8 research outputs found

    “Aplicación de la metodología “Pensar con Lógica” para el Desarrollo Lógico Matemático de los aspirantes a las carreras de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Humanas y Tecnologías de la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo”

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    In Ecuador, since 2012 the National Examination of Higher Education (ENES) was implemented as mandatory to access to higher education mechanism; there has been a problem for students who complete their high school education, because their lack of knowledge and poor practice on this type of objective assessments has generated confusion and divergent views of the various stakeholders in the education system; because in many cases students have tried to mechanize various reagents going to courses offered for profit; but generally they do not establish a methodology to learn reasoning and solving problems with logical sense. Therefore, the objective of this research is to propose the application of a methodology called "Thinking Logically" for the Mathematical Logical Development. Methodologically is a research with a qualitative approach supported by quantitative data, the same that was collected and analyzed using a Pre - experimental study with a population of 189 eligible students of the the Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Humanas y Tecnologías careers at the Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, obtaining a sample of 127 students. The proposal is based on philosophical hermeneutical and pedagogical principles related to Constructivism aims to have a significant impact on the Mathematical Logical Development of eligible students and provide some methodological innovations, which do not serve only to answer a questionnaire, but it will constitute practice of academic life in the future of higher education and professional practice. The results of the research show the quantitative and qualitative changes, since the percentages have increased; so also the attitude and the ability to reason through thought and reflection.En el Ecuador, desde el año 2012 que se implementó el Examen Nacional de Educación Superior (ENES), como mecanismo obligatorio para acceder a la educación superior; se ha presentado un problema para los estudiantes que culminan sus estudios de bachillerato, ante el desconocimiento y escasa práctica sobre este tipo de evaluaciones objetivas, lo que ha generado desconcierto y opiniones divergentes de los diversos actores del sistema educativo; pues en muchos casos los estudiantes han intentado mecanizar diversos reactivos acudiendo a cursos ofertados con fines lucrativos; pero en general no se ha establecido una metodología para que aprendan a razonar y resolver problemas con sentido lógico. Por ello el objetivo de esta investigación es proponer la aplicación de una metodología denominada “Pensar con Lógica” para el Desarrollo Lógico Matemático. Metodológicamente es una investigación con un enfoque cualitativo sustentado con datos cuantitativos, mismos que se recogieron y analizaron mediante un estudio Pre - experimental, con una población de 189 estudiantes aspirantes a las carreras de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Humanas y Tecnologías de la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, obteniendo una muestra de 127 estudiantes. La propuesta basada en principios filosóficos hermenéuticos y pedagógicos relacionados al constructivismo pretende incidir significativamente en el Desarrollo Lógico Matemático de los aspirantes y aportar con algunas innovaciones metodológicas, que no sirvan sólo para responder un cuestionario, sino que se constituya práctica de vida académica en el devenir de sus estudios superiores y en la práctica profesional. Los resultados obtenidos de la investigación demuestran los cambios cuantitativos y cualitativos, puesto que los porcentajes han incrementado; asi también la actitud y la capacidad de razonar mediante el pensamiento y la reflexión.UNACH, Sede Ecuador

    Calculo diferencial en la resolución de aplicaciones financieras en software libre

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo comprobar o rechazar las hipótesis de trabajo. Se trabajó con un tipo  correlacional transeccional, se tomaron como muestra poblacional a 13 personas que laboran en el departamento de informática a quienes se les aplicó una encuesta para conocer su percepción sobre la importancia del cálculo diferencial en la resolución de aplicaciones financieras en software.  Se acepta la hipótesis positiva H1: el cálculo diferencial tiene relación significativa en la resolución de aplicaciones financieras en software libre. Las aplicaciones financieras son una opción para acercar al usuario a las diversas facetas que ofrece la entidad bancaria, quedando confirmada la importancia que tiene el cálculo diferencial en el desarrollo de las mismas, sin embargo, al ser elaboradas en software libre, los usuarios previo permiso  podrían modificar elementos a las app.The research aimed to verify or reject working hypotheses. We worked with a translational correlational type, 13 people working in the IT department were taken as a population sample to whom a survey was applied to know their perception of the importance of differential calculation in the resolution of financial applications in software. The positive hypothesis H1 is accepted: the differential calculation has a significant relationship in the resolution of financial applications in free software. Financial applications are an option to bring the user closer to the various facets offered by the banking entity, confirming the importance of differential calculation in their development, however, when they are prepared in free software, users prior permission they could modify elements to the app

    Eficacia de las técnicas de evaluación financiera desde modelos matemáticos

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    La investigación tuvo por objetivo analizar la eficacia de las técnicas de evaluación financiera desde modelos matemáticos con la finalidad de predecir futuros resultados en cooperativas de servicio de transporte del Ecuador. Metodológicamente se utilizó la tipología descriptiva en una población de 11 cooperativas de servicio. Las técnicas financieras presentan mayor eficacia cuando se trabajan con los modelos matemáticos de Índice de Rentabilidad y Método de Periodo de Recuperación, con una media total de 5. Los modelos matemáticos de mayor eficacia resultaron ser el Índice de Rentabilidad y Método de Periodo de Recuperación, lo cual permite a las empresas de estudio, conocer su rentabilidad y recuperación de capital al futuro.  The objective of the research was to analyze the effectiveness of financial evaluation techniques from mathematical models in order to predict future results in transport service cooperatives in Ecuador. The descriptive typology was used methodologically in a population of 11 service cooperatives. Financial techniques are more effective when working with the mathematical models of the Profitability Index and Recovery Period Method, with a total average of 5. The most effective mathematical models turned out to be the Profitability Index and Recovery Period Method, which allows study companies to know their profitability and capital recovery in the future.

    Modelación Estadístico-Matemática para el estudio de la sostenibilidad socioeconómica con medios tecnológicos

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    El presente trabajo, tiene como objeto de estudio: El modelo estadístico-matemático y tiene como objetivo general: Implementar un modelo estadístico matemático para el estudio de la sostenibilidad económica con medios tecnológicos. El tipo de investigación ubicó en el  Proyecto Factible, sustentado en una investigación documental y de campo de tipo descriptivo, bajo un abordaje cuantitativo. Se utilizó la encuesta para recabar la información necesaria, se diseñaron dos instrumentos. La muestra fue treinta (30) estudiantes .La técnica que se utilizó para la recolección de los datos, fue el cuestionario. Las bases teóricas son: Enseñanza de las ciencias, estudio de sostenibilidad. En los resultados, se evidenció la necesidad de aplicar la modelación estadístico-matemático para el estudio  de la sostenibilidad socioeconómicas con medios tecnológicos

    Heuristic hardware for square root operation using taylor series and modified newton method

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    This paper gives a heuristic equipment execution to registering square root activity for positive genuine numbers through Taylor arrangement and Newton's technique. Comparable methodology can be utilized for planning other root activities, for example, 3D shape roots, fifth roots, etc. Two unique structures are examined, one, combinational, straight forward, got from Taylor arrangement development and one consecutive, got from Newton's enhancement condition. The results are better, lower region, and lower power utilization for the subsequent engineering contrasted with the first

    Exploring the Antimicrobial Efficacy of Low-Cost Commercial Disinfectants Utilized in the Agro-Food Industry Wash Tanks: Towards Enhanced Hygiene Practices

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    The increase in vegetable consumption has underlined the importance of minimizing the risks associated with microbiological contamination of fresh produce. The critical stage of the vegetable washing process has proven to be a key point for cross-contamination and the persistence of pathogens. In this context, the agri-food industry has widely adopted the use of disinfectants to reduce the bacterial load in the wash water. Therefore, we conducted laboratory-scale experiments in order to demonstrate the antimicrobial activity of disinfectants used in the wash tank of agro-food industries. Different wash water matrices of shredded lettuce, shredded cabbage, diced onion, and baby spinach were treated with sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), chlorine dioxide (ClO2), and per-oxyacetic acid (PAA) at recommended concentrations. To simulate the presence of pathogenic bacteria, a cocktail of E. coli O157:H7 was inoculated into the process water samples (PWW) to determine whether concentrations of disinfectants inhibit the pathogen or bring it to a viable non-culturable state (VBNC). Hereby, we used quantitative qPCR combined with different photo-reactive dyes such as ethidium monoazide (EMA) and propidium monoazide (PMA). The results indicated that concentrations superior to 20 ppm NaClO inhibit the pathogen E. coli O157:H7 artificially inoculated in the process water. Concentrations between 10–20 ppm ClO2 fail to induce the pathogen to the VBNC state. At concentrations of 80 ppm PAA, levels of culturable bacteria and VBNC of E. coli O157:H7 were detected in all PWWs regardless of the matrix. Subsequently, this indicates that the recommended concentrations of ClO2 and PAA for use in the fresh produce industry wash tank do not inhibit the levels of E. coli O157:H7 present in the wash water


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    Many application domains gain considerable advantages with the Internet of Things(IoT) network. It improves our lifestyle towards smartness like smart cities, smart health, smart home, smart vehicle, smart grid, etc. The ubiquity of IoT permits numerous heterogeneous smart devices interconnected through the internet to provide smart services. IoT devices are mostly resource-constrained regarding memory, processing capacity, battery, etc. So, it is highly susceptible to security attacks. Traditional security mechanisms can not apply to these devices due to their restricted resources. A trust-based security mechanism plays an important role to ensure security in the IoT environment because it consumes only fewer resources. Thus it is most essential to evaluate the trustworthiness among IoT devices. The proposed model improves trusted routing in the IoT environment by detecting and isolating malicious nodes. This model uses Reinforcement Learning (RL) where the agent learns the behavior of the node and isolates the malicious nodes to improve the network performance. The proposed work focuses on IoT with the Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy network(RPL) and counters the black hole attack. The simulation results show that the proposed RLTrust model provides better performance than the existing one

    Hg Pollution in Groundwater of Andean Region of Ecuador and Human Health Risk Assessment

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    In Ecuador, illegal gold mining has led to significant environmental impacts, with the release of harmful elements such as mercury (Hg) into the environment. Mercury, due to its physical–chemical characteristics and the transport elements involved between different environmental matrices, can easily percolate through the soil and reach groundwater. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the mercury concentration levels in the Andean region in order to perform a human health risk assessment. For this purpose, 175 water samples were analyzed, of which 9.71% exceeded the maximum permissible limit (MPL) established for drinking water in accordance with Ecuadorian regulations. The risk analysis was conducted by applying two approaches: deterministic and probabilistic. The deterministic approach involves a specific analysis based on the calculation of the risk quotient (HQ) and risk index (HI) for both receptors (adults and children) and scenarios (residential and recreational) considered; the probabilistic approach is based on the use of stochastic simulation techniques. The results obtained from the two approaches show a discrepancy, with the deterministic analysis providing more conservative results; however, they coincide in showing higher risk for the child population; decision-makers could use these results to identify areas to be monitored and plan more detailed investigation plans