61 research outputs found

    Nine quick tips for efficient bioinformatics curriculum development and training.

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    Biomedical research is becoming increasingly data driven. New technologies that generate large-scale, complex data are continually emerging and evolving. As a result, there is a concurrent need for training researchers to use and understand new computational tools. Here we describe an efficient and effective approach to developing curriculum materials that can be deployed in a research environment to meet this need

    Differential Proteomic Analysis of Mammalian Tissues Using SILAM

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    Differential expression of proteins between tissues underlies organ-specific functions. Under certain pathological conditions, this may also lead to tissue vulnerability. Furthermore, post-translational modifications exist between different cell types and pathological conditions. We employed SILAM (Stable Isotope Labeling in Mammals) combined with mass spectrometry to quantify the proteome between mammalian tissues. Using 15N labeled rat tissue, we quantified 3742 phosphorylated peptides in nuclear extracts from liver and brain tissue. Analysis of the phosphorylation sites revealed tissue specific kinase motifs. Although these tissues are quite different in their composition and function, more than 500 protein identifications were common to both tissues. Specifically, we identified an up-regulation in the brain of the phosphoprotein, ZFHX1B, in which a genetic deletion causes the neurological disorder Mowat–Wilson syndrome. Finally, pathway analysis revealed distinct nuclear pathways enriched in each tissue. Our findings provide a valuable resource as a starting point for further understanding of tissue specific gene regulation and demonstrate SILAM as a useful strategy for the differential proteomic analysis of mammalian tissues

    Science in neo-Victorian poetry

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    This article considers the work of three contemporary poets and their engagement, in verse, with Victorian science. Beginning with the outlandish ‘theories’ of Mick Imlah’s ‘The Zoologist’s Bath’ (1983), it moves on to two works of biografiction – Anthony Thwaite’s poem ‘At Marychurch’ (1980), which outlines Philip Henry Gosse’s doomed attempts to unite evolution and Christianity, and Ruth Padel’s Darwin: A Life in Poems (2009). Starting off with John Glendening’s idea that science in neo-Victorian fiction, if fully embraced, provides an opportunity for self-revelation to characters, this article explores the rather less happy resolutions of each of these poems, while in addition discussing the ways in which these poems perform the formal changes and mutability discussed within them

    Nine quick tips for efficient bioinformatics curriculum development and training.

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    Biomedical research is becoming increasingly data driven. New technologies that generate large-scale, complex data are continually emerging and evolving. As a result, there is a concurrent need for training researchers to use and understand new computational tools. Here we describe an efficient and effective approach to developing curriculum materials that can be deployed in a research environment to meet this need

    From Synapse to Function: A Perspective on the Role of Neuroproteomics in Elucidating Mechanisms of Drug Addiction

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    Drug addiction is a complex disorder driven by dysregulation in molecular signaling across several different brain regions. Limited therapeutic options currently exist for treating drug addiction and related psychiatric disorders in clinical populations, largely due to our incomplete understanding of the molecular pathways that influence addiction pathology. Recent work provides strong evidence that addiction-related behaviors emerge from the convergence of many subtle changes in molecular signaling networks that include neuropeptides (neuropeptidome), protein-protein interactions (interactome) and post-translational modifications such as protein phosphorylation (phosphoproteome). Advancements in mass spectrometry methodology are well positioned to identify these novel molecular underpinnings of addiction and further translate these findings into druggable targets for therapeutic development. In this review, we provide a general perspective of the utility of novel mass spectrometry-based approaches for addressing critical questions in addiction neuroscience, highlighting recent innovative studies that exemplify how functional assessments of the neuroproteome can provide insight into the mechanisms of drug addiction

    Comparison of Protein Expression Ratios Observed by Sixplex and Duplex TMT Labeling Method

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    Stable isotope labeling via isobaric derivatization of peptides is a universally applicable approach that enables concurrent identification and quantification of proteins in different samples using tandem mass spectrometry. In this study, we evaluated the performance of amine-reactive isobaric tandem mass tag (TMT), available as duplex and sixplex sets, with regard to their ability to elucidate protein expression changes. Using rat brain tissue from two different developmental time points, postnatal day 1 (p1) and 45 (p45), as a model system, we compared the protein expression ratios (p45/p1) observed using duplex TMT tags in triplicate measurements versus sixplex tag in a single LC–MS/MS analysis. A correlation of 0.79 in relative protein abundance was observed in the proteins quantified by these two sets of reagents. However, more proteins passed the criteria for significant fold change (−1.0 ≤ log<sub>2</sub> ratio (p45/p1) ≥ +1.0 and <i>p</i> < 0.05) in the sixplex analysis. Nevertheless, in both methods most proteins showing significant fold change were identified by multiple spectra, increasing their quantification precision. Additionally, the fold change in p45 rats against p1, observed in TMT experiments, was corroborated by a metabolic labeling strategy where relative quantification of differentially expressed proteins was obtained using <sup>15</sup>N-labeled p45 rats as an internal standard
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