581 research outputs found

    2005: Rekord-Anlandungen an Nordseegarnelen (Crangon crangon L.) in Europa

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    Brown shrimp (C. crangon) landings are an important factor and ranked third in landings value of North Sea Fisheries. Landings data are gathered by country and kept separately. However, the Working Group on Crangon Fisheries and Life History (WGCRAN) of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) compiles statistical as well as biological data on brown shrimp. This group has met in Ijmuiden end of May 2006 and found new record landings in 2005 for all three major producers: Germany, The Netherlands and Denmark, summing up with The United Kingdom, Belgium and France to more than 38 000 tonnes of con-sumption shrimp, the highest landings ever recorded

    Zweikampf im Wattenmeer : Wird die heimische Miesmuschel verdrängt?

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    Since a couple of years, the introduced Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) is spreading out in the Wadden Sea off the German North Sea coast where it competes with the native blue mussel (Mytilus edulis). First catches of the new species have now been observed in fishing surveys

    ICES-Arbeitsgruppentreffen zum "Lebenszyklus und Fischerei von Nordseegarnelen" (WGCRAN)

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    Two years after their last meeting, scientists from North Sea neighbouring countries working on aspects of brown shrimp biology and fisheries gathered in Oostende, Belgium, to exchange information and results of their research. The group was established ten years ago by the International Council of the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)during the Warnemünde Annual Science Conference. Data on brown shrimp landings, fishing effort and resulting landings per unit effort were compiled. For the first time a computer model was demonstrated simulating the life cycle of C. crangon on basis of experimental and field data available. It will provide a means for testing different possible scenarios and their effect on the brown shrimp stocks. Catch predictions are not possible by this, as no stock assessments can yet be achieved for brown shrimp, and a number of topics have to be addressed by further research programmes. However, an approach of estimating the level of landings on basis of preceding climatological and hydrographical data seemed promising. Furthermore selectivity experiments and electric gear types were reported giving reason to assume, that progress is possible in the further reduction of bycatches. The assembling of already existing data in various countries and their evaluation was recommended besides the pursuing of the mentioned fields of research and proper reporting of EU log book data by all countries

    Fang, Anlandungen, Discard und Bestand der Nordsee-garnele (Crangon crangon L.)

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    Landings of brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) for human consumption are not the only part that is taken from the North Sea shrimp stocks. Small amounts of industrial shrimps taken in the second half of a year in Germany add as well to the total amount that is taken from the stocks as the moribund animals discarded all over the year during the first sieving process on board, as the cooked and discarded ones in the second sieving on board and as those from the third sieving process ashore normally being crushed and used for animal feed stuff. All these fractions of the total catch of brown shrimps give a total of approximately 74 000 tonnes that were taken from the North Sea in 2005. Nevertheless, due to low predator abundance and changing climate conditions Crangon stocks show no signs of overexploitation so far with increasing LPUE values in the north-eastern part of the German Bight and decreasing ones in the south-east and Channel. There is the need of further investigations of these changes in the life history and distribution of shrimp as well as in the fishing behaviour and effort of the shrimp fleets

    Fod og takt

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    Thomas Teilmann Damm: Fod og tak

    Overgangens kunst. Modernitet og skepsis i Richard Wagners æstetik

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    TRANSITIONAL ART MODERNITY AND SCEPTICISM IN RICHARD WAGNER’S AESTHETICSRichard Wagner is unique among creative artists in that he published copious volumes of theoretical writings to accompany and explain his artistic work. The present paper probes these writings and asks why Wagner should feel the need to constantly explain and justify himself. The answer is found to lie, not so much in the psychological make-up of the artist, as in the very kernel of his aesthetic impulse: the sceptical rejection of tradition and convention, and the reclaiming of an authentic, “purely human”, artistic form. Wagner inhabits a position of ambivalent modernity: he demands the destruction of old totalities of meaning while simultaneously structuring new ones. Nietzsche branded it “the lie of the great style”, a more recent and sympathetic commentator (Richard Klein) has spoken of Wagner’s “pluralist modernism”. The present paper agrees with Theodor W. Adorno that the “total work of art” is indeed a “phantasmagoria” but finds that Wagner, in his theorizing about it, lays bare certain inescapable conditions, risks as well as possibilities, of art and expression in the modern world

    Nachwuchsprobleme bei Nordseegarnelen?

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    Die Nordseegarnele (Crangon crangon), im Handel auch einfach "Krabbe" genannt, ist eines der wichtigsten Fangobjekte unserer Fischerei. Da die Garnelen einer weitgehend örtlich gebundenen, nationalen Fischerei unterliegen, stehen sie nicht im Mittelpunkt des Interesses der EG-Fischereipolitik. Sie unterliegen keinerlei Quotenregelung und sind damit auch nicht Gegenstand politischer Verhandlungen

    Elektronische Registrierung von Untersuchungsdaten auf See

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    Die elektronische Erfassung von auf See gewonnenen Daten direkt bei der Entstehung ist eine wesentliche Voraussetzung zur rationellen Nutzung elektronischer Datenverarbeitungssysteme. Die Online-Erfassung erspart nicht nur den späteren zeitaufwand bei der Übertragung der Daten von handschriftlichen Strichlisten in den Rechner, sondern schließt gleichzeitig dabei u.U. entstehende Fehler aus. Darüberhinaus ermöglicht die direkte Eingabe von gewonnenen Daten eine schnelle vorläufige Sichtung von Ergebnissen und erlaubt dadurch die Anpassung von Untersuchungsprogrammen an die an Ort und Stelle erzielten Resultate

    LIFE-SHARE Project: Developing a Digitisation Strategy Toolkit

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    This poster will outline the Digitisation Strategy Toolkit created as part of the LIFE-SHARE project. The toolkit is based on the lifecycle model created by the LIFE project and explores the creation, acquisition, ingest, preservation (bit-stream and content) and access requirements for a digitisation strategy. This covers the policies and infrastructure required in libraries to establish successful practices. The toolkit also provides both internal and external resources to support the service. This poster will illustrate how the toolkit works effectively to support digitisation with examples from three case studies at the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York