759 research outputs found

    Activation of beta2-adrenergic receptors alleviates neuropathic pain hypersensitivity in mice: focus on spinal glial cells

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    Chronic pain affects roughly one-fifth of the world’s population, and many patients do not respond to current therapies or conventional analgesics. Thus, studying the molecular mechanisms underlying neuropathic pain is crucial in identifying novel molecular targets that can be used to develop effective pain relief therapies. Previous studies have thus far focused on α2-adrenergic receptors (α2-ARs) and neuronal excitability, among others. However, recent research suggests that astrocytes and microglia, which express adrenergic receptors, contribute significantly to neuropathic pain. In particular, microglia have been found to express elevated levels of Gs-coupled β2-AR and they are responsive to norepinephrine application. Additionally, systemic administration of β2-AR agonists, such as Formoterol, has anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive properties in neuropathic pain, but the underlying processes are poorly understood. Therefore, this thesis work focuses on investigating glial noradrenergic signaling via β2-AR, specifically on microglia and its contribution to the modulation of neuropathic pain in mice. In the present study, activation of the β2-ARs through Formoterol induced a decrease of anti-inflammatory cytokine levels in primary isolated microglia and reversed nerve injury-induced morphological alterations in spinal dorsal horn microglia. Systemic administration of Formoterol inhibited evoked behaviors as well as aversive components related to neuropathic pain and reduced chronically-established neuropathic pain. The analgesic effects of Formoterol were mainly mediated by microglia, as demonstrated by employing the conditional knock-out mouse line lacking the β2-AR specifically in microglia. Remarkably, the effect of Formoterol on neuropathic pain-related behavior and microgliosis was lost in mice with the microglia-specific deletion of β2-ARs. In addition, microglia phenotype showed a sex-dependency in the late phase of neuropathic pain, which was not observed in response to β2-AR stimulation. Notably, Formoterol also reduced astrogliosis in the late stage of neuropathic pain independently of β2-AR signaling in microglia. Collectively, this work highlights the impact of microglial β2-AR stimulation in mediating the inhibition of pro-inflammatory signaling in the spinal cord during the initial phase of neuropathic pain. These results emphasize the importance of exploring microglial β2-AR agonists in alleviating neuropathic pain and elucidating the underlying mechanisms

    Tumor de mediastino na criança.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Pediatria, Curso de Medicina, Florianópolis, 200

    Contrastive Ethnolinguistic Features of Rosa Canina Phitonyms

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    The linguistic ethnobotany may include primitive and modern information and methods to survey and describe the life through plant names. The Albanian culture is very rich in wild vegetation elements that are used as food, medicine, and handicraft materials. So the study of the area and the relations between plants and the Albanian traditional folk culture make up an indispensable contribution to the development of agriculture and the identification of the national identity. The paper deals with the four variants Rosa canina phytonym detected in Devoll and Korça area. Based on the contrastive linguistic insight of this plant name between some Balkan Slavic languages and Albanian we concluded that there are some close semantic and lexical parallels. In this frame, the study of linguistic features of Rosa canina phytonym, and in a larger perspective even the other plant names can offer the important information for their widespread and usefulness. This study is a possibility to extend these kinds of studies in Albania, especially in the south.Keywords: ethnobotany, linguistic features, plant names, etymology, Rosa canina

    Interleukin-33 promoting Th1 lymphocyte differentiation dependents on IL-12

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    No abstract available.The pro-Th2 cytokine IL-33 is now emerging as an important Th1 cytokine-IFN-γ inducer in murine CD4+ T cells that is essential for protective cell-mediated immunity against viral infection in mice. However, whether IL-33 can promote human Th1 cell differentiation and how IL-33 polarizes Th1 cells is less understood. We assessed the ability of IL-33 to induce Th1 cell differentiation and IFN-γ production in vitro and in vivo. We report here that IL-33 alone had no ability in Th1 cell polarization. However it potentiated IL-12-mediated Th1 cell differentiation and IFN-γ production in TCR-stimulated murine and human CD4+ T cells in vitro and in vivo. IL-33 promoted Th1 cell development via MyD88 and synergized with IL-12 to enhance St2 and IL-12R expression in CD4+ T cells. These data therefore provide a novel mechanism for Th1 cell differentiation and optimal induction of a Type 1 response. Thus, IL-33 is capable of inducing IL-12-dependent Th1 cell differentiation in human and mouse CD4+ T cells

    Plants and Religion - Religious M Motivations in Naming of Plants in Albania

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    Ethnobiologists have emphasized the importance of plant local names as repositories of traditional knowledge to understand how communities recognize and use plants known to them, while linguists and anthropologists have illustrated them with examples of the semantic motivation of plant names in the language of these communities. The paper aims to analyse the naming patterns of some Albanian plants as a reflection of the religion in the language image of the world. Analysing some components of the culture and traditional knowledge used in relation to plant naming, perceptions and categorization of the religious world in plant names were investigated. In order to categorize their meaning in the relevant lexical field, a vast corpus of plants with religious attributes in their names were selected from several thematic and explanatory dictionaries. Based on the concept that the image of the world is a picture of everything that exists as an integral and multifaceted structure, reflected in the language in names that come from centuries of experience, the names of plants give us a view into community\u27s way of life. Religion has always been an important part of people identity within a certain culture and it is expressed or mirrored in the names of plants due to similarities or usage

    Pengaruh Pelatihan, Pengembangan Karir dan Motivasi terhadap Efektivitas Kerja Pegawai di Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Provinsi Sulawesi Utara: The Influence of Training, Career Development and Motivation on the Effectiveness of Employee Work at the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of North Sulawesi Province

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    Pada dasarnya setiap pegawai memerlukan pelatihan, pengembangan karir, dan motivasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas kerjanya. Pelatihan dan pengembangan karir bagi suatu organisasi sangat penting dilakukan, bertujuan dapat mempengaruhi efektivitas kerja pegawai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan, pengembangan karir, dan motivasi terhadap efektivitas kerja pegawai di BPBD Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ASN di BPBD Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Besarnya sampel meliputi seluruh populasi yaitu 51 responden yang adalah sampel jenuh. Analisis digunakan dengan metode regresi linier berganda. Dengan analisis ini dapat dilihatbagaimana variabel-variabel independen berpengaruh terhadap variabel dependen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan, pengembangan karir dan motivasi masing masing secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap efektivitas kerja pegawai

    Estudo da aderência da proteína de embutidos cárneos em tripas plásticas

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Alimentos, Florianópolis, 2014As tripas plásticas podem ser constituídas por diferentes polímeros que devem atender às necessidades do produto cárneo embutido. É comum encontrar, nos pontos de venda, produtos cárneos embutidos em tripa plástica, como a mortadela, cuja aderência entre o envoltório e a proteína da carne é percebida durante o seu descasque. A tripa plástica caracteriza-se por ser confiável e de alto desempenho, além de proteger os produtos através da combinação da força mecânica, resistência à temperatura e boas propriedades de barreira. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a aderência da proteína de embutidos cárneos em tripas plásticas. Foi utilizado um delineamento experimental com a finalidade de avaliar a influência da camada interna de Poliamida, Polietileno e Poliamida + Surlyn®, e verificar a força de aderência da proteína da carne na tripa e a gramatura da proteína aderida à tripa. Foram realizados testes a partir de um produto com emulsão cárnea padrão e de um outro produto com outra emulsão cárnea apresentando características físico-químicas diferentes da formulação padrão. As tripas plásticas foram caracterizadas através de ensaios de DSC, FTIR, Microscopia, Tensão Superficial e Resistência Mecânica. Verificou-se que a maior força de aderência e a maior gramatura foram encontradas na tripa plástica com Poliamida + Surlyn® na camada interna, independente da formulação da emulsão cárnea, seguida da camada interna de Poliamida e, por último, a de Polietileno. Além disso, observou-se que a tripa plástica com melhor resistência mecânica é a que apresenta Poliamida na camada interna. As análises físico-químicas indicaram que há diferença entre as duas formulações em relação à gordura, proteína e umidade. O comportamento e desempenho das tripas plásticas são significativamente diferentes (pAbstract: Plastic casings may be made of different synthetic polymers that should meet the needs of stuffed meat products. In retail outlets, it is common to find meat products, such as bologna, stuffed in plastic casing, whose adhesion between the wrapping and the meat protein is seen during their peeling. Plastic casing is a reliable, high performance casing that protects products through a combination of mechanical strength, temperature resistance, and good barrier properties. This study aimed to assess stuffed meat protein adherence in plastic casings. In order to evaluate the influence of the inner layer of Polyamide, Polyethylene, and Polyamide + Surlyn®, and examine both meat protein adherence force and protein grammage attached to the casing, an experimental design was used. We performed tests from a product with a standard meat emulsion and from another one with a differently formulated meat emulsion showing different physicochemical characteristics. The plastic casings were characterized using DSC tests, FTIR microscopy, Surface Tension, and Mechanical Resistance. We found the greatest adherence force and the heaviest grammage in casings with Polyamide + Surlyn® in the inner layer, regardless of the meat emulsion recipe, followed by the inner layer of Polyamide, and finally the Polyethylene. Furthermore, we observed that the plastic casings with better mechanical strength are the ones containing Polyamide in the inner layer. The physicochemical analysis indicated that there is a difference between the two formulations in relation to fat, protein, and moisture. Finally, behavior and performance of plastic casings are significantly different (p <0.05) with respect to the adherence force and grammage

    Umbilical Cord Prolapse and Management Upon Medical Personnel Skills – Case Report

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    Umbilical cord prolapse is obstetric emergency that may have significant neonatal morbidity and mortality if not prompt professional management does not take place. Umbilical cord prolapse is the descended umbilical cord via collum uteri with proceeding presenting part after ruptured of membranes of the amniotic fluid. Case Report A 31 years old pregnant woman, comes to maternity service after her waters were broken (ruptured membranes of amniotic fluid), spontaneously at home. It was her second pregnancy; her first pregnancy was vaginal delivery 3 years ago. Actual pregnancy according to her last menstrual period was term pregnancy; she stated that was followed up during pregnancy by her obstetrician. Within very few minutes, patient was seen by admission midwife, where vaginal examination was performed and umbilical cord prolapsed was identified. The fetal heart rate was listened by Pinard horn obstetrical stethoscope and bradyarrythmia was present. The on duty obstetrician was called, while patient was kept on obstetrical lithotomy position by midwife.  Bimanual pelvic examination was performed by obstetrician on duty, the prolapsed of umbilical cord was confirmed and bradyarrythmia of fetal heart was present. At this time, patient was taken to operating room, and electronic fetal monitoring was performed, where fetal bradyarrythmia 90 FHR/min and immediate Cesarean section delivery was performed, baby did cry immediately after delivery, Apgar score 8/9 referred neonatologist assessment. Conclusion, umbilical cord prolapse is a life threatening event for the fetus and requires immediate intervention. Medical personnel should be well trained to address such emergency proper and professional management. Keywords: Umbilical cord prolapse, obstetrical emergency, mortality, morbidity, fetus DOI: 10.7176/ALST/80-04 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Eficiência da aveia na recuperação de nitrogênio residual aplicado na cultura do milho

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    O trabalho experimental foi realizado na Quinta do Poulão, em Bragança, NE Portugal, no decorrer dos anos 2018 e 2019, com o objetivo de verificar a influência da adubação nitrogenada da cultura do milho na aveia, cultivada em sequência, e avaliar a capacidade da aveia na captura de nitrogênio (N) do solo, a fim de reduzir as perdas de nitratos para os cursos de água e óxidos de N para a atmosfera. A aveia, em si, não foi fertilizada. O ensaio com a aveia foi conduzido em dois delineamentos experimentais independentes. Um dos experimentos foi conduzido em delineamento experimental completamente casualizado, constituído por um fertilizante nitrogenado convencional, nitrato de amônio (27% N), usado em três doses, repartidas em aplicações de fundo e cobertura, 50 (25+25), 100 (50+50) e 200 (100+100) kg N ha-1, um fertilizante composto NPK de liberação controlada (12-10-18) e um fertilizante estabilizado com um inibidor da nitrificação (26% N), ambos usados nas doses de 100 e 200 kg N ha-1, um corretivo orgânico (estrume de vaca) usado em uma dose correspondente à aplicação de 100 kg N ha-1, com (100 kg N ha-1) e sem aplicação de N em cobertura e uma testemunha não fertilizada. O segundo experimento foi organizado em um fatorial completo usando condicionadores de solo, biochar, correspondente à aplicação de 10 t ha-1, e zeólitos, utilizado a uma taxa de 5 t ha-1, e o fator doses de N, que incluiu quatro doses do fertilizante mineral convencional (27% N) aplicadas metade em fundo e metade em cobertura na forma 0 (0 + 0), 50 (25 + 25), 100 (50 + 50) e 200 (100 + 100) kg N ha-1. Os resultados encontrados no primeiro experimento mostram que as maiores doses de N (200 kg ha-1) aplicadas à cultura do milho correspondem ao maior teor de N mineral residual no solo após a colheita, o que se refletiu nos indicadores de estado nutricional da aveia, SPAD e NDVI. E também, na produtividade da aveia, que foi mais elevada em N200 e Org100. À medida que houve incremento na produção de massa seca aumentou também a quantidade de N recuperado pela aveia. Devido ao cultivo da aveia ocorreu redução de até 87% do teor de N mineral residual no solo. No segundo experimento observou-se que os condicionadores aplicados antes da sementeira do milho influenciaram o teor de N mineral no solo em outubro após a colheita, sendo o fertilizante mineral o que apresentou menor teor de N mineral residual. No entanto, à medida que houve aumento nas doses de N aplicadas ocorreu também aumento do teor de N residual no solo. Com relação ao indicador de estado nutricional SPAD, os condicionadores não apresentaram efeito significativo. Já para o NDVI, o condicionador biochar mostrou os menores valores. Os condicionadores aplicados antes da semeadura do milho não apresentaram efeito significativo na produtividade e na quantidade de N recuperado pela aveia, sendo o biochar o que apresentou os menores valores e o fertilizante mineral os maiores. No entanto, é possível observar que com o aumento das doses de N houve aumento de N recuperado pela cultura, sem diferença significativa para a concentração de N no tecido. Da mesma maneira, pode se atribuir à aveia uma elevada capacidade em recuperar o N disponível no solo e eficiência na sua utilização para produção de biomassa, e aos condicionadores a capacidade de retenção do N e disponibilização para as culturas, uma vez ocorreu redução média de 82% do teor de N mineral residual no solo após a cultura da aveia. O aveia foi eficiente como cultura de captura de N residual do solo.The experimental work was carried out in Quinta do Poulão, Bragança, NE Portugal, during the years 2018 and 2019, in order to assess the influence of the nitrogen (N) fertilization of the maize crop in the oat cultivated in sequence, and to evaluate the performance of oat in recovering residual N, avoiding the leaching of nitrates to the watercourses and the emission of N oxides to the atmosphere. Oat itself was not fertilized. The study was conducted in two independent experimental designs. One of the experiments was conducted in a completely randomized design, consisting of a conventional N fertilizer, ammonium nitrate (27% N), used in three rates, distributed as basal and topdressing applications 50 (25 + 25), 100 (50 + 50) and 200 (100 + 100) kg N ha-1, a controlled release NPK compound fertilizer (12-10-18) and a fertilizer stabilized with a nitrification inhibitor (26% N), both used in rates of 100 and 200 kg N ha-1, an organic manure (cow manure) used at a rate corresponding to the application of 100 kg N ha-1, with (100 kg N ha-1) or without N application as topdressing and an unfertilized control. The second experiment was organized in a complete factorial using soil conditioners, biochar, corresponding to the application of 10 t ha-1, and zeolites, used at a rate of 5 t ha-1, and the factor rate of N, which included 0 (0 + 0), 50 (25 + 25), 100 (50 + 50) and 200 (100 + 100) kg N ha-1 to be applied as basal and topdressing applications as ammonium nitrate (27% N). The results of the first experiment showed that the highest N rates (200 kg ha-1) applied to maize were related to the higher mineral N content in the soil after maize harvest. The result influenced the N nutritional status indices, SPAD and NDVI, of oat. Consequently, oat productivity was higher in N200 and Org100N in comparison to the less fertilized treatments. Since an increase in dry matter production occurred, the amount of N recovered by oats also increased. Due to the cultivation of oat, there was a reduction of up to 87% in the content of soil mineral N. In the second experiment, it was observed that the soil conditioners applied before maize sowing influenced the mineral N content in the soil in October after harvesting, and the mineral fertilizer treatments had the lowest results. However, as the rates of N increased, an increase in the residual N content also occurred. SPAD readings did not significantly vary among the soil conditioners. The NDVI values, however, were significantly lower in the plots that received the biochar. The conditioners applied to maize did not have a significant effect on the productivity and amount of N recovered by oats, with biochar presenting the lowest average values and the mineral fertilizer the highest. However, it was observed that with increasing rates of N there was an increase of N recovered by the catch crop, even though no significant difference were found on the concentration of N in the plant tissues. Oat showed high ability to recover residual N available in the soil using it efficiently in biomass production. Soil conditioners showed ability to immobilize temporarily N and releasing it to the crop, since there was a mean reduction of 82% of the mineral N content in the soil after oat cultivation. Oat seemed to be an efficient N catch crop