441 research outputs found

    Percobaan Stabilitasasi Tanah Lempung Menggunakan campuran Abu Terbang Dan Geosta

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    Pavement which is built on subgrade are depend on physical and geotechnical properties of the subgrade. Engineering properties of clay for subgrade could be improved by stabilization. The stabilization experiment on the clay was conducted by mixing the clay sample with fly ash and geosta. Fly ash used was 13%, and the variation of geosta used were 0%, 1%, 5%, 7.5%, 10% and J / all were percentage to weight of the clay on dry condition. To investigate the effect ofcuring time on the properties of specimen, experiment were conducted on specimen with 28 days curing time and on specimen without curing time. With no curing time, increment of geosta content resulted in reduction of plasticity index, swelling, clay fraction, and increment of CBR value, sand and silt fraction

    Perkembangan Kesejahteraan Penduduk Di Provinsi Papua

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    There is a disparity in welfare between the people who dwell in mountanous areas and those living in plains, coastalal areas which is due to the difference in accessibility. Coastal regions, develop fast and generally have higher economic and social well-being because of the better accessibility they are bestowed with. However, in general, the people of Papua enjoy lower welfare than they are capable of enjoying in relation to the natural resopurces the province has. The abundant natural resources in the province have not been exploited to the full in endevor to improve the well being of the poptiakltuion. The division of Papua province into West Papua, Central Papua, and East Papua is expected to accelerate the development process, which should in turn reduce income disparity. None tbeless, some redress must be found to the problem of uneven distribution of natural resources among the three provinces, to prevent the emergence of regional paracholiasm which may the source of income inequality among the three new provinces due to their different respective locations on the the coast, plains, and mountaireous region. Key Word:Kesejahteraan, Papu

    Makroenkapsulasi Ekstrak Lidah Buaya (Aloe vera): Uji Karakteristik Mikro-Enkapsul dan Aktivitas Anti-Oksidannya = Microencapsulation Extract of Aloe Vera: Test of Characteristic of Encapsule and Its Anti-Oxidant Activi

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    Study of microencapsulation Aloe vera extract using mixture of Arabic gum-maltodextrin encapsulant and ratio of Aloe vera extract to encapsulant was undertaken. The characteristics of microencapsule consisting of yield, moisture content, water activity (aw), density, solubility in water, total phenolic, anti-oxidant activity were determined, while the appearance of microencapsule was observed using electron microscope. The ratio a mixture Arabic gum to maltodextrin encapsulant and the ratio Aloe vera extract to encapsulant had an obvious effect on yield, moisture content, water activity (aw), density, solubility in water, total phenolic, anti-oxidant activity and also on the appearance of microencapsule. Microencapsulation extract of Aloe vera with ratio of Arabic gum to maltodextrin (2:3) and ratio of Aloe vera extract to encapsulant (1:6) produced the best microencapsule and it was characterized by approximately 41.30% of yield, and 10.25% db of moisture content. The water activity (aw) was 0.20. Density, solubility in water, and total phenolic of microencapsule were 0.44 g/cm3, 93.31%, and 105.70 mg/g, respectively. Anti-oxidant activity was approximately 41.17%. Keywords: microencapsulation â Aloe vera â anti-oxidant

    Migran permanen di DKI Jakarta (Suatu Tinjauan dari Segi Kependudukan) = Permanent Migrant in DKI Jakarta (From the Point of View of Population Studies)

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    This research is especially intended to: (I) recognize the characteristics of the permanent migrants in DKI Jakarta (the Special Region of Jakarta Capital City)(2) recognize the migration process of the migrants to DKI Jakartaand (3) recognize the relation of the migrants to their place of origin. The respondents taken are migrants with the category that the province where they were bron is not the same with the province where they are presently living (DKI Jakarta) and intend to do so permanently. The result of this research indicates that the permanent migrants in DKI Jakarta are, from productive age group, men migrants are greater in number compared to with women migrants. Around 35 percent of the migrants have low education (Primary School downward) and the highest percentage (35 percent) of them work in production sector. In regard to the source of information on the destination area, the migrants ofhigh education much depend on mass media while those of low education is on family. In the decision making for doing the migration, 55 percent of them is on \u27their own\u27 (by themselves)male migrants tend to migrate on \u27economic\u27 reason, while female migrants is on \u27fantliy\u27reason_ The \u27economic\u27 reason is a dominant factor for the migrants to leave from their place of origin and to choose their place of destination. Thus, for men migrants \u27economic\u27 reason plays important role, while for women migrants it is the \u27family\u27 reason does. Migrants of high education tend to choose (DKI Jakarta) due to \u27economic\u27 reason, while those of low education is to the \u27family\u27 reason. Keywords: permanent migrant -- decision making -- remittance

    Peran Quality Tools Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kepuasan Konsumen Di Sektor Perhubungan = The Role of Quality Tools in Improving Customer Satisfaction on Transportation Sector

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    This research aims to identify application quality tools for improving quality - related outcomes (process improvement, employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, quality performance) in transportation indushy. The hypotheses are leadership was positively associated with teamwork, process improvement, employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction (hypotheses la, lb, lc, I d). Teamwork was positively associated with quality tools knowledge (hypotheses 2). Quality knowledge, if followed up with application can be effective in improving processes (hypotheses 3, 7). Quality tools application was positively associated with customer satisfaction, quality performance (hypotheses 4, 5). Process improvement was positively associated with employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction (hypotheses 8, 9b). Em- ployee satisfaction was positively associated with customer satisfaction (hypotheses 9a), andquality performance was positively associated with cus- tomer satisfaction ((hypotheses 6). The data collected survey method and questioners distributed to respond of the 230 questioners were distributed to employee in transportation sector. 147 questioners that can be analysis on this study. The statistic method used was structural equation modeling (SEM) assisted by the application of AMOS 4.01 programs. The research concluded that leadership was positively associated with teamwork, process improvement. Teamwork was positively associated with quality knowledge. Quality tools application waspositively associated with process improvement, customers satisfaction, quality performance. Process improvement was positively associated with employee satisfaction. Surprising by there are no significant associated between leadership, employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction. Quality tools knowledge and quality tools application, employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction against quality performance and customer satisfaction. Keywords: Leadership, teamwork, quality tools knowledge, quality tools application, process improvement, employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, structural equation models

    Studi tentang kandungan raksa (Hg) pada gastropoda di perairan sungai Kaligarang-Semarang+The study of mercury (Hg) contain on gastropod in the water Body of Kaligarang river-Semarang

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    The research was conducted in the Kaligarang river which aimed to study of gastropod containing Hg and Hg contamination effect on gastropod to community structure of gastropod as a pollution impact of Hg. Concentration of Hg analysis at the sample of water, sediment and gastropod used Neutron Activation Analysis method (AAN), i.e.: (1) preparation of primary and secondary standard, (2) preparation of water sample, sediment and gastropod, (3) irradiation and counting. The sample of primary and secondary standard was irradiated in the atomic reactor of Kartini Jogjakarta for 12 hours at Lazy Susan position (neutron flux order 1.05x1011n.cm-2.s4). The whole sample were then turned out from atomic reactor and kept for 22 hours. So, the radionuclide that shorten to half of the ordinary time can be decayed completely and then counting was done for the sample. The counting of sample used multi channel gamma spectrometer. The data resulted from counting was analyzed quantitatively on the determination of gamma ray (y) energy. Hg concentration in gastropod organ of mantle and tissues was known that Hg in the tissues have three times bigger than that in the mantle. The lowest ratio of Hg contained in gastropod was found at the sampling site I (16.025 mg/ L) while the highest was found at the sampling site IV (41.6 mg/ L). Based on the Keywords: Mercury, Neutron Activation analysis, Gastropod, Community Structur

    Sensitivitas rapid test untuk mendeteksi hepatitis surface antigen (HBsAg) pada penderita hepatitis-B

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    ABSTRACT A new rapid-test, sandwich immunochromatography assay technique has been recently introduced for the routine, rapid, qualitative detection of the presence hepatitis-B surface antigen (HBsAgl. To evaluate the sensitivity of rapid test, we studied 39 sera positive and one sera negative for HBsAg with conventional ELISA method. The study found that the minimal detectable level of HBsAg with rapid test was 4.03 ng/ml (range 3,25-4,03 ng/ml), it was 8 times less sensitive than conventional ELISA method (4,03 vs 0,47 ng/m1)⢠Many factors such as "eddy diffusion" and structure of HBsAg, humidity, direct contact with sunlight and sera of borderline-low level of HBsAg with conventional ELISA had a potency for lower sensitivity of rapid testconversely, technical factors such as adhesion, migration and viscosity of the samples do not. Key words : rapid test - dry chemistry hepatitis surface antigen (HBsAg) - sensitivity - ELISA

    Socio-cultural Influence on Lifestyle of Prediabetes Causes T2DM in Ethnic Society in South Sulawesi Province

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    Cases of diabetes mellitus (DM) in the world are increasing, Indonesia ranks fourth after India, China, and America. The most common DM is type 2 DM (T2DM), which is about 90%. The incidence of T2DM is caused by people’s lifestyles, which are influenced by socio-cultural factors. The highest risk of suffering from T2DM is prediabetes, which is a condition where a person’s blood glucose level is higher than normal but not high enough to be categorized as T2DM. This study aims to determine the socio-cultural influence on the lifestyle of prediabetes causing T2DM in the Bugis, Makassar, and Toraja tribes in South Sulawesi Province. The research design is qualitative with the rapid assessment procedure method. The population were prediabetics from biomedical samples in 7 regencies of South Sulawesi Province at the time of Riskesdas 2013. The samples were residents who are still prediabetes and T2DM in Jeneponto Regency (Makassar Tribe), Pare-Pare City (Bugis Tribe), and Tana Toraja Regency (Toraja Tribe). Information collection was carried out in 2017 through focus group discussions with two groups, non T2DM and T2DM. In-depth interviews with health program managers at the health office, puskesmas officers, health cadres, and community leaders. The study explains that there is a socio-cultural influence of prediabetes, ethnic groups in South Sulawesi Province in shaping the lifestyle that causes T2DM. Socio-cultural influences are the use of vehicles and the habit of doing activities in the Bugis, Makassar, and Toraja tribes. The perception of obesity in the Bugis and Makassar tribes and the habit of consuming alcohol in the Toraja tribe Keywords: T2DM, socio-cultural, Bugis, Makassar, and Toraj
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