234 research outputs found

    Populating the Greater Germanic Empire

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    Pragmatic Explorations towards Understanding Wikipedia in an Academic Context

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    Construit au cours des vingt dernières années et contenant maintenant des millions d’articles divers, Wikipédia est devenu une encyclopédie mondialementreconnue et un puits profond d’informations utilisées quotidiennement par le grand public. Alors que Wikipédia était à l'origine étiqueté par les universitaires comme non digne de confiance, introuvable et tabou, la compréhension actuelle de la plate-forme évolue. Notamment, les chercheurs et chercheuses commencent à saisir le vaste potentiel offert par Wikipédia pour un engagement étendu et légitime avec les créateurs et créatrices de connaissances à la fois au sein et au-delà de l'académie. Cet article traite de quatre initiatives de connaissances ouvertes menées par l’Electronic Textual Cultures Lab à l'Université de Victoria qui explorent l’impact de la participation à Wikipédia.Built over the last twenty years and now containing millions of diverse articles, Wikipedia has become a globally recognized encyclopedia and a deep well of information used daily by the general public. While Wikipedia was originally labelled by academics as untrustworthy, untraceable, and taboo, present understandings of the platform are shifting. Notably, scholars are beginning to grasp the vast potential offered by Wikipedia for extended, legitimate engagement with knowledge builders both within and beyond the academy. This paper discusses four open knowledge initiatives spearheaded by The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab at the University of Victoria that explore the impact of Wikipedia participation

    Building Alternative Scholarly Publishing Capacity: The Renaissance Knowledge Network (ReKN) as Digital Production Hub

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    The Renaissance Knowledge Network (ReKN) is a major scholarly initiative designed to develop digital capacity within early modern studies. In this paper, we present an outline for the development of ReKN as an integrated scholarly research environment devoted to early modern scholarship. Additionally, we focus extensively on the prospects for scholarly production within such a holistic environment in the form of editions, criticism, and middle-state publication

    Accurate measurement of the time delay in the response of the LIGO gravitational wave detectors

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    We present a method to precisely calibrate the time delay in a long baseline gravitational-wave interferometer. An accurate time stamp is crucial for data analysis of gravitational wave detectors, especially when performing coincidence and correlation analyses between multiple detectors. Our method uses an intensity-modulated radiation pressure force to actuate on the mirrors. The time delay is measured by comparing the phase of the signal at the actuation point with the phase of the recorded signal within the calibrated data stream used for gravitational wave searches. Because the signal-injection path is independent of the interferometer's control system, which is used for the standard calibration, this method can be an independent verification of the timing error in the system. A measurement performed with the 4 km interferometer at the LIGO Hanford Observatory shows a 1 µs relative accuracy when averaging over 50 min. Our understanding of the systematic time delay in the detector response has reached the level of 10 µs

    Transformation through Integration: The Renaissance Knowledge Network (ReKN) and a Next Wave of Scholarly Publication

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    This article reflects on the first six months of funded research by the Renaissance Knowledge Network (ReKN), focusing especially on the possibilities for interoperability and metadata aggregation of diverse digital projects, including but not limited to Early English Books Online—Text Creation Partnership; the Iter Bibliography; the Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory; the Advanced Research Consortium network; Editing Modernism in Canada; the INKE working groups; and several other, smaller projects. is article also considers how internetworked resources and a holistic scholarly environment should incorporate and build on existing publication and markup tools. Key to this process of facilitating new forms of scholarly production are including possibilities for middle-state publication; exporting both primary and critical content; and forming new types of technologically facilitated scholarly communities

    Student Attitudes toward Learning Analytics in Higher Education: "The Fitbit Version of the Learning World"

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    Increasingly, higher education institutions are exploring the potential of learning analytics to predict student retention, understand learning behaviors, and improve student learning through providing personalized feedback and support. The technical development of learning analytics has outpaced consideration of ethical issues surrounding their use. Of particular concern is the absence of the student voice in decision-making about learning analytics. We explored higher education students' knowledge, attitudes, and concerns about big data and learning analytics through four focus groups (N = 41). Thematic analysis of the focus group transcripts identified six key themes. The first theme, “Uninformed and Uncertain,” represents students' lack of knowledge about learning analytics prior to the focus groups. Following the provision of information, viewing of videos and discussion of learning analytics scenarios three further themes; “Help or Hindrance to Learning,” “More than a Number,” and “Impeding Independence”; represented students' perceptions of the likely impact of learning analytics on their learning. “Driving Inequality” and “Where Will it Stop?” represent ethical concerns raised by the students about the potential for inequity, bias and invasion of privacy and the need for informed consent. A key tension to emerge was how “personal” vs. “collective” purposes or principles can intersect with “uniform” vs. “autonomous” activity. The findings highlight the need the need to engage students in the decision making process about learning analytics
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