14 research outputs found

    Construção e validação de instrumento para avaliação da assistência ao comportamento suicida

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    OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate an instrument for evaluating primary health care professionals’ assistance to people with suicidal behavior. METHODS: This was a methodological study, which began with a literature review, followed by the elaboration of an instrument. In its first version, the instrument had 34 items, divided into four domains: “professional characterization,” “professional perception ” “professional knowledge/abilities,” and “organization of the care network.” Contents were validated using the Delphi method. Semantic analysis was performed by college-educated primary health care professionals in greater and lesser strata of ability. For internal consistency analysis, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was calculated. The study was conducted between January and December 2017. RESULTS: After four Delphi rounds, the instrument was successfully validated. In its final form, it is comprised of 50 items, divided into five domains: “professional characterization,” “professional sensibility,” “professional experience,” “professional knowledge/abilities,” and “organization of the care network.” Questions belonging to the last four domains have answers on a five-point Likert scale. In the semantic analysis, 93.6% of the evaluations were “good” and “very good.” The instrument’s general Cronbach alpha was 0.90. CONCLUSIONS: The final version of the instrument was able to fulfill its objectives. It is useful as a support for epidemiological research and planning of health actions. The evaluation of professional approaches to suicidal behavior is crucial for the organization of suicide assistance services in primary health care, and for the integration of services provided by different care unitsOBJETIVO: Desenvolver e validar um instrumento para avaliação da assistência às pessoas com comportamento suicida por profissionais da atenção primária à saúde. MÉTODOS: Estudo metodológico iniciado com revisão de literatura e construção de um instrumento que, em sua primeira versão, continha 34 itens divididos em quatro domínios: “identificação profissional”, “percepção profissional”, “conhecimento/habilidade profissional” e “organização da rede de atenção”. O conteúdo foi validado pela técnica Delphi. A análise semântica foi realizada por profissionais de nível superior de maior e menor habilidades da atenção primária à saúde. Para a análise da consistência interna, foi calculado o coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. O estudo foi realizado entre janeiro e dezembro de 2017. RESULTADOS: Após quatro rodadas Delphi, o instrumento foi validado com 50 itens, divididos em cinco domínios: “identificação profissional”, “percepção profissional”, “experiência profissional”, “conhecimento/habilidade profissional” e “organização da rede de atenção”. Os últimos quatro domínios foram inseridos em escala Likert de cinco pontos. A análise semântica apresentou 93,6% de avaliações “bom” e “muito bom”. O alfa de Cronbach geral do instrumento foi de 0,90. CONCLUSÕES: O instrumento final mostrou-se capaz de avaliar o que se propõe. Pode auxiliar em pesquisas epidemiológicas e no planejamento de ações. A avaliação da abordagem profissional ao comportamento suicida é crucial para a organização dos serviços na atenção primária à saúde e para a integração dos diferentes pontos assistenciais de atenção

    Suicide in Brazilian indigenous communities: clustering of cases in children and adolescents by household

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate age and sex-specific suicide rates, compare suicide rates between indigenous communities, and quantify the frequency of intrafamilial suicide clustering. METHODS: We performed a retrospective cohort study involving 14,666 indigenous individuals in reservations in Dourados, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, from 2003 through 2013 using national and local census. RESULTS: The overall suicide rate was 73.4 per 100,000 person-years. Adolescent males aged 15–19 and girls aged 10–14 had the highest rates for each sex at 289.3 (95%CI 187.5–391.2) and 85.3 (95%CI 34.9–135.7), respectively. Comparing the largest reservations, Bororo had a higher suicide rate than Jaguapiru (RR = 4.83, 95%CI 2.85–8.16) and had significantly lower socioeconomic indicators including income and access to electricity. Nine of 19 suicides among children under 15 occurred in household clusters. Compared with adult suicides, a greater proportion of child (OR = 5.12, 95%CI 1.89–13.86, p = 0.001) and adolescent (OR = 3.48, 95%CI 1.29–9.44, p = 0.017) suicides occurred within household clusters. CONCLUSIONS: High rates of suicide occur among children and adolescents in these indigenous reservations, particularly in poor communities. Nearly half of child suicides occur within household clusters. These findings underscore the need for broad public health interventions and focused mental health interventions in households following a suicide

    Avaliação da rede de atenção ao portador de hipertensão arterial: estudo de uma região de saúde

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    Resumo: No contexto das políticas públicas de saúde, a rede de atenção é uma estratégia que visa a promover a equidade do acesso das pessoas aos serviços e reduzir a sua fragmentação. O objetivo foi avaliar o grau de desenvolvimento dos componentes de uma rede de atenção à saúde para hipertensão. Trata-se de um estudo avaliativo do tipo ex-ante, de corte transversal, voltado à implantação da Rede de Atenção à Saúde das pessoas com doenças crônicas com a aplicação de questionário a 17 gestores de saúde dos municípios que formam a maior região de saúde de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. O questionário é constituído de 65 questões que contemplam os cinco componentes: Atenção Primária à Saúde; Atenção Especializada; Sistemas de Apoio; Sistemas Logísticos; e Governança. Foram realizados testes estatísticos descritivos e a classificação dos serviços prestados em cada componente por meio do teste de Friedman, seguido pelo pós-teste de Student-Newman-Keuls, com nível de significância de 5%. Os resultados foram distribuídos em quartis e apresentados em gráficos Boxplot. Foram estabelecidas correlações entre as dimensões. Resultados apontam que os componentes estão no grau intermediário de implantação, com baixo desenvolvimento nos quesitos necessários para a constituição de redes. A Atenção Primária à Saúde não coordena o cuidado, e os componentes Atenção Especializada e Governança apresentaram os piores resultados. Os achados apontam predomínio de serviços instalados ainda distantes das práticas necessárias para a composição de redes de atenção à saúde, podendo comprometer a sua implantação

    Construction and validation of an instrument for the assessment of care provided to people with suicidal behavior

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To develop and validate an instrument for evaluating primary health care professionals’ assistance to people with suicidal behavior. METHODS This was a methodological study, which began with a literature review, followed by the elaboration of an instrument. In its first version, the instrument had 34 items, divided into four domains: “professional characterization,” “professional perception ” “professional knowledge/abilities,” and “organization of the care network.” Contents were validated using the Delphi method. Semantic analysis was performed by college-educated primary health care professionals in greater and lesser strata of ability. For internal consistency analysis, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was calculated. The study was conducted between January and December 2017. RESULTS After four Delphi rounds, the instrument was successfully validated. In its final form, it is comprised of 50 items, divided into five domains: “professional characterization,” “professional sensibility,” “professional experience,” “professional knowledge/abilities,” and “organization of the care network.” Questions belonging to the last four domains have answers on a five-point Likert scale. In the semantic analysis, 93.6% of the evaluations were “good” and “very good.” The instrument’s general Cronbach alpha was 0.90. CONCLUSIONS The final version of the instrument was able to fulfill its objectives. It is useful as a support for epidemiological research and planning of health actions. The evaluation of professional approaches to suicidal behavior is crucial for the organization of suicide assistance services in primary health care, and for the integration of services provided by different care units

    Screening for cervical cancer in imprisoned women in Brazil

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    <div><p>Context and objective</p><p>Incarcerated women are more vulnerable to developing cervical cancer than women in general; therefore, screening and intervention programs must be included in their healthcare provision. We therefore aimed to investigate the state of cervical cancer screening for imprisoned women in Mato Grosso do Sul, and to analyze the interventions geared toward the control of cervical cancer.</p><p>Materials and methods</p><p>This was a cross-sectional study with analysis of primary and secondary data. Interviews were held with 510 women in seven prisons in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The data for 352 medical records were analyzed statistically with the significance level set at 5%. Associations were assessed by the chi-squared test, adjusted by the Bonferroni correction.</p><p>Results</p><p>Most female prisoners had limited education, used tobacco, and had key risk factors for the development of cervical cancer. Half of the women interviewed (n = 255) stated that they had received a Papanicolaou (Pap) test in prison, but 134 (52.5%) of these did not know the result. Of those who had not received a Pap test, 149 (58.4%) stated that this was because of a lack of opportunity. There was no information regarding the provision of Pap tests or subsequent treatment in the medical records of 211 (59.9%) women. No protocols were in place for the provision of Pap tests in prison. There were statistical differences between prisons in terms of test frequency, the information provided to women, and how information was recorded in medical records.</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>The screening of cervical cancer in prisons is neither systematic nor regular, and the results are not communicated to women in a significant number of cases. It is necessary to organize health services within the prison environment, ensuring that tests are done and that there is investigation for human papillomavirus. This could increase the diagnosis of cervical cancer at less advanced stages of the disease.</p></div

    Hemodialysis services: are public policies turned to guaranteeing the access?

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    The increasing incidence of chronic renal failure in Brazil and the consequential expansion of hemodialysis as a choice for treatment in final stage have to be taken into account to guarantee access to those in need. The ecological study conducted in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, in 2012, using data from the Brazilian Health Informatics Department (DATASUS) and from the analysis of medical records in 12 clinics, identified and mapped patients on hemodialysis, the distance they travelled and the estimated number of patients. The prevalence of hemodialysis patients in Mato Grosso do Sul State, about 55 per 100,000 inhabitants, is similar to the national average. The analyses indicated concentration of patients in counties with clinics and also geographical gaps that generate displacement of over 100km for more than 16% of patients. The results point to the necessity of strengthening public policies that consider, for decision-making, the decentralization of service, the expansion of home care and the follow-up education for professionals