242 research outputs found

    Formación crítica de documentalistas en medios de comunicación

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    Se centra el antiguo mito de la objetividad del discurso periodístico en la acción de uno de los actores más relevantes y desapercibidos de su proceso de construcción: el documentalista de medios de comunicación. Siendo un hecho la presencia subjetiva del documentalista en sus producciones, se opta por el reconocimiento y la explicitación de la misma mediante dos actuaciones: por un lado la revisión de las estrategias formativas de los documentalistas de medios en centros superiores públicos de modo que combinen la capacitación técnica con la capacitación crítica. Para ello se analizan las materias presentes en los planes de estudios responsables de su formación y se detectan los déficits localizados en función del objetivo buscado. Por otro, se proponen líneas de formación alternativa que puedan orientar a la incorporación transversal de la capacitación crítica de los documentalistas de medios en tales programas.This study takes the old myth of objectivity in media discourse to one of the most important but unrecognized actors in the process of its construction: the mass media information scientist or documentalist. Accepting the subjective presence of the documentalist in his/her productions, this article opts for the recognition and explicit statement of this role, recommending two actions. First, we suggest that public higher education institutions combine the technical training of mass media documentalists with training in critical thinking skills. Our study analysed the subjects covered in course syllabi to detect the deficiencies to be addressed in meeting this objective. Second, we propose alternative lines of training that can contribute to cross-training of mass media documentalists in those degree programs to ensure that they acquire the needed skills in critical analysi

    Critical Organization of Knowledge in Mass Media Information Systems

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    This paper studies knowledge organization (KO) in media archives, focusing on the presence of subjectivity in the core tasks of mass media knowledge organizers (MKOS) dealing with press, radio and TV records, such as classification, representation, and any other process related to content analysis and organization in news information systems. Far from rejecting subjectivity and ideological bias in these operations - since they coparticipate in the media construction of reality—the authors consider MKOS to be genuine ideological and cultural mediators with the right and social responsibility to explicitly state the results of their “objectifiable” work (obtained through KO protocols and procedures determined by the media/company, classifications, thesauri, ontologies, etc.) and differentiate them from those of their political, ideological, cultural and, in sum, subjective stances. In order to achieve this, we propose the application of critical operators that should be followed by technical, collaborative and even technological actions geared to investing information systems with the capacity to consider those stances and allowing users to distinguish them. In short, it is the theoretical recognition of the subjective and biased presence of media knowledge organization operators in a job that is usually considered neutral, banal and even objective, and the initial development of tools for critical, self-critical, technical, and technological training keyed to its practical solution. This paper outlines the lines of work of a broader research study on the critical function of KO in the field of global media memory

    Plagiarism: an essay in terminology

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    The terminology on plagiarism is not hard and fast. It is fluid, a bit ambiguous, and still emerging. It may take some time to settle the terms more clearly, concretely and exhaustively. This paper aims to provide a terminological discussion of some important and current concepts related to plagiarism. It discusses key terms/concepts such as copyright, citation cartels, citing vs. quoting, compulsive thief, cryptomnesia, data fakery, ignorance of laws and codes of ethics, information literacy, lack of training, misattribution, fair use clause, paraphrasing, plagiarism, plagiarism detection software, publish or perish syndrome, PubPeer, retraction, retraction vs. correction, retraction watch, salami publication, similarity score, Society for Scientific Values, and source attribution. The explanation and definition of these terms/concepts can be useful for LIS scholars and professionals in their efforts to fight plagiarism. We expect this terminology can be referred in future discussions on the topic and also used to improve the communications between the actors involved

    The order of knowledge and digital organization

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    [Resumen] Foucault establece el orden de los saberes, donde el orden es la ley interior de las cosas mediante la cual se relacionan unas con otras. Este orden es alterado por el lenguaje y, una vez alterado, posibilita la organización de los saberes y del conocimiento científico. Este desplazamiento a través del lenguaje inicia, a su vez, la taxonomía y la clasificación. La red digital ha provocado revoluciones en el contexto científico y epistémico, y la nueva materialidad digital transforma la ciencia misma y su forma de organización. El futuro de la organización de la web depende de cómo se articule la web semántica, esta ha de ser interoperable sin estructuras previas de jerarquización y exclusión, una web asociativa. El gran potencial de la web semántica no puede establecerse con ordenación y jerarquía sino con integración, colaboración y cooperación

    Towards a social theoretical foundation for Information Science

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    The scientific nature of Information Science and its interdisciplinary relationships with other fields are discussed. I review some of the theoretical positions that coexist, oftentimes in conflict with each other, including the Mathematical Theory of Communication, Social Epistemology, Floridi’s Philosophy of Information, and theoretical positions in areas such as information technologies, information retrieval, bibliometrics, and big data. I conclude that the theoretical project of Social Epistemology, in its original conception by Egan and Shera, in its current manifestations in the philosophy of Steve Fuller, and in the paradigm of domain analysis by Hjørland, is one of the most solid proposals for providing a social, theoretical foundation for Information Science

    A aplicação do crowdsourcing e o modelo de Bazaar no desenvolvimento de classificações de bibliotecas: uma avaliação da Classificação Open Shelves

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    This paper presents a discussion of crowdsourcing approaches to knowledge organization and more specifically to the development of classification schemes. It analyzes the case of Open Shelves Classification, a terminated project that was developed by the LibraryThing community following the "open source model", and assesses its outcomes from methodological and sociological points of view. Working with all the documentation of the project that is freely available, the text conducts an analysis of the project following the structure of the methodological lessons for open source (Bazaar model) presented by Eric Raymond in his seminal work "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" and complementing it with the discussion of the sociological aspects presented in "Homesteading the Noosphere" and other writings. The paper concludes with some recommendations for the success of open source projects and some possibilities of research for crowdsourcing projects and social epistemology.O trabalho apresenta uma discussão sobre as abordagens de crowdsourcing para organização do conhecimento e, mais especificamente, para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de classificação. Além de analisar o caso da Open Shelves Classification, um projeto finalizado e desenvolvido pela comunidade LibraryThing seguindo o "modelo de código aberto", e avaliar o resultado de pontos de vista metodológicos e sociológicos, o artigo trabalha com a documentação do projeto disponível, realiza uma análise do projeto seguindo a estrutura dos pontos metodológicos para projetos de código aberto (modelo Bazar) apresentados por Eric Raymond em seu trabalho seminal "A Catedral e o Bazaar" e complementa com a discussão dos aspectos sociológicos apresentados em "Homesteading the Noosphere" e outras literaturas. A conclusão deste trabalho inclui recomendações para o sucesso de projetos de código aberto e algumas possibilidades de pesquisa para projetos de crowdsourcing e epistemologia social

    Library and information science: Past and future from an international perspective

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    Some of the historical and political aspects that have shaped Library and Information Science professions in Spain, and other countries such as Brazil and the United States, are reviewed. This paper aims to identify some of the key trends and to propose some contents that should be covered by graduate and undergraduate programs. I propose a greater emphasis on technology, ethics, critical theories, and research in LIS studies, as well as a closer collaboration with Journalism, Communication, and Computer Science

    Qualis Periódicos: The Brazilian system of journal evaluation

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    This paper reviews the Brazilian national system of journal evaluation Qualis Periódicos. It reviews some of the fundamentals of journal evaluation based on citation analysis and inclusion in databases. This paper also discusses the evaluation of journals based on national lists and the characteristics of the Brazilian evaluation system. It analyzes the criteria and examples of the Communication and Information area as well as some of the arguments against the system. It concludes that Qualis Periódicos is too dependent on the opinion of experts and that the development and application criteria are not sufficiently clear. The conclusions point out some possibilities that could be followed in the future to improve the system

    Epistemic communities in Knowledge Organization: An analysis of the NASKO meetings proceedings

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    Epistemic communities can be understood as networks of knowledge-based experts that hold in common a set of principled and causal beliefs, have shared notions of validity, exchange knowledge, and shape, demarcate, and articulate the identities of present and future knowledge producers. In Knowledge Organization, epistemic communities have been likened to the term “domain” in the domain-analytic paradigm. Acknowledging the important role that ISKO C-US, the International Society for Knowledge Organization: Chapter for Canada and United States, plays in the international production of scientific knowledge, we aim to characterize this epistemic community based on the publications of the five North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization (NASKO) meetings proceedings. The results allow us to conclude that the ISKO C-US community is a productive, dialogical, and a continuously well-developed community with a well-balanced trajectory between an epistemological dimension, in search of its theoretical and methodological bases, and a social dimension, considering different cultural backgrounds. These aspects demarcate and shape the road for future research on knowledge organization

    A fuzzy logic model for the analysis of social corporate responsibility

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    Introduction: Critical public opinion, based on information that is made available to the public through different systems, has led companies that operate in the environment to continually improve their social, environmental, and ethical performance. Objectives: This paper aims to propose a fuzzy-logic-based model for the analysis of social corporate responsibility in cases of environmental accidents. Methods: Our study employs techniques derived from social network analysis. The data was collected from the online database of The New York Times for the timespan from March 24, 1989, to September 1, 2017. Results: The results show that the proposed model can be replicated, after some adjustments. Conclusion: We conclude that, despite the complexity of an analysis of this kind in which the model is applied considering isolated words in the text and not the semantic aspects, the proposed model based on fuzzy logic is adequate for the analysis of social corporate responsibility.We would like to thank professors Mariana Claudia Broens, Jose Arthur Quilici Gonzalez and Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez for the helpful supervision and indications during the fundamental stages of this research. This paper was supported by the "Understanding opinion and language dynamics using massive data", funded by The São Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP (reference: 2016/50256-0) (Trans-Atlantic Platform Social Sciences and Humanities, Digging into Data Challenges). We would like to thank the whole team of this project for their discussion and feedback. Ana Claudia Golzio also received support by FAPESP (process number: 2019/08442-9) during the development of this paper, and Mirelys Puerta-Díaz received funding from Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) - Financial Code 001