949 research outputs found

    Using SeaWiFS and In Situ Data for HAB Prediction in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Decision Tree Analysis

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    To date, 13 potential HAB species have been detected in coastal waters of Mississippi and Alabama, including representatives of the diatom genera Pseudo-nitzschia and Chaetoceros, and dinoflagellate genera Karenia, Gonyaulax, Akashiwo, Karlodinium, and Prorocentrum. This study investigates the potential of satellite remote sensing (SeaWiFS) to predict environmental conditions leading to the formation of HABs in these turbid coastal waters. Phytoplankton populations and water quality were monitored in situ at 3 to 6 week intervals and 17 locations in Mobile Bay and the Mississippi Sound from December, 2004, through June, 2006. SeaWiFS imagery corresponding with in situ collections was acquired. Non-parametric multivariate analyses determined relationships between phytoplankton cell counts and in situ or satellite-derived water properties, including surface temperature, salinity, concentrations of chlorophyll, total suspended solids, colored dissolved organic material, and nutrient levels. This paper will describe an expert system decision tree analysis approach to prediction of ecological conditions necessary for the formation of HABs. The model assumes unique ranges of remote sensing reflectance ratios, Chl a, and total suspended solids must exist within the environment are conducive for the formation of HABs. 

    Storm : [wind erosion in the Great Southern]

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    On Thursday 11 May 1995, a low pressure system with central barometric pressure of 990 hPa formed of south-western Australia. This depression directed gale force winds over the South-West Land Division for some seven hours. Dan Carter reports on the widespread damage to soils and property, and management practices that would have reduced the problem

    Whittaker unitary dual of affine graded Hecke algebras of type E

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    This paper gives the classification of the Whittaker unitary dual for affine graded Hecke algebras of type E. By the Iwahori-Matsumoto involution, this is equivalent also to the classification of the spherical unitary dual for type E. This work completes the classification of the Whittaker Iwahori-spherical unitary dual, or equivalently, the spherical unitary dual, of split linear algebraic p-adic groups.Comment: 48 page


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    thesisOrgan and tissue transplants have decreased the morbidity associated with such medical problems as uremia and heart disease. The success of organ transplants has paralleled advances in transplantation immunology. Medical problems with bone marrow destruction or replacement with its resultant neutropenia could be temporarily alleviated by the use of leukocyte transfusions. Though leukocyte transfusions have been done, the efficacy has not been evaluated by direct measurement of physiological function of the transfused cells. To determine the potential efficacy of leukocyte transfusion in 12 normal subjects, neurtrophil kinetic studies and immunological test to detect leukocyte antibodies were employed. The physiological behavior of the neutrophils was followed by labeling them with radioactive diisophrophylfluorophosphate (DF32P) in vitro, and then transfusing them. Interval sampling of these labeled cells allowed their half-disappearance time (T½) to be computed. This was first done with autologous neutrophils to obtain the normal T½ of the subject's own neutrophils. Labeled isologous neutrophils were then transfused into that subject and the T½ of the donor cells in the recipient's circulation was measured. Post transfusion sera were collected from each recipient after 1, 6, and 13 days, and tested for leukoagglutinins. Erythrocyte and lymphocyte cytotoxic antibodies were tested for as well, but none were found in these sera. Four of the 12 recipients have accelerated isologous neutrophil disappearances rates, while 3 of the 12 demonstrated leukoagglutinins formation. Two of the 4 subjects with shortened neurtrophil survival time formed leukoagglutinins, and ? of those with leukoagglutinins has shortened survival times. A 2x2 Chi-square evaluation of these data indicated no significant association between the neutrophil survival time and leukocyte antibody formation (p = .015)

    Dan T. Carter to Mr. Meredith (29 September 1962)

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    NLRB Jurisdiction over Foreign Governments

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    In State Bank of India the National Labor Relations Board reversed its discretionary abstention policy and asserted jurisdiction over the American operations of a foreign government employer. Previously the Board had declined to assert jurisdiction over these employers out of deference to foreign sovereigns, and because of the Supreme Court\u27s admonition against extraterritorial application of the National Labor Relations Act in the absence of an affirmative intention of the Congress clearly expressed. The Board now believes that neither public policy nor the policies of the NLRA can justify abstention. Although the Board has deemed the recently enacted Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 19767 (FSIA) inapplicable to its administrative proceedings, it nonetheless believes that the FSIA supports its decision to assert jurisdiction over foreign government employers doing business within the United States. This paper will analyze the Board\u27s new approach in light of both judicial developments under the NLRA and the Act\u27s legislative history. The FSIA also bears examination to determine its applicability to, and possible effect upon, Board determinations involving foreign government employers. The appropriateness of the Board\u27s decision to assert jurisdiction must ultimately be determined in the context of the policies underlying the Board\u27s earlier abstention, the policies now emphasized by the NLRB, and the concerns of the Congress as reflected in its enactment of the FSIA

    Parental physical punishment : child outcomes and attitudes

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    Stubble retention for control of wind erosion

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    The surest way to control wind erosion in continuous cropping systems is to retain stubble. Over the past ten years, Western Australian research has focused on the amounts of stubble needed to prevent that erosion

    The Eve Mitochondrial Consensus Sequence

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    We have calculated the consensus sequence for human mitochondrial DNA using over 800 available sequences. Analysis of this consensus reveals an unexpected lack of diversity within human mtDNA worldwide. Not only is more than 83% of the mitochondrial genome invariant, but in over 99% of the variable positions, the majority allele was found in at least 90% of the individuals. In the remaining 0.22% of the 16,569 positions, which we conservatively refer to as “ambiguous,” everyone could be reliably assigned to either a purine or pyrimidine ancestral state. There was only one position where the most common allele had an allele frequency of less than 50%, but this has been shown to be a mutational hot spot. On average, the individuals in our dataset differed from the Eve consensus by 21.6 nucleotides. Sequences derived from sub-Saharan Africa were considerably moredivergent than average. Given the high mutation rate within mitochondria and the large geographic separation among the individuals within our dataset, we did not expect to find the original human mitochondrial sequence to be so well preserved within modern populations. With the exception of a very few ambiguous nucleotides, the consensus sequence clearly represents Eves mitochondrial DNAsequence

    Blended-Wing-Body Transonic Aerodynamics: Summary of Ground Tests and Sample Results

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    The Blended-Wing-Body (BWB) concept has shown substantial performance benefits over conventional aircraft configuration with part of the benefit being derived from the absence of a conventional empennage arrangement. The configuration instead relies upon a bank of trailing edge devices to provide control authority and augment stability. To determine the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft, several wind tunnel tests were conducted with a 2% model of Boeing's BWB-450-1L configuration. The tests were conducted in the NASA Langley Research Center's National Transonic Facility and the Arnold Engineering Development Center s 16-Foot Transonic Tunnel. Characteristics of the configuration and the effectiveness of the elevons, drag rudders and winglet rudders were measured at various angles of attack, yaw angles, and Mach numbers (subsonic to transonic speeds). The data from these tests will be used to develop a high fidelity simulation model for flight dynamics analysis and also serve as a reference for CFD comparisons. This paper provides an overview of the wind tunnel tests and examines the effects of Reynolds number, Mach number, pitch-pause versus continuous sweep data acquisition and compares the data from the two wind tunnels