3,683 research outputs found

    No parity anomaly in massless QED3: a BPHZL approach

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    In this letter we call into question the perturbatively parity breakdown at 1-loop for the massless QED_3 frequently claimed in the literature. As long as perturbative quantum field theory is concerned, whether a parity anomaly owing to radiative corrections exists or not will be definitely proved by using a renormalization method independent of any regularization scheme. Such a problem has been investigated in the framework of BPHZL renormalization method, by adopting the Lowenstein-Zimmermann subtraction scheme. The 1-loop parity-odd contribution to the vacuum-polarization tensor is explicitly computed in the framework of the BPHZL renormalization method. It is shown that a Chern-Simons term is generated at that order induced through the infrared subtractions -- which violate parity. We show then that, what is called parity anomaly, is in fact a parity-odd counterterm needed for restauring parity.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, to appear in Physics Letters

    Exact Scale Invariance of the BF-Yang-Mills Theory in Three Dimensions

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    The ``extended'' BF-Yang-Mills theory in 3 dimensions, which contains a minimally coupled scalar field, is shown to be ultraviolet finite. It obeys a trivial Callan-Symanzik equation, with all beta-functions and anomalous dimensions vanishing. The proof is based on an anomaly-free trace identity valid to all orders of perturbation theory.Comment: 11 pages, Late

    A New Derivation of the CPT and Spin-Statistics Theorems in Non-Commutative Field Theories

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    We propose an alternative axiomatic description for non-commutative field theories (NCFT) based on some ideas by Soloviev to nonlocal quantum fields. The local commutativity axiom is replaced by the weaker condition that the fields commute at sufficiently large spatial separations, called asymptotic commutativity, formulated in terms of the theory of analytic functionals. The question of a possible violation of the CPT and Spin-Statistics theorems caused by nonlocality of the commutation relations [x^μ,x^ν]=iθμν[\hat{x}_\mu,\hat{x}_\nu]=i\theta_{\mu\nu} is investigated. In spite of this inherent nonlocality, we show that the modification aforementioned is sufficient to ensure the validity of these theorems for NCFT. We restrict ourselves to the simplest model of a scalar field in the case of only space-space non-commutativity.Comment: The title is new, and the analysis in the manuscript has been made more precise. This revised version is to be published in J.Math.Phy

    Global stabilization of fixed points using predictive control

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    We analyze the global stability properties of some methods of predictive control. We particularly focus on the optimal control function introduced by de Sousa Vieira and Lichtenberg [Phys. Rev. E54, 1200 (1996)]. We rigorously prove that it is possible to use this method for the global stabilization of a discrete system xn+1=f(xn) into a positive equilibrium for a class of maps commonly used in population dynamics. Moreover, the controlledsystem is globally stable for all values of the control parameter for which it is locally asymptotically stable. Our study highlights the difficulty of obtaining global stability results for other methods of predictive control, where higher iterations of f are used in the control scheme.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regiona

    Supersymmetric Field-Theoretic Models on a Supermanifold

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    We propose the extension of some structural aspects that have successfully been applied in the development of the theory of quantum fields propagating on a general spacetime manifold so as to include superfield models on a supermanifold. We only deal with the limited class of supermanifolds which admit the existence of a smooth body manifold structure. Our considerations are based on the Catenacci-Reina-Teofillatto-Bryant approach to supermanifolds. In particular, we show that the class of supermanifolds constructed by Bonora-Pasti-Tonin satisfies the criterions which guarantee that a supermanifold admits a Hausdorff body manifold. This construction is the closest to the physicist's intuitive view of superspace as a manifold with some anticommuting coordinates, where the odd sector is topologically trivial. The paper also contains a new construction of superdistributions and useful results on the wavefront set of such objects. Moreover, a generalization of the spectral condition is formulated using the notion of the wavefront set of superdistributions, which is equivalent to the requirement that all of the component fields satisfy, on the body manifold, a microlocal spectral condition proposed by Brunetti-Fredenhagen-K\"ohler.Comment: Final version to appear in J.Math.Phy