8,508 research outputs found

    Using SimVenture in Veterinary Practice

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    A case study from the Developing Enterprising Students project, a strategic teaching and learning project at the University of Huddersfield. The case study is based on an interview with Cathy Coates, Teaching Fellow at the University of Bristol on 25th June 2014

    Using SimVenture in Business Management

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    A case study from the Developing Enterprising Students project, a strategic teaching and learning project at the University of Huddersfield. This case study is based on a 2011 paper by Dina Williams, who was a Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship, Department of Strategy & Marketing at The Business School, University of Huddersfield. The paper ‘Impact of Business Simulation Games in Enterprise Education’ was presented at the 2010 University of Huddersfield Annual Learning and Teaching Conference

    Using SimVenture in Information Systems

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    A case study from the Developing Enterprising Students project, a strategic teaching and learning project at the University of Huddersfield. The case study is based on an interview with Ms Jyoti Bhardwaj (17th June 2014) and a 2011 case study from the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy and Resource Bank at Edinburgh Napier University written by Ms Jyoti Bhardwaj. Ms Jyoti Bhardwaj is a Lecturer and Teaching Fellow in the area of Information System at the School of Computing, Edinburgh Napier University and she has been using SimVenture since 2009/2010

    Using SimVenture in Fashion and Textiles

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    A case study from the Developing Enterprising Students project, a strategic teaching and learning project at the University of Huddersfield. The case study is based on an interview with Jo Conlon, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Design, School of Art, design and Architecture at the University of Huddersfield on 10 June 2014

    Using SimVenture in Computer Science & Information Systems Management

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    A case study from the Developing Enterprising Students project, a strategic teaching and learning project at the University of Huddersfield. The case study is based on an interview with Helen Southall, Senior Lecturer in the department of Computer Science and Information Systems on 22 July 2014

    Project SPACE: Solar Panel Automated Cleaning Environment

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    The goal of Project SPACE is to create an automated solar panel cleaner that will address the adverse impact of soiling on commercial photovoltaic cells. Specifically, we hoped to create a device that increases the maximum power output of a soiled panel by 10% (recovering the amount of power lost) while still costing under 500andoperatingforupto7.0years.Asuccessfuldesignshouldoperatewithouttheuseofwater.Thiswillhelpsolarpanelarraysachieveaproductionoutputclosertotheirmaximumpotentialandsavecompaniesoncostsassociatedenergygeneration.Thecurrentapparatusutilizesabrushcleaningsystemthatcleansonsetcleaningcycles.Thedeviceusesthecombinationofageartrain(with48pitchDelringears)anda12VDCmotortospinbotha5.00footlong,0.25inchdiametervacuumbrushshaftanddrivetwosetsoftwowheels.Thepowersourceforthedrivetrainisa12Vdeepcyclelead−acidbattery.Ourlightweightdesigneliminateswaterusageduringcleaningandreducesthepotentialdangersstemmingfrommanuallabor.Ourdesign’sretailpricewasestimatedtobearound500 and operating for up to 7.0 years. A successful design should operate without the use of water. This will help solar panel arrays achieve a production output closer to their maximum potential and save companies on costs associated energy generation. The current apparatus utilizes a brush cleaning system that cleans on set cleaning cycles. The device uses the combination of a gear train (with 48 pitch Delrin gears) and a 12V DC motor to spin both a 5.00 foot long, 0.25 inch diameter vacuum brush shaft and drive two sets of two wheels. The power source for the drive train is a 12V deep cycle lead-acid battery. Our light weight design eliminates water usage during cleaning and reduces the potential dangers stemming from manual labor. Our design’s retail price was estimated to be around 700 with a payback period of less than 3.5 years. To date, we have created a device that improves the efficiency of soiled solar panels by 3.5% after two runs over the solar panel. We hope that our final design will continue to expand the growth of solar energy globally

    Late glacial dynamics on the continental shelf of NE-Greenland - implications from submarine landforms

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    Favorable sea-ice conditions gave way to an acoustic survey offshore NE-Greenland in 2009. The acquired data set clearly depicts an area of sediment ridges in an area of at app. 18 x 9 km. The ridges are found in water depths between 270 and 350 m. The sediment ridges expand between 2,5 – 9 km, are 50 – 250 m wide and between 10 and 25 m high. In profile and without exception, these ridges are characterized by steep slopes towards West and gentle slopes towards East. Their internal structure, imaged by parametric echo-sounding data, shows that they have been deposited on a rather plain surface, thus representing positive sedimentation features rather than erosive remnant structures. Their curved shape, joint orientation and position on a basal till surface indicate their origin from glacial dynamics. We interpret these ridges as a set of terminal moraines. Since they are positioned on a basal till that extends further east, we consider these moraines to reflect short-lived re-advances during an overall recession of the ice stream. This is direct evidence for a highly dynamic behavior of an ice stream from the NE-Greenland Ice Sheet. The ages for these re-advances can be inferred from a thin sedimentary drape indicating a timing between Late Glacial and early Holocene
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