455 research outputs found
Benefits and Barriers on Quizizz Application as Formative Assessment Tool in Vocabulary Teaching: Students Side
As technology becomes more advanced, education is getting more sophisticated. The purpose of this study is to find out the benefits and barriers related on Quizizz Application as formative assessment tool in vocabulary teaching for students. This study is classified as qualitative research, the sample of this research is 10 students of SMA N 4 Yogyakarta. Data were collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The study revealed two main aspects, the benefits and the barriers. Analysis of research data is descriptive. The results of the study showed students' perspectives on the use of Quizizz. In conclusion, students' opinions on the usage of Quizizz as formative assessment tool in learning vocabulary are positive, the platform is extremely entertaining to use in the classroom and helps students focus more on the material that they have learned.
Keywords: Assessment Tool, Quizizz Application, Vocabular
Optimizing Students' Speaking Ability Using Padlet in Giving Opinion at Indonesian Junior High School: A Classroom Action Research
This study aims to determine the impact and perceptions of students in English speaking skills, especially giving opinions via Padlet. This study was conducted at Indonesian Junior High School with 20 students as respondents. Data has been obtained using qualitative descriptive methods. Qualitative data has been obtained from interviews, pre-tests, and post-test. To solve the problem, the study has carried out Class Action Research (CAR) which consists of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The test only given to students. The result of the study showed that Paddlet has positive impact on students’ speaking ability. It reveals increase about 21.15% from the pre-test. It can be concluded that optimizing students’ speaking ability using Padlet in giving opinion can be an alternative of effective teaching ways.
Keywords: CAR, Padlet, Speaking Abilit
Critical thinking is a skill that should be developed to enable students cope with 21st century challenges. Critical Listening class is one of the compulsory subjects in English Language Education Study Program of Mercu Buana University Yogyakarta which goal is to enhance students critical thinking whenever they listen to particular information. However, the instrument to measure the students’ critical listening skill has not been developed yet. Therefore, this study aims at developing an instrument to develop students’ critical listening skill. The study was started by developing the conceptual definition and operational definition of critical thinking and critical listening. Afterwards, a set of instrument containing of 40 items were developed. Identifying instrument content validity is the first step the focus of this study. The instrument items were then validated by 3 experts. The result of this study showed that 30 items on the instrument was considered valid as they had I-CVI ranged from 0,8-1. The other 10 items were deemed to be invalid since the I-CVI is lower than 0,78. The result of this study encouraged the researcher to revise the instrument and improve the validity of the items
Improving Students’ Writing Skill Using Virtual Writing Tutor: Automatic Corrective Feedback
Technological advances are becoming a superior approach in the world of learning and education. Technology plays an important role in developing improved learning outcomes which are used as media or learning aids. The problem found was the low quality of students' writing skills, after observations students received assessments or feedback that were not detailed. Therefore, the research is to improve the quality of students' writing using the AI-based Virtual Writing Tutor platform. The study uses Classroom Action Research as a research design which is carried out cyclically in teaching research and is followed by increasing participant data results. This research involved 32 class XI students of Indonesian Senior High School for the 2023/2024 academic year. This research found that Virtual Writing Tutor can help improve students' writing performance. This can be seen through the average score which increased from the pre-test, starting from an average of 52.9, then increased in the progress-test to produce 63.2 and increased up to 75.6 in post-test. To find out responses from participants, interviews were conducted with a focus on strengths and weaknesses. Then, from the interview results, it was concluded that there were good impacts and bad impacts on the use of AI-based platforms.
Keywords: Automatic Corrective Feedback, Virtual Writing Tutor, Writing Skil
Pelatihan Penggunaan Teknologi untuk Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris secara Inovatif Di Kelas untuk Guru-Guru MGMP Bahasa Inggris di Kabupaten Bantul
The application of CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) and MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) based technology in language learning in the classroom is not new in this era. A variety of applications are available for free on the internet. However, the knowledge of teachers in Indonesia about the functions and ways of implementing these applications is still low. With this training, it is hoped that teachers will be increasingly able to use CALL and MALL-based applications and explain the pedagogical side simultaneously
The primary aim and the focus of this study were to investigate students’ metacoginitive strategies awareness and their relationship with speaking ability. The participants were 31 Indonesian junior college students who have taken speaking course. The study gained that students’ metacognitive strategies awareness was categorized on good awareness with 77.9 % of use. Following that, by means of correlational research design, this study also found that there is a positive correlation between the variables. In addition, the correlation was categorized in strong association.
This study aims to determine the influence of gender differences on the making of mathematical cross-stitch art symbols and students’ learning outcomes. This study is descriptive qualitative research. The study used observation, interviews, documentation, and students’ learning outcomes tests as research instrument. This research has been conducted in the crafts subject at SMA Negeri 1 Pengasih, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta class XI. Meanwhile, the results of midterm and final exam were used for all students of class XI. This study revealed a significant difference between male and female students when completing the cross art of mathematical symbols. Female students are found to be able to complete the art within 1 month, while male students have not been able to complete the cross stitch. Furthermore, the average scores obtained during midterm and final exam between male and female students also have quite significant differences, in which female students show higher learning outcomes than male students. It is in line with the completion of the cross-stitch assignment given in the craft subject where female students have better abilities in completing the cross-stitch art. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh perbedaan gender terhadap pembuatan seni kristik symbol matematika dan hasil belajar siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan tes hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan pada mata pelajaran Prakarya di SMA Negeri 1 Pengasih, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta kelas XI. Sedangkan secara kuantitatif digunakan hasil PTS dan PAS semua siswa kelas XI. Penelitian ini menghasilkan perbedaan yang cukup signifikan antara siswa laki-laki dan perempuan saat menyelesaikan seni kristik symbol matematik. Yang mana siswa perempuan mampu menyelesaikan seni tersebut dalam waktu 1 bulan, sedangkan siswa laki-laki belum mampu menyelesaikan seni kristik tersebut. Lebih lanjut, rata-rata skor yang diperoleh saat PTS dan PAS antara siswa laki-laki dan perempuan juga memiliki perbedaan yang cukup signfiikan, yang mana siswa perempuan memiliki hasil belajar yang lebih tinggi daripada siswa laki-laki. Hal tersebut selaras dengan penyelesaian tugas seni kristik yang diberikan pada mata pelajaran prakarya yang mana siswa perempuan memiliki kemampuan yang lebih baik dalam menyelesaikan seni kristik tersebut
Analisa Harmonisa Transformator Satu Fasa Berbeban Motor Arus Searah Melalui Rectifier dan Simulasi Filter Pasif Berbasis Matlab di Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Kristen Indonesia
Penelitian ini menganalisis harmonisa transformator satu fasa yang dibebani dengan Motor Arus Searah (MAS) dan penyearah dengan menggunakan pendekatan metode kuantitatif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi nilai Total Harmonic Distortion untuk arus (THDi) pada transformator dan merancang filter pasif guna mengurangi tingkat harmonisa apabila tidak memenuhi standar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil pengukuran, diperoleh THDi 31,01% pada transformator beban nol, pada transformator berbeban MAS dengan penyearah setengah gelombang, THDi sebesar 79,35%, dan pada transformator berbeban MAS dengan penyearah gelombang penuh, THDi sebesar 46,40%, yang melebihi standar IEEE 519-2014. Hasil simulasi filter pasif single tuned LC menunjukkan bahwa pada transformator berbeban MAS dengan penyearah setengah gelombang mengalami penurunan tingkat harmonisa dari nilai THDi 79,35% sebelum menggunakan filter, menjadi 1,04% setelah menggunakan filter dan memenuhi standar IEEE 519-2014. Tingkat harmonisa dari transformator berbeban MAS dengan penyearah gelombang penuh, sebelum difilter, THDi 46,40%, namun setelah difilter, THDi 37,98%, masih melebihi standar IEEE 519-2014.
Kata Kunci: Filter Pasif Single Tuned LC, Harmonisa, Standar IEEE 519-2014, Transformator. / This study analyzed single-phase transformer harmonics loaded with Direct Current Motor (MAS) and rectifier using quantitative method approach. The purpose of this study was to identify the Total Harmonic Distortion (THDi) value in transformers and design passive filters to reduce harmonic levels if they do not meet the standards. The results showed that the measurement results, obtained THDi 31.01% in zero-load transformers, in MAS loaded transformers with half-wave rectifiers, THDi by 79.35%, and in MAS loaded transformers with full-wave rectifiers, THDi by 46.40%, which exceeded the IEEE 519-2014 standard. The results of the single tuned LC passive filter simulation showed that the MAS loaded transformer with a half-wave rectifier decreased harmonic level from the THDi value of 79.35% before using the filter, to 1.04% after using the filter and met IEEE 519-2014 standards. The harmonic level of MAS loaded transformer with full wave rectifier, before filtering, THDi 46.40%, but after filtering, THDi 37.98%, still exceeds IEEE 519-2014 standard.
Keywords: Single Tuned LC Passive Filter, Harmonic, IEEE 519-2014 Standard, Transforme
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