of 2C-T drugs.; We determined the binding affinities of 2C-T drugs at monoamine receptors and transporters in human cells that were transfected with the respective receptors or transporters. We also investigated the functional activation of serotonergic 5-hydroxytryptamine 2A (5-HT2A) and 5-HT2B receptors, activation of human trace amine-associated receptor 1 (TAAR1), and inhibition of monoamine uptake transporters.; 2C-T drugs had high affinity for 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors (1-54 nM and 40-350 nM, respectively). With activation potencies of 1-53 nM and 44-370 nM, the drugs were potent 5-HT2A receptor and 5-HT2B receptor, respectively, partial agonists. An exception to this were the benzylthiophenethylamines, which did not potently activate the 5-HT2B receptor (EC50 > 3000 nM). Furthermore, the compounds bound to serotonergic 5-HT1A and adrenergic receptors. The compounds had high affinity for the rat TAAR1 (5-68 nM) and interacted with the mouse but not human TAAR1. The 2C-T drugs did not potently interact with monoamine transporters (Ki > 4000 nM).; The receptor binding profile of 2C-T drugs predicts psychedelic effects that are mediated by potent 5-HT2 receptor interactions

    UrteilsfÀhigkeit, ZurechnungsfÀhigkeit und SchuldfÀhigkeit

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    Ärztinnen und Ärzte (aber teilweise auch RichterInnen, StaatsanwĂ€ltInnen und VerteidigerInnen) verwenden die Begriffe UrteilsfĂ€higkeit, ZurechnungsfĂ€higkeit und SchuldfĂ€higkeit oft praktisch synonym. Welche der oben genannten FĂ€higkeiten ist jedoch relevant, damit eine Person sich selbstbestimmt fĂŒr oder gegen eine Ă€rztlich indizierte Behandlungsoption entscheiden kann? Bei Vorliegen welcher FĂ€higkeit muss die Patientenentscheidung respektiert und umgesetzt werden

    Ivacaftor in a young boy with the rare gating mutation S549R - use of lung clearance index to track progress: a case report

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    Background Ivacaftor acts as a potentiator of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and increases the transepithelial chloride transport of CFTR in 9 of 10 known gating mutations causing cystic fibrosis. S549R is a rare gating mutation considered to be less sensitive to potentiators than all other gating mutations. Case presentation We report our first experience with ivacaftor in an 8-year-old boy with the rare S549R gating mutation. Besides subjective clinical improvements, the sweat chloride level and the lung clearance index decreased impressively within a few weeks of treatment while forced expiratory volume in the first second values remained in normal range. Conclusion We emphasize the value of measuring small airway function by lung clearance index as an outcome measure for new interventions targeting the correction of the CFTR defect at an age before traditional lung function parameters start to deteriorate

    Respiratory rate estimation from multi-channel signals using auto-regulated adaptive extended Kalman filter

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    Background: Respiration rate (RR) is a major cause for false alarms in intensive care units (ICU) and is primarily impaired by the artifact prone signals from skin-attached electrodes. Catheter-integrated esophageal electrodes are an alternative source for multi-channel physiological signals from multiple organs such as the heart and the diaphragm. Nonlinear estimation and sensor fusion are promising techniques for extracting the respiratory activity from such multi-component signals, however, pathologic breathing patterns with rapid RR changes typically observed in patient populations such as premature infants, pose significant challenges. Methods: We developed an auto-regulated adaptive extended Kalman filter (AA-EKF), which iteratively adapts the system model and the noise parameters based on the respiratory pattern. AA-EKF was tested on neonatal esophageal observations (NEO), and also on simulated multi-components signals created using waveforms in CapnoBase and ETNA databases. Results: AA-EKF derived RR (RRAA-EKF) from NEO had lower median (inter-quartile range) error of 0.1 (10.6) breaths per minute (bpm) compared to contemporary neonatal ICU monitors (RRNICU): −3.8 (15.7) bpm (p <0.001). RRAA-EKF error of −0.2 (3.2) bpm was achieved for ETNA wave forms and a bias (95% LOA) of 0.1 (−5.6, 5.9) in breath count. Mean absolute error (MAE) of RRAA-EKF with Capnobase waveforms, as median (inter-quartile range), at 0.3 (0.2) bpm was comparable to the literature reported values. Discussion: The auto-regulated approach allows RR estimation on a broad set of clinical data without requiring extensive patient specific adjustments. Causality and fast response times of EKF based algorithms makes the AA-EKF suitable for bedside monitoring in the ICU setting

    High-resolution summer temperature reconstruction from Lake Silvaplana based on in-situ reflectance spectroscopy

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    Annually laminated (varved) sediments of proglacial Lake Silvaplana (46 ̊27’N, 9 ̊48’E, 1791 m a.s.l., Engadine, eastern Swiss Alps) provide an excellent archive for quantitative high-resolution (seasonal – annual) reconstruction of high- and lowfrequency climate signals back to AD 1580. The chronology of the core is based on varve counting, Cs-137, Pb-210 and event stratigraphy. In this study we present a reconstruction based on in-situ reflectance spectroscopy. In situ reflectance spectroscopy is known as a cost- and time-effective non destructtive method for semi-quantitative analysis of pigments (e.g., chlorines and carotenoids) and of lithoclastic sediment fractions. Reflectance-dependent absorption (RDA) was measured with a Gretac Macbeth spectrolino at 2 mm resolution. The spectral coverage ranges from 380 nm to 730 nm at 10 nm band resolution. In proglacial Lake Silvaplana, 99% of the sediment is lithoclastic prior to AD 1950. Therefore, we concentrate on absorption features that are characteristic for lithoclastic sediment fractions. In Lake Silvaplana, two significant correlations that are stable in time were found between RDA typical for lithoclastics and meteorological data: (1) the time series R 570 /R 630 (ratio between RDA at 570 nm and 630 nm) of varves in Lake Silvaplana and May to October temperatures at nearby station of Sils correlate highly significantly (calibration period AD 1864 – 1951, r = 0.74, p < 0.01 for 5ptsmoothed series; RMSE is 0.28 ̊C, RE = 0.41 and CE = 0.38), and (2) the minimum reflectance within the 690nm band (min690) data correlate with May to October (calibration period AD 1864 – 1951, r = 0.68, p < 0.01 for 5pt-smoothed series; RMSE = 0.22 ̊C, RE = 0.5, CE = 0.31). Both proxy series (min690nm and R 570 /R 630 values) are internally highly consistent (r = 0.8, p < 0.001). In proglacial Lake Silvaplana the largest amount of sediment is transported by glacial meltwater. The melting season spans approximately from May to October, which gives us a good understanding of the geophysical processes explaining the correlations between lithoclastic proxies and the meteorological data. The reconstructions were extended back to AD 1580 and show a broad corresponddence with fully independent reconstructions from tree rings and documentary data

    Palliative psychiatry in a narrow and in a broad sense: A concept clarification

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    Even with optimal treatment, some persons with severe and persistent mental illness do not achieve a level of mental health, psychosocial functioning and quality of life that is acceptable to them. With each unsuccessful treatment attempt, the probability of achieving symptom reduction declines while the probability of somatic and psychological side effects increases. This worsening benefit-harm ratio of treatment aiming at symptom reduction has motivated calls for implementing palliative approaches to care into psychiatry (palliative psychiatry). Palliative psychiatry accepts that some cases of severe and persistent mental illness can be irremediable and calls for a careful evaluation of goals of care in these cases. It aims at reducing harm, relieving suffering and thus improving quality of life directly, working around irremediable psychiatric symptoms. In a narrow sense, this refers to patients likely to die of their severe and persistent mental illness soon, but palliative psychiatry in a broad sense is not limited to end-of-life care. It can - and often should - be integrated with curative and rehabilitative approaches, as is the gold standard in somatic medicine. Palliative psychiatry constitutes a valuable addition to established non-curative approaches such as rehabilitative psychiatry (which focuses on psychosocial functioning instead of quality of life) and personal recovery (a journey that persons living with severe and persistent mental illness may undertake, not necessarily accompanied by mental health care professionals). Although the implementation of palliative psychiatry is met with several challenges such as difficulties regarding decision-making capacity and prognostication in severe and persistent mental illness, it is a promising new approach in caring for persons with severe and persistent mental illness, regardless of whether they are at the end of life. Keywords: Severe and persistent mental illness; end of life; futility; goals of care; irremediability; palliative psychiatry; quality of life; sufferin

    Receptor Interaction Profiles of 4-Alkoxy-3,5-Dimethoxy-Phenethylamines (Mescaline Derivatives) and Related Amphetamines

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    3,4,5-Trimethoxyphenethylamine (mescaline) is a psychedelic alkaloid found in peyote cactus. Related 4-alkoxy-3,5-dimethoxy-substituted phenethylamines (scalines) and amphetamines (3C-scalines) are reported to induce similarly potent psychedelic effects and are therefore potential novel therapeutics for psychedelic-assisted therapy. Herein, several pharmacologically uninvestigated scalines and 3C-scalines were examined at key monoamine targets; in vitro; . Binding affinity at human serotonergic 5-HT; 1A; , 5-HT; 2A; , and 5-HT; 2C; , adrenergic α; 1A; and α; 2A; , and dopaminergic D; 2; receptors, rat and mouse trace amine-associated receptor 1 (TAAR1), and human monoamine transporters were assessed using target specific transfected cells. Furthermore, activation of human 5-HT; 2A; and 5-HT; 2B; receptors, and TAAR1 was examined. Generally, scalines and 3C-scalines bound with weak to moderately high affinity to the 5-HT; 2A; receptor (; K; i; = 150-12,000 nM). 3C-scalines showed a marginal preference for the 5-HT; 2A; vs the 5-HT; 2C; and 5-HT; 1A; receptors whereas no preference was observed for the scalines. Extending the 4-alkoxy substituent increased 5-HT; 2A; and 5-HT; 2C; receptors binding affinities, and enhanced activation potency and efficacy at the 5-HT; 2A; but not at the 5-HT; 2B; receptor. Introduction of fluorinated 4-alkoxy substituents generally increased 5-HT; 2A; and 5-HT; 2C; receptors binding affinities and increased the activation potency and efficacy at the 5-HT; 2A; and 5-HT; 2B; receptors. Overall, no potent affinity was observed at non-serotonergic targets. As observed for other psychedelics, scalines and 3C-scalines interacted with the 5-HT; 2A; and 5-HT; 2C; receptors and bound with higher affinities (up to 63-fold and 34-fold increase, respectively) when compared to mescaline
