189 research outputs found

    Reproduction of Pratylenchus penetrans on various rotation crops in Quebec

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    La reproduction du nématode des lésions racinaires Pratylenchus penetrans a été évaluée en serre sur 12 cultures de rotation. La moutarde brune (Brassica juncea) a été la meilleure plante hôte et a augmenté de 17,2 fois la population initiale. Le soja (Glycine max), le millet japonais (Echinochloa frumentacea), le colza (B. napus), le sarrasin (Fagopyrum esculentum), la moutarde blanche (B. hirta), et le raygrass vivace (Lolium perenne) ont été également très efficaces à multiplier le nématode et n'étaient pas significativement différents du seigle (Secale cereale), une plante hôte standard favorable. Le millet d'Italie (Setaria italica), l'avoine (Avena sativa), le maïs (Zea mays), et le brome des prés (Bromus inermis) ont accru respectivement de 5,8, 5,7, 4,5 et 3,2 fois la population initiale mais de façon significativement moindre que le seigle. Le millet perlé fourrager (Pennisetum glaucum) a présenté le plus faible taux de multiplication, soit 0,4. Ces résultats nous indiquent que les cultures de rotation couramment recommandées sont favorables à l'accroissement des populations du P. penetrans dans le sol à l'exception du millet perlé fourrager. Cette culture annuelle a un bon potentiel comme culture de rotation dans la répression des populations du nématode des lésions racinaires au Québec.The reproduction of the root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus penetrans was assessed on 12 rotation crops under greenhouse conditions. Brown mustard (Brassica juncea) was the best host and increased the initial population by 17.2 times. Soybean (Glycine max), Japanese millet (Echinochloa frumentacea), rape (B. napus), buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum), white mustard (B. hirta), and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) were also very efficient in multiplying the nematode and were not significantly different from rye (Secale cereale), a standard host crop. Foxtail millet (Setaria italica), oats (Avena sativa), corn (Zea mays), and bromegrass (Bromus inermis) increased the initial population by 5.8, 5.7, 4.5, and 3.2 times respectively, but significantly less than rye. Forage pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) was the poorest host with a reproduction rate of 0.4. These results indicate that most commonly recommended rotation crops are suitable for the build up of P. penetrans populations in the soil with the exception of forage pearl millet. This annual crop has a great potential as a rotation crop for controlling the root-lesion nematode in Quebec

    Bioefficacy of different Insecticides against aphid (Myzus persicae) in cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.)

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    A field trail was conducted in randomized block design at KVK Bhilwara, MPUAT, Udaipur to evaluate efficacy of carbosulfan 25% EC at 250, 312.5 and 375 g a.i. ha-1 along with thiamethoxam 25% WG at 25 g a.i. ha-1, imidacloprid 17.8 SL at 25 g a.i. ha-1 and acetamiprid 20% SP at 10 g a.i. ha-1 against aphid (Myzus persicae) in cumin during Rabi, 2013-14 and 2014-15. The result revealed that two sprays of carbosulfan 25% EC at 375 g a.i. ha-1 was found effective against aphid. It caused maximum mean reduction in thrips population after second spray at 10 days after application, which was 87.52% and 88.45% during 2013-14 and 2014-15, respectively. It was followed by carbosulfan 25% EC at 312.5 g a.i. ha-1. The maximum yields were recorded in case of carbosulfan 25% EC at 375 g a.i. ha-1, which were 622.3 and 456.7 kg ha-1 during 2013-14 and 2014-15, respectively and incremental yield of 358.6 kg ha-1 over untreated control

    Indigenous approaches of pest management in vegetables with special reference to coriander in southern Rajasthan, India

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    The present survey based study was conducted to record the indigenous pest management practices which were prepared by the use of various ethnobotanical plant parts, animal bi-products etc., for vegetable pest control by the farmers of tribal community in four tribal districts of southern Rajasthan. Data revealed that nowadays, indigenous knowledge of insect-pests management is being alive in age old people of few communities, amongst tribes of southern Rajasthan is one of the community in which some farmers are still practicing indigenous tactics for controlling pests on vegetables. 28 indigenous practices constituted by locally available wild plants constituents, animal byproducts, natural resource and few spiritual mean were applied with age old knowledge of farmers recorded effective management of various insect-pests infesting vegetables including coriander. The highest Fic value was recorded for aphids followed by thrips and jassids. The used value was recorded in the range of 0.09 to 0.69 for all locations. The highest UV secured for indigenous practices of Neem leaf extract; cow butter milk + cow dung ash + chilli seed powder; Neem seed kernel extract and ker plant + neem leaf + negadi leaf extract. These practices were easy in preparation, cost effective, eco-friendly and widely acceptable by the community in region need to be documented for future reference

    Mapping Host Plant Resistance Qtls against Three Virulent Isolates of Downy Mildew PathogenIn Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum [L.] R. Br.)

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    Downy mildew (DM) epidemics have repeatedly caused huge grain and straw production losses on pearl millet single-cross hybrids in India. The present study was undertaken to identify the QTL positions controlling DMR on the linkage map for a pearl millet mapping population of 295 F7 RIL population derived from a single F1 plant from plant Ă— plant cross 81 B-P13 (susceptible) Ă— AIMP 92901-P03 (resistant) using three isolates of the pathogen from Gujarat, Haryana and Rajasthan. A skeleton genetic linkage map of 536.8 cM (Haldane) was constructed using MapMaker/Exp version 3.0b at LOD threshold value of 3.0 using 39 scorable polymorphic loci. A total of four major DMR QTLs were identified on linkage groups of 1,3 and 4. The inheritance of of these QTLs showed AIMP 92901-P03 providing the resistant alleles. At least one DMR QTL was detected and mapped for each of the three DM isolates. After validation, marker-assisted selection (MAS) can now be used for improving DMR of elite pearl millet hybrid parental lines using polymorphic flanking markers from donor parent AIMP 92901-P03

    Construction of a Molecular Linkage Map of Pearl Millet Using SSR Markers

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    For pearl millet production in the semi-arid tropics, Sclerospora graminicola is a major biotic constraint causes Downy mildew. The pathogen is heterothallic and frequent recombination leads to evolution of new virulent populations. Identification of resistance to new virulent isolates is a prerequisite for resistance breeding. A very good understanding of ability to manipulate oligogenic and quantitative traits is offered to plant breeders by recent advances in genetic marker technology. In the present investigation, Genotypic data generated for a total of 39 marker loci (SSRs) were used to construct a linkage map of the pearl millet mapping population of 295 Recombinant Inbred Population based on the cross 81B-P13 Ă— AIMP 92901-deriv-P03.A skeleton linkage map of seven linkage groups with a total map length of 536.8cMwasconstructed using Map Maker/Exp version 3.0b at LOD threshold value of 3.0 and map was drawn using Map Chart 2.2. Among all the linkage groups of the present study, linkage group1 has the highest map length (146.6 cM) followed by linkage group 2 (98.3 cM). The linkage group 3 (6.6 cM) has been recorded as the shortest among all seven linkage pearl millet groups in this study

    Genetic Variability for Downy Mildew Disease Incidence in Mapping Population Parents of Pearl Millet

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    Downy mildew caused by Sclerospora graminicola (Sacc.) Shroet. is a major biotic constraint to pearl millet production in the semi-arid tropics. The pathogen is heterothallic and frequent recombination leads to evolution of new virulent populations. Identification of resistance to new virulent isolates is a prerequisite for resistance breeding. In the present investigation, forty parents along with five control entries were screened against three Indian populations of Sclerospora graminicola under greenhouse conditions. Among the parental lines under study, ICMP 85410-P7, LGD-1-B-10, Tift 23DB-P1-P5, H77/833-2-P5, H77/833-2, Tift 238D1, ICMB 89111-P6, 81B-P13, ICMB 01222-P1, ICMB 95333-P1, ICMB 95333-P5 and IPC 804-P4 were found to be highly susceptible (>80 % DMI) in screening against three Indigenous pathogen isolates from Gujarat (Sg445), Haryana (Sg519) and Rajasthan (Sg526), while 863B-P2, AIMP 92901-S1-183-2-2-B-P08 and AIMP 92901-S1-15-1-2-B-P03 were resistant (<10% DMI) to test isolates. Some parents exhibited different levels of DM incidence to pathogen - isolates

    MicroRNA let-7c Is Downregulated in Prostate Cancer and Suppresses Prostate Cancer Growth

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) is characterized by deregulated expression of several tumor suppressor or oncogenic miRNAs. The objective of this study was the identification and characterization of miR-let-7c as a potential tumor suppressor in PCa.Levels of expression of miR-let-7c were examined in human PCa cell lines and tissues using qRT-PCR and in situ hybridization. Let-7c was overexpressed or suppressed to assess the effects on the growth of human PCa cell lines. Lentiviral-mediated re-expression of let-7c was utilized to assess the effects on human PCa xenografts.We identified miR-let-7c as a potential tumor suppressor in PCa. Expression of let-7c is downregulated in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) cells. Overexpression of let-7c decreased while downregulation of let-7c increased cell proliferation, clonogenicity and anchorage-independent growth of PCa cells in vitro. Suppression of let-7c expression enhanced the ability of androgen-sensitive PCa cells to grow in androgen-deprived conditions in vitro. Reconstitution of Let-7c by lentiviral-mediated intratumoral delivery significantly reduced tumor burden in xenografts of human PCa cells. Furthermore, let-7c expression is downregulated in clinical PCa specimens compared to their matched benign tissues, while the expression of Lin28, a master regulator of let-7 miRNA processing, is upregulated in clinical PCa specimens.These results demonstrate that microRNA let-7c is downregulated in PCa and functions as a tumor suppressor, and is a potential therapeutic target for PCa

    Landscapes of Urbanization and De-Urbanization: A Large-Scale Approach to Investigating the Indus Civilization's Settlement Distributions in Northwest India.

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    Survey data play a fundamental role in studies of social complexity. Integrating the results from multiple projects into large-scale analyses encourages the reconsideration of existing interpretations. This approach is essential to understanding changes in the Indus Civilization's settlement distributions (ca. 2600-1600 b.c.), which shift from numerous small-scale settlements and a small number of larger urban centers to a de-nucleated pattern of settlement. This paper examines the interpretation that northwest India's settlement density increased as Indus cities declined by developing an integrated site location database and using this pilot database to conduct large-scale geographical information systems (GIS) analyses. It finds that settlement density in northwestern India may have increased in particular areas after ca. 1900 b.c., and that the resulting landscape of de-urbanization may have emerged at the expense of other processes. Investigating the Indus Civilization's landscapes has the potential to reveal broader dynamics of social complexity across extensive and varied environments.ER
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