934 research outputs found


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    Automotive Electricity courses in D3 Study Program, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Surabaya in the learning process using the Engine Stand Ignition System Trainer which functions to help and facilitate students to learn an ignition system on an engine. Learning ignition system practice using Trainer Engine Stand media. Based on learning experiences and field surveys at the Automotive Electrical Laboratory at D3 Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Surabaya State University, can display the learning process still using the Trainer Engine Stand media with old machine technology, which still uses ignition systems and material systems conventional burn. So that it is considered insufficient to increase knowledge about technological developments that have been widely applied in every car manufacturer. For example, the ignition system and fuel supply that already use the ECU (Electronic Control Unit) system. The purpose of this final project is to create a new Trainer Engine Stand with an engine that uses ECU (Electronic Control Unit) technology as it is commonly used by car manufacturers today. This design is carried out in the Automotive Electrical Laboratory of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Surabaya, the processing time is 4 months, using experimental methods and the process includes: 1) determining the machine used, 2) designing the frame, 3) determining the selected frame material, 4) carry out frame work, 5) trial & error trials, 6) use of tools. Where in this trial there are several results, namely: 1) At engine speed of 1000 RPM = 5 ° before TDC, 2) At 2000 RPM = 10 ° before TDC, and 3) At 3000 RPM = 19 ° before TDC. For 1000 RPM engine speed, it can be said that the ignition system is in poor condition because there is a value for the engine speed with a standard value, where the standard value at engine speed of 750 - 800 RPM has reached 5 ° before TMA. Keywords: Trainer Engine Stand, Ignition system Daihatsu, EC

    Jumlah Anak Ideal Menurut Pasangan Usia Subur di Kecamatan Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    Nilai anak merupakan sebuah konsep yang menjabarkan cara pandang orang tua terhadap anak yang didasarkan pada pertimbangan-pertimbangan tertentu dalam memiliki anak. Cara pandang tentang jumlah anak ideal bagi orang tua dipengaruhi, oleh: kondisi demografi, sosial, dan ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi pandangan Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) tentang jumlah anak ideal dan mengetahui hubungan kondisi demografi, sosial, dan ekonomi terhadap jumlah anak ideal di Kecamatan Mlati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapatnya kecenderungan PUS untuk memiliki jumlah anak ideal sebanyak 1 atau 2 anak. Hasil analisis korelasi menunjukan adanya hubungan antara kondisi demografi, sosial, dan ekonomi dengan jumlah anak ideal. Hubungan kondisi demografi dengan jumlah anak ideal menunjukan bahwa semakin tinggi kondisi demografi maka PUS akan lebih fleksibel dalam menentukan jumlah anak ideal. Hubungan kondisi sosial dengan jumlah anak ideal terdapatnya kecenderungan untuk memiliki jumlah anak ideal yang sedikit pada PUS dengan kedudukan sosial yang tinggi. Hubungan kondisi ekonomi dengan jumlah anak ideal menunjukan semakin tinggi ekonomi yang dimiliki oleh PUS, maka semakin banyak jumlah anak ideal yang diinginkan

    Perancangan Buku Cerita Bergambar Tentang Batik Druju Untuk Anak Sekolah Dasar

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    Batik adalah salah satu warisan budaya yang dimiliki oleh bangsa Indonesia dan tersebar luas di berbagai daerah dan memiliki ciri khas sendiri. Sama halnya dengan batik dari daerah – daerah lain, Batik Malangan juga memiliki ciri tersendiri. Batik Malang sendiri masih tergolong baru, sehingga masih jarang diketahui oleh masyarakat luas, terutama anak-anak. Pembuatan buku untuk ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan Batik Malangan yang unik dan memiliki proses pembuatan yang tidak biasa pula. Selain itu, buku untuk mengenalkan budaya sudah cukup banyak ada, namun yang menjelaskan mengenai Batik Malang masih sedikit dan dalam bentuk artikel berita.Buku cerita bergambar merupakan media yang efektif untuk menyampaikan sebuah informasi atau cerita. Ilustrasi dalam buku akan membantu anak untuk memahami apa yang akan disampaikan dengan lebih mudah, bahkan untuk anak – anak sekalipun

    Microsurgical third ventriculocisternostomy as an alternative to ETV: report of two cases

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe a microsurgical alternative to endoscopic third ventriculocisternostomy. METHODS: Two children with shunt-dependent hydrocephalus and multiple shunt revisions were considered candidates for third ventriculocisternostomy (TVS). Because of slit ventricles, an endoscopic approach was not possible and, therefore, both patients received a microsurgical TVS by a supraorbital approach. RESULTS: In both cases, microsurgical TVS was successful and the patients became shunt free. CONCLUSION: Microsurgical TVS by a supraorbital craniotomy is a viable alternative to endoscopic TVS in selected cases

    The neural correlates of subjectively perceived and passively matched loudness perception in auditory phantom perception

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    International audienceIntroduction: A fundamental question in phantom perception is determining whether the brain creates a network that represents the sound intensity of the auditory phantom as measured by tinnitus matching (in dB), or whether the phantom perception is actually only a representation of the subjectively perceived loudness. Methods: In tinnitus patients, tinnitus loudness was tested in two ways, by a numeric rating scale for subjectively perceived loudness and a more objective tinnitus-matching test, albeit it is still a subjective measure. Results: Passively matched tinnitus does not correlate with subjective numeric rating scale, and has no electrophysiological correlates. Subjective loudness, in a whole-brain analysis, is correlated with activity in the left anterior insula (alpha), the rostral/dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (beta), and the left parahip-pocampus (gamma). A ROI analysis finds correlations with the auditory cortex (high beta and gamma) as well. The theta band links gamma band activity in the auditory cortex and parahippocampus via theta–gamma nesting. Conclusions: Apparently the brain generates a network that represents subjectively perceived tinnitus loudness only, which is context dependent. The subjective loudness network consists of the anterior cingulate/insula, the parahippocam-pus, and the auditory cortex. The gamma band activity in the parahippocampus and the auditory cortex is functionally linked via theta–gamma nested lagged phase synchronization

    A framework for engaging stakeholders in solving real-world water resources management problems

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    Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) are becoming increasingly popular for solving environmental and water resources optimisation problems. In the past, the focus of these studies has generally been on methodological issues related to the optimisation algorithm, while the incorporation of stakeholder preferences in the MOEA solution process has largely been ignored. In recent years, there has been increased recognition of the need to apply these approaches to real-world problems to facilitate the realisation of their full potential. However, in most of these studies, stakeholder input was only used to direct the optimisation search process or select the final optimal solution(s), while the contribution of stakeholder input to other important components of the problem solving process was not considered. The reason for this is that the full consideration of stakeholder input in solving environmental and water resources optimisation problems requires the development of a more holistic approach, which involves a range of additional challenges. To address these challenges, a framework for including stakeholder input in real-world optimisation problems has been developed as part of the Optimal Water Resources Mix (OWRM) project initiated by the South Australian Government through the Goyder Institute for Water Research. The framework includes a conceptual framework (Figure 1) and a procedure for its implementation. The framework was applied to an urban water supply security study for Adelaide, South Australia. A summary of the framework and how it was implemented to identify optimal water sourcing options for the Adelaide case study is presented in this paper. This study highlights the important role of stakeholder input at the various stages of the problem formulation and optimisation process, analysis and results, although it can be expensive and time consuming to do so. It is recommended that adequate resources be made available for stakeholder engagement in project plans and budgets, as there needs to be clear and ongoing communication between stakeholder groups throughout the project. It also demonstrates that the use of MOEAs as the optimisation engine, together with appropriate stakeholder input, provides a combination that is well-suited to solving real-world water resources problems.W. Wu, H. R. Maier, G. C. Dandy, R. Leonard c, K. Bellette, S. M. Cuddy and S. Maheepal

    Total pinealectomy by an occipital parasagittal approach in sheep

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    A reliable method of total pinealectomy in sheep without a resulting significant neurological deficit has been developed and is described. The known effect of light on sheep gonadotropin levels helps validate these studies of its pineal gland. Special attention is given to delineation of the surgical anatomy of the gland and its relationship under magnification to the central draining veins of the brain. In this large mammal this relationship differs considerably from that of humans. The application of an intrahemispheric occipital exposure using magnification, as well as the preoperative administration of steroids and osmotic agents, helped to minimize the effects of retraction and resultant cerebral edema. We have thus been able to increase the rate of successful pinealectomy to 83%, allowing the development of groups of animals suitable for studies of the neuroendocrine function of the pineal and pituitary glands.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/23818/1/0000057.pd

    The role of the social sciences and economics in understanding and informing tree biosecurity policy and planning: a global summary and synthesis

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    Increased global biosecurity threats to trees, woods and forests have been strongly linked to the upsurge in worldwide trade and the expansion of tourism. A whole range of social, economic and political actors are implicated and affected by the movement of pests and diseases along these international pathways. A number of factors affect the actions of stakeholders, and wider public, including their values and motivations, how risks are perceived and acted upon, their ability to act, as well as the existing regulatory and economic environment. Understanding these factors is key to any future attempts to improve biosecurity policy and practice, and we present available evidence on six key dimension: (1) the role of different stakeholders and the broader public within tree health; (2) levels of knowledge and awareness of tree pests and diseases amongst the variety of end-user ‘stakeholder’ groups, and influences on their attitudes and practices; (3) social acceptability of management approaches; (4) the impact of formal and informal governance arrangements; (5) risk communication; (6) economic analyses on the impact of tree pests. We conclude by identifying evidence gaps and emphasising the need for better integration within the social sciences and between the social and natural sciences to promote effective interdisciplinary and policy-relevant contributions to tree health
