33 research outputs found

    Gradient-like parabolic semiflows on BUC(ℝN)

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    We prove that a class of weighted semilinear reaction diffusion equations on RN generates gradient-like semiflows on the Banach space of bounded uniformly continuous functions on RN. If N = 1 we show convergence to a single equilibrium. The key for getting the result is to show the exponential decay of the stationary solutions, which is obtained by means of a decay estimate of the kernel of the underlying semigrou

    Inverse positivity for general Robin problems on Lipschitz domains

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    Abstract. It is proved that elliptic boundary value problems in divergence form can be written in many equivalent forms. This is used to prove regularity properties and maximum principles for problems with Robin boundary conditions with negative or indefinite boundary coefficient on Lipschitz domains by rewriting them as a problem with positive coefficient. It is also shown that such methods cannot be applied to domains with an outward pointing cusp. Applications to the regularity of the harmonic Steklov eigenfunctions on Lipschitz domains are given. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000) . 35J25, 35B50, 35B65

    Dirichlet problems on varying domains

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    AbstractThe aim of the paper is to characterise sequences of domains for which solutions to an elliptic equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions converge to a solution of the corresponding problem on a limit domain. Necessary and sufficient conditions are discussed for strong and uniform convergence for the corresponding resolvent operators. Examples are given to illustrate that most results are optimal