194 research outputs found

    Distinct Expression Patterns of Osteopontin and Dentin Matrix Protein 1 Genes in Pituitary Gonadotrophs

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    Cell-matrix interactions play important roles in pituitary development, physiology, and pathogenesis. In other tissues, a family of non-collagenous proteins, termed SIBLINGs, are known to contribute to cell-matrix interactions. Anterior pituitary gland expresses two SIBLING genes, Dmp1 (dentin matrix protein-1) and Spp1 (secreted phosphoprotein-1) encoding DMP1 and osteopontin proteins, respectively, but their expression pattern and roles in pituitary functions have not been clarified. Here we provide novel evidence supporting the conclusion that Spp1/osteopontin, like Dmp1/DMP1, are expressed in gonadotrophs in a sex- and age-specific manner. Other anterior pituitary cell types do not express these genes. In contrast to Dmp1, Spp1 expression is higher in males; in females, the expression reaches the peak during the diestrus phase of estrous cycle. In further contrast to Dmp1 and marker genes for gonadotrophs, the expression of Spp1 is not regulated by gonadotropin-releasing hormone in vivo and in vitro. However, Spp1 expression increases progressively after pituitary cell dispersion in both female and male cultures. We may speculate that gonadotrophs signal to other pituitary cell types about changes in the structure of pituitary cell-matrix network by osteopontin, a function consistent with the role of this secretory protein in postnatal tissue remodeling, extracellular matrix reorganization after injury, and tumorigenesis

    Duration of Supplemental Oxygen Requirement and Predictors in Severe COVID-19 Patients in Ethiopia: A Survival Analysis

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    BACKGROUND፡ With the rising number of new cases of COVID-19, understanding the oxygen requirement of severe patients assists in identifying at risk groups and in making an informed decision on building hospitals capacity in terms of oxygen facility arrangement. Therefore, the study aimed to estimate time to getting off supplemental oxygen therapy and identify predictors among COVID-19 patients admitted to Millennium COVID-19 Care Center in Ethiopia.METHODS: A prospective observational study was conducted among 244 consecutively admitted COVID-19 patients from July to September, 2020. Kaplan Meier plots, median survival times and Log-rank test were used to describe the data and compare survival distribution between groups. Cox proportional hazard survival model was used to identify determinants of time to getting off supplemental oxygen therapy, where hazard ratio (HR), Pvalue and 95%CI for HR were used for testing significance and interpretation of results.RESULTS: Median time to getting off supplemental oxygen therapy among the studied population was 6 days (IQR,4.3-20.0). Factors that affect time to getting off supplemental oxygen therapy were age group (AHR=0.52,95%CI=0.32,0.84, pvalue=0.008 for ≥70 years) and shortness of breath (AHR=0.71,95%CI=0.52,0.96, p-value=0.026).CONCLUSION: Average duration of supplemental oxygen therapy requirement among COVID-19 patients was 6 days and being 70 years and older and having shortness of breath were found to be associated with prolonged duration of supplemental oxygen therapy requirement. This result can be used as a guide in planning institutional resource allocation and patient management to provide a well-equipped care to prevent complications and death from the disease

    Divergent expression patterns of pituitary gonadotropin subunit and GnRH receptor genes to continuous GnRH in vitro and in vivo.

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    Continuous, as opposed to pulsatile, delivery of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) leads to a marked decrease in secretion of pituitary gonadotropins LH and FSH and impairment of reproductive function. Here we studied the expression profile of gonadotropin subunit and GnRH receptor genes in rat pituitary in vitro and in vivo to clarify their expression profiles in the absence and continuous presence of GnRH. Culturing of pituitary cells in GnRH-free conditions downregulated Fshb, Cga, and Gnrhr expression, whereas continuous treatment with GnRH agonists upregulated Cga expression progressively and Gnrhr and Fshb expression transiently, accompanied by a prolonged blockade of Fshb but not Gnrhr expression. In contrast, Lhb expression was relatively insensitive to loss of endogenous GnRH and continuous treatment with GnRH, probably reflecting the status of Egr1 and Nr5a1 expression. Similar patterns of responses were observed in vivo after administration of a GnRH agonist. However, continuous treatment with GnRH stimulated LH secretion in vitro and in vivo, leading to decrease in LH cell content despite high basal Lhb expression. These data suggest that blockade of Fshb expression and depletion of the LH secretory pool are two major factors accounting for weakening of the gonadotroph secretory function during continuous GnRH treatment

    Distinct Expression Patterns of Osteopontin and Dentin Matrix Protein 1 Genes in Pituitary Gonadotrophs

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    Cell-matrix interactions play important roles in pituitary development, physiology, and pathogenesis. In other tissues, a family of non-collagenous proteins, termed SIBLINGs, are known to contribute to cell-matrix interactions. Anterior pituitary gland expresses two SIBLING genes, Dmp1 (dentin matrix protein-1) and Spp1 (secreted phosphoprotein-1) encoding DMP1 and osteopontin proteins, respectively, but their expression pattern and roles in pituitary functions have not been clarified. Here we provide novel evidence supporting the conclusion that Spp1/osteopontin, like Dmp1/DMP1, are expressed in gonadotrophs in a sex- and age-specific manner. Other anterior pituitary cell types do not express these genes. In contrast to Dmp1, Spp1 expression is higher in males; in females, the expression reaches the peak during the diestrus phase of estrous cycle. In further contrast to Dmp1 and marker genes for gonadotrophs, the expression of Spp1 is not regulated by gonadotropin-releasing hormone in vivo and in vitro. However, Spp1 expression increases progressively after pituitary cell dispersion in both female and male cultures. We may speculate that gonadotrophs signal to other pituitary cell types about changes in the structure of pituitary cell-matrix network by osteopontin, a function consistent with the role of this secretory protein in postnatal tissue remodeling, extracellular matrix reorganization after injury, and tumorigenesis

    Identification of novel Coxiella burnetii genotypes from Ethiopian ticks

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    Background: Coxiella burnetii , the etiologic agent of Q fever, is a highly infectious zoonotic bacterium. Genetic information about the strains of this worldwide distributed agent circulating on the African continent is limited. The aim of the present study was the genetic characterization of C. burnetii DNA samples detected in ticks collected from Ethiopian cattle and their comparison with other genotypes found previously in other parts of the world. Methodology/Principal Findings: A total of 296 tick samples were screened by real-time PCR targeting the IS 1111 region of C. burnetii genome and from the 32 positive samples, 8 cases with sufficient C. burnetii DNA load ( Amblyomma cohaerens ,n 5 6; A. variegatum ,n 5 2) were characterized by multispacer sequence typing (MST) and multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA). One novel sequence type (ST), the proposed ST52, was identified by MST. The MLVA-6 discriminated the proposed ST52 into two newly identified MLVA genotypes: type 24 or AH was detected in both Amblyomma species while type 26 or AI was found only in A. cohaerens . Conclusions/Significance: Both the MST and MLVA genotypes of the present work are closely related to previously described genotypes found primarily in cattle samples from different parts of the globe. This finding is congruent with the source hosts of the analyzed Ethiopian ticks, as these were also collected from cattle. The present study provides genotype information of C. burnetii from this seldom studied East-African region as well as further evidence for the presumed host-specific adaptation of this agent