313 research outputs found

    Examining the fraud awareness from the university’s academic staffs perspectives / Mohamad Ridhuan Mat Dangi and Noor Hasimah M. Yacob

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    This study investigates the level of knowledge, awareness and understanding of fraud activities. It also identifies elements of fraud triangle theory which has the most influence on fraud activities and examines the fraudsters profile from academic staff perspectives. Findings from this study show that most of the academic staffs have a moderate knowledge and awareness of fraud and generally the information was obtained from the Internet. Most of them choose opportunity as the motivational factor for someone to perpetrate fraud and it will cause a serious problem to the society

    Raf kinase inhibitory protein suppresses a metastasis signalling cascade involving LIN28 and let-7

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    Raf kinase inhibitory protein (RKIP) negatively regulates the MAP kinase (MAPK), G protein-coupled receptor kinase-2, and NF-κB signalling cascades. RKIP has been implicated as a metastasis suppressor for prostate cancer, but the mechanism is not known. Here, we show that RKIP inhibits invasion by metastatic breast cancer cells and represses breast tumour cell intravasation and bone metastasis in an orthotopic murine model. The mechanism involves inhibition of MAPK, leading to decreased transcription of LIN28 by Myc. Suppression of LIN28 enables enhanced let-7 processing in breast cancer cells. Elevated let-7 expression inhibits HMGA2, a chromatin remodelling protein that activates pro-invasive and pro-metastatic genes, including Snail. LIN28 depletion and let-7 expression suppress bone metastasis, and LIN28 restores bone metastasis in mice bearing RKIP-expressing breast tumour cells. These results indicate that RKIP suppresses invasion and metastasis in part through a signalling cascade involving MAPK, Myc, LIN28, let-7, and downstream let-7 targets. RKIP regulation of two pluripotent stem cell genes, Myc and LIN28, highlights the importance of RKIP as a key metastasis suppressor and potential therapeutic agent.</p

    Raf kinase inhibitory protein suppresses a metastasis signalling cascade involving LIN28 and let-7

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    Raf kinase inhibitory protein (RKIP) negatively regulates the MAP kinase (MAPK), G protein-coupled receptor kinase-2, and NF-κB signalling cascades. RKIP has been implicated as a metastasis suppressor for prostate cancer, but the mechanism is not known. Here, we show that RKIP inhibits invasion by metastatic breast cancer cells and represses breast tumour cell intravasation and bone metastasis in an orthotopic murine model. The mechanism involves inhibition of MAPK, leading to decreased transcription of LIN28 by Myc. Suppression of LIN28 enables enhanced let-7 processing in breast cancer cells. Elevated let-7 expression inhibits HMGA2, a chromatin remodelling protein that activates pro-invasive and pro-metastatic genes, including Snail. LIN28 depletion and let-7 expression suppress bone metastasis, and LIN28 restores bone metastasis in mice bearing RKIP-expressing breast tumour cells. These results indicate that RKIP suppresses invasion and metastasis in part through a signalling cascade involving MAPK, Myc, LIN28, let-7, and downstream let-7 targets. RKIP regulation of two pluripotent stem cell genes, Myc and LIN28, highlights the importance of RKIP as a key metastasis suppressor and potential therapeutic agent.</p

    Molecular Docking Study of Conformational Polymorph: Building Block of Crystal Chemistry

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    Two conformational polymorphs of novel 2-[2-(3-cyano-4,6-dimethyl-2-oxo-2H-pyridin-1-yl)-ethoxy]-4,6-dimethyl nicotinonitrile have been developed. The crystal structure of both polymorphs (1a and 1b) seems to be stabilized by weak interactions. A difference was observed in the packing of both polymorphs. Polymorph 1b has a better binding affinity with the cyclooxygenase (COX-2) receptor than the standard (Nimesulide)

    Bioefficacy of different Insecticides against aphid (Myzus persicae) in cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.)

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    A field trail was conducted in randomized block design at KVK Bhilwara, MPUAT, Udaipur to evaluate efficacy of carbosulfan 25% EC at 250, 312.5 and 375 g a.i. ha-1 along with thiamethoxam 25% WG at 25 g a.i. ha-1, imidacloprid 17.8 SL at 25 g a.i. ha-1 and acetamiprid 20% SP at 10 g a.i. ha-1 against aphid (Myzus persicae) in cumin during Rabi, 2013-14 and 2014-15. The result revealed that two sprays of carbosulfan 25% EC at 375 g a.i. ha-1 was found effective against aphid. It caused maximum mean reduction in thrips population after second spray at 10 days after application, which was 87.52% and 88.45% during 2013-14 and 2014-15, respectively. It was followed by carbosulfan 25% EC at 312.5 g a.i. ha-1. The maximum yields were recorded in case of carbosulfan 25% EC at 375 g a.i. ha-1, which were 622.3 and 456.7 kg ha-1 during 2013-14 and 2014-15, respectively and incremental yield of 358.6 kg ha-1 over untreated control

    Panicle Traits and Plant Height are Important Selection Indices to Enhance Productivity in Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.R.Br.) Populations

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    The study was conducted to determine the correlation and path coefficients among the yield and yield component characters in 14 parental lines and 91 hybrids of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L. R. Br), formulated by a diallel cross excluding reciprocals. Strong and significant genotypic and phenotypic correlations were observed between grain yield (kg ha-1) with panicle girth (cm),plant height (cm) and panicle length (cm). The path analysis indicated that panicle girth (cm)and plant height (cm) had the highest direct effects on grain yield. The days to 50% flowering, 1000-grain weight (g) and number of productive tillers had the least direct effects on grain yield. The direct effect of panicle girth (cm)was greatly reduced by the negative indirect effects through days to 50% flowering and 1000-grain weight (g). Similarly, the direct effect of plant height was very much influenced by the negative indirect effects of days to 50% flowering. The panicle girth, plant height and panicle length in this study has been identified as selection indices for obtaining good parental lines and hybrids in a pearl millet breeding program

    Assessment and Mitigation of Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Impacts at Short-pulse Laser Facilities

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    The National Ignition Facility (NIF) will be impacted by electromagnetic pulse (EMP) during normal long-pulse operation, but the largest impacts are expected during short-pulse operation utilizing the Advanced Radiographic Capability (ARC). Without mitigation these impacts could range from data corruption to hardware damage. We describe our EMP measurement systems on Titan and NIF and present some preliminary results and thoughts on mitigation

    Determinants of mRNA recognition and translation regulation by Lin28

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    Lin28 is critical for stem cell maintenance and is also associated with advanced human malignancies. Our recent genome-wide studies mark Lin28 as a master post-transcriptional regulator of a subset of messenger RNAs important for cell growth and metabolism. However, the molecular basis underpinning the selective mRNA target regulation is unclear. Here, we provide evidence that Lin28 recognizes a unique motif in multiple target mRNAs, characterized by a small but critical ‘A’ bulge flanked by two G:C base pairs embedded in a complex secondary structure. This motif mediates Lin28-dependent stimulation of translation. As Lin28 is also known to inhibit the biogenesis of a cohort of miRNAs including let-7, we propose that Lin28 binding to different RNA types (precursor miRNAs versus mRNAs) may facilitate recruitment of different co-factors, leading to distinct regulatory outcomes. Our findings uncover a putative yet unexpected motif that may constitute a mechanistic base for the multitude of functions regulated by Lin28 in both stem cells and cancer cells