16 research outputs found

    Cena gruntu jako wskaźnik wartości świadczeń rekreacyjnych ekosystemów

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    Poza produkcją roślinną i zwierzęcą, tereny rolne dostarczają szeregu różnych świadczeń ekosystemowych. Jednymi z nich są świadczenia rekreacyjne i estetyczne. Do takich świadczeń na przykład należy możliwość spacerowania wzdłuż brzegów jezior lub podziwiania krajobrazu z punktu widokowego. Właściciele gruntów dostrzegają część z tych świadczeń i kapitalizują je w cenach transakcyjnych sprzedawanych działek. Niniejsze badania pokazują zmienność cen działek w zależności od odległości do atrakcyjnych miejsc wypoczynku, biorąc jednocześnie pod uwagę warunki techniczne położenia działki takie, jak obecność mediów, usytuowanie działki względem dróg i zabudowy, wielkość działki czy też decyzje administracyjne niezbędne do rozpoczęcia budowy. Przeanalizowano położenie 445 działek rolnych zlokalizowanych na terenie powiatu poznańskiego, które zostały sprzedane pomiędzy 01.01.2011 a 08.05.2012 r. Spośród czynników przyrodniczych mających wpływ na walory turystyczne danego obszaru największy wpływ na cenę działki okazała się mieć odległość od terenów zieleni urządzonej oraz stref brzegowych wykorzystywanych na potrzeby turystyki pieszej i rowerowej. Promień oddziaływania tych terenów to odpowiednio 3 i 2 km, a wartość metra kwadratowego działki maleje wraz z oddalaniem się od tych miejsc odpowiednio o 17 i 10 PLN na każde 1000 m

    Potencjał agroekosystemów do naturalnej regulacji liczebności szkodników. Analiza na poziomie krajobrazowym dla Polski

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    Small semi-natural habitats, especially mid-field trees, play a significant roles in the agricultural landscape. One of them is natural pest control. This function is because tree plantings are the habitat of organisms that are natural enemies of crop pests, i.a., predatory insects and parasitoids. In intensively managed agricultural landscapes, plant protection relies heavily on chemicals, increasing production costs and environmental pollution. Strengthening natural pest control can help improve food security while reducing pressure on biodiversity and the environment. At the same time, midfield trees increase the effectiveness of other services, such as pollination or climate regulation. There have been significant advances in mapping ecosystem services recently, but natural pest control is one of the least explored topics. This study aims to present the spatial variability of the potential and demand for this service, pointing to those parts of Poland where the need to protect mid-field trees is greatest. A landscape approach was applied, taking into account not only the share of shelterbelts but also the size of the patches, their shape, and the size of the ecotone zone. The results and the methodology developed here can be used to formulate policies and strategies aimed at increasing biodiversity and ecosystem services. This research can also be the basis for activities supporting sustainable agriculture, e.g., the appropriate allocation of funds from the Rural Development Program.Niewielkie półnaturalne siedliska, zwłaszcza zadrzewienia śródpolne, odgrywają w krajobrazie rolniczym bardzo ważną rolę. Jedną z nich jest zwiększenie oporu naturalnego środowiska na wystąpienie gradacji szkodnika. Funkcja ta wynika z faktu, że zadrzewienia są miejscem bytowania organizmów będących naturalnymi wrogami szkodników upraw, m.in. owadów drapieżnych oraz pasożytów i parazytoidów. W intensywnie zarządzanych krajobrazach rolniczych ochrona roślin uprawnych opiera się w dużej mierze na środkach chemicznych, co zwiększa koszty produkcji i zanieczyszczenie środowiska. Wzmocnienie naturalnej kontroli szkodników może przyczynić się do wzrostu bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego, przy jednoczesnym zmniejszeniu presji na bioróżnorodność i środowisko. Jednocześnie zadrzewienia śródpolne zwiększają efektywność innych usług, takich jak zapylanie czy regulacja klimatu. W ostatnim czasie dokonano znacznych postępów w mapowaniu usług ekosystemowych, ale naturalne zwalczanie szkodników jest jednym z najrzadziej podejmowanych tematów. Niniejsze opracowanie ma na celuprzedstawienie przestrzennej zmienności potencjału i zapotrzebowania na tę usługę, wskazując te części Polski, w których potrzeby ochrony zadrzewień są największe. Zastosowano podejście krajobrazowe, biorąc pod uwagę nie tylko udział zadrzewień, ale także wielkość płatów, ich kształt oraz wielkość strefy ekotonowej. Wyniki oraz wypracowana tu metodyka mogą służyć do formułowania polityk i strategii mających na celu zwiększenie bioróżnorodności i usług ekosystemowych. Badania te mogą być też podstawą działań wspierających zrównoważone rolnictwo, np. poprzez odpowiednią alokację funduszy z Programu Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich

    The share of land cover class and the landscape structure. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of Wielkopolsko-Kujawska Lowland using GIS techniques

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    More and more concern on landscape is a resulting from growing conviction of researchers about it’s indicating role in regard to ecosystem functioning. Number of research that confirm influence of landscape changes on biodiversity, climate, soil productivity, human health or quantity and quality of water courses and bodies is increasing. The simplest form of landscape study is an analysis of land cover. The data of this type can be easily treated by statistic methods and illustrated on the map. However, this sort of analysis concern mostly on particular component of landscape, not on the landscape as a whole. In many cases the structure, in terms of configuration and composition of land cover classes, determines landscape functions. Additional factor, usually not taken into account, is geomorphology of study area. The landform and his origin strongly affect landscape and it’s functions. The basic purpose of this study is to present the possibility of employing statistical analysis of numerical maps to describe landscape and predict the consequences of its changes. This paper considers the issue of landscape diversity measured by the share of land cover forms and the distribution of such forms in different geomorphologic forms of the Wielkopolsko-Kujawska Lowland. Author analyzed landscape structure of Wielkopolsko-Kujawska Lowland in 17 landscape types distinguished according to geomorphological division of Krygowski. In each geomorphological unit the share and structure of 16 land cover classes, obtained by data from CORINE Land Cover 2000 generalization, was counted. Analysis affected chosen indicators of patches area, density of their edges, shape, core zones, isolation and connectivity and was supported by Spatial Pattern Analysis Program Fragstats. Depending on the study object the change in various land cover forms entails different ecological consequences. They depend not only on the land cover type but also on its structure. The ability to predict those consequences and counteract adverse phenomena is very important. This study confirms that it is possible to draw conclusions on landscape consequences of land cover changes on the regional level only on the basis of quantitative data. It applies both to the future and the past


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    The authors used a division of Poland into physical-geographical regions to present diversity in terms of land cover, and to distinguish a typology of natural units (mesoregions), in terms of both the nature of the said cover in 2006, and changes in that cover over the two time intervals 1990-2000 and 2000-2006. Individual mesoregions were assigned to the different types in regard to the two periods, this making it possible to illustrate the regional distribution of land-cover changes in Poland, with account taken of stability on the one hand, or changes as regards trends on the other. The results obtained may provide objective premises for the selection of representative spatial units in geographical, as well as landscape or ecological, research

    Gradient of Land Cover and Ecosystem Service Supply Capacities- A Comparison of Suburban and Rural Fringes of Towns Dresden (Germany) and Poznan (Poland)

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    Quantifying landscape pattern and its change is essential for the monitoring of changes in ecosystem services caused by urbanization and other processes. Landscape indicators can be very useful for such assessments. The authors used landscape metrics for a gradient analysis of land cover between cities and protected areas. The two cities Dresden (Germany) and Poznan (Poland) were chosen, because they are comparable due to inhabitants, area and location in former socialistic regimes. The biggest difference affects legal and socio-economic conditions. Overall, the study shows decrease of ecosystem services and diversity indices with increasing distance from the protected area, but the lines of trend near Dresden and Poznan have a different course. In comparison to Poznan, around Dresden are more protected areas and much more settlement areas are located near or even inside them. Protected areas around Poznan are more aggregated and more distant from the town center, have character that is more natural and are more diversified in terms of land cover configuration. On the other hand, in Dresden, thanks the more compact character of built-up areas and accompanied green urban areas, the landscape of suburban zone is more diversified and the benefits of ecosystem services are closer to the people. The reason are more restrictive legal aspects of spatial planning in Germany

    Natural conditions as a premise for the development of the Poznań urbanised area

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    This paper presents the natural conditions in the Poznań urbanised area with a focus on lasting preservation of the resources both in respect of quantity and quality. The problem related sections concern the land surface, mineral resources, soil, water and assets of natural systems. The content shows elements of a nature potential diagnosis considering the forms of human pressure and condition of the environment’s components. Based on the above conclusions were drawn regarding the actions necessary to preserve or improve the nature-related aspects of the population’s quality of life. The purposefulness and scope of the current and planned co-operation between communes as regards environment management were assessed

    Landscape changes of the voivodeship of Wielkopolska since the beginning of the political (and economic) transformation

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    The increasing conviction of scientific circles and governments of states that it is necessary to protect the environment not only through active or passive protection of its individual components but, above all, through managing the environment as a whole, resulted in a growing interest in the landscape observed in recent years. Effective environmental protection requires considering not only the bilateral influence between a particular factor and the object studied but also the mutual influence of factors on one another. The landscape, which is an effect of the interaction between the components of the environment and constitutes the physiognomic layer of ecosystems, makes it possible to perform such actions. This conclusion is based, among other things, on the results of ecological studies – which led to the formulation of one of the paradigms of landscape ecology, according to which landscape structure determines its functions – and the description of the significance of various characteristics of landscape compositions and configurations to its functioning. The issue of landscape changes is especially important in the case of a study area such as the voivodeship of Wielkopolska. In comparison to other voivodeships, Wielkopolska underwent more rapid changes. The studies carried out within the CORINE Land Cover programme for the years 1990-2000 show that this voivodeship tops the list as regards the surface area of land cover changes. Those changes clearly lead to landscape anthropogenisation. The system transformation and opening of borders to the West created very favourable conditions for the central Wielkopolska because of its attractive location on the Berlin-Warsaw route. Poznań, along with Wrocław, became a Polish urban centre that were closest to Western Europe. Rapid economic growth overlapped with the historical agricultural structure, which had to entail significant changes in land use and consequently further landscape changes. This monograph presents the results of the author’s research in landscape changes in the voivodeship of Wielkopolska. The results include a quantitative analysis of the changes in the share of individual landscape elements in Wielkopolska between 1989 and 2005 and identification of those which had the largest impact on landscape change. Assuming that land use is a result of the interaction between human activity and natural conditions, the author characterised all communes of the voivodeship by assigning socio-economic and natural profiles to them. The identification of the proportion of those two types of influence and the observation of the manner in which it changed in time and space bears a strong reference to the sustainable development principle. The relationbetween the speed of landscape changes, and the rate of changes in socio-economic factors and natural conditions permitted to identify the communes at risk of a clash of human activity and natural tendencies. It is particularly important to create insightful and xhaustive ecological studies encompassing the entire area of those communes and take them into account in the planning and programming processes. The research has confirmed that regardless of the decreasing scale of landscape changes after 1989, the diversity of this feature across the voivodeship is very significant and tends to grow. This phenomenon is in this paper referred to as the polarisation of changes and consists in a slower land change in communes where in 1989 the landscape was affected only to a small extent, and a faster change in communes where it was highly affected. The phenomenon causes a deepening landscape divergence across the subregions of the voivodeship. The increase in the diversity of land use changes in a regional perspective overlaps with the decrease on the level of the commune. This process may have very profound social, economic and, above all, ecological implications. Particularly if it occurs in areas where natural conditions are not in line with the direction of development. The largest diversity of pace is observable in the case of the surface area of forests and settlement areas. The results of this study show that it is the socio-economic factors that have the largest impact on land changes, not economic factors, which proved to be of minor importance. In the case of farmland, forests and settlement areas, the occurrence of protected drainages, watershed zones or sheet erosion risk were irrelevant to the spatial development of the region. High quality of the agricultural production space did not hinder urbanisation either but only limited the forest share increase. The results of the study conducted lead the author to the conclusion that the causative factors of the landscape change polarisation in Wielkopolska were differences in economic activity of its population. This conclusion allows to ascertain that efficient actions aiming at narrowing the disparities in the development level of different parts of the voivodeship require stimulating the human potential, i.e. education and business activity. Such actions would lead to a more rational use of space and the potential of the features inherent in the natural environment. Therefore, they should be emphasised in the regional programming documents, and in particular in the voivodeship development strategy. The current spatial planning system operative in Poland is not conducive to stopping the adverse development tendencies in Wielkopolska. The fundamental reasons for this are the weak legal status of the voivodeship spatial development plan and its inconsistency with other voivodeship programming documents

    Cena gruntu jako wskaźnik wartości świadczeń rekreacyjnych ekosystemów

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    Poza produkcją roślinną i zwierzęcą, tereny rolne dostarczają szeregu różnych świadczeń ekosystemowych. Jednymi z nich są świadczenia rekreacyjne i estetyczne. Do takich świadczeń na przykład należy możliwość spacerowania wzdłuż brzegów jezior lub podziwiania krajobrazu z punktu widokowego. Właściciele gruntów dostrzegają część z tych świadczeń i kapitalizują je w cenach transakcyjnych sprzedawanych działek. Niniejsze badania pokazują zmienność cen działek w zależności od odległości do atrakcyjnych miejsc wypoczynku, biorąc jednocześnie pod uwagę warunki techniczne położenia działki takie, jak obecność mediów, usytuowanie działki względem dróg i zabudowy, wielkość działki czy też decyzje administracyjne niezbędne do rozpoczęcia budowy. Przeanalizowano położenie 445 działek rolnych zlokalizowanych na terenie powiatu poznańskiego, które zostały sprzedane pomiędzy 01.01.2011 a 08.05.2012 r. Spośród czynników przyrodniczych mających wpływ na walory turystyczne danego obszaru największy wpływ na cenę działki okazała się mieć odległość od terenów zieleni urządzonej oraz stref brzegowych wykorzystywanych na potrzeby turystyki pieszej i rowerowej. Promień oddziaływania tych terenów to odpowiednio 3 i 2 km, a wartość metra kwadratowego działki maleje wraz z oddalaniem się od tych miejsc odpowiednio o 17 i 10 PLN na każde 1000 m

    Landscape value in relation to building land prices in the years 1995-2000

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    Research shows that transaction prices of building plots in the Poznań poviat vary according to the location and dependence on such local landscape elements as lakes and forests. It is an attempt to evaluate one of the landscape services and point out that lack of landscape harmony may generate economic consequence. The study uses data on transaction prices of plots for housing construction sold between1995 and 2000 in the Poznań poviat area. Using geostatistical methods, the time and spatial variability of plots prices was analysed. On this basis, further interpolation of these prices was carried out in the poviat area. The research shows that both the extend and level of impact of lakes and forests on plot prices are significant and may be expressed by means of a mathematical model