44 research outputs found

    The Cerebellum and SIDS: Disordered Breathing in a Mouse Model of Developmental Cerebellar Purkinje Cell Loss during Recovery from Hypercarbia.

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    The cerebellum assists coordination of somatomotor, respiratory, and autonomic actions. Purkinje cell alterations or loss appear in sudden infant death and sudden death in epilepsy victims, possibly contributing to the fatal event. We evaluated breathing patterns in 12 wild-type (WT) and Lurcher mutant mice with 100% developmental cerebellar Purkinje cell loss under baseline (room air), and recovery from hypercapnia, a concern in sudden death events. Six mutant and six WT mice were exposed to 4-min blocks of increasing CO2 (2, 4, 6, and 8%), separated by 4-min recovery intervals in room air. Breath-by-breath patterns, including depth of breathing and end-expiratory pause (EEP) durations during recovery, were recorded. No baseline genotypic differences emerged. However, during recovery, EEP durations significantly lengthened in mutants, compared to WT mice, following the relatively low levels of CO2 exposure. Additionally, mutant mice exhibited signs of post-sigh disordered breathing during recovery following each exposure. Developmental cerebellar Purkinje cell loss significantly affects compensatory breathing patterns following mild CO2 exposure, possibly by inhibiting recovery from elevated CO2. These data implicate cerebellar Purkinje cells in the ability to recover from hypercarbia, suggesting that neuropathologic changes or loss of these cells contribute to inadequate ventilatory recovery to increased environmental CO2. Multiple disorders, including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP), appear to involve both cardiorespiratory failure and loss or injury to cerebellar Purkinje cells; the findings support the concept that such neuropathology may precede and exert a prominent role in these fatal events

    PolymiRTS Database: linking polymorphisms in microRNA target sites with complex traits

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    Polymorphism in microRNA Target Site (PolymiRTS) database is a collection of naturally occurring DNA variations in putative microRNA target sites. PolymiRTSs may affect gene expression and cause variations in complex phenotypes. The database integrates sequence polymorphism, phenotype and expression microarray data, and characterizes PolymiRTSs as potential candidates responsible for the quantitative trait locus (QTL) effects. It is a resource for studying PolymiRTSs and their implications in phenotypic variations. PolymiRTS database can be accessed at

    The ameliorative effects of choline on ethanol-induced cell death in the neural tube of susceptible BXD strains of mice

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    IntroductionFetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are the leading preventable cause of intellectual disability, providing the impetus for evaluating various potential treatments to ameliorate ethanol’s teratogenic effects, particularly in the nervous system. One treatment is the dietary supplement choline which has been shown to mitigate at least some of ethanol’s teratogenic effects. The present study was designed to investigate the effects of genetics on choline’s efficacy in ameliorating cell death in the developing neural tube. Previously, we examined BXD recombinant inbred mice, and their parental C57BL/6 J (B6) and DBA/2 J strains, and identified strains that were sensitive to ethanol’s teratogenic actions. Thus, we used these strains to identify response to choline treatment.Materials and methodsTimed pregnant mice from 4 strains (B6, BXD51, BXD73, BXD2) were given either ethanol or isocaloric maltose-dextrin (5.8 g/kg in two administrations separated by 2 h) with choline at one of 3 doses: 0, 100 or 250 mg/kg. Subjects were exposed via intragastric gavage on embryonic day 9 and embryos were collected 7 h after the initial ethanol administrations. Cell death was analyzed using TUNEL staining in the developing forebrain and brainstem.ResultsCholine ameliorated the ethanol-induced cell death across all 4 strains without causing enhanced cell death in control mice. Choline was effective in both the developing telencephalon and in the brainstem. Both doses diminished cell death, with some differences across strains and brain regions, although the 100 mg/kg dose was most consistent in mitigating ethanol-related cell death. Comparisons across strains showed that there was an effect of strain, particularly in the forebrain at the higher dose.DiscussionThese results show that choline is effective in ameliorating ethanol-induced cell death at this early stage of nervous system development. However, there were some strain differences in its efficacy, especially at the high dose, providing further evidence of the importance of genetics in influencing the ability of choline to protect against prenatal alcohol exposure

    Genetics of the Hippocampal Transcriptome in Mouse: A Systematic Survey and Online Neurogenomics Resource

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    Differences in gene expression in the CNS influence behavior and disease susceptibility. To systematically explore the role of normal variation in expression on hippocampal structure and function, we generated an online microarray database for a diverse panel of strains of mice, including most common inbred strains and numerous recombinant inbred lines (www.genenetwork.org). Using this resource, coexpression networks for families of genes can be generated rapidly to test causal models related to function. The data set is optimized for quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping and was used to identify over 5500 QTLs that modulate mRNA levels. We describe a wide variety of analyses and novel synthetic approaches that take advantage of this resource, and demonstrate how both the data and associated tools can be applied to the study of gene regulation in the hippocampus and relations to structure and function

    Acute mild footshock alters ethanol drinking and plasma corticosterone levels in C57BL/6J male mice, but not DBA/2J or A/J male mice

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    Stress is an often-reported cause for alcohol consumption in humans. Acute intermittent footshock is a frequently used paradigm to produce stress in laboratory animals including mice. The effect produced by intermittent footshock stress on ethanol self-administration has been inconsistent: both increases and decreases in ethanol consumption have been reported. The current set of studies further investigates, in three commonly studied mouse strains, the effect of footshock stress on ethanol self-administration. Furthermore, the effect of footshock on plasma corticosterone levels was determined to investigate potential biochemical correlates. Adult male C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, and A/J mice were allowed to self-administer 10% (wt/vol) ethanol for 12 days in a standard 23-h two-bottle paradigm before receiving either 15 min of mild inescapable footshock or no footshock. Shock intensity was equal to the mean intensity at which each strain vocalized as previously determined. Following footshock, animals had the opportunity to self-administer ethanol for an additional 23 h. Separate animals were subjected to either footshock or no shock prior to collection of plasma for corticosterone. Mild footshock stress altered ethanol self-administration and increased plasma corticosterone levels in C57BL/6J mice. Footshock stress did not alter ethanol self-administration or plasma corticosterone levels in DBA/2J or A/J mice. These data demonstrate that mild footshock stress is a suboptimal method of modeling the stress-induced increases in ethanol consumption often reported by humans

    Kruppel-Like Factor 4 Regulates Granule Cell Pax6 Expression and Cell Proliferation in Early Cerebellar Development.

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    Kruppel-like factor 4 (Klf4) is a transcription factor that regulates many important cellular processes in stem cell biology, cancer, and development. We used histological and molecular methods to study the expression of Klf4 in embryonic development of the normal and Klf4 knockout cerebellum. We find that Klf4 is expressed strongly in early granule cell progenitor development but tails-off considerably by the end of embryonic development. Klf4 is also co-expressed with Pax6 in these cells. In the Klf4-null mouse, which is perinatal lethal, Klf4 positively regulates Pax6 expression and regulates the proliferation of neuronal progenitors in the rhombic lip, external granular layer and the neuroepithelium. This paper is the first to describe a role for Klf4 in the cerebellum and provides insight into this gene's function in neuronal development

    Use of the expanded panel of BXD mice narrow QTL regions in ethanol-induced locomotor activation and motor incoordination.

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    BACKGROUND: Alcohol-related responses are under strong genetic regulation. A wealth of alcohol-related data from recombinant inbred (RI) mouse strains enables genetic correlation and mapping of these traits. Previous studies using RI strains have identified numerous chromosomal locations that underlie differential alcohol sensitivity, although the regions identified are typically large. One means to improve power and precision for genetic analysis is to use a larger genetic reference population. The expanded panel of BXD RI mice was used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with sensitivity to locomotor stimulatory and motor incoordinating effects of alcohol. The goals of this study were to determine whether previously reported QTLs were replicated and refined and to determine whether novel QTLs would be identified. METHODS: Following an i.p. dose of 2.25 g/kg of ethanol (EtOH) or saline control, locomotor activation was assessed using an activity chamber and motor incoordination was assessed using the accelerating rotarod. Male and female BXD mice from over 55 strains were tested. Two treatment paradigms were utilized to evaluate the effects of EtOH versus saline treatment-order. RESULTS: Activity chamber measures showed significant differences in strain, sex, and treatment-order whereas rotarod measures showed significant differences in strain and treatment-order. Significant QTLs for various measures of EtOH-induced locomotor activation were identified on chromosomes 2 and 5 that narrowed QTL regions previously identified from 19 to \u3c 2 Mb. Further, a novel significant QTL for EtOH-induced motor incoordination on chromosome 7 was identified. CONCLUSIONS: Using the expanded RI BXD panel, along with a high precision marker map, several novel QTLs were found and several previously identified QTL regions were confirmed and narrowed. The isogenic nature of the population facilitated detection of treatment-order and sex-specific differences. Smaller QTL regions reduced the number of positional candidates thereby increasing the efficiency with which polymorphisms underlying the QTL will be identified. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2013 Jan; 37(1):170-83