467 research outputs found

    Improved Rare-Earth Emitter Hollow Cathode

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    An improvement has been made to the design of the hollow cathode geometry that was created for the rare-earth electron emitter described in Compact Rare Earth Emitter Hollow Cathode (NPO-44923), NASA Tech Briefs, Vol. 34, No. 3 (March 2010), p. 52. The original interior assembly was made entirely of graphite in order to be compatible with the LaB6 material, which cannot be touched by metals during operation due to boron diffusion causing embrittlement issues in high-temperature refractory materials. Also, the graphite tube was difficult to machine and was subject to vibration-induced fracturing. This innovation replaces the graphite tube with one made out of refractory metal that is relatively easy to manufacture. The cathode support tube is made of molybdenum or molybdenum-rhenium. This material is easily gun-bored to near the tolerances required, and finish machined with steps at each end that capture the orifice plate and the mounting flange. This provides the manufacturability and robustness needed for flight applications, and eliminates the need for expensive e-beam welding used in prior cathodes. The LaB6 insert is protected from direct contact with the refractory metal tube by thin, graphite sleeves in a cup-arrangement around the ends of the insert. The sleeves, insert, and orifice plate are held in place by a ceramic spacer and tungsten spring inserted inside the tube. To heat the cathode, an insulating tube is slipped around the refractory metal hollow tube, which can be made of high-temperature materials like boron nitride or aluminum nitride. A screw-shaped slot, or series of slots, is machined in the outside of the ceramic tube to constrain a refractory metal wire wound inside the slot that is used as the heater. The screw slot can hold a single heater wire that is then connected to the front of the cathode tube by tack-welding to complete the electrical circuit, or it can be a double slot that takes a bifilar wound heater with both leads coming out the back. This configuration replaces the previous sheathed heater design that limited the cycling-life of the cathode

    Co-Flow Hollow Cathode Technology

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    Hall thrusters utilize identical hollow cathode technology as ion thrusters, yet must operate at much higher mass flow rates in order to efficiently couple to the bulk plasma discharge. Higher flow rates are necessary in order to provide enough neutral collisions to transport electrons across magnetic fields so that they can reach the discharge. This higher flow rate, however, has potential life-limiting implications for the operation of the cathode. A solution to the problem involves splitting the mass flow into the hollow cathode into two streams, the internal and external flows. The internal flow is fixed and set such that the neutral pressure in the cathode allows for a high utilization of the emitter surface area. The external flow is variable depending on the flow rate through the anode of the Hall thruster, but also has a minimum in order to suppress high-energy ion generation. In the co-flow hollow cathode, the cathode assembly is mounted on thruster centerline, inside the inner magnetic core of the thruster. An annular gas plenum is placed at the base of the cathode and propellant is fed throughout to produce an azimuthally symmetric flow of gas that evenly expands around the cathode keeper. This configuration maximizes propellant utilization and is not subject to erosion processes. External gas feeds have been considered in the past for ion thruster applications, but usually in the context of eliminating high energy ion production. This approach is adapted specifically for the Hall thruster and exploits the geometry of a Hall thruster to feed and focus the external flow without introducing significant new complexity to the thruster design

    Compact High Current Rare-Earth Emitter Hollow Cathode for Hall Effect Thrusters

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    An apparatus and method for achieving an efficient central cathode in a Hall effect thruster is disclosed. A hollow insert disposed inside the end of a hollow conductive cathode comprises a rare-earth element and energized to emit electrons from an inner surface. The cathode employs an end opening having an area at least as large as the internal cross sectional area of the rare earth insert to enhance throughput from the cathode end. In addition, the cathode employs a high aspect ratio geometry based on the cathode length to width which mitigates heat transfer from the end. A gas flow through the cathode and insert may be impinged by the emitted electrons to yield a plasma. One or more optional auxiliary gas feeds may also be employed between the cathode and keeper wall and external to the keeper near the outlet

    High Power Demonstration of a 100 kW Nested Hall Thruster System

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    The XR-100 team successfully completed high power system testing of a Nested Hall Thruster system made up of the X3 Nested Hall Thruster, a modular Power Processing Unit, and a 5 valve Mass Flow Controller as the culmination of work performed under a NASA NextSTEP program. The test campaign attained several key firsts, including highest directly measured thrust of an electric propulsion (EP) string, highest demonstrated current of an EP string, and highest power operation of an EP string at thermal equilibrium published to date. Most importantly, the XR-100 system testing demonstrated that a 100 kW-class Nested Hall Thruster system has comparable performance and behavior to current state-of-the-art mid power Hall Thrusters, validating that the heritage technology can be scaled up to 100+ k

    Plasma Heating of Inert Gas Hollow Cathode Inserts

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    It is shown that in hollow cathodes with a very small-diameter orifice, operating at a low current, the plasma density peaks inside the orifice, and the cathode is heated primarily by plasma bombardment in the orifice and along the orifice plate. As the orifice diameter increases, the peak plasma density moves upstream of the orifice, and ion and electron bombardment heat both the orifice plate and the insert. In hollow cathodes with a large-diameter orifice the plasma extends along much of the insert, the plasma density peaks well within the insert region, and the cathode is heated primarily by ion bombardment of the insert

    Cathode & Electromagnet Qualification Status and Power Processing Unit Development Update for the Ascendant Sub-kW Transcelestial Electric Propulsion System

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    A review of the component-level flight qualification efforts and power processing unit development status of the Ascendant Sub-kW Transcelestial Electric Propulsion System (ASTRAEUS) program is presented. Component-level qualification efforts were undertaken for the system’s ultra-compact heaterless LaB6 hollow cathode and electromagnets, both of which employ designs bespoke to ASTRAEUS, as they represent the highest failure risks for the thruster. Through parallel long-duration wear and ignition tests, the ASTRAEUS cathode demonstrated invariant discharge performance over more than 5000 h of operation at its maximum operating current of 4 A and demonstrated more than 25,000 ignition cycles. The ASTRAEUS electromagnets completed their environmental qualification through a demonstration of more than 1200 deep thermal cycles with no indication of coil degradation (the test articles previously completed qualification-level vibration and shock testing). ASTRAEUS’s prototype power processing unit has demonstrated more than 92% total power conversion efficiency and class-leading power density & specific power density of 4.5 W/cm3 & 1670 W/kg, respectively. The various power converters found in the ASTRAEUS power processing unit are reviewed with a focus on the methods by which such high performance was achieved

    High Power Demonstration of a 100 kW Nested Hall Thruster System

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    The XR-100 team successfully completed high power system testing of a Nested Hall Thruster system made up of the X3 Nested Hall Thruster, a modular Power Processing Unit, and a 5 valve Mass Flow Controller as the culmination of work performed under a NASA NextSTEP program. The test campaign attained several key firsts, including highest directly measured thrust of an electric propulsion (EP) string, highest demonstrated current of an EP string, and highest power operation of an EP string at thermal equilibrium published to date. Most importantly, the XR-100 system testing demonstrated that a 100 kW-class Nested Hall Thruster system has comparable performance and behavior to current state-of-the-art mid power Hall Thrusters, validating that the heritage technology can be scaled up to 100+ k

    Extended Life Qualification of the Magnetically Shielded Miniature (MaSMi) Hall Thruster

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    We present an update on the life qualification of the Magnetically Shielded Miniature (MaSMi) Hall thruster (also known as the ASTRAEUS Thruster Element), which was developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and was recently licensed to ExoTerra Resource for flight production (renamed Halo12). In 2020-2021, the thruster successfully completed a 7205-hour wear test at operating powers from 200-1350 W, processing over 100 kg of xenon propellant and producing 1.55 MN-s total impulse with no measurable degradation in performance. The wear test is being extended to further demonstrate the service life capability of the thruster. In separate tests, prot-flight MaSMi hollow cathodes demonstrated \u3e 25000 ignition cycles and \u3e 13000 hours of operation at 4 A discharge current, and a set of three MaSMi electromagnets underwent \u3e 3000 deep thermal cycles (-123 °C to 495 °C). Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) measurements of ion velocities and plasma modeling with Hall2De, a widely published numerical plasma code, have been carried out to elucidate the physical mechanisms driving pole erosion trends observed in thruster wear testing. Survival probabilities for micrometeoroid impacts and other random failure modes in flight were also analyzed

    Keeper Wear Mechanisms in the XIPS © 25-cm Neutralizer Cathode Assembly

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    Abstract: The 25-cm Xenon Ion Propulsion System (XIPS © ) thruster has been life tested for over 16,000 hours for communication satellite station keeping applications. The neutralizer cathode assembly (NCA) was observed to experience a significant amount of erosion by the end of the life test. While the NCA competed the test successfully and the life exceeds the requirement for the Boeing 702 satellite orbit-raising and station-keeping mission, erosion of the NCA keeper is a concern for longer duration NASA missions. The performance of a 25-cm neutralizer cathode has been investigated in the JPL cathode test facilities to determine the mechanisms responsible for the observed erosion in the thruster life test. Experiments with fast scanning emissive probes showed that the thruster life test started in the 4.5 kW high power mode with the neutralizer cathode operating normally in the quiescent "spot mode" where low erosion rates are observed. After 2880 hours of operation in the high power mode, the thruster operation was changed to the 2 kW low power station-keeping mode and continued in that mode for remaining 13,370 hours of the test. The emissive probe measurements indicate that the neutralizer cathode started out in the low power mode with significant plasma oscillations in the near cathode region. This behavior is indicative of "plume-mode" operation, which produces energetic ions and is well correlated to high keeper and cathode electrode erosion rates. A reduction in the neutralizer cathode orifice diameter was effective in re-establishing the spot-mode operation and eliminating the oscillations responsible for energetic ion production. Additional wear reduction can be achieved using alternative materials with lower sputtering yields. A wear test is now underway of a modified version of this neutralizer cathode that incorporates the smaller orifice diameter and a replacement of the standard molybdenum keeper material by tantalum. The wear test, combined with JPL's validated neutralizer cathode life models, is intended to show that the erosion rate of the present keeper and of the smaller cathode-plate orifice is insignificant thereby demonstrating sufficient neutralizer life for deep space missions

    Magnetically Shielded Miniature Hall Thruster: Design Improvement and Performance Analysis

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    ABSTRACT: Magnetic shielding has been shown to dramatically reduce discharge channel wall erosion of high powered Hall thrusters, thereby increasing their useful lifetimes. However, unique challenges exist for developing a low power magnetically shielded Hall thruster. A previously tested 4 cm magnetically shielded miniature Hall thruster demonstrated low performance of its magnetic circuit, resulting in an asymmetric field topology, low thrust, and low efficiency. A 6 cm magnetically shielded Hall thruster was developed to improve upon the 4 cm design. The 6 cm device, which generated a symmetric and fully shielded field topology, was tested at 30 operating conditions ranging from 160 W to nearly 750 W. Visual observation of the plasma and discharge channel during and after operation was used to assess the level of magnetic shielding that was achieved. Hall2De plasma simulations were also used to offer further evidence of magnetic shielding. Thrust stand measurements provided thrust, anode specific impulse, and anode efficiency data at each operating condition. Pole face erosion, which is believed to be associated with the 6 cm thruster's non-optimized magnetic shielding field topology and strength, identify the near-term challenges to resolve before long lifetimes and high efficiencies can be achieved in low power Hall thrusters
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