8 research outputs found

    La visibilidad de los establecimientos hoteleros de Sevilla en las guías de viajes y análisis comparativo en Andalucía, a nivel municipal y provincial

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    Al aplicar la metodología DAFO al sector hoteles de Sevilla hemos observado entre las Debilidades la escasa efectividad en los medios de publicidad utilizados. Por ello, se ha realizado una investigación sobre la visión externa que se tiene de él. En este trabajo se analiza la visibilidad de los alojamientos hoteleros de Sevilla por las guías de viajes, y de restaurantes y hoteles. La primera impresión de los turistas que desean realizar un viaje y desean contratar un alojamiento viene influenciada por las recomendaciones de las guías. Por ello, se estudia la oferta de alojamientos hoteleros de Sevilla realizadas en las guías, tanto a nivel municipal como provincial para después realizar un estudio comparativo del número de citas frente a las demás capitales de provincia de Andalucía, así como también se realiza la relación entre las provincias andaluzas. Finalmente, se calculan unos ratios para ver el peso de las citas en función de diversas variables como son: la población municipal, viajeros por puntos turísticos, establecimientos de restauración y bares, y número de hoteles y pensiones. Al observar y estudiar las citas en las guías de viajes, guías de restauración y hoteles de los establecimientos hoteleros, a primera vista Sevilla es la ciudad andaluza con mayor número de citas, pero profundizando en el análisis provincial y realizando un análisis comparativo con las variables enunciadas, a través de los ratios calculados, Sevilla pierde esa posición dominante

    The Mall Reincarnate: Putting Faith in a Failed Mall

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    I propose that there is a symbiotic way of addressing the aforementioned issues. Using the architecture of a discontinued shopping mall to agglomerate religious houses of worship will establish the opportunity or an environment that promotes religious pluralism, while repurposing infrastructural scar tissue. While seemingly disparate, the mall and the house of worship afford similar opportunities. First, they bring together like-minded people, fostering a sense of community. Second, they are both quasi-public facilities (privately-owned but publicly accessible). They are targeted to a specific demographic and require behavioral conduct. Both are designed to promote an atmosphere conducive to their activity, and both involve repetitive ritual. When viewed through this lens, the shopping mall and the house of worship perform similarly as community hubs for gathering and exchange

    大規模団地の失敗の考察と「計画論」の再考 ―主にトゥールーズ・ル=ミライユから,そしてベルマミーア等から学ぶ―

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    Le-Mirail had been built from 1964 to 1972 according to the modern urbanism to accept population growth of Toulouse with industrialization. But from the 1980s, it was occupied by many poor immigrants and became problem estate in which crimes occur frequently. There were social uniformity of the poor, and specific background of huge architectural town structure. To improve this situation, specific and social renovations are being made by “Grand Projet de Ville”. The same had occurred in Bijlmermeer. Huge housing blocks and vast open-spaces or large parking buildings were demolished or renovated. It should be suggested that huge architectural town structure is difficult to correspond with changes in circumstances. In my opinion so as to correspond to changes in the particular situation, there will be needs for some flexible architectural and administrative and also legal systems to convert buildings and their contents. We should reconsider the planning theory