107 research outputs found

    Fast Benchtop Fabrication of Laminar Flow Chambers for Advanced Microscopy Techniques

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    Background: Fluid handling technology is acquiring an ever more prominent place in laboratory science whether it is in simple buffer exchange systems, perfusion chambers, or advanced microfluidic devices. Many of these applications remain the providence of laboratories at large institutions with a great deal of expertise and specialized equipment. Even with the expansion of these techniques, limitations remain that frequently prevent the coupling of controlled fluid flow with other technologies, such as coupling microfluidics and high-resolution position and force measurements by optical trapping microscopy. Method: Here we present a method for fabrication of multiple-input laminar flow devices that are optically clear [glass] on each face, chemically inert, reusable, inexpensive, and can be fabricated on the benchtop in approximately one hour. Further these devices are designed to allow flow regulation by a simple gravity method thus requiring no specialized equipment to drive flow. Here we use these devices to perform total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy measurements as well as position sensitive optical trapping experiments. Significance: Flow chamber technology needs to be more accessible to the general scientific community. The method presented here is versatile and robust. These devices use standard slides and coverslips making them compatible with nearly all types and models of light microscopes. These devices meet the needs of groups doing advanced optical trapping experiments, but could also be adapted by nearly any lab that has a function for solution flow coupled with microscopy

    Long-Range Chromosome Organization in E. coli: A Site-Specific System Isolates the Ter Macrodomain

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    The organization of the Escherichia coli chromosome into a ring composed of four macrodomains and two less-structured regions influences the segregation of sister chromatids and the mobility of chromosomal DNA. The structuring of the terminus region (Ter) into a macrodomain relies on the interaction of the protein MatP with a 13-bp target called matS repeated 23 times in the 800-kb-long domain. Here, by using a new method that allows the transposition of any chromosomal segment at a defined position on the genetic map, we reveal a site-specific system that restricts to the Ter region a constraining process that reduces DNA mobility and delays loci segregation. Remarkably, the constraining process is regulated during the cell cycle and occurs only when the Ter MD is associated with the division machinery at mid-cell. The change of DNA properties does not rely on the presence of a trans-acting mechanism but rather involves a cis-effect acting at a long distance from the Ter region. Two specific 12-bp sequences located in the flanking Left and Right macrodomains and a newly identified protein designated YfbV conserved with MatP through evolution are required to impede the spreading of the constraining process to the rest of the chromosome. Our results unravel a site-specific system required to restrict to the Ter region the consequences of anchoring the Ter MD to the division machinery

    DNA Clasping by Mycobacterial HU: The C-Terminal Region of HupB Mediates Increased Specificity of DNA Binding

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    BACKGROUND: HU a small, basic, histone like protein is a major component of the bacterial nucleoid. E. coli has two subunits of HU coded by hupA and hupB genes whereas Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) has only one subunit of HU coded by ORF Rv2986c (hupB gene). One noticeable feature regarding Mtb HupB, based on sequence alignment of HU orthologs from different bacteria, was that HupB(Mtb) bears at its C-terminal end, a highly basic extension and this prompted an examination of its role in Mtb HupB function. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: With this objective two clones of Mtb HupB were generated; one expressing full length HupB protein (HupB(Mtb)) and another which expresses only the N terminal region (first 95 amino acid) of hupB (HupB(MtbN)). Gel retardation assays revealed that HupB(MtbN) is almost like E. coli HU (heat stable nucleoid protein) in terms of its DNA binding, with a binding constant (K(d)) for linear dsDNA greater than 1000 nM, a value comparable to that obtained for the HUalphaalpha and HUalphabeta forms. However CTR (C-terminal Region) of HupB(Mtb) imparts greater specificity in DNA binding. HupB(Mtb) protein binds more strongly to supercoiled plasmid DNA than to linear DNA, also this binding is very stable as it provides DNase I protection even up to 5 minutes. Similar results were obtained when the abilities of both proteins to mediate protection against DNA strand cleavage by hydroxyl radicals generated by the Fenton's reaction, were compared. It was also observed that both the proteins have DNA binding preference for A:T rich DNA which may occur at the regulatory regions of ORFs and the oriC region of Mtb. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data thus point that HupB(Mtb) may participate in chromosome organization in-vivo, it may also play a passive, possibly an architectural role

    Virulence Regulator EspR of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Is a Nucleoid-Associated Protein

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    The principal virulence determinant of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the ESX-1 protein secretion system, is positively controlled at the transcriptional level by EspR. Depletion of EspR reportedly affects a small number of genes, both positively or negatively, including a key ESX-1 component, the espACD operon. EspR is also thought to be an ESX-1 substrate. Using EspR-specific antibodies in ChIP-Seq experiments (chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by ultra-high throughput DNA sequencing) we show that EspR binds to at least 165 loci on the Mtb genome. Included in the EspR regulon are genes encoding not only EspA, but also EspR itself, the ESX-2 and ESX-5 systems, a host of diverse cell wall functions, such as production of the complex lipid PDIM (phenolthiocerol dimycocerosate) and the PE/PPE cell-surface proteins. EspR binding sites are not restricted to promoter regions and can be clustered. This suggests that rather than functioning as a classical regulatory protein EspR acts globally as a nucleoid-associated protein capable of long-range interactions consistent with a recently established structural model. EspR expression was shown to be growth phase-dependent, peaking in the stationary phase. Overexpression in Mtb strain H37Rv revealed that EspR influences target gene expression both positively or negatively leading to growth arrest. At no stage was EspR secreted into the culture filtrate. Thus, rather than serving as a specific activator of a virulence locus, EspR is a novel nucleoid-associated protein, with both architectural and regulatory roles, that impacts cell wall functions and pathogenesis through multiple genes

    DNA G-segment bending is not the sole determinant of topology simplification by type II DNA topoisomerases

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    DNA topoisomerases control the topology of DNA. Type II topoisomerases exhibit topology simplification, whereby products of their reactions are simplified beyond that expected based on thermodynamic equilibrium. The molecular basis for this process is unknown, although DNA bending has been implicated. To investigate the role of bending in topology simplification, the DNA bend angles of four enzymes of different types (IIA and IIB) were measured using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The enzymes tested were Escherichia coli topo IV and yeast topo II (type IIA enzymes that exhibit topology simplification), and Methanosarcina mazei topo VI and Sulfolobus shibatae topo VI (type IIB enzymes, which do not). Bend angles were measured using the manual tangent method from topographical AFM images taken with a novel amplitude-modulated imaging mode: small amplitude small set-point (SASS), which optimises resolution for a given AFM tip size and minimises tip convolution with the sample. This gave improved accuracy and reliability and revealed that all 4 topoisomerases bend DNA by a similar amount: ~120° between the DNA entering and exiting the enzyme complex. These data indicate that DNA bending alone is insufficient to explain topology simplification and that the ‘exit gate’ may be an important determinant of this process

    Local and global regulation of transcription initiation in bacteria

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    Bacterial chromatin organization by H-NS protein unravelled using dual DNA manipulation

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    Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms contain DNA bridging proteins, which can have regulatory or architectural functions. The molecular and mechanical details of such proteins are hard to obtain, in particular if they involve non-specific interactions. The bacterial nucleoid consists of hundreds of DNA loops, shaped in part by non-specific DNA bridging proteins such as histone-like nucleoid structuring protein (H-NS), leucine-responsive regulatory protein (Lrp) and SMC (structural maintenance of chromosomes) proteins. We have developed an optical tweezers instrument that can independently handle two DNA molecules, which allows the systematic investigation of protein-mediated DNA-DNA interactions. Here we use this technique to investigate the abundant non-specific nucleoid-associated protein H-NS, and show that H-NS is dynamically organized between two DNA molecules in register with their helical pitch. Our optical tweezers also allow us to carry out dynamic force spectroscopy on non-specific DNA binding proteins and thereby to determine an energy landscape for the H-NS-DNA interaction. Our results explain how the bacterial nucleoid can be effectively compacted and organized, but be dynamic in nature and accessible to DNA-tracking motor enzymes. Finally, our experimental approach is widely applicable to other DNA bridging proteins, as well as to complex DNA interactions involving multiple DNA molecules. ©2006 Nature Publishing Group

    Quantitative determination of DNA bridging efficiency of chromatin proteins

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    DNA looping is important for genome organization in all domains of life. The basis of DNA loop formation is the bridging of two separate DNA double helices. Detecting DNA bridge formation generally involves the use of complex single-molecule techniques (atomic force microscopy, magnetic, or optical tweezers). Although DNA bridging can be qualitatively described, quantification of DNA bridging and bridging dynamics using these techniques is challenging. Here, we describe a novel biochemical assay capable of not only detecting DNA bridge formation, but also allowing for quantification of DNA bridging efficiency and the effects of physico-chemical conditions on DNA bridge formation.Macromolecular Biochemistr
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