81 research outputs found

    Sorting of Golgi resident proteins into different subpopulations of COPI vesicles: a role for ArfGAP1

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    We present evidence for two subpopulations of coatomer protein I vesicles, both containing high amounts of Golgi resident proteins but only minor amounts of anterograde cargo. Early Golgi proteins p24α2, β1, δ1, and γ3 are shown to be sorted together into vesicles that are distinct from those containing mannosidase II, a glycosidase of the medial Golgi stack, and GS28, a SNARE protein of the Golgi stack. Sorting into each vesicle population is Arf-1 and GTP hydrolysis dependent and is inhibited by aluminum and beryllium fluoride. Using synthetic peptides, we find that the cytoplasmic domain of p24β1 can bind Arf GTPase-activating protein (GAP)1 and cause direct inhibition of ArfGAP1-mediated GTP hydrolysis on Arf-1 bound to liposomes and Golgi membranes. We propose a two-stage reaction to explain how GTP hydrolysis constitutes a prerequisite for sorting of resident proteins, yet becomes inhibited in their presence

    Dark sectors 2016 Workshop: community report

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    This report, based on the Dark Sectors workshop at SLAC in April 2016, summarizes the scientific importance of searches for dark sector dark matter and forces at masses beneath the weak-scale, the status of this broad international field, the important milestones motivating future exploration, and promising experimental opportunities to reach these milestones over the next 5-10 years

    Discutindo a educação ambiental no cotidiano escolar: desenvolvimento de projetos na escola formação inicial e continuada de professores

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    A presente pesquisa buscou discutir como a Educação Ambiental (EA) vem sendo trabalhada, no Ensino Fundamental e como os docentes desta escola compreendem e vem inserindo a EA no cotidiano escolar., em uma escola estadual do município de Tangará da Serra/MT, Brasil. Para tanto, realizou-se entrevistas com os professores que fazem parte de um projeto interdisciplinar de EA na escola pesquisada. Verificou-se que o projeto da escola não vem conseguindo alcançar os objetivos propostos por: desconhecimento do mesmo, pelos professores; formação deficiente dos professores, não entendimento da EA como processo de ensino-aprendizagem, falta de recursos didáticos, planejamento inadequado das atividades. A partir dessa constatação, procurou-se debater a impossibilidade de tratar do tema fora do trabalho interdisciplinar, bem como, e principalmente, a importância de um estudo mais aprofundado de EA, vinculando teoria e prática, tanto na formação docente, como em projetos escolares, a fim de fugir do tradicional vínculo “EA e ecologia, lixo e horta”.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Affektiv personlighet: Stress, sömnsvårigheter och smärta

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    Syftet är att undersöka hur fyra affektiva personlighetsgrupper skiljer sig i stress, sömnsvårigheter och smärta. De fyra affektiva personlighetstyperna är självförverkligande, lågaffektiva, högaffektiva och självdestruktiva. Studien inkluderade färdiginsamlad data från The Middle Sweden Pain and Sleep Project. I studien deltog 611 män och 838 kvinnor i varierande åldrar (M=46.93, SD=12.73). Det visade sig att det fanns signifikanta skillnader i stress, sömnsvårigheter och smärta mellan grupperna. För framtida forskning kan en studie med longitudinell data undersöka om personlighetstyperna är stabila över tid gällande stress och sömnsvårigheter. För variabeln smärta behövs fler tvärsnittstudier. The aim of this study is to examine how four affective personality groups differed in stress, pain and sleep difficulties. The four affective personality groups are self-actualizing, low affective, high affective and self-destructive. The study included pre-collected data from The Middle Sweden Pain and Sleep Project. This study included 611 men and 838 women in varying age groups (M=46.93, SD=12.73). There was found significant differences between the groups in variables stress, sleep difficulties and pain. For future research a study with longitudinal data may find that stress and sleep difficulties among the personality groups are stable over time. For the variable pain, more cross-sectional studies are needed.

    Disiplin tanpa hukuman/ Dreikurs

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    xxiii, 108 hal.: 21 cm

    Disiplin tanpa hukuman/ Dreikurs

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    xxiii, 108 hal.: 21 cm

    Disiplin tanpa hukuman/ Dreikurs

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    xxiii, 108 hal.: 21 cm