65 research outputs found

    Position of tourism in global economy and its impact on GDP, employment and investments

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    The world has already undergone the globalization process in all segments of the economy. This paper addresses the issue of the ways in which globalization affects tourism as the industry and economic activity. Furthermore, tourism as an economic activity exerts a considerable impact on other activities. Therefore, we have to focus more on the extent and the way this influence is exerted. Also, tourism has an impact on the formation of the gross domestic product, as well as employment and investment. Tourism cannot develop without foreign direct investment, and this paper shows the position of tourism in relation to other activities concerning the number and value of green field investment

    Marketing and higher education: Condition in Serbia

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    The inductive research approach is directed to testing of the hypothesis: about implementing marketing management, depending on the configuration properties of a successful education, and expressed with increased customer satisfaction in Serbia. The survey results confirm that the quality of service in higher education institutions in Serbia depends on the configuration properties of a successful education. Finally, it was confirmed that the success of marketing activities directly depends on the degree of customer satisfaction. One of the main specificities of higher education, even in comparison to other industries and service, is that the service provides a number of years and what is its value after successful completion of use, lifetime. Higher education institutions are in a unique position to build good relations with existing customers directly affected by the increase in the number of users in the future tense

    Application of information technology and e-business in optimizing the competitive advantages of small and medium-sized enterprises

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    In order to review and study the issues of competitiveness and optimization of business operations with the use of IT and e-business, the paper will study, analyze and elaborate on the several key criteria formulated in research questions. Exploration of these questions through desktop and empirical research examines in detail the role and impact of new technologies, especially information technology in optimizing the competitive advantages of small and medium-sized enterprises. Research eventually assesses the degree of optimization of technological inputs and outputs in the development of competitive capacity of SMEs and offers appropriate conclusions

    The impact of education on entrepreneurs activity and employment among marginalized groups: an evidence of Serbia

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    Measuring human development and well-being is based on a numerous of indicators of social inclusion (Lelkes 2006). Mostly significant indicators of well-being include employment, health and education. When any individual or group is excluded from education or it is employed below the level of expertise, we can talk about the “marginalization”. Groups or individuals can be excluded from society on gender, religious and ethnic grounds or on the basis of a refugee status, physical and mental disabilities. There are multiple factors that make an impact on social exclusion. Most of all, economic restructuring of a system excludes certain groups from the labour market due to the fact that their skills and education level do not match the requirements of the new system. Beside that, certain population groups can be discriminated against because of various stereotypes, stigma and prejudice. In other words, various stereotypes, stigma and prejudice can be among the factors leading to their social and economic vulnerability. Therefore, reaching equality among all population groups and the absence of discrimination in contemporary society represent moral imperatives. Accordingly, the Europe 2020 Strategy pays special attention to social programs for the most sensitive social groups. These programs should enable their accelerated employment. Also, they are aimed at fighting all types of discrimination that exists. Addressing this issue is of special importance for Serbia on its path to EU accession. Despite the Anti-discrimination law was adopted in 2009, Serbia is still not among the most liberal and tolerant societies in Europe, where gender, age and other differences are respected. In line with this, educational institutions should play an important role and become more responsible in terms of providing support to the Romani, the disabled and those who are excommunicated and are not in an equal position with other groups. This is, perhaps, where we can find the key to overcoming inequalities and discrimination that starts back in school (Furlong et al. 2011). In this paper, special attention was paid to the following issues. These are: (a) the issues of determining the form of social exclusion that is the most common in Serbia; (b) determining the cause of the faster leaving the educational processes of marginalized groups compared to other population groups; (c) defining the development directions (forms and types) of education that would encourage learning and greater inclusion of these groups; (d) identifying the causes of difficult employment of marginalized groups in Serbia; (e) examining the possibilities for faster employment by fostering entrepreneurial activity and work in social enterprises

    Evaluacija Građanskog vaspitanja u srednjim školama u Srbiji

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    The paper deals with the evaluation of the status of the Civic Education course. it is aimed at obtaining insight into possible changes in these effects by comparing the present results with those of a similar study conducted ten years ago, in 2009. The research included 1073 students, 36 teachers and 20 principals from twenty secondary schools from the whole territory of the Republic of Serbia. in addition, the attitudes towards civic education held by the general public were investigated on a representative sample of 1076 adult citizens of Serbia. data were collected via questionnaires designed for the purposes of the research. The attitudes towards civic education and rel-evant social attitudes and values were investigated in students, their teachers and principals, and participants from the general population. additionally, the level of knowledge of the topics that form the civic education curricu-lum was explored in the sample of students. The results point to a relatively low level of knowledge about the topics related to civic education among students. it is shown that students have a predominantly positive attitude towards this course, but also that there is the distance of young people from the world of politics and low readiness for activism. The concluding part of the paper discusses the possible directions for improving the civic education instruction with the aim of raising its efficiency.Predmet ovog istraživanja je evaluacija statusa predmeta Građansko vaspitanje (gV) i sticanje uvida u eventualne promene statusa kroz poređenje sa rezultatima slične studije sprovedene deset godina ranije (2009. godine). U istraživanju je učestvovalo 1073 učenika/ca, 36 nastavnika/ca i 20 direktora/ki iz 20 srednjih škola sa cele teritorije Srbije. Takođe, ispitani su i stavovi opšte populacije prema Građanskom vaspitanju na reprezentativnom uzorku od 1076 punoletnih građana Srbije. Podaci su prikupljeni upitnicima konstruisanim u svrhe ove evaluacije. Ispitivani su stavovi prema građanskom vaspitanju i relevantni društveni stavovi i vrednosti učenika, predmetnih nastavnika, direktora škola i ispitanika iz opšte populacije, a kod učenika i stepen poznavanja tema koje su sadržaj gV. Rezultati ukazuju na relativno nizak nivo poznavanja tema koje su sadržaj gV među učenicima/ama, na preovlađujuće pozitivan odnos učenika/ca prema nastavi ovog predmeta, ali i na distanciranost mladih od sveta politike i nisku spremnost za aktivizam. U zaključku se ukazuje na moguće pravce poboljšanja nastave GV u cilju podizanja njene efikasnosti

    An evaluation study of the civic education course in secondary schools in Serbia

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    Predmet ovog istraživanja je evaluacija statusa predmeta Građansko vaspitanje (gV) i sticanje uvida u eventualne promene statusa kroz poređenje sa rezultatima slične studije sprovedene deset godina ranije (2009. godine). U istraživanju je učestvovalo 1073 učenika/ca, 36 nastavnika/ca i 20 direktora/ki iz 20 srednjih škola sa cele teritorije Srbije. Takođe, ispitani su i stavovi opšte populacije prema Građanskom vaspitanju na reprezentativnom uzorku od 1076 punoletnih građana Srbije. Podaci su prikupljeni upitnicima konstruisanim u svrhe ove evaluacije. Ispitivani su stavovi prema građanskom vaspitanju i relevantni društveni stavovi i vrednosti učenika, predmetnih nastavnika, direktora škola i ispitanika iz opšte populacije, a kod učenika i stepen poznavanja tema koje su sadržaj gV. Rezultati ukazuju na relativno nizak nivo poznavanja tema koje su sadržaj gV među učenicima/ama, na preovlađujuće pozitivan odnos učenika/ca prema nastavi ovog predmeta, ali i na distanciranost mladih od sveta politike i nisku spremnost za aktivizam. U zaključku se ukazuje na moguće pravce poboljšanja nastave GV u cilju podizanja njene efikasnosti.The paper deals with the evaluation of the status of the Civic Education course. it is aimed at obtaining insight into possible changes in these effects by comparing the present results with those of a similar study conducted ten years ago, in 2009. The research included 1073 students, 36 teachers and 20 principals from twenty secondary schools from the whole territory of the Republic of Serbia. in addition, the attitudes towards civic education held by the general public were investigated on a representative sample of 1076 adult citizens of Serbia. data were collected via questionnaires designed for the purposes of the research. The attitudes towards civic education and rel-evant social attitudes and values were investigated in students, their teachers and principals, and participants from the general population. additionally, the level of knowledge of the topics that form the civic education curricu-lum was explored in the sample of students. The results point to a relatively low level of knowledge about the topics related to civic education among students. it is shown that students have a predominantly positive attitude towards this course, but also that there is the distance of young people from the world of politics and low readiness for activism. The concluding part of the paper discusses the possible directions for improving the civic education instruction with the aim of raising its efficiency

    C* integral evaluation by using EPRI procedure

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    U radu je opisana EPRI procedura određivanja parametara elasto-plastične mehanike loma. Na osnovu analogije visko-plastičnog problema sa opisanom procedurom, analizirana je mogućnost primene EPRI procedure na probleme stacionarnog puzanja. Data su dva primera primene tako formulisane procedure, oba za cilindrične cevi na visokoj temperaturi, od kojih je jedna opterećena unutrašnjim pritiskom, a druga aksijalnim silama. Za cev pod unutrašnjim pritiskom, sproveden je odgovarajući proračun C* integrala.The EPRI procedure for evaluation of elastic-plastic fracture mechanics parameters has been described. Using an analogy of visco-plastic problem with a described procedure, the possibility of application of EPRI procedure to the stationary creep problems has been analyzed. Two examples of application of such a procedure have been presented, both for cylindrical pipes at high temperature, one under internal pressure, and the other one loaded by axial forces. Pipe under internal pressure was used for the C* integral evaluation

    C* integral evaluation by using EPRI procedure

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    U radu je opisana EPRI procedura određivanja parametara elasto-plastične mehanike loma. Na osnovu analogije visko-plastičnog problema sa opisanom procedurom, analizirana je mogućnost primene EPRI procedure na probleme stacionarnog puzanja. Data su dva primera primene tako formulisane procedure, oba za cilindrične cevi na visokoj temperaturi, od kojih je jedna opterećena unutrašnjim pritiskom, a druga aksijalnim silama. Za cev pod unutrašnjim pritiskom, sproveden je odgovarajući proračun C* integrala.The EPRI procedure for evaluation of elastic-plastic fracture mechanics parameters has been described. Using an analogy of visco-plastic problem with a described procedure, the possibility of application of EPRI procedure to the stationary creep problems has been analyzed. Two examples of application of such a procedure have been presented, both for cylindrical pipes at high temperature, one under internal pressure, and the other one loaded by axial forces. Pipe under internal pressure was used for the C* integral evaluation

    Tehnološka svojstva plodova važnijih sorata šljive kao sirovine za proizvodnju rakije šljivovice

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    Two-year studies included three major plum cultivars grown in Serbia: Požegača, Stanley and Čačanska rodna, the third, developed at the Fruit Research Institute in Čačak, originating from the cross of two former cultivars. With regard to total sugars and mechanical contents of the cultivars it can be inferred that processing of Čačanska rodna may give potentially highest yield of plum brandy, whereas Stanley and Požegača result in lower yields respectively. The comparison of sugar and pectin contents, as well as, their ratio in fruits of the evaluated cultivars showed the lowest methanol content in brandy made from cv Čačanska rodna. Cv Stanley brandy displayed a slightly higher rate of methanol, whereas brandy produced from Požegača showed the highest percentage of this adverse component. The highest prussic acid potential, i.e. cyanogenic glycoside content, determined on the basis of benzaldehyde and HCN originating from different fruit parts, was recorded in the fruits of cv Čačanska rodna, and the lowest in cv Požegača. In all three cultivars the major quantity of benzaldehyde and HCN originates from the stone component - amygdalin. Therefore, by stone pitting during processing of plum into brandy, the reduction of the potential content of these adverse substances is enabled.Pored najzastupljenijih sorata u šljivicima Srbije - Požegače i Stenleja, za proizvodnju rakije koristi se sve više i Čačanska rodna, stvorena ukrštanjem ovih sorata u Institutu za voćarstvo u Čačku. Dvogodišnjim istraživanjima utvrđeno je da se plodovi Požegače, Stenleja i Čačanske rodne razlikuju po tehnološkim svojstvima: mehaničkom sastavu, sadržaju ukupnih šećera, pektinskih materija i cijanogenih glikozida (amigdalina i prunazina). Na osnovu dobijenih vrednosti ovih pokazatelja, razmotrena je pogodnost svake sorte šljive za proizvodnju šljivovice, sa stanovišta ekonomičnosti prerade - prinosi rakije, i sa stanovišta zdravstvene vrednosti dobijenih rakija - sadržaji metanola, cijanovodonične kiseline (HCN) i benzaldehida