41 research outputs found

    Electoral Cycles Among U.S. Courts of Appeals Judges

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    We find field evidence for what experimental studies have documented regarding the contexts and characteristics that make individuals more susceptible to priming. Just before U.S. Presidential elections, judges on the U.S. Courts of Appeals double the rate at which they dissent and vote along partisan lines. Increases are accentuated for judges with less experience and in ideologically polarized environments. During periods of national reconciliation—wartime, for example—judges suppress dissents, again, especially by judges with less experience and in ideologically polarized environments. We show the dissent rate increases gradually from 6% to nearly 12% in the quarter before an election and returns immediately to 6% after the election. That highly experienced professionals making common law precedent can be politically primed raises questions about the perceived impartiality of the judiciary. We cannot rule out the possibility that judges—who profess to be unbiased—are intentionally biased, which also raises the question of intentional bias of professionals who claim to be unbiased

    Competitive warm-up in basketball: literature review and proposal

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    El calentamiento es utilizado, aceptado y practicado previamente a la realización de una práctica deportiva por la totalidad de sus participantes. Además, es considerado imprescindible para alcanzar un rendimiento óptimo por la mayoría de deportistas. Sin embargo, existe poca evidencia científica que apoye su efectividad. Todo esto, junto con la diversidad de los deportes, hace necesario la estandarización de unas pautas comunes de calentamiento para cada deporte o disciplina deportiva. En cuanto al baloncesto de élite se refiere, hemos encontrado un gran vacío científico que nos gustaría cubrir. Por lo tanto, los objetivos de este artículo son, primero, la realización de una revisión bibliográfica sobre todos los aspectos relacionados con el calentamiento como pueden ser: definición de calentamiento, tipos de calentamientos, beneficios del mismo, estructura que debe seguir (intensidad, duración, recuperación y especificidad), factores que influyen sobre él, estiramientos si o estiramientos no y de qué tipo en el calentamiento. Y segundo, con las conclusiones obtenidas, describir y proponer una metodología de calentamiento competitivo adaptado al baloncesto de alto nivel, para que ésta se convierta en una guía de referencia justificada a la hora de realizar esta fase pre-partido.Warm-up is used, accepted and performed by every participant before practising any sport. Warm-up is also considered by most sportmen as fundamental to achieve optimal performance. However, there is little scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness. This lack of evidence, together with the diversity of sports, requires the standardisation of common warm-up patterns for each sport activity. As elite basketball is concerned, a large scientific gap has been found, which the present article will attempt to fill in. Therefore, the objectives of this paper are: first, conducting a literature review on all aspects of warm-up, i.e. warm-up definition, warm up types, warm-up benefits, warm-up structure (intensity, duration, recovery and specificity), influential factors, as well as what kind of stretching must be included in the warm-up; and secondly, from the conclusions obtained, describing and proposing a methodology which is adapted to competitive warm-up for high-level basketball, so this methodology serves as a justified reference guide when going through the pre-game phase.peerReviewe

    Emerging mutant populations of Listeria monocytogenes EGD-e under selective pressure of Thymbra capitata essential oil question its use in food preservation

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    Due to their excellent antimicrobial properties, essential oils (EO) have been proposed as potential preservatives for certain kinds of foods, such as dairy products. However, the occurrence of pathogenic populations that are resistant to EOs could pose a health risk. This report seeks to assess the emergence of resistant populations in Listeria monocytogenes EGD-e growth at 37 °C under selective pressure of Thymbra capitata EO (TCO), to characterise their resistance in laboratory media, and to identify their genotypic changes, as well as to evaluate the resistance in skimmed milk. TCO cyclic treatment allowed the isolation of two L. monocytogenes EGD-e resistant strains against the EO: LmSTCO by sublethal doses (75 µL/L TCO) and LmLTCO by lethal doses (300 µL/L TCO) after 20 and 30 cycles, respectively. Both strains displayed an increase of the minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentration against TCO and a higher survival rate after lethal treatments than the wild-type strain (LmWT). Growth kinetics revealed a better adaptation of LmSTCO in presence of TCO, while LmLTCO grew more slowly compared to LmWT, even in the absence of the antimicrobial. Moreover, a slight increase in cross-resistance to antibiotics was observed: LmSTCO to β-lactams and LmLTCO to a series of broad-spectrum antibiotics. The genomic study revealed one sole nucleotide change in LmSTCO located in plsC gene codifying an enzyme involved in the production of phosphatidic acid, a precursor in cell membrane synthesis. Five genetic variations were found in LmLTCO: among them, the deletion of an ATP-synthesis system involved in slowing bacterial growth. Inhibition and inactivation assays in skimmed milk confirmed the increased resistance of both strains, thereby indicating a safety risk in case these strains emerge in the food chain. These results strongly suggest that the occurrence of such resistances should be taken into account in order to ensure the efficacy of natural antimicrobials in the design of food preservation strategies

    Protocol de recuperació funcional d'una lesió lligamentosa de turmell

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    Es presenta un protocol de recuperació funcional d'una lesió lligamentosa de turmell en un jugador professional de basquetbol. Es tractava d'una ruptura del fascicle peroneu astragalí anterior del lligament extern del turmell dret. El programa de recuperació es va dividir en 4 fases de 4 dies de durada cadascuna. En la fase 1 va predominar el treball fisioterapèutic, basat en la descàrrega, la potenciació del tren inferior i el manteniment de la musculatura. La fase 2 va alternar la feina del fisioterapeuta amb l'augment del treball aeròbic en descàrrega. En la fase 3 es va dur a terme la readaptació funcional i fisiològica del subjecte. Finalment, en la fase 4 el jugador es va reincorporar als entrenaments del grup. Aquest protocol s'utilitzarà de referència en el procés de recuperació d'altres lesions lligamentoses com a mètode de prevenció del turmell inestable. Cal destacar la necessitat de fer un treball multidisciplinari entre el servei mèdic i el cos tècnic

    Protocolo de recuperación funcional de una lesión ligamentosa de tobillo

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    Se presenta un protocolo de recuperación funcional de una lesión ligamentosa de tobillo en un jugador profesional de baloncesto. Se trataba de una rotura del fascículo peroneo astragalino anterior del ligamento externo del tobillo derecho. El programa de recuperación se dividió en 4 fases de 4 días de duración. En la fase 1 predominó el trabajo fisioterapéutico, basado en la descarga, la potenciación del tren inferior y el mantenimiento de la musculatura. La fase 2 alternó la labor del fisioterapeuta con el aumento del trabajo aeróbico en descarga. En la fase 3 se llevó a cabo la readaptación funcional y fisiológica del sujeto. Finalmente, en la fase 4 el jugador se reincorporó a los entrenamientos grupales. Este protocolo se utilizará de referencia en el proceso de recuperación de otras lesiones ligamentosas como método de prevención del tobillo inestable. Se destaca la necesidad de realizar un trabajo multidisciplinar entre el servicio médico y el cuerpo técnico

    Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium genetic variants isolated after lethal treatment with Thymbra capitata essential oil (TCO) showed increased resistance to TCO in milk

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    The high prevalence of Salmonella enterica in milk poses a risk of considerable concern in the preservation of certain dairy products, mainly those elaborated from raw milk. Essential oils (EOs) have been proposed as a promising food preservative for such products due to their strong antimicrobial properties. Additionally, these natural antimicrobials have been shown to be effective against multi-drug resistant strains. They can thus also be utilized to prevent the dissemination of antimicrobial resistances (AMR). However, recent evidence of the development of bacterial resistance under EO treatments may call their use into question. This study sought to assess the emergence of antimicrobial resistant genetic variants of S. enterica serovar Typhimurium from survivors after cyclic exposure to lethal doses (>5 log10 cycles of inactivation) of Thymbra capitata EO (TCO), in order to evaluate the impact that it could have on milk preservation, to ascertain whether cross-resistance to antibiotics occurs, and to identify the genomic changes responsible for their phenotype. Isolated strains by TCO (SeTCO) showed a two-fold increase in minimum inhibitory and bactericide concentrations (MIC and MBC) of TCO compared to Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium wild-type strain (SeWT) in laboratory growth medium, as well as a greater adaptation and growth rate in the presence of the EOs and a higher survival to TCO treatments in buffers of pH 4.0 and 7.0. The increased resistance of SeTCO was confirmed in skimmed milk: 300 μL/L TCO reduced only 1 log10 cycle of SeTCO population, whereas it inactivated more than 5 log10 cycles in SeWT. Moreover, SeTCO showed an increased cross-resistance against aminoglycosides, quinolones and tetracyclines. Whole genome sequencing revealed 5 mutations in SeTCO: 2 in genes involved in O-antigens synthesis (rfbV and rfbX), 2 in genes related to adaptation to the growing medium (trkA and glpK), and 1 in a redox-sensitive transcriptional regulator (soxR). The phenotypic characterization of a constructed SeWT strain with mutant soxRSeTCO demonstrated that the mutation of soxR was the main cause of the increased resistance and tolerance observed in SeTCO against TCO and antibiotics. The emergence of resistant strains against EOs might jeopardize their use as food preservatives. Further studies will thus be required to determine under which conditions such resistant strains might occur, and to assess the food risk they may pose, as well as to ascertain their impact on the spread of AMR

    Teoría de colas en el área de operaciones de la Agencia 1 – Cusco del Banco de la Nación - 2017

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    El presente trabajo de investigación abarca el tema de la teoría de colas en el área de operaciones de la Agencia 1 – Cusco del Banco de la Nación en el cual se describe las diferentes problemáticas que tiene el Banco como es la cantidad de clientes que tiene, el orden atención que maneja, la cantidad de prestadores que están abiertos y sobre todo la demora de la espera en cola del Banco, los cuales se van desarrollando de acuerdo a los objetivos planteados en el trabajo de investigación siendo así nuestro objetivo general el de conocer como es la teoría de colas en el área de operaciones de la Agencia 1 – Cusco del Banco de la Nación en el cual se debe considerar que el nivel de la investigación es descriptiva, con un diseño de investigación no experimental y teniendo fichas de observación como instrumento principal los cuales fueron aplicados en la 1° semana los días lunes, miércoles y viernes entre las horas 11:30 – 13:00 pm y de 4:00 – 5:30 pm, y en la 2° semana los días martes, jueves y sábado entre las horas 11:30 – 13:00 pm y de 4:00 – 5:30 pm teniendo como resultado que la fuente de entrada del Banco en esos intervalos de tiempo fue de 3645 clientes en total, que la cola de espera tiene un tiempo promedio de 27 minutos, que la disciplina de la cola es de tipo FIFO (First In, First Out) donde la cola es finita o limitada, que en promedio existen 5 prestadores de servicio tanto en el lado A como en el lado B del área de operaciones del Banco y que la cola del lado B tiene un tiempo de atención más rápida que el del lado A también se detalla en el trabajo la cantidad de clientes que fueron atendidos por ventanilla y cuál de ellas fue la más rápida en atender por tipo de operación que existe en el Banco, todos estos resultados conseguidos fueron procesado por el programa de SPSS.This research work covers the topic of queuing theory in the area of operations of the Agency 1 - Cusco of the Banco de la Nación, which describes the different problems that the Bank has, such as the number of clients it has, the order of attention that it handles, the number of providers that are open and above all the delay of waiting in queue of the Bank, which are developed according to the objectives set out in the research work, thus our general objective is to know how is the theory of queues in the area of operations of Agency 1 - Cusco of the Banco de la Nación in which it should be considered that the level of the research is descriptive, with a non-experimental research design and having observation cards as main instrument which were applied in the 1st week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between the hours 11:30 - 13:00 pm and from 4:00 - 5:30 pm, and in the 2 week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays between the hours of 11:30 - 1:00 pm and of 4:00 - 5:30 pm, resulting in the Bank's source of income in those time intervals was 3645 total customers , that the wait queue has an average time of 27 minutes, that the discipline of the queue is FIFO (First In, First Out) where the queue is finite or limited, that on average there are 5 service providers both in the side A as on side B of the Bank's area of operations and that the queue on side B has a faster attention time than that on side A, the number of clients served by the window and which of they were the fastest to attend by type of operation that exists in the Bank, all these results were processed by the SPSS program.Tesi

    Carvacrol selective pressure allows the occurrence of genetic resistant variants of Listeria monocytogenes EGD-e

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    Essential oils and their constituents, such as carvacrol, are potential food preservatives because of their great antimicrobial properties. However, the long-term effects of these compounds are unknown and raise the question of whether resistance to these antimicrobials could emerge. This work aims to evaluate the occurrence of genetic resistant variants (RVs) in Listeria monocytogenes EGD-e by exposure to carvacrol. Two protocols were performed for the RVs selection: (a) by continuous exposure to sublethal doses, where LmSCar was isolated, and (b) by reiterative exposure to short lethal treatments of carvacrol, where LmLCar was isolated. Both RVs showed an increase in carvacrol resistance. Moreover, LmLCar revealed an increased cross-resistance to heat treatments at acid conditions and to ampicillin. Whole-genome sequencing identified two single nucleotide variations in LmSCar and three non-silent mutations in LmLCar. Among them, those located in the genes encoding the transcriptional regulators RsbT (in LmSCar) and ManR (in LmLCar) could contribute to their increased carvacrol resistance. These results provide information regarding the mode of action of this antimicrobial and support the importance of knowing how RVs appear. Further studies are required to determine the emergence of RVs in food matrices and their impact on food safety

    Competencia de lectura crítica: tensiones y desafíos desde la perspectiva profesor - estudiante

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    The development of generic competences is a key factor in educational processes, it contributes to the academic performance of students and later in the labor field. In this research, tensions and challenges were analyzed with respect to the development of generic critical reading competence, based on classroom management at the Universidad de la Costa. It was structured within the Mixed research approach, the type of design used is sequential, Quanti-qualitative, whose purpose is to combine the strengths of the Quantitative and Qualitative methodology to obtain complementary data about the same problem. In this type of research, compares and contrasts the data originated by these different methodologies; for which the study was carried out in two phases that allowed to collect the pertinent information to each one of the methodologies. The perception of teachers and students in the face of the generic critical reading competence at the Universidad de la Costa presents an adequate intention. However, the characterization reveals opportunities for improvement from the perspective of students. On the part of the teachers, aspects to be strengthened towards the recognition of methods, strategies, techniques, reading levels and textual typologies are evidenced to guide from the management of the disciplinary subjects that they accompany critical reading.El desarrollo de las competencias genéricas es un factor clave en los procesos educativos, contribuye en el desempeño académico de los estudiantes y más adelante en el campo laboral. En esta investigación se analizaron tensiones y desafíos con respecto al desarrollo de la competencia genérica de lectura crítica, a partir de la gestión en aula en la Universidad de la Costa. Se estructuró dentro del enfoque de investigación Mixto, el tipo de diseño que se utilizó es el secuencial, Cuanti-cualitativo, cuyo propósito es combinar las fortalezas de la metodología Cuantitativa y Cualitativa para obtener datos complementarios acerca de un mismo problema. En este tipo de investigación, compara y contrasta los datos originados por estas distintas metodologías; para lo cual se realizó el estudio en dos fases que permitió recolectar la información pertinente a cada una de las metodologías. La percepción de profesores y estudiantes frente a la competencia genérica de lectura crítica en la Universidad de la Costa presenta una intencionalidad adecuada. No obstante, la caracterización devela oportunidades de mejora desde la perspectiva de estudiantes. Por parte de los profesores se evidencian aspectos a fortalecer hacia el reconocimiento de métodos, estrategias, técnicas, niveles de lectura y tipologías textuales para orientar desde la gestión de las asignaturas disciplinares que ellos acompañan la lectura crítica

    Oil-in-Water Pickering Emulsions Stabilized with Nanostructured Biopolymers: A Venue for Templating Bacterial Cellulose

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    Pickering emulsions (PEs) differ from conventional emulsions in the use of solid colloidal particles as stabilizing agents instead of traditional amphiphilic molecules. Nanostructured biopolymers (NBs) emerge as a promising alternative for PE stabilization owing to their remarkable biocompatibility, abundant availability, and low cost. To explore this potential, a study is herein presented, in which cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs), both type I and type II allomorphs, and chitin nanocrystals (ChNCs) were used for stabilizing oil-in-water PEs prepared by the use of ultrasound. Sunflower oil was selected as the oil phase as it offers the advantages of being edible, renewable, and inexpensive. By utilizing ζ-potential, static light diffraction, and visual observations, we determined the optimal oil/water ratio for each type of NB to obtain stable emulsions after 14 days. The optimized PEs were used to form bacterial nanocellulose composites through emulsion templating. To our knowledge, this study represents a pioneering work in exploiting oil-in-water PEs for this approach. Additionally, it entails the first utilization of nonmercerized type II CNCs as stabilizers for PEs, while also establishing a direct comparison among the most relevant NBs. The resulting composites exhibited a unique morphology, composed of larger pores compared to standard bacterial nanocellulose aerogels. These findings highlight the notable potential of NBs as stabilizers for PEs and their ability to generate green nanocomposites with tailored properties