25 research outputs found
PriÄa o distanaziji
Medicinski napredak i dostignuÄa u lijeÄenju nameÄu stav da je medicina svemoguÄa, a da smrt
postaje neuspjeh lijeÄenja i kapitulacija same medicine. OÄuvanje dostojanstva života na svome
kraju postaje sve veÄi izazov u lijeÄniÄkoj praksi. Distanazija ili ustrajnost u lijeÄenju bolesnika koji se nalaze u ireverzibilnoj fazi svoje bolesti i trpe veliku bol i patnju ne smije biti dio kliniÄke prakse. Ovu pojavu treba izbjegavati i oduprijeti se njenoj sveprisutnosti u naÅ”em radu
Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Response in COVID-19 Infection: Nrf2/HO-1 Pathway
SARS-CoV-2 virus infection starts with the internalization of the viral particle into the host cells, mainly the upper respiratory system epithelial cells which have the highest expression of the ACE2 receptor which is essential for the internalization process. The pathophysiology of severe forms of COVID-19 disease results not only from direct, cytopathic viral effect but also from immune response dysregulation of the host resulting in hyperinflammatory state and oxidative stress. The nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) ability to protect cells and induce a rapid anti-inflammatory and antioxidant response primarily depends on its constitutive cellular expression, which can be affected by numerous endogenous and exogenous factors. The binding of Nrf2 to cellular receptors leads to the transcription of a large number of genes encoding various antioxidant enzymes and other cytoprotective molecules, including heme oxygenase-1(HO-1). Activation of HO-1 results in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic effects. Based on previous studies, the Nrf2/HO-1 pathway provides protection against oxidative stress and inflammatory and immune response which is significant in COVID-19 infection, which is characterized by a strong hyperinflammatory response. This narrative review aims to describe the role of the hyperinflammatory response in the development of COVID-19 infection, with a focus on the NrF2/HO-1 pathway
Drivers and consequences of word of mouth communication from the sendersā and receiversā perspectives: the evidence from the Croatian adult population
This article addresses the issue of predicting and stimulating consumersā
word of mouth communication (WOM). It contributes to
the WOM literature by examining and comparing the magnitude
of effects of a set of antecedents and consequences of WOM
information spread and WOM information seek in one model. The
data collected from consumer survey in Croatia were analysed
using structural equation modelling (SEM). The results reveal that
consumer innovativeness, followed by price sensitivity and attitudes
towards advertising are the most important drivers of both
WOM variables, whereas the effects are stronger for WOM information
seek than WOM information spread. The results also indicate
that WOM information seek has a four times stronger effect
on buying intention than WOM information spread, which can be
utilised by retailers. Accordingly, retailers should focus on WOM
information seek and try to stimulate it by introducing new products
in the first place, but also with frequent sales, and appealing
advertising messages
The purpose of this research is to gain better insights into the relationships between demographics, fashion consciousness and clothing purchases. The data, collected from a consumer survey carried out in Croatia, were analysed using multiple regression analysis and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Research results support proposed framework. Females, younger consumers and high-income consumers appeared to be more fashion conscious. Households with fewer members were also shown to have a higher level of fashion consciousness. Fashion-conscious consumers purchase more clothing items and buy more on unplanned basis. The framework provided helps clothing companies and retailers predict the behaviour of fashion-conscious consumers, as the starting point in designing their promotion campaign and enhancing competitiveness on the market.Svrha ovog istraživanja je dobiti nove spoznaje o vezi izmeÄu demografskih obilježja, sklonosti potroÅ”aÄa prema modi i izdataka za kupnju odjevnih predmeta. Podaci koji su prikupljeni upitnikom u Hrvatskoj analizirani su primjenom regresije i analize varijance (ANOVA-e). U naÄelu, rezultati potvrÄuju konceptualni model istraživanja. Žene, mlaÄi potroÅ”aÄi i potroÅ”aÄi s viÅ”om razinom dohotka skloniji su modnom odijevanju od ostalih grupa potroÅ”aÄa. TakoÄer, kuÄanstva s manje Älanova pokazuju veÄu sklonost prema modi. PotroÅ”aÄi koji su skloni modi takoÄer kupuju viÅ”e odjevnih predmeta i skloniji su neplaniranoj kupnji. Model istraživanja prikazan u ovom radu može pomoÄi proizvoÄaÄima odjeÄe i maloprodavaÄima da bolje predvide ponaÅ”anje potroÅ”aÄa koji su skloni modi, i da bolje usmjere i osmisle svoje promotivne aktivnosti, te poveÄaju konkurentnost na tržiÅ”tu
Apparel Shopping Orientation of Female Consumers
Ciljevi su ovog rada identificiranje oblika orijentacije žena pri kupnji odjeÄe, segmentiranje tržiÅ”ta te analiziranje razlika u kupovnom ponaÅ”anju žena kao i u njihovim demografskim obilježjima. Podaci prikupljeni anketiranjem žena u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji analizirani su primjenom faktorske i klaster analize, hi-kvadrat testom i analizom varijance (ANOVA). Faktorskom analizom izdvojeno je sedam oblika kupovne orijentacije žena: faktor 1: trend, interes za odijevanje, užitak u kupnji; faktor 2: lakoÄa održavanja; faktor 3: orijentiranost na kvalitetu; faktor 4: lojalnost marki/prodavaonici; faktor 5: cjenovna osjetljivost; faktor 6: planiranje/racionalnost kupnje; faktor 7: podložnost utjecaju prodajnog osoblja. PolazeÄi od oblika kupovne orijentacije žena, k-means klaster analizom izdvojeno je pet razliÄitih segmenata žena i to: (1) orijentirane na kvalitetu, (2) rukovoÄene funkcionalnoÅ”Äu, (3) usmjerene na modu, (4) indiferentne i (5) cjenovno osjetljive. Analizom varijance utvrÄeno je da izmeÄu segmenata žena postoje znaÄajne statistiÄke razlike u izdacima za kupnju odjeÄe, ali i u demografskim obilježjima.The objectives of this paper are to identify the factors of female shopping orientation, determine the female market segments, and analyze the differences among segments in their clothing purchase behavior and demographic characteristics. The data collected by a survey undertaken in the Split-Dalmatia County in Croatia were analyzed using factor and cluster analysis as well as the analysis of variance (ANOVA). Factor analysis generated seven factors of female shopping orientation: Factor 1: trend/interest in clothing; Factor 2: convenient maintenance; Factor 3: quality consciousness; Factor 4: brand/store loyalty; Factor 5: price consciousness, Factor 6: planning/efficiency in shopping; Factor 7: advice-seeking tendency. K-means cluster analysis, based on factors of female shopping orientation, produced five different female segments: (1) quality conscious females, (2) efficiency driven females, (3) fashion-oriented females, (4) indifferent females, and (5) price conscious females. The analysis of variance has showed that there were significant differences among female segments in clothing expenditures and demographic characteristics
The clinical and predictive value of C-reactive protein/albumin ratio in critically ill and mechanically ventilated adult patients
Introduction: CPR/albumin ratio represents a new biomarker that integrates two laboratory-tested
acute phase reactants: a positive one (C-reactive protein) and a negative one (albumin), and which can be
used as an indicator of the severity, progression and outcome of various illnesses, including critical
illnesses. In this retrospective study, we investigated the impact of the CRP/albumin ratio on the clinical
characteristics and outcome of the treatment of critically ill and mechanically ventilated adult patients.
Patients and methods: This retrospective study included 100 critically ill patients (65 % males and 35
% females; median age of 67) treated at the medical intensive care unit (ICU) which required the use of
invasive mechanical ventilation. The primary diagnoses upon admission to the intensive care unit were:
sepsis and septic shock (39 %), acute heart failure or worsening chronic heart failure (20 %), exacerbation
of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (16 %), pneumonia (11 %), acute kidney injury or the
exacerbation of chronic kidney disease (7 %) and other conditions (7 %).
Results: Correlation analysis showed a significant moderate positive correlation between CRP/albumin
ratio and the duration of mechanical ventilation measured in hours (r = 0.48, p = 0.001) and the time spent
in the intensive care unit, measured in days (r = 0.44, p = 0.001). The median of the CRP/albumin ratio was
58.77 and the patients in the above-the-median group had a higher SOFA score. In terms of the outcomes,
it has been determined that the surviving patients (56 %) had a significantly lower CRP/albumin ratio
compared to those that had not survived (44 %), which correlates with their SOFA scores as well. In the
group of survivors, the correlation between the ratio of CRP/albumin and the SOFA score is positive and
statistically significant (r = 0.29, p = 0.03), in the group non-survivoris (r= 0.45, p = 0.003.)
Conclusion: Based on the results of our study, the CRP/albumin ratio has proved to be a good predictor
of clinical characteristics and outcomes of critically ill and mechanically ventilated patients
Epicardial Fat Tissue and Coronary Artery Disease
Epikardijalno masno tkivo (EMT) ekstraabdominalno je visceralno masno tkivo smjeÅ”teno izmeÄu miokarda i visceralnog lista perikarda s kojima je embrioloÅ”ki, anatomski i funkcionalno povezano. Debljina epikardijalnoga masnog tkiva danas je prepoznata kao nezavisni riziÄni Äimbenik koronarne bolesti srca (KBS), o Äemu svjedoÄi sve veÄi broj kliniÄkih studija. PoveÄani volumen epikardijalnoga masnog tkiva povezan je s kroniÄnom upalom i poveÄanim luÄenjem proupalnih citokina koji pogoduju i promoviraju proces aterogeneze. Standardiziranim postupkom ultrazvuÄnog mjerenja debljine epikardijalnoga masnog tkiva lateralnog zida desnog ventrikula može se s velikom sigurnoÅ”Äu predvidjeti postojanje KBS-a, a uz pomoÄ kompjutorizirane tomografije ili magnetske rezonancije predvidjeti i rizik od moguÄega koronarnog dogaÄaja. Povezanost debljine i upale epikardijalnoga masnog tkiva s KBS-om nameÄe ideju o potencijalnim terapijskim intervencijama radi usporavanja procesa aterogeneze.Epicardial fat tissue is extraabdominal visceral fat tissue located between the myocardial muscle and the visceral pericard and connected to it embryonally and functionally. A large number of clinical studies support the claim that the epicardial adipose tissue thickness is an independent risk factor for coronary disease. The enlarged volume of the epicardial fat tissue is connected to chronical inflammation and strong production of anti inflammatory cytokines which entice the atherogenesis. Coronary disease can be predicted by standard measurement of the epicardial fat thickness of the right ventricle lateral wall. Thus it is possible to predict the risk of a coronary incident by conducting a CT or MR scan. The correlation between epicardial fat thickness and inflammation of the fat tissue suggests the possibility of potential therapeutical interventions with the aim to delay aterogenesis
The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of various antecedents and behavioural consequences of consumersā perceptions of time spent on shopping for clothing products. Examined antecedent variables are gender, age, income, fashion consciousness and visual merchandising, while outcomes include the number of clothing items purchased. The data, collected by consumer survey in Croatia, was analysed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, and structural equation modelling (SEM). The major findings indicate that visual merchandising has the greatest and positive effect on time spent shopping. As expected, women and younger consumers spend more time shopping than men and older consumers. As for the outcomes, shopping time is positively related to consumer purchases. The study was conducted at a single point in time and was carried out while there was still crisis in Croatia, in a situation where consumers spend less on fashion products. The present study provides the insights into the determinants and consequences of time expenditure and might help fashion retailers design more successfully retailing strategies to encourage consumers to spend more time on shopping in fashion stores, which in turn leads to higher sales.Glavna svrha rada sastoji se od istraživanja znaÄaja razliÄitih prediktora i ponaÅ”ajuÄih ishoda za potroÅ”aÄevu percepciju vremena provedenog u kupnji odjevnih predmeta. Istraživane varijable su ukljuÄivale spol, dob, prihod, modnu osvijeÅ”tenost i vizualni merchandising, dok su ishodi obuhvatili broj kupljenih odjevnih predmeta. Podaci, prikupljeni ispitivanjem potroÅ”aÄa u Hrvatskoj, su analizirani koriÅ”tenjem eksplorativne i konfirmativne faktorske analize, te modeliranja strukturnih jednadžbi (SEM). Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da vizualni merchandising ima najveÄi i pozitivni utjecaj na vrijeme povedeno u kupnji. Prema oÄekivanjima, potroÅ”aÄi ženskog spola i mlaÄi potroÅ”aÄi provode viÅ”e vremena u kupnji za razliku od potroÅ”aÄa muÅ”kog spola i potroÅ”aÄa starije dobi. Å to se tiÄe ishoda, vrijeme provedeno u kupnji pozitivno je povezano s kupnjom. Istraživanje je vrÅ”eno u odreÄenom vremenskom razdoblju, a tijekom ekonomske krize u Republici Hrvatskoj kada su potroÅ”aÄi troÅ”ili manje novca na modne proizvode. Istraživanje pruža uvid u odrednice i ishode znaÄajne za Äimbenik vremenskog izdatka, te može pomoÄi modnim prodavaÄima na malo pri uspjeÅ”nom oblikovanju maloprodajnih strategija s ciljem ohrabrivanja potroÅ”aÄa na veÄu potroÅ”nju u modnim trgovinama, a Å”to posljediÄno dovodi do veÄeg obujma prodaje