9 research outputs found

    BILROST: Handling Actuators of the Internet of Things through Tweets on Twitter using a Domain- Specific Language

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    In recent years, many investigations have appeared that combine the Internet of Things and Social Networks. Some of them addressed the interconnection of objects as Social Networks interconnect people, and others addressed the connection between objects and people. However, they usually used interfaces created for that purpose instead of using familiar interfaces for users. Why not integrate Smart Objects in traditional Social Networks? Why not control Smart Objects through natural interactions in Social Networks? The goal of this paper is to make easier to create applications that allow non-experts users to control Smart Objects actuators through Social Networks through the proposal of a novel approach to connect objects and people using Social Networks. This proposal will address how to use Twitter so that objects could perform actions based on Twitter users’ posts. Moreover, it will be presented a Domain-Specific language that could help in the task of defining the actions that objects could perform when people publish specific content on Twitter

    A review about Smart Objects, Sensors, and Actuators

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    Smart Objects and the Internet of Things are two ideas which describe the future, walk together, and complement each other. Thus, the interconnection among objects can make them more intelligent or expand their intelligence to unsuspected limits. This could be achieved with a new network that interconnects each object around the world. However, to achieve this goal, the objects need a network that supports heterogeneous and ubiquitous objects, a network where exists more traffic among objects than among humans, but supporting for both types. For these reasons, both concepts are very close. Cities, houses, cars, machines, or any another object that can sense, respond, work, or make easier the lives of their owner. This is a part of the future, an immediate future. Notwithstanding, first of all, there are to resolve a series of problems. The most important problem is the heterogeneity of objects. This article is going to show a theoretical frame and the related work about Smart Object. The article will explain what are Smart Objects, doing emphasis in their difference with Not- Smart Objects. After, we will present one of the different object classification system, in our opinion, the most complete

    A review about Smart Objects, Sensors, and Actuators

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    Smart Objects and the Internet of Things are two ideas which describe the future, walk together, and complement each other. Thus, the interconnection among objects can make them more intelligent or expand their intelligence to unsuspected limits. This could be achieved with a new network that interconnects each object around the world. However, to achieve this goal, the objects need a network that supports heterogeneous and ubiquitous objects, a network where exists more traffic among objects than among humans, but supporting for both types. For these reasons, both concepts are very close. Cities, houses, cars, machines, or any another object that can sense, respond, work, or make easier the lives of their owner. This is a part of the future, an immediate future. Notwithstanding, first of all, there are to resolve a series of problems. The most important problem is the heterogeneity of objects. This article is going to show a theoretical frame and the related work about Smart Object. The article will explain what are Smart Objects, doing emphasis in their difference with Not- Smart Objects. After, we will present one of the different object classification system, in our opinion, the most complete

    Midgar: creación de un lenguaje gráfico específico de dominio para generar objetos inteligentes para escenarios de Internet de las cosas utilizando ingeniería basada en modelos

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    Actualmente, tenemos a nuestro alrededor muchos Objetos Inteligentes. Con el uso de estos objetos, podemos obtener beneficios en nuestra vida diaria, así como recomendaciones y ayuda cuando viajamos. Alternativamente, podemos incrementar y mejorar nuestros procesos industriales mediante la automatización de ciertas tareas. No obstante, necesitamos utilizar un software específico o desarrollar nuestras propias aplicaciones. Sin embargo, el principal problema surge cuando necesitamos desarrollar nuestra propia aplicación porque necesitamos ahorrar dinero, o en otros casos, las aplicaciones existentes no están adaptadas a nosotros. En este caso, es posible que necesitemos aprender cosas nuevas, luego se gastará el dinero y es probable que dicho proceso involucre problemas relacionados con la Crisis del Software. Asi que, la principal motivación es crear un entorno que pueda reutilizar los conocimientos previos y ayudar a las personas sin conocimientos de programación a crear Smart Objects. Entonces, la pregunta de investigación de este trabajo es la siguiente: ¿Podríamos permitir la creación de Objetos Inteligentes de una manera fácil y eficiente para personas que no tienen habilidades de programación? Como posible solución, hemos desarrollado un lenguaje gráfico específico de dominio utilizando la plataforma Midgar. Para validar nuestra propuesta, realizamos una evaluación dividida en diferentes fases; el primero consistió en medir los datos obtenidos de los participantes cuando estaban realizando una tarea específica, y el segundo consistió en una encuesta para recoger sus opiniones sobre nuestra propuesta.Currently, we have around us many Smart Objects. With the use of these objects, we can obtain benefits in our daily lives, as well as recommendations and help when we travel. Alternatively, we may increase and improve our industrial processes through the automation of certain tasks. Notwithstanding, we need to use specific software or to develop our own applications. Nevertheless, the main problem arises when we need to develop our own application because we need to save money, or in other cases, the existing applications are not adapted to us. In this case, it is possible that we need to learn new things, the money will then be spent, and such a process is likely to involve problems related to the Software Crisis. So, the main motivation is to create an environment which can reuse the previous knowledge and help people without knowledge about programming to create Smart Objects. Then, the research question of this paper is the following: Could we enable the creation of Smart Objects in an easy and efficient way for people who do not have programming skills? As a possible solution, we have developed a graphic Domain-Specific Language using the Midgar platform. In order to validate our proposal, we make an evaluation split into different phases; the first one consisted in measuring data obtained from participants when they were performing a specific task, and the second one consisted of a survey to collect their opinions about our proposal. Moreover, we also did a comparison of the measured data between two graphical editors and two different participant profiles according to their knowledge about Smart ObjectsQ1Grupo de Investigación en Ingeniería Aplicada (GUIAS

    Midgar: Creation of a Graphic Domain-Specific Language to Generate Smart Objects for Internet of Things Scenarios Using Model-Driven Engineering

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    Actualmente, tenemos a nuestro alrededor muchos Objetos Inteligentes. Con el uso de estos objetos, podemos obtener beneficios en nuestra vida diaria, así como recomendaciones y ayuda cuando viajamos. Alternativamente, podemos incrementar y mejorar nuestros procesos industriales mediante la automatización de ciertas tareas. No obstante, necesitamos utilizar un software específico o desarrollar nuestras propias aplicaciones. Sin embargo, el principal problema surge cuando necesitamos desarrollar nuestra propia aplicación porque necesitamos ahorrar dinero, o en otros casos, las aplicaciones existentes no están adaptadas a nosotros. En este caso, es posible que necesitemos aprender cosas nuevas, luego se gastará el dinero y es probable que dicho proceso involucre problemas relacionados con la Crisis del Software. Asi que, la principal motivación es crear un entorno que pueda reutilizar los conocimientos previos y ayudar a las personas sin conocimientos de programación a crear Smart Objects. Entonces, la pregunta de investigación de este trabajo es la siguiente: ¿Podríamos permitir la creación de Objetos Inteligentes de una manera fácil y eficiente para personas que no tienen habilidades de programación? Como posible solución, hemos desarrollado un lenguaje gráfico específico de dominio utilizando la plataforma Midgar. Para validar nuestra propuesta, realizamos una evaluación dividida en diferentes fases; el primero consistió en medir los datos obtenidos de los participantes cuando estaban realizando una tarea específica, y el segundo consistió en una encuesta para recoger sus opiniones sobre nuestra propuesta.Currently, we have around us many Smart Objects. With the use of these objects, we can obtain benefits in our daily lives, as well as recommendations and help when we travel. Alternatively, we may increase and improve our industrial processes through the automation of certain tasks. Notwithstanding, we need to use specific software or to develop our own applications. Nevertheless, the main problem arises when we need to develop our own application because we need to save money, or in other cases, the existing applications are not adapted to us. In this case, it is possible that we need to learn new things, the money will then be spent, and such a process is likely to involve problems related to the Software Crisis. So, the main motivation is to create an environment which can reuse the previous knowledge and help people without knowledge about programming to create Smart Objects. Then, the research question of this paper is the following: Could we enable the creation of Smart Objects in an easy and efficient way for people who do not have programming skills? As a possible solution, we have developed a graphic Domain-Specific Language using the Midgar platform. In order to validate our proposal, we make an evaluation split into different phases; the first one consisted in measuring data obtained from participants when they were performing a specific task, and the second one consisted of a survey to collect their opinions about our proposal. Moreover, we also did a comparison of the measured data between two graphical editors and two different participant profiles according to their knowledge about Smart ObjectsQ1Grupo de Investigación en Ingeniería Aplicada (GUIAS

    IoFClime: The fuzzy logic and the Internet of Things to control indoor temperature regarding the outdoor ambient conditions

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    The Internet of Things is arriving to our homes or cities through fields already known like Smart Homes, Smart Cities, or Smart Towns. The monitoring of environmental conditions of cities can help to adapt the indoor locations of the cities in order to be more comfortable for people who stay there. A way to improve the indoor conditions is an efficient temperature control, however, it depends on many factors like the different combinations of outdoor temperature and humidity. Therefore, adjusting the indoor temperature is not setting a value according to other value. There are many more factors to take into consideration, hence the traditional logic based in binary states cannot be used. Many problems cannot be solved with a set of binary solutions and we need a new way of development. Fuzzy logic is able to interpret many states, more than two states, giving to computers the capacity to react in a similar way to people. In this paper we will propose a new approach to control the temperature using the Internet of Things together its platforms and fuzzy logic regarding not only the indoor temperature but also the outdoor temperature and humidity in order to save energy and to set a more comfortable environment for their users. Finally, we will conclude that the fuzzy approach allows us to achieve an energy saving around 40% and thus, save money