6,924 research outputs found

    Reactive precursor particles as synthetic platform for the generation of functional nanoparticles, nanogels, and microgels

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    Precise control of the chemical functionality of polymer nanoparticles is a key requirement in tailoring their (dynamic) colloidal properties toward advanced applications. However, current synthetic techniques are still limited in the versatility of chemical design and preparation of such functional colloidal nanomaterials. Two major challenges remain: First, various particle preparation methods are restricted in their functional group tolerance, thus hindering certain combinations of polymer backbones with specific functional groups. Second, the preparation of particles with different functionalities requires the synthesis of different particle batches. But this often results in a simultaneous variation of colloidal features. As a result, the accurate determination of important structure–property relations is still hindered. To address these restrictions, postmodification of preformed reactive particles is gaining more attention. This technique has evolved from polymer synthesis, where postpolymerization functionalization enables the introduction of a plethora of functional groups without changing the degree of polymerization and the molecular weight distribution. Similarly, modifying precursor particles enables the introduction of functional groups into particles while reducing variations in colloidal features, e.g., particle size and size distribution. This powerful synthetic method complements established procedures for functionalization of particle surfaces, thereby enabling the facile preparation of (multi‐)functional particle libraries, which will allow precise investigations of structure–property relations

    A Shifting Landscape: A Decade of Change in American Attitudes about Same-Sex Marriage and LGBT Issues

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    This national survey of more than 4,500 Americans finds that support for allowing gay and lesbian people to legally wed has jumped 21 percentage points over the last decade, from 32 percent in 2003 to 53 percent in 2013, transforming the American religious landscape in the process

    Using microelectrode models for real time cell-culture monitoring

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    This paper proposes a cell-microelectrode model for cell biometry applications, based on the area overlap as main parameter. The model can be applied to cell size identification, cell count, and their extension to cell growth and dosimetry protocols. Experiments performed with comercial electrodes are presented, illustrating a procedure to obtain cell number in both growth and dosimetry processes. Results obtained for the AA8 cell line are promising.Junta de Andalucía P0-TIC-538

    Religiosidad y comportamientos económicos ante la muerte de los comerciantes de telas al por menor en la Valencia del XVIII

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    Este artículo analiza las actitudes ante la muerte de los comerciantes de telas al por menor en la Valencia del siglo XVIII, a través de las disposiciones testamentarias de tres miembros representativos de este grupo social; Bernardo Sumbiela, de origen francés, Juan Solernou, catalán y José Ellul, de procedencia maltesa. El hecho de que todos ellos sean de origen foráneo se corresponde con la composición social de este sector y el predominio de agentes comerciales extranjeros especialmente franceses y malteses durante toda la centuria. Observamos, especialmente, las actitudes religiosas (entierro, legado pro anima, mandas pías...), pero también sus comportamientos económicos y las estrategias sociales que subyacen ante la proximidad del momento de la muerte, reflejadas a través de los testamentos. (A

    Mejora de la gestión, integración y calidad de vida de los gatos callejeros presentes en espacios urbanos: descentrando el humano en diseño

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    La situació actual dels gats de carrer presents en espais urbans és precària. Malgrat l'esforç de protectores i voluntariat per aplicar tècniques de control ètiques com el TNR, la gestió i la qualitat de vida d'aquests animals es veu perjudicada per un sistema urbà centrat en el ciutadà i que deixa de banda la seva fauna. La creació d'un espai implementable en les urbs que permeti un millor control, monitorització i la millora de la qualitat de vida d'aquest col·lectiu és una necessitat que té l'objectiu final de fomentar el desenvolupament responsable de les ciutats, buscant la integració de la seva fauna i generant un ecosistema de co-living.La situación actual de los gatos callejeros presentes en espacios urbanos es precaria. Pese al esfuerzo de protectoras y voluntariado por aplicar técnicas de control éticas como el TNR, la gestión y la calidad de vida de estos animales se ve perjudicada por un sistema urbano centrado en el ciudadano y que deja de lado su fauna. La creación de un espacio implementable en las urbes que permita un mejor control, monitoreo y la mejora de la calidad de vida de este colectivo es una necesidad cuyo objetivo final es el fomento del desarrollo responsable de las ciudades, buscando la integración de su fauna y generando un ecosistema de co-living.The current situation of free roaming cats present in urban spaces is precarious. Despite the efforts of the shelters and volunteers to apply ethical control techniques such as the TNR, the management and quality of life of these animals is harmed by an urban system focused on the human and leaving their wildlife aside. The creation of an implementable space in the cities that allows a better control, monitoring and improvement of the quality of life of this group is a necessity whose final objective is to promote the responsible development of cities, seeking the integration of their fauna and generating a co-living ecosystem

    Chapter The virus of fashion. Democratization of luxury and new commercial strategies in early modern Valencia

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    This work intends to analyze how the influence of fashion in eighteenth-century Spain transformed the commercial structure, being the petty bourgeoisie the main protagonists and the shop ("botiga") the priority scenario of these changes. To do this, we will focus on eighteenth-century Valencia as a case study, a dynamic city that experienced a remarkable economic development during this century. Undoubtedly, fashion stimulated economic growth not only in the more developed regions of north-western Europe, but this process was also present in the Mediterranean context, developing an important sector of petty bourgeoisie mercantile and a change in the consumption patterns of most of its population

    Lord of the Fries

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    A creative piece that explores the lives of young men living in Spain.https://digitalcommons.csumb.edu/hcom434_spring2021/1087/thumbnail.jp

    No Estamos Locos-La Vida

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    A creative piece that explores social issues and uprisings in Spain.https://digitalcommons.csumb.edu/hcom434_spring2021/1010/thumbnail.jp