93 research outputs found

    Apylinkės teismo teisėjų darbo krūvio normavimas - svarbi teisingumo vykdymo sąlyga.

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    The paper analyses the problem of workload quotas for district court judges in relation to the standard statutory work time duration. The problem is set against the general tendency of increase in the number of cases brought before courts each year. District courts as the courts of first instance are faced with an ever growing flow of cases. With regard to civil cases, the numbers are increasing especially in the field of the law of obligations (disputes in relation to sale, loan, credit, consumer credit, lease contracts, as well as contracts for theprovision of services, etc.). As far as criminal cases are concerned, the numbers are increasing especially in the fields of robbery, theft, in particular car theft, disturbance of public order and other crimes. In these circumstances, it is extremely important to conduct the analysis of the activity of courts in order to obtain a picture of the current situation with regard to the workload of courts and judges. District courts deserve special attention.Uneven distribution of workload among courts and judges is often the reason for the increase of the number of cases where a final decision (judgement) is reached later than 6 months after the start of proceedings. This was pointed out in the Overview of Activities of the Lithuanian Courts and their Self-Governance Institutions (2009–2010), as well as in the report of the National Courts Administration (2010). Those documents underline the importance to analyse the workload of district court judges for the purposes of optimising work organisation, setting the number of judges, distribution of resources, evaluation of judges’ activity, etc. The said analysis is crucial in order to avoid exceeding working time quotas and excessive workload of judges. At present, the workload of district court judges is calculated in accordance with the regulation adopted by the Courts Council in 2004 (as amended in 2005) and it reflects the number of standard cases (civil, criminal cases and cases of administrative offences) as well as other types of procedural documents dealt with by a judge within a period of one month. However, there are no quotas set for judge’s workload with regard to the duration of the statutory work time. The quotas for separate procedural stages (preparation for hearings, hearings, adoption of decision (judgement), other procedural actions that a judge performs while administering justice) are inexistent. The calculation does not take into account whether those standard cases are heard by a single judge or by a panel of judges, the complexity of a particular case is neither reflected. Establishing quotas for district court judges and other court clerks (judge assistants, secretaries, etc.) should consist of legal, organisational-procedural and technical-economical activity. The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania, the National Courts Administration, the Courts Council as well as chairmen and experienced judges of district courts should play an active part in the process of establishing quotas. A special role should be assumed by the General Assembly of Judges.Straipsnyje keliama apylinkės teismo teisėjų darbo krūvio normavimo ir jo santykio su nustatyta darbo laiko trukme problema, ženkliai išaugus gaunamų bylų skaičiui. Apylinkės teismuose bylų skaičiaus didėjimo priežastys gana įvairios, civilinių bylų skaičiaus didėjimas ypač pastebimas prievolių teisės srityje (ginčai dėl pirkimo-pardavimo, paskolos, vartojimo kredito, kreditavimo, nuomos sutarčių, dėl atlygintinų paslaugų teikimo ir kt.). Baudžiamosios teisės bylų skaičiaus didėjimas pastebimas plėšimų, vagystės, viešosios tvarkos pažeidimų, automobilių vagystės ir kt. baudžiamųjų nusikaltimų srityje. Pastaruoju metu teismų veiklos analizę būtina atlikti siekiant išaiškinti teismų ir teisėjų darbo krūvio klausimą, ypatingai – apylinkių teismuose. Dėl nevienodo darbo krūvio pasiskirstymo tarp teismų ir teisėjų apylinkių teismuose daugėja bylų, kurių nagrinėjimas trunka daugiau kaip 6 mėnesius. Į tai atkreipiamas dėmesys Lietuvos Respublikos teismų ir teismų savivaldos institucijų 2009–2010 metų veiklos apžvalgoje ir Nacionalinės teismų administracijos 2010 metų veiklos ataskaitoje. Šiuose dokumentuose pabrėžiama apylinkių teismų darbo krūvių tyrimų svarba darbo organizavimo optimizavimo, teisėjų skaičiaus nustatymo, išteklių paskirstymo tikslais, taip pat atliekant teisėjų veiklos vertinimą

    Socialinio dialogo teisiniai pagrindai

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    The article deals with the aspects of regulation of social dialogue according to the international, European Union (later in the text – EU) and Lithuanian national law. The definition of social dialogue and its legal basis (subjects, object, legal forms of implementation) are at issue. The definition of social dialogue is influenced by specific type of social labour relations, economics and globalisation. Thus an effective management of labour sphere, the protection of human rights and the assurance of necessary labour conditions standards become more urgent.The enlargement of the European Union strengthens the necessity of social dialogue. Although the EU law does not present unified norms in the sphere of social dialogue, it should be supposed, that the EU social politics in the nearest perspective would be closely interconnected with the role of social partners. The article deals with the legal basis of social dialogue, the question whether the separate laws are efficient in the regulation of social dialogue, or the other forms of regulation of social partners dialogue are necessary. In the author’s opinion, the legal basis of social dialogue is the complex of legal norms regulating the status and rights of tradeunions and employers’ organisations, their cooperation on international, national, branch, territorial and company level holding the negotiations on collective agreements, settling the collective labour disputes by negotiations and seeking compromise on urgent social – economical questions, ensuring democracy and welfare, especially while executing economical reforms. Decisions taken in the process of social dialogue have diverse legal nature. Firstly, they are minimum standards, contracts; secondly, they are general opinions, expressions. The subjects of social dialogue accept both declarations and recommendations.Straipsnyje nagrinėjami socialinio dialogo reglamentavimo aspektai pagal tarptautinę, Europos Sąjungos (toliau – ES) ir Lietuvos Respublikos teisę, siekiant atskleisti socialinio dialogo sampratą, teisinius pagrindus (subjektus, turinį), jo įgyvendinimo priemones ir ES, ir Lietuvoje. Socialinio dialogo sampratai įtakos turi konkretus socialinių darbo santykių tipas. Jį lemia rinkos ekonomika ir globalizacijos procesai, suvokiant, kad globalizaciją sudaro tiesioginės užsienio investicijos, dėl kurių didėja tarptautinių bendrovių vaidmuo ir sąlyginė jų reikšmė, taip pat finansų rinkų internacionalizavimas, valstybinio reguliavimo mažinimas ir liberalizavimas, valstybinio sektoriaus privatizavimas. Todėl vis aktualesnis darosi tinkamas darbo srities valdymas, žmogaus teisių gynimas ir privalomų darbo sąlygų standartų užtikrinimas. Globalaus valdymo ir reguliavimo taisyklių (normų) kūrimas tapo pagrindine ES institucijų ir jos valstybių narių veikla, kurios padariniai daro svarią įtaką ne tik Lietuvos Vyriausybei, darbdavių ir darbuotojų organizacijoms, priimančioms sprendimus dėl darbo politikos, tiriamosios veiklos ir europinių darbo standartų realizavimo kasdienėje veikloje, jų taikymo kontrolės vietiniu lygmeniu, bet ir kiekvienam darbuotojui, realizuojančiam teisę turėti darbo sąlygas, atitinkančias tarptautinius standartus


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    Fourty seven percent of the repertoire of Lithuanian literature published in Lithuania Minor in the period 1808–1941 consists of religious literature. The publishing of this literature was promoted by the Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Pietistic religious movement which originated in the 18th century. The Kaunas Country Public Library preserves a collection of Lithuanian hymnals published in Lithuania Minor in the years 1850–1936. The collection consists of 142 hymnals which make 34.7% of the hymnals published in the years 1808–1936. It contains rare editions: 4 uniques, 11 curios, 15 especially rare hymnals. An important part of the cultural heritage of the books that reflect the manners and religious practices of people in this region is binding of hymnals, super-ex-libris and provenances. Wafers, stamps and vignettes – promotional marks of book binders – allow identifying the authors of hymnals and super-ex-librises; 74 books are signed with various marks. There are 73 personal names among the marks of the hymnal collection. The major part of the provenances consists of marks of property (58), promotional marks of book binders (14), stamps (10), superexlibrises (9), exlibrises (1) and marginalia (17). The property records and marginalia perpetuated names and place-names, dates connected to the book owners and their relatives, fragments of favorite religious texts and records of important life events. It is a sign of the extinct culture of Lithuania Minor, which remained on the pages of the publications. The books of Lithuania Minor are rare because of the historical and political circumstances of the region, a decay of lowquality paper used in the 19th and the first part of the 20th century, and small book editions. Due to the small number of extant copies and the provenances they contain, the collection is an important part of Lithuania Minor printing and cultural heritage, which complements Lithuanian national bibliography.Kauno apskrities viešojoje bibliotekoje yra saugomas 1850–1936 m. Mažojoje Lietuvoje išleistų lietuviškų giesmynų rinkinys. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama repertuaro sudėtis, egzempliorių savybės, įrišimai, knygų ženklai, marginalijos, tikslinamos kai kurių turimų giesmynų laidos bei kiti bibliografiniai duomenys. Dėl šio krašto raidos istorinių ir politinių aplinkybių, XIX–XX a. pradžioje naudoto nekokybiško savaime yrančio popieriaus ir mažų šių leidinių tiražų šiandien Mažosios Lietuvos lietuvių knygos yra retos. Pagal tyrimo duomenis daroma išvada, kad giesmynų rinkinys dėl jame esančių retų leidinių, išlikusių autentiškų Mažosios Lietuvos knygrišių įrišimų, proveniencijų yra svarbi Mažosios Lietuvos lietuvių spaudos ir kultūros paveldo dalis

    Ultima ratio principo samprata

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    [full article and abstract in Lithuanian; abstract in English] In the process of criminalisation of certain offences, the relevant requirements for legislature must be raised, which limit discretion of legislature and do not allow distorting the essence of criminal law. The theory of criminalisation determines these requirements and one of them is the ultima ratio (latin last, final argument, last resort) principle.This principle means that criminal liability, being the most restricting measure in terms of rights and freedoms of persons, must be applied in exceptional cases only, when other legal or non-legal means are not sufficient in order to stop criminality.The content of the ultima ratio principle includes: 1) serious violation of individual, social and state legal interests;2) absence of alternative influence means for this violation in other legal branches. The content of the ultima ratio principle also encompasses inner (consistency of criminal law system) and outer (the means of criminal law is exceptional when compared with the means of other legal branches) aspects as well as aspects of legislature and implementation of law.The ultima ratio principle is given a different meaning: from the scientific recommendation for legislature to the obligatory constitutional principle. Due to the relation with the defence of fundamental rights and the principle of proportionality, which makes ultima ratio peremptory, the ultima ratio principle is considered as the regulatory provision of law – the legal principle which is related to criminal justice. Since the ultima ratio principle functions, first of all, in legislature, i.e. in the process of criminalization, it must be considered as the substantive special principle of criminal policy.[straipsnis ir santrauka lietuvių kalba; santrauka anglų kalba] Straipsnyje siekiama pagrįsti, kad ultima ratio išreiškia baudžiamosios atsakomybės, kaip paskutinės teisinių gėrių apsaugos priemonės, idėją; ultima ratio nėra tik rekomendacija ar įstatymų leidybos etikos principas, tačiau turėtų būti laikomas savarankišku normatyviniu teisės principu; atsižvelgiant į tai, kad ultima ratio pirmiausia veikia kriminalizuojant atitinkamas veikas, jis laikomas specialiuoju baudžiamosios politikos principu

    Darbo teisės modernizavimo bei tobulinimo problemos.

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    The article analyses the problems of modernisation and development of labour law in the context of the ongoing globalisation processes. On the basis of the analysis of the changes in labour law, the aim is to encourage a scientific discussion in regard to enlarging the sphere of labour law, combining flexibility with security without prejudice to the principles of justice and social security and guaranteeing the freedom of business. The attention is drawn to the great variety of relationships existing in the sphere of labour law which leads to a conclusion that specific solutions may not be proposed without a thorough analysis of the challenges at stake (ex., lifelong learning, migration, recognition of qualifications, etc.). Peculiarity of labour law relationship requires searching for a certain compromise among the need for justice, social security and business freedom in order to ensure social security of employees as well as their dignity. In the process of modernisation of labour law, it is the idea of a legal act (code, law or governmental decree) that is of crucial importance. The idea precedes the general framework of a legal act and there might be a non-negligible gap in between them. Modernisation is unable to achieve its goals where the adoption of a law takes place without consideration of the social interests, where the principles of democratic governance are infringed, where the adoption of a law artificially precedes the appearance of the real-life social conditions. [...]Lietuvos darbo teisės reforma buvo įgyvendinta 2003 m. sausio ] d. įsigaliojus Darbo kodeksui, kurį Seimas priėmė 2002 m. birželio 4 d. įstatymu Nr. IX-926 [1]. Jame naujai sureguliuoti daugelis darbo santykių, siekiant kad jie geriau atitiktų pasikeitusias darbo rinkos sąlygas, socialinių partnerių - darbdavių ir darbuotojų - interesus, įteisintas vientisas kodifikuotas darbo teisės Šaltinis, kuriame įtvirtintos pagrindinės Europos Sąjungos ir Tarptautinės darbo organizacijos teisės aktų bei Europos socialinės chartijos (pataisytos) nuostatos. Nuo Darbo kodekso įsigaliojimo praėjo penkeri metai. Tai nėra ilgas laiko tarpas, tačiau šiuo laikotarpiu išryškėjo naujos darbo teisės tendencijos, veikiamos globalizacijos procesų visame pasaulyje. Vis dažniau diskutuojama apie darbo teisės tobulinimo bei modernizavimo poreikį įgyvendinant XXI amžiaus iššūkius. Straipsnyje analizuojamos darbo teisės modernizavimo ir tobulinimo problemos, siekiant darbo rinkos lankstumo ir suteikti užimtumo garantijas kuo didesniam darbuotojų skaičiui. Straipsnio tikslas - remiantis darbo teisės pokyčių analize įvertinti jų reikšmę ir įtaką darbo teisės modernizavimui ir tobulinimui


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    While the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania guarantee the right to the defence of personal honour and dignity, it does not specify in which ways and means this right can be exercised. Therefore, the states themselves can choose appropriate remedies in the light of the moral rules established in the society on this matter, the defence priorities, economic conditions, the position of the legislature, and other factors.The choice of the Lithuanian state to defend a person’s honour and dignity in both civil and administrative and criminal legal remedies raises doubts as to its compatibility with the nature and purpose of the criminal law, as well as the principle of criminal liability, as the last resort (ultima ratio), and international commitments.The above doubts are primarily reflected by the absence of the unified conception of the offense of defamation, i.e. the abstract nature, relativity and subjectivity of personal legal goods such as honour and dignity, as well as mismatch between the objective features of the corpus delicti of defamation to the requirements of legal technique, i.e. their evaluative nature. The relation between the personal honour and dignity and freedom of expression too. This complicates the application of criminal liability (criminal law) and poses a threat of unjust prosecution and punishment. Therefore, the criminal law being the strongest remedy of the state, the defence of a person’s honour and dignity in criminal legal means becomes questionable and dangerous both for the individual to whom this remedy is applied, and the general public.Straipsnyje, siekiant nustatyti šmeižimo kriminalizacijos Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamajame kodekse pagrįstumą ir tikslingumą (ultima ratio principo kontekste), analizuojama šmeižimo nusikalstamos veikos sudėties objektyviųjų požymių – objekto, dalyko, veikos padarymo būdo samprata, apibrėžimas įstatymo tekste, aiškinimas ir taikymas


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    Kauno apskrities viešoji bibliotekaRadastų g. 2, LT-44164 Kaunas, LietuvaEl. paštas: [email protected] draudimo metais leisti lietuviškieji kontrafakciniai leidiniai užima svarbią vietą tarp Kauno apskrities viešojoje bibliotekoje saugomų spaudos paveldo objektų. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama šių leidinių repertuaro sudėtis, egzempliorių savybės, įrišimai, knygos ženklai, marginalijos. Dėl istoriškai susiklosčiusių kontrafakcijų gamybos bei sklaidos aplinkybių, caro valdžios vykdomo persekiojimo dauguma išlikusių leidinių yra reti. Turimi duomenys leidžia daryti išvadą, kad kontrafakcijų rinkinio knygos dėl retų egzempliorių, rankraštinių įrašų kirilika ir lotyniškais rašmenimis, marginalijų ir kitų knygos ženklų yra vertingas knygos ir kultūros istorijos tyrinėjimų šaltinis.Reikšminiai žodžiai: nacionalinė bibliografija, knygos istorija, spaudos draudimas, kontrafakcijos, spaudos paveldas, knygų įrišimai, knygos ženklai, proveniencijos, marginalijos.RARE AND VALUABLE LITHUANIAN CONTRAFACTIONS (1865–1904) OF THE KAUNAS COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARYRAMUNĖ DAMBRAUSKIENĖ   AbstractOld and Rare Books Department of the Kau­nas County Public Library (further referred to as KCPL) preserves over 200 thousand copies of books, periodicals, maps, manuscripts from the 15th–mid 20th century in Lithuanian and foreign languages. Written cultural heritage stored in the library is the only heritage of this type in Kaunas County and the largest among all County Public Libraries of Lithuania. An important part of the collection is Lithuanian contrafactions published in the press prohibiti­on period (1864–1904). The collection contains 465 publications of 218 titles, which constitu­te 26.2 percent of all published contrafactions (833). According to the presently known statis­tics, 41.7 percent of the contrafactions stored at the KCPL are rare (up to 10 remaining copies); among them, there are 2 unique publications, 12 rarities, 19 especially rare publications. The major part of the collection consists of religious publications: prayer-books, saints’ lives, ascetic literature, etc. One fifth of the collection con­sists of secular books: fiction, calendars, hou­sehold-practical books, etc. The low quality of polygraphy and artistry of their bindings are mostly due to contrafaction production and dis­tribution conditions. Books were published at a low price, paperback, small in size and volume. More impressive were only prayer-book bin­dings. In the collection, 185 books are marked with various ownership insignias. There were found 255 book insignias: 124 institutional and personal stamps, 111 manuscript inscriptions, 12 glue marks, 4 ex-librises, 4 super-ex-librises; 51 books contain marginalia, mostly those from the Samogitian Priest Seminary Library. Manu­script inscriptions written in the Cyrillic alpha­bet show the influence of the press prohibition period on the culture of Lithuanian script. Pro­venances of the KCPL contrafactions, margina­lia, book binding, etc. reflect the reading culture of the late 19th–early 20th century and are a source for the further investigation of the book and script history. The KCPL contrafactions are a significant supplement of national bibliograp­hy: 321 copies are not registered in the publica­tions of retrospective national bibliography and in the data-bank of the Bibliography and Book Science Centre of the National Library. This written heritage is valuable for the Kaunas regi­on for its amount and content, which represents the period of press prohibition. The second sta­ge of creating virtual libraries, which has started in regional libraries, will guarantee the preserva­tion and spread of this heritage.rif'; text-transform: uppercase;">&nbsp


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    Botrytis cinerea, the causal agent of strawberry grey mold, has become a severe problem of horticultural farms due to its genetic variability and growing resistance to frequently used fungicides. Plant disease could induce significant losses of yields and plants thus it is necessary to discover and apply novel approaches to control strawberry pathogens. In addition, chemical plant protection products can leave undesirable residues in fruits and the environment. Plant protection should be more friendly to the environment and human than already used chemical measures. One of the alternatives could be plant-based extracts, produced from aromatic and medicinal herbs, spices, fruits. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the in vitro effect of cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum cassia L.) and clove bud (Syzygium aromaticum L.) extracts on B. cinerea colony growth. Experiments were carried out at LAMMC Institute of Horticulture, Lithuania. Both extracts were obtained from dried material by extraction with CO2. For in vitro assay, extracts were separately mixed with potato dextrose agar in concentrations from 200 to 1000 μl/l, poured into Petri dishes, then each dish was inoculated with 6 mm diameter B. cinerea disc and incubated at 22±2 oC in the dark for 7 days. The diameter of the pathogen colony was measured 2, 4 and 7 days after inoculation. Concentrations of the extracts, which demonstrated reduced growth of the pathogen, were considered to have an antifungal effect. The results showed that extracts of cinnamon bark and clove bud had a similar antifungal effect on B. cinerea and suppressed the growth of 100% from 600 μl/l concentrations 4 days after inoculation. At 600-1000 μl/l, no growth of the pathogen was detected for both extracts 7 days after inoculation. However, clove bud extract considered to be more effective, as the diameter of B. cinerea colonies was smaller compared to cinnamon bark extract at 200-400 μl/l concentrations. To conclude, spice extracts of cinnamon bark and clove bud demonstrated antifungal effect on B. cinerea in vitro and could possibly be applied for control of strawberry grey mold

    Lietuvos darbo teisė: schemos ir komentarai

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    Šis mokomasis metodinis leidinys suskirstytas į atskirus Lietuvos darbo teisės institutus laikantis vienos sistemos. Vaizdžiai iliustruotas Lietuvos darbo teisės mokomasis metodinis leidinys padės besimokantiems socialinių mokslų krypties aukštųjų mokyklų studentams ir praktikams pasirengti laikyti egzaminus, įskaitas ir dalyvauti diskusijose seminarų metu studijuojant darbo teisės dalyką